EP 065: Getting More New Industrial Clients Via Industrial Education Based Marketing With Ted Miller III

Is expanding your Industrial Bottom-line, market and Customer base a priority and vital to your long-term Industrial Success? Ted Miller III, Founder and President of Training Mastery 3 discusses proven business growth strategies and insight on how to more effectively implement solid growth tactics to ensure your long-term Industrial success. Find out about Ted Miller III:
Company Website: www.tedmiller3.com
Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tedmiller03/
Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tm3/
Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tedmiller3
Company Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trainingmastery3/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TedMiller3
Instagram: Portland
Podcast Transcript:
[00:04] Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott Mackenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring, cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hardhat, grab your work boots and let's go.
[00:22] Well, hi there. Welcome to the industrial talk podcast. I am so glad that you are here. Thank you very much for joining. We've got an incredible interview with a gentleman by the name of Ted Miller, one third with that little three rides there, but we're going to talk a little bit about dog training mastery and increasing sales for you, the industrial professional, the bottom line. That's what we're here about. That's what we're passionate about. So let's go and let's start to into the industrial talk podcast. Thank you very much for joining. Yeah, I'm excited about this one. This is going to be great interview. I am. Ted is a man of action, no doubt about it. When we first started to connect, he just said, yeah, let's do it. And then of course he sent me a book right there, the ultimate sales machine. Chet Holmes. Incredible, but anyway, he is phenomenal.
[01:12] Passionate about what he does and, and without a doubt I am and you are going to be just excited about this particular interview. But before we get going, we always have to be safe and we always got to talk about tailgate talk number one. Okay, you've been taught a hearing me talk a lot about reliability, web.com and I want to make sure that you understand if you're a reliability professional, an asset management professional, you need to go to where liability, web.com they are the leaders. They are the thought leaders when it comes to reliability and asset management. Bar none. You've got to go there. Incredible professionals, incredible people dedicated to your success as a reliability leader. Okay? So you can eat it. Go out to reliability, web.com find out more great website, incredible activities going out there. You need training. It's there. You need to go to a conference that is just second to none.
[02:08] Go there to the eventual. Find it all. It's all there. They're fantastic people. So that's reliability. web.com number two, Goto the goto industrial talk.com. Find the industrial academy there. You will find also training, because we're all about the training. You can't take the training away, right? We're all about the content and providing that information that is specific to you, the industrial professional, the companies that need to expand their market. That's where you're going to find it. The Industrial Academy, this is where I highlight not just only the stuff that I'm passionate about, which is marketing, branding, sales, leadership. But you don't want us to go to find out things about finance, industrial finance, technology. It goes on and on. So go to the Industrial Academy, uh, and which is at the industrial talk, Dotcom location number three. And then finally, here we go. I'm, uh, this is something that I started out Industrial Groundbreakers is a Facebook group that's out there and it is there to bring together the leaders of industry with young aspiring industrial professionals who want to get and connect it and learn as much as they possibly can about their new profession.
[03:24] And that is the industrial market. So that is just the Industrial Groundbreakers. It's free. Join it, connect. I do Facebook lives and we just a, we really start talking a lot about digital marketing and things like that. Okay. On to the interview right now. So what makes us this conversation is so great is the fact that Ted Miller both heard he is really passionate about getting new clients. That's what we're about getting new clients by educational based marketing, right? You've got to, without a doubt, after listening to this particular interview, you got to take action. He is a man of action. He is a man of uh, extreme focus on what is really beneficial to you as a professional as well as a company and industrial company. It was just a wonderful conversation and he is truly in his heart and he lives it, breathes it and eats it.
[04:21] He's an entrepreneur and he has his best interest is your success. So I don't do it justice. It was a fantastic interview. You've just got to just sit there, take notes because it's just full of just incredible education and then you can reach out. He is very responsive. He doesn't just sort of sit there and blah, Blah Blah and talk about it. He is responsive and I'm telling you right now, you'll be better off because of that. So once again, here he is. This is Ted Miller, the third, he is the founder of training mastery three and a. At the end of this podcast we're going to give you all, and I mean all of his contact information so that you have no excuse not to get ahold of him. So once again, here you go. This is Ted Miller. I am proud to have him on the industrial talk podcast. Enjoy the conversation. All right, I'm talking to Ted Miller. He's with training mastery three and I'm so glad that you're on a the industrial side
[05:25] podcast yet. I, I can't believe it because I'll tell you, you contacted me. You turn that doggone document around real quick and we're on, we're doing a podcast. We're here, we're ready to rock and roll. I mean, there's no time to waste. So, yeah,
[05:39] and in your little list here that I've got, if you're out there on youtube channel, I've got this list that he filled out and one of the things that, uh,
[05:47] he likes to do things fast, which is, that's pretty cool. I mean, we're, we're symbiotic will when it comes to that. Semiotical is that a word? Symbiotic? You can make that audit
[05:57] is but not article. I'll use it so that way you're not alone on that topic. And then you could say, well, I heard it from him.
[06:06] It's mine. Put It on a bumper sticker and I own it. Welcome to the digital marketing world. All right, I've got to ask the question because we've got to humanize you a little bit because nobody really knows who you are within the industrial market. Let's talk a little bit about what you do right for your free time. What do you like
[06:22] free time. Free Time. Well, you mentioned speed. If, if I had my druthers, I would be going fast. Physically, I would be on the race track. Uh, you know, all these tree hugging hippies out here on the west coast. When I moved out of Chicago, went out to Oregon, Oregon, now it's Oregon. I've been here 17 years, the mountain biking, so like whipping through trees and that could kill you. So anything that can put my life on the line, something about that journaling and allows me to feel present in the moment and slows everything down. I literally feel like he's space bending you Ben space in time when you're going super fast. I think in the corner at 90 miles an hour, like it's on a rail boom and the trees are just passing by as extra TPP, TPP. And then what changes is when it stops going by fast, like the slow mo in the movies you see like x man, the guy runs around and like dings down bullets and stuff. There's a state, I just love that I live for that. That's just great.
[07:18] I did some mountain biking in Arizona. Yeah. And it was in a sub dona
[07:24] and it was fantastic. It's great. Top Hod is Haiti's beautiful place. Wife and I went there for our anniversary and I good time under 14 degrees. I can up that hill though.
[07:33] I don't care how your acs working by the way is hot and it's, it's a dry heat.
[07:39] The dry heat, it's a drain that's pulling the skin off your arm. That's the dog. I'm sure that's for sure. Now my buddy that got me into pipe fitting, you know his family is just multiple generations. He just left there and he proved it does get cold. There's snow there right now so it does get cold knowing there right now he was there and it was covered in snow
[08:03] ha and it's beautiful too. Okay. Because we all should go down the road of food because I'm all about food. I enjoy food. I always highlight industrial approved food. I Love Bacon. I love all of that stuff. What's your favorite food?
[08:17] Oh, favorite seat when you dropped that word, it changes a lot fast because as a guy from Chicago I buy off of taste of chicago.com they'll send me Lewminatti is deep dish pizza on dry ice so I can get it like old school Midwestern stuff. My, my, my name is Miller, my feet, I'm the third while feed or Miller senior was originally Maru Shack and a for from Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois. You might've been brought up eating a Marushak sausage. That's my family name. And so a lot of dead animal carcass, but now eat more like a rabbit. So you saw me on the last time, we had a quick little channel, second down, green drinks, juice drinks. So, uh, I went from deep dish pizza to uh, trying to find the healthiest version of stuff. Cause you're a stout guy. I didn't notice that last time we spoke. Holy Moly.
[09:11] That's bling. I took third place in a bodybuilding contest, right? Yeah,
[09:15] yeah, yeah. I did not notice that last time. I, whoa.
[09:18] Well I competed. I was in physique and, and uh, I competed against, I'm walking up and his old man, come on, I'm an old man. So I'm walking up and I've got my quote competition in front of me. And I said, well Gosh, how much do you weigh? And they said, well, we're roughly about one 65 ish. And I said, I weighed one 65 was when I was in fifth grade. There was no way it took me forever to get down to 200.
[09:43] My 13 year old's 190 pounds right now with a size 13 feet. So he's on, I'm only six to something. He's uh, the local Oregon Science Industry Museum did this thing. They measured his feet, his weight when he was young and they all come out with sizes and I'm driving the car with all the kids in the back and they're telling me how tall are going to be and outcomes is at six, seven. He's so bad. Well, that's what they said. He'll be, I don't know. He's six foot now, so I don't know how tall it will be. Everyone always asks
[10:16] the Pacific northwest, they grow them big. They're growing big. And I'm not kidding you. I did a terminal up there. I did a bulk liquid terminal up there. And uh, two of the individuals that I was working with were seven feet.
[10:28] Yeah, great guys. But seven feet, I only know one person, six foot seven right now. So if he's that tall, he will be the second person I know intimately at six, seven. So yeah.
[10:38] Okay, let's get going. Let's talk a little bit about who you are, what you are outside of the fact that you like speed and outside of the fact that you used to eat well and now you're eating stuff that you don't like to eat. So let's talk a little bit about your background and why we're on this journey to talk a little bit about you because I'm passionate about what your message is going to be delivering to the market and that is how to increase once against sales market branding. All of this stuff does real space, uh, always need help with. So give us a little background, a photo of one on who you are.
[11:08] Sexy topic is always getting more new clients. That's what people want to know about. So you know, they ask what do you do? They want to know the, we help entrepreneurs learn how to double their size of their company in 12 month period of time. They're always looking at fast growth strategies. So that's what people want. I mean, so when they go, what are you known for it? They look at what they want and then there's what they need. And I mean, I don't know about you, but I was on the job site at the age of nine and uh, I would be sitting down at the table again, dead carcass, hit the table, just a bunch of men just shredding at it. And then soon as the truck rolled up, so we were doing concrete. So the truck had concrete forms on there. Yeah, the stop eating and go on low.
