Tim Whelan with Datch

Industrial Talk is onsite at SMRP 31 and talking to Tim Whelan, Head of Sales with Datch.io about “AI and your Asset Management Strategy”.

Edgar Amaya with Accruent

On this episode of Industrial Talk, we’re onsite at Accruent Insights and chatting with Edgar Amaya, Vice President, Enterprise Customer Success with Accruent about Maintaining a close relationship with your customers to ensure success.

Riley Hall with Fictiv

Industrial Talk is onsite at FABTECH 23 and talking to Riley Hall, Product Marketing Director at Fictiv about “On-Demand custom manufacturing made simple, fast and done right”. 

Nikunj Mehta with Falkonry/IFS

Industrial Talk is chatting with Nikunj Mehta, Founder and CEO of Falkonry/IFS about “Enterprise AI – Establishing Trust and the Power of AI to your Enterprise Asset Management”. 

Kristi Flores with Accruent

On this episode of Industrial Talk, we’re onsite at Accruent Insights and chatting with Kristi Flores, CMO with Accruent about collaborating with your user community to solve operational challenges.