2022 Industrial Talk Year in Review

I can sum up the 2022 year in the following way:
- It's a people equation.
- Where do I start?
- Who do I trust?
- Velocity
- Field of Dreams
Here's the presentation >> Year in Review
Here's the video:
talk, conferences, conversation, industrial, trust, technology, solution, industry, reality, imts, challenges, educate, hear, people, succeed, iot solutions, consume, great, opportunities, equation
All right, 2022 is in the can This is industrial talk urine review of all of the conversations I've had which 1000s? About what are the challenges? What are the opportunities, and we're just gonna lay it out nothing fancy. And, again, I am going to be that industrial cheerleaders because you and others are the heroes in this story, let's get a going.
Alright, let's get cracking on the year in review, industrial talk year and review. This is gonna be just sort of wrapped around 2022 been very fortunate to be able to well do hundreds and hundreds of conversations with industry professionals around the world. And it has been just an absolute honor, honor to be able to do that honor to have these conversations, honored to be able to hear the solutions that are being presented, being delivered by many in industry that I can I can,
I can just rest assured that
the future is in good hands. And 2022 was just an absolute wonderful opportunity to attend conferences which you need do, you need to attend some conferences, because people are wanting to connect, and it's been it was just great to connect, it started. When did it start? For me, it was IoT solutions. World Congress, I think the I think the first one that was in Barcelona, we buzzed on over there. That was some great people. And it was just, it was the first time that in
after the Well, during the pandemic, whatever, we we made friends over digitally over the, over the internet. And this was the first time to be able to really see individuals that I only knew virtually in person. And it was a lot of fun. And I'll remember that, most definitely, we're going to be doing, I'm using a product called stream yard. And I'm sure he's somebody who has had this is a product that one you can record locally to you can do lives. And I think they're coming out with also a webinar solution as well. So it's a, it's pretty versatile. And better yet, it's easy for me to use. So that's pretty cool. So there's a lot of great value and benefits there. So the urine review is is just something that
I came up with. And unlike everybody else, I just decided that after the hundreds of conversation and working with a number of companies, that there were consistent,
consistent themes that were taking place that I think that I share with you, it comes from the perspective of talking to a lot of people at a lot of conferences, and 23 is going to be a wonderful time to for conferences. So we have a presentation, if you have a video, or you're out there on video, you can see this presentation. And it's I gotta tell you, it's it's nothing fancy, let's put it that way. I try to make it fancy, but then I don't like it fancy. So it's pretty just straightforward, high level, and one that I think just captures the points that there's a lot more, don't get me wrong, but these are the these are the points that that stand out to me. So let's let's just get cracking. And like I said, if you're out on on the video, I think I'll have this, if you want to download it,
you can go right ahead. It's all good and downloadable. But the reality is, is that
you can have it, but it's something that sort of keep my thoughts and minds moving forward. In general, high level themes that were communicated
month in month out, professionals, companies, you name it, it was an end. And at the very top top of all the conversation, it's a people equation. No doubt about it. It's a people equation. Technology is the technology. It's up people equation and you know all of the challenges and all of the
opportunities that exist out there. But it is a people equation. The other area is like hey, you know all of this stuff is great, all of this information that that
We were able to gain from, like, we went to IMTS, which is a great conference Fabtech is a great conference, the one that is just one of the best is IoT solutions, all of them. Great, great opportunity anyway, where do I start? I mean, you just walk around these events, you walk around these venues, and you just see solutions and, and opportunities and, and just, it just goes on and on and on. And if I put my business cap on, I wouldn't even know where to start. The other item that sort of falls in line is who do I trust? You go out to the internet, the World Wide Web, and you just look at everybody's hanging their shingles? I don't know, this is this, this journey, this technology, this innovative Cherny this where we're at today does require trusted Sherpas to help you on that journey. And anyway, we'll talk a little bit more about that. There's a velocity, their speed, and it's exciting for me, because I, I tend to be very,
oh, add ish, because I'm like, Oh, that's cool. That's cool, too. That's shiny. That's neat. And then the other item is sort of that field of dreams. There's a lot of people saying, Hey, I've got this great idea. This idea is here, this is great. This is and and a lot of the times it's it's a field of dreams, but but the reality is, is that it's noisy out there. So that's the end, then we just wrap it up. And you know, I just get my two cents and merrily Go about your business and changing the world. So let's get cracking. All right, people equations, these are some of the salient points that
that have happened as a result of my conversation. It's always a people problem. Every time I ask a question like, Hey, what are what are the roadblocks and it's always it's never technology. It's never saying, well, we can we didn't get the code, right, hitting it. Eventually you will. It's always people.
It's people identifying the challenges. It's people collaborating. It's people solving challenges through innovative solutions. And how do I attract? That's it. It's just how do I track people? How do I how do I
bring in new talent? How do I reskill? These are all very important conversations that are taking place. And it's always and it will be that in 2023, that it will be a people conversation. How do I attract? How do I retain? How do I upskill to keep up with the challenges happening in industry? So it's always a people equation? Got it, write that down? Take it to the bank, whatever you can, you know that. The other thing is, where do I start? This is one of the areas that
that I've heard countless times. And it is Scott, I've gone out to the internet. Now I'm looking up. Industry for Dotto is in this there's a gazillion hits. I'll type in IoT, another gazillion hits somebody out there that maybe I heard it on your podcast. But saying, hey, I need to be in this digital transformation journey. The reality is a confused mind does not make a decision. It just doesn't. I don't if I'm confused. I will stand there, like a sundial. And I will just sit there Oh, no, I can't make a decision. And rightly so you shouldn't. You got to figure that out. So where do I start? And that means that takes you into, you know, the insight. Okay, where do I start? It's the Who do I trust? Like this is great. It's all good. Like I said, the World Wide Web is saying that I need to be on this digital transformation juggernaut. And I don't know who to trust. And that just comes through, you know, engagement, collaboration. And I and I think that the being an industry leader, one of the areas that has to be a part of your discussion is to be participating in in associations, participating in
conferences, industry specific conferences. This is sort of where, you know, people who are having problems come and search for people who have the solutions, but you have to do it and you have to this is just me because I don't know who to trust. I don't even know where to start. You have to help people but they know
in my conversation, this is all about conversations. This is not it's not me just pulling it out of my ear. This is what I've heard
I heard and what I heard in 2022, and also 2021, and so on and so forth. These are the things that I hear. And and people are struggling. And so you have to approach them in a way that I hear you. Yeah, you need to, you need to get going. You can trust me that type of thing, you got to develop that. That's without a doubt. The other thing that happens as a as a result of all of this conversation is one, it is fast, it is changing. It is just because the technology over here, I don't know what it is. They just sit around, they talk about new use cases, and they start developing new solutions associated with those use cases. And then they just keep on going. Me, Scott Mackenzie business owner, it's hard for me to keep up with those. The changes is I'm not saying that. It's bad. I'm just saying is there just it's difficult to keep up. And the use cases never stop. And what happens out there and in all the conversations I've had is the fact that, hey, I just spoke to Joe Blow it Joe Blow and Suzie Q got together, and they created a new use case. And all we had to do is just plug this one into this and do this. And all of a sudden, there it is. And, again, the speed, the velocity, the ability for people to consume, to digest it, to see the value, because once again, where do I start? Who do I trust? And this is fast, and it and it's all people related? It's all people related, right? The technologies, the technology, it just it, it will do what it does. And if there's a problem with the technology, if you're not designing around whatever it might be, you'll you'll correct that. It's just always sort of that people side. And again, velocity, absolutely blistering. And so there's a lot of confusion there, there's a lot of concern. The other thing is a field of dreams. It's like, okay, good. All right. So I got this great technology, good, it's great. It does this, it does whatever it does. And it solves this problem, not knowing if there was a problem that be solved or not, but it solves this problem. And so we're gonna build it, we're gonna build it. And they will come that type of mindset. There might be the case. But I'm here to tell you one of the challenges. And that's, this is again, with all the conversations I've had hundreds, I've done over 5000 of these things, right? So the reality is, is that here it is.
It's noisy out there. It just is. So you if you think your digital transformation solution, you think you're a supply chain solution, do you think your monitoring device solution is getting the attention you need?
It's not because it's noisy. Because going, I'm going back to who I am, I'm a company, I'm a business, I don't know where to start. I don't know who to trust, the speed at which is just happening is absolutely blistering. And so those are the things that have been absolutely a part of every conversation. It's from the service provider, point of view, as well as
the customer, the user of the service. And those are the real salient points. That's, that's it and and going to all the conferences, having all the virtual webinars and facilitating those, and listening to all the questions that come out. Sure, there's, there are questions that are being delivered by real
knowledgeable, steeped in knowledge. Individuals that get it right. But the majority of us, me included, I'm trying to understand.
