About Mocana Podcast
"Mocana" means to set the connected world free. Mocana's Mission is to protect families, cities and countries by enabling devices of every kind to be trustworthy and run securely and freely.
Mocana Podcast strives to deliver, through digital media, the education and increased awareness necessary to equip its listeners with 21st century tools, ideas and applications. Mocana's mission to protect countries, cities and families will be thoroughly discussed and explained within very lively, inspiring and motivating interviews. Listeners will develop deeper understanding of Mocana's vital role in securing trustworthy devices for all sectors of industry and daily life because Mocana makes protection personal...its about YOU.
Reality Check – Digital media is here to stay. Question, what are you doing to “Humanize” your brand, your product and your company? How are you leveraging your digital platforms for revenue optimization and blue ocean opportunities? In short, you need a powerful digital media strategy – no exceptions. If you are not actively engaged…
Millennial's – How do companies adapt to attract, motivate and sustain an ever changing workforce? The fact is, if companies don't adjust and don't recognize the monumental shifts happening in the workforce, they run the risk of being irrelevant. John Grubbs discusses the concrete change management steps needed to ensure companies flourish and avoid becoming irrelevant. Find out…
So you Industrial Professional think that digital marketing is a waste of time? “Leave this “Fad” for other company to use”. “We don't need to adapt and leverage digital marketing for sales, attention and branding – We are doing just fine”. If this is your position, then you really need to listen to Mr. Daniel Gefen explain why…
Please ask this Question: “Do you have a Curiosity in Learning?” “Do you have a Hunger to Know?” We are living through a Disruption in Learning – At our fingertips are answers to questions. As Leaders we must be about constantly learning – There are No excuses, gaining knowledge has never been easier! The post Industrial Leadership Dojo…
Question, what are you doing to Fill Your Tank? As Industrial Leaders let's be discipline in finding solutions that give us plenty of energy and fitness (mental and physical) to tackle the day with focus and passion! Consider the 10-minute rule. Your team is depending on you to BRING THE ENERGY! The post Industrial Leadership Dojo – 10…
This Podcast is a Rant – Sorry. As Industrial Leaders we take full Responsibility at All Cost! No exceptions. We do not “Kick a Defenseless Dog” because we are frustrated! Industrial Leaders have a high “Beer Factor”, your team should want to have beer with you just because you're a good person and you have their best interest at…
Drive and Grit are qualities of Industrial Leaders. Don't be driven by Fear! Fear will only lead to Regret. As Leaders we must have Guts and Spunk and represent these qualities in your life – Your Team Is Depending On You! The post Industrial Leadership Dojo – Guts and Spunk! appeared first on The Industrial Talk Podcast with…
Our days are busy and demanding. Over time we forget to take Enjoyment in the “Now”. As Leaders, we allow the challenges of life to strip us of Wonder and Dreams. I challenge you to Fight and Recognize the need to appreciate the “Now”! Your Team is depending on you to set that Optimistic tone for success. The post…
Sustainable Organizational Asset Centric Reliability Culture. That is a mouthful but needed for REAL, Long-term operational, financial and company value. This weeks interview is with Mr. Dharmen Dhaliah author of “Physical Asset Management – An Organizational Challenge”. Our conversation addresses how an organization can achieve an Asset Centric Reliability Culture. Find out more about Dharmen at: LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2wMqsaa The post EP…
Ask this question and be honest: “Are you a Leader that's playing Defense”? I challenge you today to be Courageous and Daring – Take Risks! Stop playing Defense, let play Offence and move that ball forward. Let's Inspire our team by being Bold, Courageous and Daring in our Leadership approach! The post Industrial Leadership Dojo – Take Risks…
Mocana Events:
Stay connected with Mocana for upcoming events on Cyber Security and strategies for making the industrial market safe.
Mocana has wonderful and informative webinars designed to equip you in the latest in all things Cyber. This is a must part of you learning process! Just simply CLICK HERE and begin learning about ways to protect your organization from Cyber Attacks.
Industrial Academy:
The world is changing fast! Industrial businesses are juggling every facet of business maintenance and growth, ranging from technological/digital media adaptations to cash flow management and operational efficiency challenges. How do industrial business leaders stay current while managing growth and casting vision for the future? The answers could be found in a learning environment, but never before has there been a place for continuing education in the industrial business arena. UNTIL NOW…
The INDUSTRIAL ACADEMY IS HERE. Finally there is a clearinghouse for all things industrial to assist the business leader. Course offerings provide up-to-date applicable information in business development, technology, finance, operations and leadership presented in an engaging, movement-oriented manner by those in the know. These professionals don’t just talk the talk. They walk the walk with purpose and passion for building not just the industrial business but also the people who make things happen.
The Industrial Talk Podcast family looks forward to learning and growing with you!