[11:46] And that was just a really interesting conundrum to me. I was like, oh, right. So I'm like, when I, you know, when I go out, I grow up and I, my business, I'm never going to have to stop eating my meal. I'm going to have someone download that damn truck for me. I wouldn't have the business run more without me or without me instead of the way that was being done. So I had all these seated little things in my mind and success without fulfillment, that's the ultimate failure. And so they come to me about wanting more revenue and I give them what they want. The truth is, you know, they want more time home with their family. My buddy jazz now started as band. He's a musician his whole life, so he's looking at 15 he's just not when a band, why he stopped being on the road, the pipe fitter came home and started a little business locally. Now we can finally strum the guitar. That's his passion.
[12:33] I'm going to interrupt real quick and that's where the fulfillment part of what you're talking about.
[12:36] Well, I mean the fulfillment's differ free Schumann, but that comes on the back half of whatever they call freedom, the freedom to do what you want, when you want, how you want, with who you want, so each person has a different map of what that fulfillment's going to look like. Yet the success is a consistent pattern, which is usually built on the back half of discipline is if you don't have the discipline to do the things you need to do is set you up for true freedom, either cash flow or time, whatever it may be. Then, then you're going to somewhere lie to yourself and say the money's going to make up for the lack of time with the wife. You're the kid and you end up like me in front of 2000 people. I was blessed, my senior partner at the time, Tony Robbins is interviewing me in front of 2000 people about this woman who was talking about an exit strategy out of her marriage.
[13:25] Like a business. Like you know, if I had to get divorced, do I have to live in the same state for shared custody while she was two rows in front of me, seven seats to the right. That was my wife. So we spent the next two hours in front of 2000 people is an example of what not to do as well as what to do, but most Louise what not to do. And so that kind of pain it, it caught me brilliantly right up in the middle, right here, you know, three years of doubling sales in a row, I realized that's not the cure to all things. So I commit to helping my clients get what they really want. So they come from what they want and then I get them what they really want. And then we have a lot of fun together for a long time.
[14:01] So what I try to focus on here are the industrial talk. You know, there's two components. There's the, the professional industrial individual who has a desire to learn, grow, consume information to sort of climb that proverbial corporate ladder. That's their track. Yeah. There's the other component and it consists of companies that fall into that and they might, they might be companies, industrial companies that support bigger income, uh, industrial companies, the Chevrons of the world. And we support them both in what I've find. Both are very interested in how do I, how do I succeed and then the companies, how do I grow, how do I go beyond that? Because right now what you're talking about Ted is near and to my heart, and I hear what you're saying. So if I was a CEO, what, what, what, what are the problems I'm dealing with today?
[14:57] Well, I mean we, we know of, it's going to say the cash, why I want some kind of revenue based on where their business life cycles that. But right now in the current marketplace in 2019 so if they're listening to this in 10 years, I just want to speak to the place in time we're at. It's on a uterus, right? It will be so good advice is contextual. So we're at 3% unemployment rate. So CEO's are caring more about how do I maintain fulfillment, this soft language, this stuff that we never talked about in the job site. I learned how to say the F word and I put it before and after anything I really freaking met. And that's how people had to listen to a kid cause right. You know when you start going into positions of authority and you're way younger, half day age of everyone, you know?
[15:43] Right. I was just that freak. Like I had an entrepreneur personality type. I was constantly chasing down to learn how to grow and grow. So I just said F bomb a lot and built big muscles like you back in the day and physically intimidate. That's not what you want and just slapped me. I mean, yeah, no, I'm just kidding. Yeah, we, we, we want, we know the CEO is looking to have their staff members be fulfilled because it's going to mitigate the turnover rate and we can talk about that a little later. I promise I'll keep hey studies and how we've mitigated turnover, how we've brought this soft, cheesy, what we use to even make fun of on the job site. Like just the ideal of even caring about how someone felt. It was just, it's really, it was just really interesting. I had no clue why we always did it that way. I just knew that what a shame that ps, it was my uncle owned the company, but I really hurt my soul because it's such a heart center man. He really wanted to do the right thing, but he was a dick at times. Can we say that on the show? You just did it. It's okay.
[16:43] Now that you evolve, identified that you did I, my show, it's just like full fledged like whatever says is said coming up. So I don't know. So it could be that extremist at time and at times the whole camp, everyone's just wanted to leave it there. Just waiting for a better opportunity. And if you create that environment, what a shame. I'm so CEO's now, I think if they are self aware, they're focused on how to mitigate the turnover. But yet if you can't have the lifeblood, which is new business, that's usually my, a solo preneur army of one, that guy, that guy's got his own truck and like, and now if he got hit by a bus on that truck, there is no business tomorrow. So, but he owns a business and at self employment and that guy though, they're always looking at the cashflow manager will be, we got new businesses, so it's good advice, contextual. Those are two hot topics. I see often.
[17:35] Let me ask you this or that, that a solo preneur or that small business. Um, I've been, I've been focused in and doing some reading on legacy. Right. And leaving a legacy. And, and I've had individuals come to me specifically the industrial market saying, Hey Scott, I'm interested in possibly selling or doing, you know, moving. The reality is, is that, um, the business is them and once they go away, I don't care about is them. And I said it is, and that's the way the industrial world is sort of geared in a lot of ways.