I'm trying to understand
the problem that here's here's my problem. Does that problem get solved by whatever the solution, my engagement, my collaboration with you, right? So the reality is, is that those are the drivers each and every time the technology is off the hook? In Ay ay ay was just recently at OMG event in Austin, talking to a group of standards. People talking about cybersecurity talking about digital twin talking about
virtual twin, right, it all cool stuff. But again, it's people. It's noisy. So what do we do? And the only thing that I can definitely because I enjoy doing this is the reality is is that
industrial talk was built off of the premise of educating kids got to do that. You got to constantly educate you got to constantly put forth that effort to learn
understand as much as you possibly can, it's out there. It's, it's just out there, there's no, there's no excuse to go out and educate. And, and so industrial talk, it's going to talk to the leaders, right. And that's, I'm always learning, I'm not trust me, I don't know much about
virtual twin. But when I did hear about it, it's pretty doggone cool, right? Or digital twin, and in all of the stuff that's taking place, supply chain is a big pain point for everybody. It is. So you just have to truly continue to educate. And then you have to collaborate. And that's a that's another pillar that we we found very important for industrial talk. And the reason you collaborate is because specially in a hyper,
hyper speed,
industrial market, you don't have all the answers you might think you do. But I guarantee you're gonna have some gaps. And if you're like me, you have a sliver of the answers. And you're looking for answers from other people, other professionals who have the street cred. The street cred to say, yeah, no, this is a, this is what we did, we made this problem. And here you go, that type of thing. So it's always going to be once again, that human equation, so educate, collaborate, and the last pillar that we find ourselves really building off of, because it just is it's, it's, it's in your grill each and every day, is that innovation.
It's not just innovation, when it comes to just technology, it's it's innovation of how you manage your organization, how do you deal with the people side of that, because you need people, you're just doing it and, and so those are the three pillars, and I challenge everybody for 2023, to really dig deep into the education, go to the conferences, we're going to be at not we're going to be at a lot of conferences, like last year, we were at IoT solutions, World Congress, Barcelona, DistribuTECH, IMTS, FABTECH, OMG,
There are other couples in there, however, they're all there. And everybody is having the same desire to want to educate, consume, as much as I can collaborate, find the people because I need to find I need to start somewhere, I don't know where to start, but I'm going to find somebody to help me with that journey. And then find the innovation that is scalable, and creates a business that is resilient, because that's what you want, right? You want that that resilient business to be able to sort of weather the storm, which, you know, some people look at coming up and 2324 Whatever, that there's a storm of burden. We want you to succeed. Industrial talk, I may want you to succeed, and therefore, I think it's it's vitally important to, to do that. And I think that the reality is, is that
I think the community, you guys are all heroes, everybody's heroes in industry, I really believe that it'd be cool to have trading cards, trading cards of individuals that represent industry in a specific way. Right? Hi, I'm a supply chain hero. And hi, I'm a utility hero, which is a big conversation too. And so
we need you to succeed, we need for you to
be resilient. And those are the points that I've the one of the biggest points that outside of all those other things that I me personally, I'm a sales and marketing nut. I consume books, I can see one of the, this is where I failed, I consumed the books. And then I go on to the next one. And then I go on to the next one. My commitment to you is that I'm doing book reports, I'm doing sales and marketing book reports, because that's what I gravitate towards. So I'm going to be doing this because there's a lot of wisdom out there. And and, and I'm not going to fail you that I'm not consuming the information that is needed to be better, to be better and to
do that with a sense of professionalism, because
I want to share that with you. I want to help you succeed. And I think you companies need to be media companies. You just do it just because and you need to put yourself out there that makes you feel a little uncomfortable. You just do because if you sound like everybody else, nobody's watching. You have the cure for cancer and nobody's listening. People are dying of cancer, just FYI. Because they're not listening. And we want we hear it no
US Real Talk want people to listen. And they need to listen to you because you're cool. Industries cool.
You guys are the heroes. I am just an industrial cheerleader. And I'll do anything I can to help you. Now, with that said, here's the call to action, call to action is go out to industrial talk. Reach out to me, you want to be on the podcast?
Ask me, are you going to be at a conference?
Asked me. Do you want me to be at a conference? Ask me.
