Live From IoT World Congress: Mr. Mohan Venkataraman with ChainYard Is talking Permission BlockChain
Live from IoT Solutions World Congress, IIC Voice Podcast interviews Mohan Venkataraman, Chief Technology Officer at ChainYard. In this episode, Mohan is talking Blockchain and permission Blockchain that can support enterprise applications and businesses to securely facilitate transactions and establish trust and privacy in a trust-less business environment. This ability to leverage Blockchain technology is vital…
Live From IoT World Congress: Mr. Alex Smolensky with Zyfra Is Industrial Digitization and Improved Production
Live from IoT Solutions World Congress, IIC Voice Podcast interviews Alex Smolensky, Co-Founder at Zyfra Company. In this episode, Alex discusses leveraging and investing in industrial digitization solutions to improve production and insights into asset optimization. The ability to leverage technology is vital to the future success of any production company – Alex and Zyfra…
Live From IoT World Congress: Mr. Edy Liongosari with Accenture Talks about Solutions that Transform The Future
Live from IoT Solutions World Congress, IIC Voice Podcast interviews Edy Liongosari, Managing Director – Chief Research Scientist at Accenture. In his interview, Edy discusses how technology is shaping and enabling solutions to solve problems that facilitate positive transformation in industry and around the world. In short, technology is changing the world! Get the answers…
Live From IoT World Congress: Ms Terry McElrath with IIC discusses The Growth and Success of IoT Solutions World Congress
Live from IoT Solutions World Congress, IIC Voice Podcast interviews Terry McElrath, Vice President of Business Development and Marketing at the Industrial Internet Consortium and Object Management Group. In his interview, Terry discusses the incredible growth and success of the IoT Solutions World Congress and why this wonderful event is vital to your success –…
Live from IoT World Congress: Mr. Bill Hoffman talks about the Global Explosion Happening In the IoT Market
Live from IoT Solutions World Congress, IIC Voice Podcast interviews Bill Hoffman, President of Object Management Group (“OMG”). In his interview, Bill talks about the incredible GLOBAL growth happening in the IoT, IIoT, AI, Blockchain and Cyber Security market. IIC/OMG are at the center of providing a platform that encourages Innovation to solve industrial problems.…