[18:11] Well, I was blessed. I was blessed because not just myself, my best mate growing up, his, his family had a legacy of pipe fitting. So we were concrete. My family, he's on a pipe fitter here is, I found a picture for Ya. They said is, uh, me here. Ah, being as a helper here, a grinding out.
[18:32] Yeah. If you're out on the YouTube channel, that's him with the, uh, with a, uh, protective mask on. And here's me just so that you see this. That's me baby. I'm getting on out. Uh, boom. Getting ready to go up a hundred foot pole right there.
[18:48] Gosh, look at you.
[18:51] Journeymen linemen. I ran crews and up the poles and in south central La.
[18:56] Oh, okay. So you're doing that. I'm doing that. Yeah. I had a perspective to where I saw their family wanting to have a legacy. So they had emotional vested interest to want to pass down intellectual property. It was locked in between their ears to their one boy. I tell it when just to their son. Right. And that's the oldest story told since the beginning of time. Yeah, and yet I was like, why are you only giving it that at one boy w w one you've got multiple kids too.
[19:29] You know that means you created a linchpin. All that means is one guys overwhelmed, stressed, stressed out, pissed off, frustrated, overwhelmed with given situation. And then what do they do? I need a right hand man. You know? So what are they going to do? I'm going to go to my boy, whoever that's going to be. I'm going to teach him everything I know and I'm going to take all my stress and put them on their shoulders. And then I wonder why it's not succeeding as well as it could be. Michael Gerber changed my life 20 plus years ago with Emf entrepreneur myth. I read the book to work on it, not in it, just that's, I don't, I hate citing a whole book in a sentence yet. If I were going to, I would say the need to work on it, not in it is the biggest breakthrough I got from my goal, transformed my world because I always knew that to be true is that we never really powwowed how to improve the process of putting up concrete forms.
[20:20] I had a process, no one learned unless they chose to ask me to teach them and I was more efficient than any human bang. Shoot, the foul don't we had to pay. I had a painting process that no one else followed, but I'd put it up twice as fast. I tear down twice as fast and they all just looked at me saying he's more energetic, he's more committed, he's more of this and that's a bunch of bs. It was a process and no one wanted it to teach it and what a shame. So if they're stuck like that, here's the reality.
[20:46] They're only going to have a job and they're going to die and let their business die off unless they have some kind of internal driving force. So I'm kind of power will power. It's trying to be expressed that once a legacy they true. Maybe it's just I need a nest egg and I'm forced to finally let this business run more without me and enforce the bill. Better policies and procedures cause I got to sell this damn thing and no one's going to buy it when I owned the business because I am the thing that they're buying, which means they're only going to do it if you're assigned a contract, be employed for the next five years. 10 we're going to take a break right now. This is Ted Miller. He is CEO of training mastery three and we're going to get into some tangible, uh, solutions. Get you like speed used to eat well now eats green stuff. And uh, we're talking about those problems at camp he saw and we're going to be developing those tactics for legacy and his solution. So thank you very much for joining the industrial talk podcast. We will be right back. You are listening to the industrial talk podcast network.
[21:50] All right. The industrial talk podcast has a new sponsor by the name of a s g energy. Now this company helps private companies as well as public organizations of all sizes, reduce energy costs through the use of commercial led lighting, technology and electrical services. Now, you know me, I'm, I'm a big fan of led just because, well, first off I don't have to change the lights, but at it on a commercial basis. Oh my gosh. The energy savings is phenomenal. The reduction in maintenance costs phenomenal. Return on investment quick. It's X. It's, it's incredible. And the environmental benefits self explanatory. So you have any questions about led commercial lighting? You need to check out my friends@asgenergyllc.com find out more because they know what they're doing, so check them out. All right, welcome to the industrial talk podcast. Welcome back as a Scott McKenzie, and you know who I'm talking to.
[22:54] I'm talking to Ted Miller. He is CEO training mastery three which is pretty cool. I got to ask the three five, what is that? Well, I mean now it really was about exponential growth in my mind. Once I really learned how to grow companies quicker, faster, and easier, smarter. It was really built on the fact that if you
[23:14] do a little improvement here, a little improvement there and a little improvement there, it doesn't have an additional effect. It's an exponential rate of return. So, uh, and plus I just them to be Ted Miller third. So next, you know, three is everywhere. It's my number. My son laughs at me. We sit at a table. It's going to be an increments of three. He hates me for pointing it out everywhere we go. So it's a fun little thing in life.
[23:36] All right, let's start saw drop in some more success bombs here because Mia's uh, uh, being a part of the industrial market and being intimately
[23:45] engaged with the professionals of the industry and companies of industry, I know exactly what they're trying to, you know, they're challenged with and that is always sales. Sure. Great. Building that market, what's that brand look like? All of those stuff that everybody is because we want to, we want to leave a legacy and we we're not, we're very reactive when it comes to dig another judge. I did things like that. So what can you help our listeners sort of realize as we start to develop, develop these success bombs. Boob
[24:18] talk to us. Yeah. Beautiful. Okay, so what, let's let's decide which one we're going to talk about first. The hundred million dollar race and make cracking $100 million coder. First million. Which one should I start with? Billion? Let's keep a file out to the first man. He can still show, bring it home. I'll get close. So my dearest friend in life, so there's, Chris had mentioned mommie dearest friends, my cousin John John, he was the guys on the job site at the age of nine with, and so he goes, becomes an architect. So he's in the space where he needs to sell himself as an architect. And so how can you have this run more without him? How can it grow more without them? You need to get a message. Meaning, how do you communicate what you do and how you do it? Most first of all, suck at that high.
