Industrial Leadership – What You Do Is Important!

What you do is Important! Never, never, never forget that. Your actions are vital to the overall Success of your organization and families. As a former Journeyman Transmission Linemen, I knew that it was my responsibility to keep the lights on for families and companies. GO-BIG and recognize What You Do IS Important.
Podcast Transcript:
[00:01] The industrial talk podcast GO-BIG in just six minutes a day. Building a legacy of success in a rapidly changing industrial market. Hey there, welcome to the industrial talk podcast. My name is Scott MacKenzie. So glad that you're here. We've got six minutes. Let's get going. The market's changing. We don't have any time to waste. If you have a good day too.
[00:23] It seems like it's always gray outside. Yeah, I don't know. It seems it. Just one second. Yup. Still Gray. I just checked the windows. It's still gray, so I don't know. I like it. It was hot yesterday. It was a here down in Louisiana, just right outside of New Orleans. It was hot. And I thought to myself, oh my gosh, I'm not ready for that either because it can get really hot. All right, enough with the Chit Chat. Let's get going. So, um, this, this topic for today is what you do is important and that's a big deal because what you do is important. You've got to find out how your actions positively impact where you are at your company, your organization, uh, that individual. And, and the reason I'm talking about this had sort of a, an deviating from the, the tactical stuff right now just because I had a conversation with the gentleman and, and uh, and it, and it was, it was candid in the candid conversation was, Scott, what I do is not that important.
[01:34] And, and there was at one side of me and I said, oh my gosh, that is a heartbreaking statement because even when I was a alignment journeymen linemen, I was a transmission journeymen linemen climb tall pow, uh, towers and polls. And I knew that my role, it wasn't just a climb and move heavy objects around and not get electrocuted, that that wasn't my role. My role was to keep the power going, to know that the, um, what I did meant something and it meant something to that hospital. It meant something to the communities that needed the power. And if it wasn't up, if it was down as a result of a storm, I knew that, um, it was only going to take work, my work and the work of the crews to get that power back up. And it was important. But even as, as, uh, I used to call myself a grunt, I was a groundman even that I knew that there was something important.
[02:37] So when this gentleman said, Scott, what I do, um, does it mean anything? I realized that the torment to that soul as a result of that conversation. So we had a, we had a conversation and, and, and to not divulge too much of the car, uh, that the discussion, you know, digging a ditch, what if I'm digging a ditch, how does that impact me in a positive way? And once again, I get down to that human element, that ditch for whatever reason needs to be dug. Because if you look at it, it's not just because you're digging a ditch and then you're running away and there's a ditch in the ground, a whole, no, there's a purpose behind that ditch. It might be laying a pipe and might be, um, drainage so that people don't get flooded and whatever it might be. Um, there is that human element and, and we do much of our work today is that it betters the human being.
[03:41] And so I just want to be able to part this particular podcast, this conversation to let you know that if you need a stiff kicking the took us and you're saying to yourself, what was me? I don't have my, my, my work doesn't mean anything. Um, uh, you know, you need to reach out and you need to contact me because I'm going to make sure that you understand that you're at work. You and what you do means something. And it's important. You just have to maybe do a little bit digging. You know, you're not the president of the United States because that's an obvious one. You know, that's, that's the free world. But, um, even that, that person that's mowing the lawn, that person's work as important and just, just in general philosophically work as important to the soul, to the mind, to the thinking. So if you need a stiff kick and Neil took us, you give me a call because I'm going to tell you that you, what you do, no matter what is important, we've just got to find that human element and, and uh, be engaged. And, um, and then we're going to get back down to, I had to, I had to take a weekend off. I didn't mean to, but I did. But, uh, nonetheless
[04:56] you guys mean a lot to me. I want to be able to make sure that whatever I provide, please give me some feedback. We got a Industrial Groundbreakers out there on a Facebook group and it's really dedicated to you guys. And, and being able to have that dialogue with other professionals. It's a real unique five bunch. I really like it. And uh, we're working with a university to be able to provide them with the lake, you know, cause it's all about the network till, so leaders in young, a young individuals that are passionate about what they do tell you be a better person. So go out there Industrial Groundbreakers Industrial Groundbreakers we can't find it. Get in contact with me. But you guys are wonderful. I really appreciate what you do because what you do is important and I am so honored to be able to say that you listen so anyway, have a great day. Be Safe all the time when we will talk tomorrow.
The post Industrial Leadership – What You Do Is Important! appeared first on The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie.