Mr. Brian Ahearn with Influence People talks The Psychology of Persuasion to move People to Action
In this week’s Industrial Talk Podcast we’re talking to Brian Ahern, Chief Influence Officer at Influence People, LLC, about The Psychology of Persuasion and NOT Manipulation. During this Podcast episode, Brian talks about the 3-key takeaways of persuasion: Building better relationship faster Help others overcome uncertainty Move people to action The unfortunate roadblock that people…
Operation Phoenix: Today’s Top Strategies for Nurturing and Gaining Brand Loyalty on Digital Media
Business Beatitudes: a Spirit of Optimistic Leadership in Times of Concern and Challenge
Ms. Helena Lisachuk with Deloitte talks about the positive impact of Industrial Digital Transformation (1 of 3)
In this week’s Industrial Talk Podcast, we begin a 3-part series on IoT and IIoT. In this episode we’re talking to Helena Lisachuk, Director of Management Consulting and Global IoT Lead at Deloitte, about Digital Transformation, what it is and why it’s important. Helena does a fabulous job at removing the “fog” surrounding Digital Transformation and…