[25:00] I may if I may, you're talking about you and no one gives a shit about. So let's get clear right now. If you think your marketing, you better not be talking about yourself because that's what guaranteed way to turn everyone off. So, uh, that's where I'm a big advocate of let's talk about them, their given situation, their challenges they're facing, what's fundamentally stop talking about you start talking about them and hopefully commit to solving maybe a challenge that theory aware that they have and the best case scenario, use education to set the buying criteria here. Let me explain what I mean. So John Burt, he's out in the job sites, he's selling architectural stuff. What happens? 2006 seven build up hell is going in a hand basket and everything's commoditized and no one's wanting to buy much of anything in that environment. So I talked to him, I go, okay, what's your USP?
[25:51] So USB unique selling proposition or a ultimate strategic position, however you want to see that acronym for him. He spent a lifetime like me on the job site. And what he's noticed in the architectural environment is architects have never been on the job. They'd never wielded the hammer, they never built the thing. They don't have scars in the back of the hands like you and I have. So they don't have a comprehension of a from a to zed how it's all gonna come together. So they over design, which costs the contractor more money and at the end of the day, by the time they're bringing an architect in, all they're looking for is how can you reduce my expense? Because all they care about is the P and l. So that's his major USP. I go, great, stop talking about you. And no one gives a shit about you and your architectural background they really care about is them and their, so you must educate them on the fact that every other architect is going to overbuild overdesign everything.
[26:51] And that's how you're going to help them with the thing they care about the most profit increase. So that all is the, what's the premise? You're willing to educate a perspective audience on the reasons why they must buy. I'll say it like this, setting the buying criteria into your favor. Whatever unique selling proposition is. Instead of saying, hi, my name is, is why you should work for me, I'm unique. You know, that's a salesman. You come across like commission breath and you're all uncomfortable doing that. Anyhow, I haven't met a guy that really feels very comfortable braggadocio talking about themselves except those guys that do that and no one bought does business with them anyhow. So the reality is care about the other, uh, prospect your future client enough to educate them. Five biggest mistakes you're making in your design build process. What these five things are in the single thing you must know now, it's going to radically transform your profitability in 2019. Now I made that shit up, Scott, but I will tell you that. I mean, that's just an absolute thing that's going to be, I'll make it or break it, deal when you're approaching a marketplace to cut through the clutter because there's so much noise out there. You feel me?
[28:01] It's not just the noise, it's, it's how you simplify the message that benefits them and you don't, I don't have to sit there and consume intellectual calories to try to decide where, what you're trying to tell me. Tell me what it is. I don't have time. Let's do it. Boom. Yes.
[28:19] So true. So true. You mentioned, we were talking about legacy earlier and uh, before we hit live and we went live with the show, you'd mentioned you didn't know my partner Chet Holmes pass away. So I've been with him for a decade. You were saying, Hey, I listened to your Sirius Satellite Radio ads. That's a great example. Taking your message, unifying it to where it can be said in a 62nd soundbite that you know who he is. It builds a legacy. He's been dead seven years and you didn't even know that. And you're a fan of his intellect property. And that's what we're talking about. Building a legacy's, knowing how to share a message that anyone else can reiterate to where it dead or alive. You're speaking to the power that a human beings left on this plant. Right.
[29:05] I love it. No, no. You said five, five things. Yes. The design. Let's start with one.
[29:12] Well, let's go through, uh, so a setting the buying criteria, so I'm going to reiterate it. So what does that mean? In John's case, overdesigned and Chris, the welder, he's sick and tired of being on the road. His kids are grown up. I'm not saying he had an oops, I didn't ask him if he had a notes, but I just noticed the age between his two kids and his third kid is pretty big. So, uh, if you have, you got two kids, right? Ah, Scott. Molly, yeah. They're close in age, right? So like I have tapped in and Rennie, but a lot of us have that third one. So that's where the, oh my gosh, I want to be around. Maybe it shouldn't be on the road. So he was talking to me. I went in for a funeral or a wedding or whatever you do to go to your home state, and we're chatting at a bar, but his business, and for him as a pipe fitter, he's doing consulting to government.
[30:05] So now he's selling B to g. What's the moving to governmental situations. And a lot of people struggle knowing how to sell the government. I've got to come along and I go, great, you're going to kick everyone's ass and here's why. You're going to be the one guy that goes in and educates them. How to mitigate the biggest challenge they have. And they go human capital. They don't know how to manage bodies. The biggest expense as a human being per hour. And they don't know how to manage it because they don't understand the workflow like him, his father and his brothers, they were all, they had a stick in their hand and they were welding. I mean he had his head tilted on the side doing a puddle from the time he could hold the dams stick, he was welding. So he's seen it being applied so many different ways.
