About Mocana Podcast

"Mocana" means to set the connected world free. Mocana's Mission is to protect families, cities and countries by enabling devices of every kind to be trustworthy and run securely and freely.

Mocana Podcast strives to deliver, through digital media, the education and increased awareness necessary to equip its listeners with 21st century tools, ideas and applications. Mocana's mission to protect countries, cities and families will be thoroughly discussed and explained within very lively, inspiring and motivating interviews. Listeners will develop deeper understanding of Mocana's vital role in securing trustworthy devices for all sectors of industry and daily life because Mocana makes protection personal...its about YOU.

Industrial Leadership: Industrial Coaching

04/05/2019 |
Elite Industrial Professional

No Frills Industrial Coaching or MentoringAs Elite Industrial Professionals or Companies you need a Coach/Mentor. Not someone that strokes your ego or makes you feel warm and fuzzy, that is a waste of time and money! You need someone that is painfully honest and shines a spotlight on areas that need improving to take you and your…

Industrial Sales: Optimizing Your CRM Using AI With Adam Honig

04/03/2019 |
Nobody Likes Their CRM

Keeping Your Industrial CRM Up To Date with AI How many Industrial Pros like their CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System? The biggest complaint has to be “keeping it up to date with current information”. It doesn't take long for the customer data to be out of date and worthless. Therefore, companies invest $$$ on a CRM with little…

Industrial Leadership: Intense Focus

04/02/2019 |
Succeed with Intense Focus

As Elite Industrial Professionals we must have Intense Focus on the task at hand. To excel, we must be Intensely Focused on the tasks that move us and the company forward. As a guilty party, many of us are distracted by email inbound noise and shiny objects. Professionals with Intense Focus are disciplined to avoid distractions and with…

Industrial Leadership: Process, Process, Process!

03/28/2019 |
Removing Frustration For Your Customer

Process, Process, Process! With Elite Athletes, establishing and refining processes are vital to their success – it's an important step to honing and tracking progress. In this Industrial Talk Podcast we discuss the importance of Elite Industrial Professionals to establish and refine Business Processes and making this effort a Top Priority for Success. Podcast Transcript: [00:01]                                    The…

Industrial Marketing: Thinking About Your Customer With Todd Hockenberry

03/27/2019 |
Change the way you think about your Customer

Change The Way You Think About Your Customers! Everyone wants to Grow but No One wants to Change. If you don't change the way you think about your Customers, Business and Processes, you will NOT grow your business! That is a truth bomb dropped by Todd Hockenberry, Owner of Top Line Results. This week's Industrial Talk dives…

Industrial Leadership: Discipline, Grit, Never Give Up!

03/26/2019 |
Transforming Your Industrial Business

Discipline, Grit and Never Give Up! To truly Transform your Industrial Business and Career it starts with your attitude the strength of your mind. This Industrial Talk episode expands on the qualities of an Elite Athlete and discusses the need for Industrial Discipline, Grit and “Never Give Up” attitude for Industrial Success. Podcast Transcript: [00:01]                                    The industrial…

Industrial Leadership: Learning From Elite Athletes

03/25/2019 |
Industrial Process

What can we learn from Elite Athletes? A lot! In this Industrial Talk Podcast we expands upon 5-Key Factors that each Athlete focuses on to be World Class. Podcast Transcript: [00:01]                                    The industrial talk podcast GO-BIG in just six minutes a day. Building a legacy of success in a rapidly changing industrial market. All right, welcome to…

Industrial Strategy: That One Thing

03/22/2019 |
Transform Your Industrial Business

That One Thing! OK, raise your hand. Is there pain, frustration and inefficiency in parts of your organization? Is this inefficiency preventing you and your organization getting to the next level? You are leaving money on the table. This Podcast provides a tactical solutions that can be implemented today that will significantly reduce the pain and it's Only 1-hr/week.…

Crisis Management is NOW and Not tomorrow – Be Prepared with Robert Burton

03/21/2019 |
Be Prepared in Your Crisis Management Plan

Crisis Management – Be Prepared! Do you have your Crisis, Security, Emergency, Business Continuity plans in place and fully exercised? If not, it's time to make this happen. The last thing you want is to be in a position and faced with a Crisis and being unprepared. Robert Burton, Co-Founder of Preparedex and CEO of The International Crisis…

Industrial Leadership: Setting a Higher Standard!

03/20/2019 |
Industrial Business Success

Setting A Higher Industrial Standard According to Harvard Business Review, did you know that Only 10% of the population has a Learning or Growth Mindset. The Industrial Market is changing rapidly and leveraging technology to achieve greater efficiency and bottom-line value is the strategy. If we don't Set a Higher Industrial Standard and consistently commit to Industrial…

Mocana Events:

Stay connected with Mocana for upcoming events on Cyber Security and strategies for making the industrial market safe.

Mocana has wonderful and informative webinars designed to equip you in the latest in all things Cyber.  This is a must part of you learning process!  Just simply CLICK HERE and begin learning about ways to protect your organization from Cyber Attacks.

Industrial Academy:

The world is changing fast! Industrial businesses are juggling every facet of business maintenance and growth, ranging from technological/digital media adaptations to cash flow management and operational efficiency challenges. How do industrial business leaders stay current while managing growth and casting vision for the future? The answers could be found in a learning environment, but never before has there been a place for continuing education in the industrial business arena. UNTIL NOW…

The INDUSTRIAL ACADEMY IS HERE. Finally there is a clearinghouse for all things industrial to assist the business leader. Course offerings provide up-to-date applicable information in business development, technology, finance, operations and leadership presented in an engaging, movement-oriented manner by those in the know. These professionals don’t just talk the talk. They walk the walk with purpose and passion for building not just the industrial business but also the people who make things happen.

The Industrial Talk Podcast family looks forward to learning and growing with you!