Industrial Academy: Training Future Leaders in Industry 4.0 with Thomas Lichtenberger

In this week’s Industrial Talk Podcast we are talking Industrial Education and Training the future Industrial Leaders in Industry 4.0. Industry is changing rapidly. The Forth Industrial Revolution is happening NOW and represents a fundamental shift in the production and manufacturing of goods and services. Thomas Lichtenberger, CEO at Festo Didactic discusses his passion for providing Hands-On learning…

Industrial Operations: The Positive Impact of Technology on the Supply Chain with Guy Courtin

In this week’s Industrial Talk Podcast, we discuss the positive impact that technology is having on the Industrial supply Chain. Guy Courtin brings a wealth of Supply Chain knowledge and vision into the exciting future of Supply Chain. Want to know more about Guy head to the following links: Personal LinkedIn: Personal Facebook: Personal Instagram:…

Cyber Security Strategies with Keao Caindec from Mocana

Today, our world’s energy, food, and water systems are so poorly protected and we have a responsibility to protect them from nefarious intruders wishing harm. Cyber attacks are on the rise and we must work together to make our factories, refineries and smart grid secure, safe and reliable. In this weeks Industrial Talk episode, we talk…

Industrial Leadership: Industrial Coaching

Elite Industrial Professional

No Frills Industrial Coaching or Mentoring As Elite Industrial Professionals or Companies you need a Coach/Mentor. Not someone that strokes your ego or makes you feel warm and fuzzy, that is a waste of time and money! You need someone that is painfully honest and shines a spotlight on areas that need improving to take you and…

Yes – Industrial Crisis Response is Very Important! Not Having a Plan is BAD! Kirsty McKinlay-Stewart Tells Why.

Question: Do you have an Industrial Crisis Response Plan? Has your plan been Tested and Exercised? Finally, is the plan current and reflects the changes in your business? Important questions that need answers.  Kirsty McKinlay-Stewart, Director of Crisis Management Limited and Publisher of Crisis Response Journal is passionate about you and your company having a powerful Crisis Response plan in…