[30:46] He comes in and I go, great, just educate them on, here's what you must understand when you go to make a decision. Know these things. So no one's educating them. So what, here's what happens at a governmental level. You can't bribe anybody. You can't do any, do you get them to do a gift? You can't even buy them a bag of coffee cause that'll feel like you're trying to manipulate a sales process. So instead he offers education, which is totally accessible at a BTG play business, the government. And suddenly everyone's hiring him, his firm, because he was the one that took the time to educate them on things they didn't know of how to better manage human capital, people, bodies, the largest expense. And every company in this industrial space is people and their time period. So he cut through the clutter because he found a way to communicate that message.
[31:37] So you feel me on that? If you really look at your unique selling proposition, learn how to communicate it in a form of an education that is, uh, that the intention matters. Motive matters. And so when your motive is to serve a a human being, it elevates their awareness. They have new information to make a better educated decision. Now they're more likely to buy from you. See, that's interesting because we don't get into that in, that's rare and I don't want to make sure that we understand this. Education based marketing, it's rare because we have murdered them stamped on their forehead thinking we have to work harder in the blue collar space, working harder solution to everything. But when you're hitting that wall again and again and again and you're not getting processed progress, even though my friend, his whole sentiment in the book was pig headed discipline pigheaded discipline. But there's a time where your pig headed behavior up against brick walls, not going to serve. Have enough self awareness to recognize it. If you want something new than what you're getting now approached the market and unique way and it's okay that no one's doing it but you, you will take market share like candy from a baby.
[32:43] Yeah. That's, I'm not a principal. You're, if you're in, what I find, I find in the industrial world, we, we, we all fish in that red ocean. Everybody's just clawing and grabbing that and then we're doing the same thing over and over, expecting different last it's, and yet there's this information out there that doesn't, we're still somewhat in a very old fashioned way. We believe that that's intellectual capital and we're going to hold onto it, but the reality is is that there's a component that you've got to share to demonstrate that ability to be able to say, you know, he knows what he's talking about.
[33:21] Tell people you're a secret sauce. No one's going to do it anyhow. That's what I've learned. That is the whatever you make your USP is okay re really, if it is not patentable process, if you can't patent it, the reality is most don't have the discipline to do it the way you do it. That makes it so special, so no one's going to steal. It's not like a bunch of old ladies hoarding their recipes. I don't want to give it out. Reality is most people aren't willing to follow that particular recipe. It's just the lack of discipline, the follow your process. Frankly, if you're willing to follow processes, this business would be running more without you, so I'll talk about the hundred million dollar leap in a minute.
[34:00] Yeah, just one second. I want to make sure that everybody that is listening out there, I'm telling you right now, he speaks truth when it comes to that. When you have some information that you can share and you can share openly, I guarantee it. The percentage of that individual that's going to go out there and say, oh, right, and then I've got the secret sauce and I'm going to do it myself. Does not happen. They're looking for solutions and you're bringing them solutions through that educational platform. Yeah,
[34:28] it's not. I've got a back when he was alive and I was partnering, which a Tony Robbins, he's the big personal growth grew and came out with Netflix two years ago. I'm not your guru. I've got a video on that. I can get a share with the followers and then I can get them a chapter of chats book. It's a copyright is from Penguin, third largest publisher on the planet. But we have permission to share chapter four for free. I'll give that. And that's not my IP. It's doesn't sell any of my stuff. It's just a way to contribute. Uh, and make sure everyone gets an actual.
[34:56] So what I'm going to do is I want to make sure that I have a landing page for you and when we do a fire that out, you know, just direct message email. Well sure, we'll do something to make it, we'll make sure that people could access.
[35:09] Yeah. I don't want him to feel like, Hey, like leave your name and email address. I can sell you this other thing. It's going to serve them. This is a legacy. Aye. Aye. Aye. Carry that legacy on. Uh, it's, I, I, I'm very proud of that. I'm, you know, Chet said Ted, no one understands this philosophy and the strategy better than you, other than me. And he goes, and I'm the author of it. He goes, but no one trains on it better than you, including me. So that was a great compliment to get from my late great friend. Um, and we were talking about a hundred million dollar league. So let's talk to the CEO that wants to use the same philosophy. How do I get my messaging unified? Maybe if you're in a large company, you have many salespeople. Well, if I talk to each salesperson, are they even saying the same thing?
[35:52] If I look at your marketing materials, is it say the same thing your salespeople are saying, let alone your, uh, uh, research? Everyone says so many different things in different ways and they wonder why they suck and sales and marketing. So if you want to get more new clients, it's noisy. It's really noisy. So how do you get it unify? So there's this guy, um, he, he's given us testimony was going to talk about, so Jim Simon roofing, when back then they were at like $50 million in revenue. And so he sells roofing to large organizations up Kmarts the Walmarts that anywhere there's large square footage, Costco's, they have large square footage of a rough, that's their people there though. They're going to make way more money on those large companies and small roofs all over the place. So uh, but their problem was they had a human bang that manage the facility and you can't sell that guy anything cause he doesn't own the checkbook.
