Q&A Webinars Designed to Answer Your Tough Industrial Questions with No Fluff - JUST SOLUTIONS!

Circle of Face

Just the Facts Please!

Like many industrial professionals limited on time, I understand that you need UNFILTERED, TACTICAL KNOWLEDGE for everyday Industrial demands.  As an Industrial Professional with more than 30-years of experience, I don't have time for FLUFF  - I JUST WANT ANSWERS AND THE FACTS to move forward!

Industrial Mastermind Series

Because Industrial Talk is committed to you and your Education, The Industrial Mastermind Series is a Q&A format featuring Leaders in the Industrial Profession -- designed for the Industry Professional with limited time.  IT IS ABOUT YOU AND WHAT YOU NEED TO BE SUCCESSFUL!

What You're Getting

Like you, I'm NOT interested in the same boring webinar approach, I don't have the time or interest, I just want Answers.  You will notice that this is not like any webinar you have attended in the past.  It is fast-paced and focused on battle-tested industry tactics that will work right NOW.  YOU WILL GET:

  • The video recording of the Webinar
  • The audio recording of the Webinar
  • The transcript of the Webinar
  • When available, depending on the Mastermind, free or discounted books and other educational materials focused on expanding your Industrial Knowledge.
  • Mastermind Presentation used for the Webinar


What's the "Catch"?

Are you...

  • A Passionate Industry Professional not satisfied with the status quo?
  • An Industry Professional wanting to make a difference in 2018?
  • An Innovator with an inner fire for learning?
  • A Game-Changer, willing to stand out from the herd?

If your answer is YES, then the catch is GROWTH fed by applicable knowledge.  The end-goal is to have a dynamic and meaningful conversation that provides tactical solutions to today's Industrial challenges.

How Do I Participate?

Just click the button below to Register and find out about the Mastermind - It's that simple.  LETS MAKE THIS HAPPEN AND GET ANSWERS!

Thank you...I look forward to changing the Industrial World with you!

Test Poll

  • Please be as detailed and specific as possible. (Please go beyond saying "Sales" or "Labor". The more specific are detailed you are, the more likely I'll be able to cover your topic - Thx. e.g. increasing my market share and creating opportunity and traffic.
  • Primary Focus in a COVID Market...

    All categories are from the industrial perspective. You either work at a large industrial organization or and industrial service provider.
  • Chemical, Oil and Gas, Manufacturing....