Dilraj Kahai with 21 Tech

The experts’ discussion provides a glimpse into the future of AI in the industry. It is clear that AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we work, but that there are still challenges to overcome. However, with careful planning and execution, AI can be used to make our work more efficient, effective, and enjoyable.

Kenneth Aucoin with Shell

Industrial Talk is onsite at the 30th Annual SMRP conference and speaking with Kenneth Aucoin, Learning Advisor at Shell about “Consistent learning is essential to optimal asset management performance”. Get the answers to your “Reliability” questions along with Kenneth’s incredible insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!

Chris Pepin and Adrian Messer with Progressive Reliability

Industrial Talk is speaking with Chris Pepin, Founder and Adrian Messer, VP with Progressive Reliability about “maintenance debt and finding the right M&R talent”. Get the answers to your “Reliability Hiring” questions along with Team Progressive Reliability unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!

Dr. Karl Hoffower with Failure Prevention Associates

Industrial Talk is onsite at the 30th Annual SMRP conference and speaking with to Dr. Karl Hoffower, Executive Director at Failure Prevention Associates about “Innovative vibration solutions to ensure your assets operate at peak performance”. Get the answers to your “vibration” questions along with Karl’s  unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!