About Mocana Podcast

"Mocana" means to set the connected world free. Mocana's Mission is to protect families, cities and countries by enabling devices of every kind to be trustworthy and run securely and freely.

Mocana Podcast strives to deliver, through digital media, the education and increased awareness necessary to equip its listeners with 21st century tools, ideas and applications. Mocana's mission to protect countries, cities and families will be thoroughly discussed and explained within very lively, inspiring and motivating interviews. Listeners will develop deeper understanding of Mocana's vital role in securing trustworthy devices for all sectors of industry and daily life because Mocana makes protection personal...its about YOU.

Xcelerate20 Features Blair Fraser with UE Systems on Disrupting Bearing Lubrication Through Automation

10/05/2020 |

It's been said that as many as 60% to 80% of premature bearing failures are lubrication related. Whether it is due to over lubrication, under lubrication, or simply using the wrong lubricant for the wrong application, it is still a lubrication related failure.  One challenge for maintenance & reliability professionals is how to optimize their lubrication PM’s. Ultrasound technology is one way to assist in enhancing lubrication procedures. Using ultrasound, we can prevent lubrication failures due to over and under lubrication.

Heroes Of Manufacturing Celebrates Team Rudolph Libbe group with Dave Boyer

10/01/2020 |

Heroes of Manufacturing is an independent movement originated by Hitachi Vantara and The Industrial Talk Podcast to celebrate these unsung heroes of Manufacturing. Over 30 manufacturers, associations, vendors, VCs and others are collaborating to help share the stories of today’s manufacturing heroes who are keeping the world moving.

Ms. Rebecca Kersting President of CAP Logistics talking about the impact of COVID19 to logistics and supply chain

09/25/2020 |

In this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to Rebecca Kersting, President of CAP Logistics and Uptime Logistics about “The Impact of COVID19 on Logistics and Supply Chain and solutions for Success”.  Get the answers to your “Logistics and Supply Chain” questions along with Rebecca's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!

Mr. Brian Miller CEO of Easy China Warehouse talking about warehousing, supply chain and COVID impact to China

09/24/2020 |

In this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to Brian Miller, Founder and CEO of Easy China Warehouse about “China and the impact of COVID19 to your warehousing, supply chain, logistics and sourcing efforts”.  Get the answers to your “China Warehousing” questions along with Brian's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!

Heroes Of Manufacturing Celebrates Team LaserCraft with Greg Claycomb and Dale Hawkinson

09/23/2020 |

Heroes of Manufacturing is an independent movement originated by Hitachi Vantara and The Industrial Talk Podcast to celebrate these unsung heroes of Manufacturing. Over 30 manufacturers, associations, vendors, VCs and others are collaborating to help share the stories of today’s manufacturing heroes who are keeping the world moving.

Mr. Leon Pieters with Deloitte Provides an Update to the global state of the consumer in a COVID19 World

09/22/2020 |

In this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to Leon Pieters, Global Consumer Industry Leader at Deloitte about “Updating Industrial Talk Listeners on the Current Global State of the Consumer in a COVID 19 World”.  Get the answers to the current ” Global Consumer Sentiment” questions along with Leon's unique insight on this Industrial Talk interview!

Ms. Sandy Carielli with Forrester Research talking Application Security

09/21/2020 |

In this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to Sandy Carielli, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research about “Why Application Security is Important and How it Creates a Resilient Business”.  Get the answers to your “Application Security” questions along with Sandy's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!

Mr. Dave Reiber with Reiber Reliability talks about Leadership in the Reliability World

09/16/2020 |

In this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to Dave Reiber, Founder and Sr. Reliability Leader at Reiber Reliability about “Leadership Strategies In this Next Normal”.  Get the answers to your “Leadership” questions along with Dave's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!

Heroes Of Manufacturing Celebrates Rapid Prototype and Manufacturing with Tracy Albers, CTO and President

09/14/2020 |

Heroes of Manufacturing is an independent movement originated by Hitachi Vantara and The Industrial Talk Podcast to celebrate these unsung heroes of Manufacturing. Over 30 manufacturers, associations, vendors, VCs and others are collaborating to help share the stories of today’s manufacturing heroes who are keeping the world moving.

Mr. Todd Palmer with Extraordinary Advisors talks about Ditching your comfort zone to success

09/11/2020 |

In this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to Todd Palmer, CEO at Extraordinary Advisors about “Ditching your comfort zone and grow your business through Authenticity, Transparency and Vulnerability”.  Get the answers to your “Authenticity” questions along with Todd's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!

Mocana Events:

Stay connected with Mocana for upcoming events on Cyber Security and strategies for making the industrial market safe.

Mocana has wonderful and informative webinars designed to equip you in the latest in all things Cyber.  This is a must part of you learning process!  Just simply CLICK HERE and begin learning about ways to protect your organization from Cyber Attacks.

Industrial Academy:

The world is changing fast! Industrial businesses are juggling every facet of business maintenance and growth, ranging from technological/digital media adaptations to cash flow management and operational efficiency challenges. How do industrial business leaders stay current while managing growth and casting vision for the future? The answers could be found in a learning environment, but never before has there been a place for continuing education in the industrial business arena. UNTIL NOW…

The INDUSTRIAL ACADEMY IS HERE. Finally there is a clearinghouse for all things industrial to assist the business leader. Course offerings provide up-to-date applicable information in business development, technology, finance, operations and leadership presented in an engaging, movement-oriented manner by those in the know. These professionals don’t just talk the talk. They walk the walk with purpose and passion for building not just the industrial business but also the people who make things happen.

The Industrial Talk Podcast family looks forward to learning and growing with you!