Mr. Yoav Kutner with Oro Inc Talks about Change Management through Digital Transformation
In this week’s Industrial Talk Podcast we’re talking to Yoav Kutner, Founder and CEO of Oro, Inc. about “Change Management through Digital Transformation and the Role of B2B eCommerce”. Get the answers to your “eCommerce” questions along with Yoav’s unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
Mr. Jeff Frick with Menlo Creek Media is talking Digital Twin and Increasing Your Digital Footprint
In this week’s Industrial Talk Podcast we’re talking to Jeff Frick, Principal and Hell of a Guy with Menlo Creek Media about “Digital Twin and the “WHY” behind the Person, Company and Solution”. Get the answers to “Increasing you Digital Footprint” questions along with Jeff’s unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
Yep! Industry needs to Market Better and Sale more. Keep my head from exploding
The two finger death punch 👊🏼 of COVID has knocked us down but not out when it comes to Industrial Marketing and Sales. Fear not, lets dust off your jeans, get back up because we’re talking about a counter attack strategies for marketing and sales and I’m not alone. Join us and let’s have fun Surviving, Rebuilding and Prospering in this next normal. The world need Industry Heroes, we need you.
My Shameless Beef With Webinars, The Struggle is Real.
😩 Am I the only one thinking that webinars are painful and sub-optimal? Do you have Zoom fatigue? And is Death by PowerPoint the best we can do? I know our message needs to get out but is there a better way? The answer is “Yes” and I have some thoughts on making this whole virtual world less Root-Canalish.
Mr. Todd Palmer with Extraordinary Advisors talks about Ditching your comfort zone to success
In this week’s Industrial Talk Podcast we’re talking to Todd Palmer, CEO at Extraordinary Advisors about “Ditching your comfort zone and grow your business through Authenticity, Transparency and Vulnerability”. Get the answers to your “Authenticity” questions along with Todd’s unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!