[36:50] So how do you get to the decision maker? We saw that as simple using this concept of education based marketing. I said talking away that's guaranteed to get the attention of who you need to speak to. They're like, well talk into rough CEOs, don't want to hear about a roof. I go, what a CEO's want to hear about? Well they want to talk about profits. Great. What's haunting them that they don't know us? And then they did some research. Here's what they found out. People were going through lawsuits like crazy about negative effects from a rough, most people don't know. Most damage, 40 plus percentage of a damage to a building has been directly tied to a leaking roof. They had this thing called sick building syndrome. When things get wet and starts growing mold and we're inhaling it and we're running where our employees are getting sick left and right, they had $11 million remediation, meaning someone's suing their ass and to settle costume, $11 million, you'd think you can get a CEO's attention if you're saying that one of the most rising trends in your spaces, you getting sued.
[37:48] So I know you want me to go off and talk to Mr uh, property management guy, whatever, but is he managing your litigation's? No. That's something me and my attorney deal with. That's why this is an executive briefing designed just for you, Mr and Mrs Ceo. But by all means have your facilities manager there and when we cover our intellectual property, I'm sure they're going to nod their head and agree with everything we have to say. Do you see how strategic that is, Scott, that you have a way that guarantees you're going to have to talk to a decision maker instead of wasting your energies in time for framing someone that's never going to buy your product and service. The time is passing you. You indicated that you had some sort of stats. Yeah. Can you share a step before we take a break? I stat, well, I could stare a stat, this particular client that I think it was interesting because market data when positioned appropriately can set the buying criteria in your favor.
[38:44] So instead of it trying to be like my, I've been in this space for 40 years, cite the data from a third party expert and it'll be heard as if it's the word of God. I want to repeat that. When you say shit, people resist what you have to say. That's freeze fight, flight. The second you say, I read somewhere according to cite that respect that industry expert and suddenly it says if the word of God, over 90% of all we're a student not qualify their manufacturers long-term warranty. That's just a little piece of data. Now I can cite where that came from and what, but that grab someone's attention because they go, hey, I'm feel protected by this. [inaudible] deserves a warranty. Oh, well great. Did you know that, uh, in your warranty manufacturer's warranty it says things called like wind, hail and rain can mitigate their warranty. This is not bs by the way. This is in the fine print. No one ever reads. So they thought they were protected from there. The manufacturer that made the uh, whatever went on the rough. But reality is 90% of all those roasts don't qualify for, uh, again a warranty. So find the way that we use data. I can help set the buying criteria in your favor and maybe in this case, preempt your competition where they want to work with you and no one else
[39:58] to take a break. I'm got, I've got three things that are going to be standing out.
[40:01] You guys have to consider the listeners out there. We're talking education based maintenance or made to see that. Oh my gosh, it means marketing. Oh my gosh, I can't believe it. So that's one education based marketing. One, nobody's going to steal your secret sauce. They're just not going to. And I'd have to really lead on the secret sauce. Educate for the need of your sauce. Educate. John was educating on the need to stop over designing. He didn't talk about his Ip that understands how to, not to over-design he had the educate around the need to not over designed. That's how you don't give away your secret sauce and
[40:40] third party or a data that supports your position. But from a third party, Amen. To vast, pretty doggone powerful and painless. I got to tell you a painless, you've got the worldwide web out there and I think I can probably find data out there that can support your position. So yes, we're gonna, we're gonna, um, talk about how people can get a hold of you there, ted. Oh, are we talking to Ted Miller? Okay. Yeah. Star nine cats are great. Way To wrap out and wrap it up here. I gotta take a break. So thank you very much for joining the industrial talk podcast. We will be right back. Hey, once again, this is Scott McKenzie with industrial talk. If you like what you are listening to, please feel free to sign up for the free podcast as well as the blogs. I'll try to keep it all relevant to your business and hopefully be able to provide some insight into what we do at industrial talk and what you do as a professional.
[41:35] Hope to see you soon. Thank you. All right, welcome back. You industrial talk listeners. We are talking to dead Miller. He is dropping some real value bumps right now and, and uh, for me, I'm excited I can talk about this all day there. Chad. I know you can't, uh, I'm not sure if everybody has all that time, but I gotta tell Ya. One of the things that has always been as a, a former president about a large company that I took public, I was always focused on, you know, revenue, bringing in more revenue, expanding that market, looking for
[42:03] musicians, whatever it might be. And of course branding. And, um, I, I'm very, very intrigued with the, what you're talking about. And I think it's very needed within the industrial space. Before we have to jump off, because we're going to be talking about how people get in contact with you. And of course I'm going to have a landing page specifically for that and then we'll push it on out. Perfect. It's all perfect. But what does that parting shot? What do people in the industrial world need to just consider and, and need to think about? And I'll tell you one thing. I know for a fact that we hear in the industrial market, we, we don't like to fail. We don't, we're, we're, we're, we're not until we're uncomfortable to change. And so we're very reluctant to do certain things. Give us a parting shot. That makes sense.
