EP 061: Are You Taking Big Risks with Your Resources? Listen to Steve Trautman hits the nail on its head with solutions.

With the realities of a “Silver Tsunami” and constant Workforce Churn, are you confident that you have the right people in place to get the job? Are you able to capture that knowledge before it walks out the door? Steve Trautman with the Steve Trautman Company is a Talent Risk Management and Knowledge Transfer Expert. In this interview, Steve dives deep into solutions on retaining knowledge and minimizing your resources risks. Find out more about Steve at:
Website: https://stevetrautman.com/
Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevetrautman/
Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-steve-trautman-company/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SteveTrautman
Referenced Affiliations:
Reliability Web: https://reliabilityweb.com/
Industrial Academy: https://industrialtalk.com/industrial-academy/
Industrial Talk YouTube Channel of Interview:
The post EP 061: Are You Taking Big Risks with Your Resources? Listen to Steve Trautman hits the nail on its head with solutions. appeared first on The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie.