Inforum2019: Mr Thomas Jensen talks about attracting Millennial talent for long-term success
Live from Inforum 2019, Energizing EAM Podcast interviews Thomas Jensen, Solutions Consultant at Infor. In this interview, Thomas talks about the young professionals attraction to Infor and what companies can do to leverage the unique insights of Millennial’s for long-term future success. Get the answers to your attracting and retaining young talent along with Thomas’…
Industrial Academy: Leveraging Powerful Learning Technology For Industry With Chris Badgett
In this week’s Industrial Talk Podcast we’re talking to Chris Badgett, CEO at LifterLMS about how easy it can be to Leverage Powerful Learning Technology to create a Branded in-house training solution for employees, partners, customers and prospects. The 5-Pillars of Industrial Success are 1. Leadership, 2. Finance, 3. Operations, 4. Sales and Marketing and 5.…
Industrial Academy: Training Future Leaders in Industry 4.0 with Thomas Lichtenberger
In this week’s Industrial Talk Podcast we are talking Industrial Education and Training the future Industrial Leaders in Industry 4.0. Industry is changing rapidly. The Forth Industrial Revolution is happening NOW and represents a fundamental shift in the production and manufacturing of goods and services. Thomas Lichtenberger, CEO at Festo Didactic discusses his passion for providing Hands-On learning…
Podcasting 101 – Digital Tools
In this episode we talk about the digital tools you will need to get your podcast out for content consumption! Everything you need is below. Remember to listen to the first Podcast-101 episode defining your Reason and Market (Link Below). As always, let me know how I can be of any help. Happy Podcasting. OTHER INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES: Documentation Of Podcasting…