Industrial Marketing – The Journey

Industrial Marketing Success

INDUSTRIAL MARKETING: Why INDUSTRIAL Marketing? What special magic does that work “industrial” contain that sets it apart from all other marketing? Do Industrial companies really need to engage in Industrial Marketing? Why is Industrial Marketing a “thing” now? Is it really necessary to do something different? “Marketing is ENTHUSIASM transferred to the customer.” Gregory Giotti…

Successful are the Forgiving – They Build Bridges from a Strong Foundation.

They Build Bridges from a Strong Foundation

Successful are the Forgiving – They Build Bridges for a Strong Foundation! Forgiveness is the most under-appreciated practice, so much so that most see it as weakness. To forgive is to give in, right? It means MY voice isn’t heard, my interests are being stomped on and I LOSE. Nobody likes losing, for sure, but…

Successful are the Calm – They Develop Enduring Strength

Calmness is the state or quality of being free from agitation or strong emotion. It is also the state or condition of being free from disturbance or violent activity. So that’s the textbook definition of calmness, the state or condition of being calm. Calmness is more the absence of certain influences than it is the…

Successful Are The Failures – They Rightly Value Success!

Successful are the Failures… Loaded Statement! Let’s unpack this one word at a time. First of all, “Successful” is a word that’s easily thrown around to motivate and inspire, because success equals happiness and peace, right? That’s artful business seduction: If you achieve this or that goal you are successful, taking your rightful place in…

Successful are the Humble – They know who they are.

SUCCESSFUL ARE THE HUMBLE FOR THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE. HUMBLE: Not proud or arrogant; modest. MODEST: Having or showing a moderate estimate of one’s merits or importance. Being free from vanity, egotism, boastfulness or great pretensions. It’s often thought that humility is self-deprecation, evidenced at all times by a lowered head with upward-looking puppy-dog…