Xcelerate20 Features Blair Fraser with UE Systems on Disrupting Bearing Lubrication Through Automation

It’s been said that as many as 60% to 80% of premature bearing failures are lubrication related. Whether it is due to over lubrication, under lubrication, or simply using the wrong lubricant for the wrong application, it is still a lubrication related failure.  One challenge for maintenance & reliability professionals is how to optimize their lubrication PM’s. Ultrasound technology is one way to assist in enhancing lubrication procedures. Using ultrasound, we can prevent lubrication failures due to over and under lubrication.

Ms. Breanna Fullman with ARMs Reliability is talking About Root Cause Analysis and Competitive Advantage

In this week’s Industrial Talk Podcast we’re talking to Breanna Fullman, Reliability Engineer and Root Cause Analysis Expert at ARMs Reliability, about creating a culture of problem solving through RCA and achieving a competitive advantage. Breanna, through the use of the Apollo RCA methodology, discusses the importance of a formal and documented RCA process to correct and eliminate hazards, making the…