John Glassmire with Hitachi Energy

On this week's Industrial Talk we're onsite at Distributech 22 and talking to John Glassmire, Senior Advisor, Grid Edge Solutions at Hitachi Energy about “Ensuring a stable utility grid as we transition to a distributed energy world”. Get the answers to your “Grid Reliability” questions along with John's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
Finally, get your exclusive free access to the Industrial Academy and a series on “Why You Need To Podcast” for Greater Success in 2022. All links designed for keeping you current in this rapidly changing Industrial Market. Learn! Grow! Enjoy!
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Done, it's about time. So here's the first thing that I noticed. You're much taller than you are in virtual. Just definitely. So when I tell you, he's tall.
Yeah, I see this. It's always like you finally meet that person. It's like, that's not the way I cast out all it?
No, I thought he was just gonna just roll in about 5′ 8″. But that's great. All right, quickly, the listeners, tell them who you are. Give us some background.
So it's First off, it's a pleasure to be back. It's cool. Ya know, I love talking with you, Scott,
the passion that is right here on the site.
So what am i I'm, I'm passionate. My passion is about grid edge solutions. And that may not mean something to everyone. I'll tell you what it is. Its battery energy storage systems. Its micro grids. It is decentralization, in short, the future of energy.
Well, there you go, man. That was a nice boat up. Done. Now, you mentioned it briefly, because he's, he's a busy man. So you got to wrap this one up quickly. But we're gonna make it worthwhile. So you mentioned something that was pretty much can't spell. So what what the, what's the next gen talk to us about that stuff.
So the next gen, I assume you're talking about battery energy storage systems, big batteries that connect to our grid, and will be the future heart and brains of our grid. So today, battery energy storage systems, they're getting really big, but they cannot fundamentally operate a grid, you try to use most of the battery energy storage systems out there. Today, what they're doing is they're looking to the grid, and they're adding things on top of it. They're strengthening it that way. But the next generation, which is this grid forming inverter, it's in the power electronics, that's the interface between the battery
and the grid. See, that was it it was grid forming inverter
grid, forming inverters. And it's not just any old grid forming inverters. If you've done any work in off grid or remote areas, grid forming inverters may mean something a little bit different. That means you can take your house and you can run it on solar. What we're talking about is the next generation where you layer in some advanced control and automation. And the the class of systems is called virtual synchronous machines. And Hitachi energy has an implementation of the virtual synchronous machine called virtual generator mode. And it is what will allow I never like to say there's the one key but it's a key piece of letting our grid operate on 100% renewables because that is a technical challenge.
And because you're smarter than I am, when we start talking about synchronous, right, there's that physical component that exists on the grid. That is 60 cycle. There's a physical component to that. Are you saying that with
the idea that's called a virtual synchronous machine, the synchronous machines that we're talking about? These are the big spinning machines that are At the heart, the pulse of our grid,
it's the force. It's that physical force that creates stable
being a gas turbine, a steam turbine, a hydro turbine, it's these things that spin, and they connect up to this generator, and they're through strategic sampling of around it, they're coming out with three phases. 60 hertz, yep. And powering our grid. Those if you're going to take advantage of the cheap and increasingly affordable energy from renewable sources, like wind and solar, you need the supplementary services that come from something like a virtual synchronous machine, you will need the batteries to take over that key role, you typically keeping the backbone of the grid alive. See, this
is interesting because I wanted to I'm that old school guy. And I remember when somebody was bringing on a generator there, they physically said, Okay, here it is, I'm physically bringing it on. And I'm synchronizing it, and it just didn't it locks in. So you're not getting all of that all problems. That is a key that that's been missing.
It is a key that's been missing. And it's still a challenge, because there's no financial incentives currently to do this. You know, there's, there's a whole regulatory evolution that needs to happen. A bunch of the utilities aren't quite sure. You know, a lot of the utilities, I've talked to some of my utility friends, and they say we know big spinning things. We know when we like them. Yeah. What this is, is it is it spinning? I say, well, it is spinning it just virtually
Yes. See, that's that's a, that's a heck of a hill to climb, because you're, you're right, it's so the real reluctance or resistance is going to happen. Let's put
it that way it's going to happen. You can't you can't hit anything above? Well, I always like to say Hydros cheating. But you look at most, Greg, we've either exploited all the hydro resource we have, or we don't have access to it. When you get there. And you're saying, Well, how are we going to meet some of these goals that we have, we have grids that are going to go 100% renewable by 2050. If and some of them are saying we're gonna go 3040 50% In the next 10 years, you are going to get to 100% operation meaning for even short periods of time, well, well before that. And it is coming and is coming quicker than we imagined
it now you bring it up. Another whole point is there's this velocity. So this pandemic, we're doing all this stuff, technology didn't slow down it, it just kept on merrily going on. Now we collaborate we do all we can do but but I'm telling you right now, you're right, there's a speed. And if you think you can drag your feet, you can't you need that solution, it's going to have
to happen. And it's not just speed, it's acceleration, that's, that's even better. You're looking at this and you look at the way these renewable, they're called renewable portfolio standards that are driving some of this, you look at the way they're rolling out, they're sort of saying we're gonna do a little bit now and then we're gonna start ramping up. And by the end, we're just gonna be, you know, in, like vertical in terms of our implementation. And so we need to get ready for this.