[42:51] Wow. I mean, it's trite, but I think tried statements are true. They need to work on it, not in it. I mean, finding a space in a time where you're not getting blown up on your phone, on your taxed, on whatever. If email cuts through clutter and grabs your world or employees go, Hey, do you got a minute? Find a safe environment where you can stop and truly look at the single most important thing in your company and give it the time it deserves. Because I'll tell you this, if you don't give enough attention to what deserves your attention, it ultimately it take more attention away than it deserves. I think I was, uh, David Allen getting things done,
[43:25] but I got to tell you, maybe this will be another show. Uh, the, the reality is how do you start that? Start that what, what is like, dude?
[43:31] Gotcha. It's simple. That's easy. Just like you're working out. Aye. I eman of rituals you probably are having at the same time, same day just to make sure you freaking do it. It's a ritualistic nature. So if you don't make it a ritual, that's an expression of discipline because these disciplines set you free. That's the irony of this whole gig. If you're willing to be disciplined, that's how you get your freedom. My friend freedom is found on the back half of what you're willing to do privately. You'll then get rewarded publicly in a form of revenue time or whatever it may be that you really desire.
[44:06] Well I know I'm going to go out there and I'm going to, I know the influential book that you were talking about, the ultimate sale a sales machine by Chet Holmes. I'm going to go out and get back. Is that on a like an ebook type of thing?
[44:18] Oh yeah man, that book is a Mega, Mega New York Times bestseller. I got a whole box of it here, brother. I'll just mail it to uh, just uh, text me your physical address on mail one off to. But yeah, Amazon, great place to go get it, man. Love Amazon. They di, they got a really good audible on it too. You know, whatever. It's out there in a million ways. And that little page that you put up, we'll put up that chapter four, four.
[44:39] I love free and see what's interesting. You guys, are you listeners out there, this is important stuff and I mean there are ways of being able to impact your professional career as well as your company. And, and you can do it. We here in the industrial world, we start getting into those. This is how we do it. We've been doing it for x amount of years, and I'm telling you right now that, that that's got to stop. We've got to think differently. Great. Ted, how do they get a hold of you? I know that you got a bunch of social platforms out there.
[45:06] Talk to him. Yeah, I mean, well, since we're on a podcast, if they liked podcasts while they go down their iTunes, kind of a Harvard, they follow people on podcasts, business breakthroughs with Ted Miller. Third, that's an easy one. And then, um, yeah, yeah. And then you know, LinkedIn. That's great. It's emails. I'll tell you one thing.
[45:28] Tell you something. I'm going to tell you something real quick. You know what makes your name so cool is because you have three. Ted Miller is a common name, right? If you go out to LinkedIn, Ted Miller, is that the Ted Miller? No, but when you start slapping in the three, your name pops up and that's
[45:46] actually, it's an easy way everywhere. It's the m three Ted Miller three and I had to turn it into a digital, I mean an actual new numeric number three because I was doing III, but that's Ted Miller and uh, that just in that function. So somewhere along the line that digit three popped in there and it's,
[46:05] he's telling you you're easy to find out there.
[46:07] One three.com. I mean it's, that's pretty easy. That's just a great way to find all my stuff. Websites anymore, right?
[46:14] TedMiller3.com. Fantastic to, I can talk all day and I guarantee you everybody else would love to be able to listen to her. We just don't have the time and we don't have the bandwidth, my friend. So thank you very much.
[46:25] Appreciate you turning this round. I'm telling you guys, this is a man of action. You've got to get out there, you've got to get on his website, you've got to take advantage of his wisdom because he's going to change your life, your professional career as well as your company. He's got the inside so don't hesitate. I'm telling you right now. I'm a better person because of this conversation in my new relationship with our friend here. Ted Miller. Go out there, find it. Okay. Dead. Thank you very much and we're awesome guy. I enjoyed this immensely. So everybody out there stay tuned. I'm going to give you some more information on how to get a contact with them and all of the own plans. So, uh, bear with me. We'll be right back. You are listening to the industrial talk podcast network. All right. I liked that a lot. Thank you very much Ted Miller for being on the industrial talk podcast. This stuff
[47:30] that you talk about, this information is just, it just, it's be so stoked. I guess I could say stove. You're the man. You're the man. Thank you very much. Shot Ted. Thank you very much for sharing your wisdom and knowledge. Okay. You listeners out there, you need to get a hold of Ted Miller. He's talked about it. It's all out there. He's on Facebook, he's got it also company Facebook. He's got a personal LinkedIn. He's got a company. LinkedIn is out there all over the place and I'll have it out there www.industrialtalk.com and uh, I just want you to guys to know this platform is for you. This industrial talk platform is for you, the professional. It is dedicated to the cube and giving you 100% my heart and soul so that you are a success. Thank you for joining. Get a hold of me, industrial talk.com I will respond because I want to talk to you. If you have any questions, comments, let me know and thank you. Be Safe and thank [inaudible] and check out go big, great series. We're excited about it. So thank you very much. Have a great week. We will talk again.
The post EP 065: Getting More New Industrial Clients Via Industrial Education Based Marketing With Ted Miller III appeared first on The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie.