Mr. John Bernet with Fluke Reliability is talking About How to Start Your Reliability Program
Mr. Christian Silbernagel with Fluke Reliability is talking About Aligning Your Digital Strategy with Your Reliability Program
Live from IoT World Congress Mr. Robert Jackson and Syed Ali with Moxa and Chevron talk IIoT and Heat Exchangers
Live from IoT Solutions World Congress, IIC Voice Podcast interviews Robert Jackson, Global IIoT Program Manager with Moxa and Syed Ali IIoT SME at Chevron. In this episode, the Robert and Syed team discusses leveraging IIoT solutions for optimizing Heat-Exchangers. Get the answers to your “How” questions along with this teams unique insight on where…
Ms. Helena Lisachuk with Deloitte talks about the positive impact of Industrial Digital Transformation (1 of 3)
In this week’s Industrial Talk Podcast, we begin a 3-part series on IoT and IIoT. In this episode we’re talking to Helena Lisachuk, Director of Management Consulting and Global IoT Lead at Deloitte, about Digital Transformation, what it is and why it’s important. Helena does a fabulous job at removing the “fog” surrounding Digital Transformation and…
Live From IoT World Congress Mr. Tom Willis with Saft Batteries discusses The Importance of Your IoT Battery Strategy
Live from IoT Solutions World Congress, IIC Voice Podcast interviews Tom Willis, Regional Manager at Saft Batteries a Total Company. In this episode, Tom discusses the importance of defining your IoT battery strategy at the very beginning to ensure long-term success! Unfortunately, an overlooked component of Industry 4.0 is the long-term power supply for your remote assets.…