About Mocana Podcast

"Mocana" means to set the connected world free. Mocana's Mission is to protect families, cities and countries by enabling devices of every kind to be trustworthy and run securely and freely.

Mocana Podcast strives to deliver, through digital media, the education and increased awareness necessary to equip its listeners with 21st century tools, ideas and applications. Mocana's mission to protect countries, cities and families will be thoroughly discussed and explained within very lively, inspiring and motivating interviews. Listeners will develop deeper understanding of Mocana's vital role in securing trustworthy devices for all sectors of industry and daily life because Mocana makes protection personal...its about YOU.

Mr. Eric Faith Discusses EAM Continuous Improvement In The Beverage Market

07/25/2019 |

In this episode of the Industrial Talk Podcast, Eric Faith, Vice President at Stratum Consulting Partners, discusses deploying continuous improvement results in the beverage industry by leveraging Enterprise Asset Management (“EAM”) solutions to facilitate long-term operational success. Stratum Consulting Partners is an Alliance Partner with Infor and Eric brings a wealth of EAM knowledge and…

Mr. Ruben Stancel Discusses building a Seamless EAM platform

07/24/2019 |

In this episode of the Industrial Talk Podcast, Ruben Stancel, Director of Sales at Infor, discusses the power and flexibility of a seamless Enterprise Asset Management (“EAM”). Ruben talks flexibility of InforEAM to connect to existing legacy systems and leverage Mobility applications and the Cloud to effect rapid and positive change. Find out more about Ruben…

Mr. Kevin Price Discusses The Future of EAM In Industry

07/24/2019 |

In this episode of the Industrial Talk Podcast, Kevin Price, Technical Product Evangelist and Product Strategist at Infor, dives deep into the future of Enterprise Asset Management (“EAM”) solutions. Kevin draws from his extensive EAM experience of the past and lays out a bright and exciting future of a dynamic InforEAM, Mobility and Cloud solutions. Find…

Mr. Mark Board discusses the positive impact Infor EAM has on the energy market

07/22/2019 |

In this episode of the Industrial Talk Podcast, Mark Board, SVP and GM of the Oil/Gas, Utilities and Mining at Infor, discusses the positive impact InforEAM, Mobile applications and the Cloud are having on the energy markets in streamlining operational processes and providing valuable operational insights. Find out more about Mark by the links below and…

Podcasting 101 – Physical Tools

06/11/2019 |

In this episode we talk about the physical tools you will need to sound great as a podcaster! Everything you need is below. Remember to listen to the first Podcast-101 Episode defining your Reason and Market (Link Below). As always, let me know how I can be of any help. Happy Podcasting. OTHER INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES: Documentation Of Podcasting Equipment: Download Here…

Industrial Podcasting 101 – The Reason

06/04/2019 |
Podcasting Power

The Power of Podcasting! Do You Like: Win/Win strategies for your Customers/Prospects/Partners ? Gaining REAL insights into the challenges your Customers/Prospects/Partners face each day? The opportunity to take the insights and solve your Customers/Prospects/Partners problems ? This is what Podcasting can provide. It is a powerful lead generation strategy that builds lasting Bonds between you and your…

Industrial Marketing: Industrial Buyers Are Changing Dramatically

05/04/2019 |

Douglas Burdett with Artillery Marketing drops major Industrial Marketing value bombs! In this episode of the Industrial Talk Podcast, Douglas expands on the fact that the way industrial buyers buy has changed dramatically! Take note, if you are not heavily invested in implementing and learning about Industrial Marketing and the power of digital platforms positive impact your…

Industrial Sales: Industrial SEO With Richard Fong

04/10/2019 |
Search Engine Optimization

Industrial sales truth bombs: 1. 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. 2. 81% of people perform some type of online research before making a large purchase. 3. 75% of people never scroll past the first page of search engines (Junto, April 8th, 2019). Bottom-line, if you are not on the first page of the search results you are losing…

Industrial Leadership: Overcoming Failure!

04/09/2019 |
To Innovate You Must Fail

To Innovate You Must Be Free To Fail! Failure is part of moving forward, it's part of Innovation. Industry changes the world through Innovation and work. In this episode of Industrial Talk we talk about the 90/10 rule and the need to freely Fail. YOUR INDUSTRIAL DIGITAL TOOLBOX: Bliss Drive: https://www.blissdrive.com/ Feedly: https://feedly.com Active Campaign: https://www.activecampaign.com/ BombBomb: https://bombbomb.com/ Social Jukebox: https://www.socialjukebox.com/ OTHER…

Industrial Leadership: Industrial Coaching

04/05/2019 |
Elite Industrial Professional

No Frills Industrial Coaching or Mentoring As Elite Industrial Professionals or Companies you need a Coach/Mentor. Not someone that strokes your ego or makes you feel warm and fuzzy, that is a waste of time and money! You need someone that is painfully honest and shines a spotlight on areas that need improving to take you and…

Mocana Events:

Stay connected with Mocana for upcoming events on Cyber Security and strategies for making the industrial market safe.

Mocana has wonderful and informative webinars designed to equip you in the latest in all things Cyber.  This is a must part of you learning process!  Just simply CLICK HERE and begin learning about ways to protect your organization from Cyber Attacks.

Industrial Academy:

The world is changing fast! Industrial businesses are juggling every facet of business maintenance and growth, ranging from technological/digital media adaptations to cash flow management and operational efficiency challenges. How do industrial business leaders stay current while managing growth and casting vision for the future? The answers could be found in a learning environment, but never before has there been a place for continuing education in the industrial business arena. UNTIL NOW…

The INDUSTRIAL ACADEMY IS HERE. Finally there is a clearinghouse for all things industrial to assist the business leader. Course offerings provide up-to-date applicable information in business development, technology, finance, operations and leadership presented in an engaging, movement-oriented manner by those in the know. These professionals don’t just talk the talk. They walk the walk with purpose and passion for building not just the industrial business but also the people who make things happen.

The Industrial Talk Podcast family looks forward to learning and growing with you!