Ms. Sheila Ronning talks about providing career solutions for Sr. Level Women Executives.
IIC Voice Podcast interviews Sheila Ronning, CEO and Founder of Women In The Boardroom. In her interview, Sheila talks about providing senior-level executive women with tools, knowledge and connections for corporate board services. Sheila and her team discusses powerful, tactical solutions for your professional success. Get the answers to your executive career questions along with…
Ms. Marcela Rascon Discusses the Successful Implementation Strategies for the InforEAM Platform
Live from Inforum 2019, Energizing EAM Podcast interviews Marcela Rascon, Vice President at Stratum Consulting Partners. In her interview Marcela discusses the the flexibility of InforEAM, proven implementation strategies for success and applications in multiple industrial market segments. Get the answers to your InforEAM implementation questions along with Marcela’s unique insight on the “How” on…
Live From IoT World Congress: Ms Sandra Carielli talks Cyber Security In the IoT, IIoT and AI World
Live from IoT Solutions World Congress, IIC Voice Podcast interviews Sandy Carielli, Principle Analyst with Forrester Research. In his interview Sandy talks about the rapid changes happening in industry and the tools needed to properly “Beef-up” your Cyber Security strategy for long-term cyber security success. Get the answers to your Cyber Security questions along with…
Mr. Steve Brindle On How to Create a Business Culture with a Heart
Live from Inforum 2019, Energizing EAM Podcast interviews Steve Brindle, Founder and Partner at Advoco. In his interview Steve talks about creating a culture with a heart that will positively impact your team, the community and your bottom-line. Get the answers to your questions along with Steve’s unique insight on the “How” on this Energizing…
Live From IoT World Congress: Mr. Richard Soley Discusses IoT and the Growth of the Industry
Live from IoT Solutions World Congress, IIC Voice Podcast interviews Richard Soley, Chairman and CEO at Object Management Group. In his interview Richard talks about the rapid growth of industrial digitization and the positive impact IoT, IIoT, AI and Cyber Security will have on you and your business today and in the future. Get the…