And again, in being the guy that wants to just flip on the light, and I don't want drama at the end of that light switch. Yeah, it has to happen. Because if you want that renewable, if you're pushing renewables, you've got to be able to figure that out.
And that's, that's the cheapest source of energy. That's, that's what we're saying when real cheap, solar really cheap. And if you're gonna unlock that, you need to have the grid ready to accept it. And, and, you know, the message I'd have is that the technology is there. we've piloted it, we've even done it under commercial instances. But there are regulatory hurdles. We got to get on board
Come on. Die little voice.
I'm not gonna blame the utilities or utilities by that it's something we've all got to get get on board with and make happen because it's
it's got it's got to happen because without it still is still a difficult difficult challenge. Alright. You're cool. John glass Meyer.
You can email me or call. You got my email. Yep. John dot glass Meyer at Hitachi. All right.
Thank you, John, saying thank you for spending time in your busy schedule. Mr. Big thinker.
Always a pleasure talk. Always, always always.
Alright, listeners, we're gonna wrap it up on the other side. Thank you very much for joining the industrial talk. We will be right back. You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network. All right. Again, thank you very much for joining industrial talk, as you can tell, John brings the passion. This is a real important conversation. We're doing a series called the state of utilities in the state of utilities means where do we stand? Where are we going? Where we have challenges with distributed energy. What do we do with the grid? How do we ensure reliability? How do we know that when I come home, and I flip the switch the lights will come on my computer builders will work just right. That's what they're doing. That's why distributor tech is an important conference for you to attend. This will impact you if you're in manufacturing oil and gas industry as a whole must attend. Because we're just, we're just getting started here. And we have to succeed at it. So that's why this is an important conversation. So reach out to John. I'm out as the stack card. He has get engaged. And he's the he's passionate about helping you succeed. So get in contact with John and add Team hatachi. Energy Now, you're saying to yourself, Scott, how do I get involved? Well, you just go out to industrial talk. You reach out to hey, I want to get involved. I think it just says, contact me. And you'll contact me. And you'll contact the team. And we are putting together a series of live podcasts. state of utility state of manufacturing, of course, a state of oil and gas, I say manufacturing, yeah. And utilities. All of them are real important in how we are digitally transforming. How do they impact us operationally, what is the state of these industries and that's where we're starting. So go out to industrial talk. And you're asking, Hey, Scott, I want to get engaged. I want to be a part of these live podcast. Yeah, do it. Reach out. All right, let's crack it up. Be bold, be brave, dare greatly hang out with people like John glass Meyer, and you're gonna change the world. Thank you very much for what you do, because this is a celebration of industry. So thank you. Have a great day. And we're gonna have another great conversation shortly. So stay tuned.
Done, it's about time. So here's the first thing that I noticed. You're much taller than you are in virtual. Just definitely. So when I tell you, he's tall.
Yeah, I see this. It's always like you finally meet that person. It's like, that's not the way I cast out all it?
No, I thought he was just gonna just roll in about 5' 8". But that's great. All right, quickly, the listeners, tell them who you are. Give us some background.
So it's First off, it's a pleasure to be back. It's cool. Ya know, I love talking with you, Scott,
the passion that is right here on the site.
So what am i I'm, I'm passionate. My passion is about grid edge solutions. And that may not mean something to everyone. I'll tell you what it is. Its battery energy storage systems. Its micro grids. It is decentralization, in short, the future of energy.
Well, there you go, man. That was a nice boat up. Done. Now, you mentioned it briefly, because he's, he's a busy man. So you got to wrap this one up quickly. But we're gonna make it worthwhile. So you mentioned something that was pretty much can't spell. So what what the, what's the next gen talk to us about that stuff.
So the next gen, I assume you're talking about battery energy storage systems, big batteries that connect to our grid, and will be the future heart and brains of our grid. So today, battery energy storage systems, they're getting really big, but they cannot fundamentally operate a grid, you try to use most of the battery energy storage systems out there. Today, what they're doing is they're looking to the grid, and they're adding things on top of it. They're strengthening it that way. But the next generation, which is this grid forming inverter, it's in the power electronics, that's the interface between the battery
and the grid. See, that was it it was grid forming inverter
grid, forming inverters. And it's not just any old grid forming inverters. If you've done any work in off grid or remote areas, grid forming inverters may mean something a little bit different. That means you can take your house and you can run it on solar. What we're talking about is the next generation where you layer in some advanced control and automation. And the the class of systems is called virtual synchronous machines. And Hitachi energy has an implementation of the virtual synchronous machine called virtual generator mode. And it is what will allow I never like to say there's the one key but it's a key piece of letting our grid operate on 100% renewables because that is a technical challenge.
And because you're smarter than I am, when we start talking about synchronous, right, there's that physical component that exists on the grid. That is 60 cycle. There's a physical component to that. Are you saying that with
the idea that's called a virtual synchronous machine, the synchronous machines that we're talking about? These are the big spinning machines that are At the heart, the pulse of our grid,
it's the force. It's that physical force that creates stable
being a gas turbine, a steam turbine, a hydro turbine, it's these things that spin, and they connect up to this generator, and they're through strategic sampling of around it, they're coming out with three phases. 60 hertz, yep. And powering our grid. Those if you're going to take advantage of the cheap and increasingly affordable energy from renewable sources, like wind and solar, you need the supplementary services that come from something like a virtual synchronous machine, you will need the batteries to take over that key role, you typically keeping the backbone of the grid alive. See, this
is interesting because I wanted to I'm that old school guy. And I remember when somebody was bringing on a generator there, they physically said, Okay, here it is, I'm physically bringing it on. And I'm synchronizing it, and it just didn't it locks in. So you're not getting all of that all problems. That is a key that that's been missing.
It is a key that's been missing. And it's still a challenge, because there's no financial incentives currently to do this. You know, there's, there's a whole regulatory evolution that needs to happen. A bunch of the utilities aren't quite sure. You know, a lot of the utilities, I've talked to some of my utility friends, and they say we know big spinning things. We know when we like them. Yeah. What this is, is it is it spinning? I say, well, it is spinning it just virtually
Yes. See, that's that's a, that's a heck of a hill to climb, because you're, you're right, it's so the real reluctance or resistance is going to happen. Let's put
% renewable by:it now you bring it up. Another whole point is there's this velocity. So this pandemic, we're doing all this stuff, technology didn't slow down it, it just kept on merrily going on. Now we collaborate we do all we can do but but I'm telling you right now, you're right, there's a speed. And if you think you can drag your feet, you can't you need that solution, it's going to have
to happen. And it's not just speed, it's acceleration, that's, that's even better. You're looking at this and you look at the way these renewable, they're called renewable portfolio standards that are driving some of this, you look at the way they're rolling out, they're sort of saying we're gonna do a little bit now and then we're gonna start ramping up. And by the end, we're just gonna be, you know, in, like vertical in terms of our implementation. And so we need to get ready for this.
And again, in being the guy that wants to just flip on the light, and I don't want drama at the end of that light switch. Yeah, it has to happen. Because if you want that renewable, if you're pushing renewables, you've got to be able to figure that out.
And that's, that's the cheapest source of energy. That's, that's what we're saying when real cheap, solar really cheap. And if you're gonna unlock that, you need to have the grid ready to accept it. And, and, you know, the message I'd have is that the technology is there. we've piloted it, we've even done it under commercial instances. But there are regulatory hurdles. We got to get on board
Come on. Die little voice.
I'm not gonna blame the utilities or utilities by that it's something we've all got to get get on board with and make happen because it's
it's got it's got to happen because without it still is still a difficult difficult challenge. Alright. You're cool. John glass Meyer.
You can email me or call. You got my email. Yep. John dot glass Meyer at Hitachi. All right.
Thank you, John, saying thank you for spending time in your busy schedule. Mr. Big thinker.
Always a pleasure talk. Always, always always.
Alright, listeners, we're gonna wrap it up on the other side. Thank you very much for joining the industrial talk. We will be right back. You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network. All right. Again, thank you very much for joining industrial talk, as you can tell, John brings the passion. This is a real important conversation. We're doing a series called the state of utilities in the state of utilities means where do we stand? Where are we going? Where we have challenges with distributed energy. What do we do with the grid? How do we ensure reliability? How do we know that when I come home, and I flip the switch the lights will come on my computer builders will work just right. That's what they're doing. That's why distributor tech is an important conference for you to attend. This will impact you if you're in manufacturing oil and gas industry as a whole must attend. Because we're just, we're just getting started here. And we have to succeed at it. So that's why this is an important conversation. So reach out to John. I'm out as the stack card. He has get engaged. And he's the he's passionate about helping you succeed. So get in contact with John and add Team hatachi. Energy Now, you're saying to yourself, Scott, how do I get involved? Well, you just go out to industrial talk. You reach out to hey, I want to get involved. I think it just says, contact me. And you'll contact me. And you'll contact the team. And we are putting together a series of live podcasts. state of utility state of manufacturing, of course, a state of oil and gas, I say manufacturing, yeah. And utilities. All of them are real important in how we are digitally transforming. How do they impact us operationally, what is the state of these industries and that's where we're starting. So go out to industrial talk. And you're asking, Hey, Scott, I want to get engaged. I want to be a part of these live podcast. Yeah, do it. Reach out. All right, let's crack it up. Be bold, be brave, dare greatly hang out with people like John glass Meyer, and you're gonna change the world. Thank you very much for what you do, because this is a celebration of industry. So thank you. Have a great day. And we're gonna have another great conversation shortly. So stay tuned.