The the the reality is, is that right here, this media company allows you to open doors that just does
ask me and I will do everything I can to help you. That's my call to action. And and and so I go to these conferences. Just with that in mind. We do technology Sprint's because that's cool tech. So I've go to the conference of go to the booth, oh, look at the technology. And we do stuff like hey, check us what, what's what's going on there. Right? That's what we do. And that's what just asked me for. That's all it's all. And we'll have fun. And trust me, this is how I interact anyway. But the reality is that you need to succeed. So let's figure out what and grow and flourish and do whatever is necessary to meet your goals and and serve your purpose. Each and every day. 2023 right there. All right. I don't have to wrap it up. This is it. Thank you. Industrial talk.com open book right here. Let's talk
you're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
I can just rest assured that
future is in good hands. And:after the Well, during the pandemic, whatever, we we made friends over digitally over the, over the internet. And this was the first time to be able to really see individuals that I only knew virtually in person. And it was a lot of fun. And I'll remember that, most definitely, we're going to be doing, I'm using a product called stream yard. And I'm sure he's somebody who has had this is a product that one you can record locally to you can do lives. And I think they're coming out with also a webinar solution as well. So it's a, it's pretty versatile. And better yet, it's easy for me to use. So that's pretty cool. So there's a lot of great value and benefits there. So the urine review is is just something that
I came up with. And unlike everybody else, I just decided that after the hundreds of conversation and working with a number of companies, that there were consistent,
consistent themes that were taking place that I think that I share with you, it comes from the perspective of talking to a lot of people at a lot of conferences, and 23 is going to be a wonderful time to for conferences. So we have a presentation, if you have a video, or you're out there on video, you can see this presentation. And it's I gotta tell you, it's it's nothing fancy, let's put it that way. I try to make it fancy, but then I don't like it fancy. So it's pretty just straightforward, high level, and one that I think just captures the points that there's a lot more, don't get me wrong, but these are the these are the points that that stand out to me. So let's let's just get cracking. And like I said, if you're out on on the video, I think I'll have this, if you want to download it,
you can go right ahead. It's all good and downloadable. But the reality is, is that
you can have it, but it's something that sort of keep my thoughts and minds moving forward. In general, high level themes that were communicated
month in month out, professionals, companies, you name it, it was an end. And at the very top top of all the conversation, it's a people equation. No doubt about it. It's a people equation. Technology is the technology. It's up people equation and you know all of the challenges and all of the
opportunities that exist out there. But it is a people equation. The other area is like hey, you know all of this stuff is great, all of this information that that
We were able to gain from, like, we went to IMTS, which is a great conference Fabtech is a great conference, the one that is just one of the best is IoT solutions, all of them. Great, great opportunity anyway, where do I start? I mean, you just walk around these events, you walk around these venues, and you just see solutions and, and opportunities and, and just, it just goes on and on and on. And if I put my business cap on, I wouldn't even know where to start. The other item that sort of falls in line is who do I trust? You go out to the internet, the World Wide Web, and you just look at everybody's hanging their shingles? I don't know, this is this, this journey, this technology, this innovative Cherny this where we're at today does require trusted Sherpas to help you on that journey. And anyway, we'll talk a little bit more about that. There's a velocity, their speed, and it's exciting for me, because I, I tend to be very,
oh, add ish, because I'm like, Oh, that's cool. That's cool, too. That's shiny. That's neat. And then the other item is sort of that field of dreams. There's a lot of people saying, Hey, I've got this great idea. This idea is here, this is great. This is and and a lot of the times it's it's a field of dreams, but but the reality is, is that it's noisy out there. So that's the end, then we just wrap it up. And you know, I just get my two cents and merrily Go about your business and changing the world. So let's get cracking. All right, people equations, these are some of the salient points that
that have happened as a result of my conversation. It's always a people problem. Every time I ask a question like, Hey, what are what are the roadblocks and it's always it's never technology. It's never saying, well, we can we didn't get the code, right, hitting it. Eventually you will. It's always people.
It's people identifying the challenges. It's people collaborating. It's people solving challenges through innovative solutions. And how do I attract? That's it. It's just how do I track people? How do I how do I
always and it will be that in:that I've heard countless times. And it is Scott, I've gone out to the internet. Now I'm looking up. Industry for Dotto is in this there's a gazillion hits. I'll type in IoT, another gazillion hits somebody out there that maybe I heard it on your podcast. But saying, hey, I need to be in this digital transformation journey. The reality is a confused mind does not make a decision. It just doesn't. I don't if I'm confused. I will stand there, like a sundial. And I will just sit there Oh, no, I can't make a decision. And rightly so you shouldn't. You got to figure that out. So where do I start? And that means that takes you into, you know, the insight. Okay, where do I start? It's the Who do I trust? Like this is great. It's all good. Like I said, the World Wide Web is saying that I need to be on this digital transformation juggernaut. And I don't know who to trust. And that just comes through, you know, engagement, collaboration. And I and I think that the being an industry leader, one of the areas that has to be a part of your discussion is to be participating in in associations, participating in
conferences, industry specific conferences. This is sort of where, you know, people who are having problems come and search for people who have the solutions, but you have to do it and you have to this is just me because I don't know who to trust. I don't even know where to start. You have to help people but they know
in my conversation, this is all about conversations. This is not it's not me just pulling it out of my ear. This is what I've heard
I heard and what I heard in:It's noisy out there. It just is. So you if you think your digital transformation solution, you think you're a supply chain solution, do you think your monitoring device solution is getting the attention you need?
It's not because it's noisy. Because going, I'm going back to who I am, I'm a company, I'm a business, I don't know where to start. I don't know who to trust, the speed at which is just happening is absolutely blistering. And so those are the things that have been absolutely a part of every conversation. It's from the service provider, point of view, as well as
the customer, the user of the service. And those are the real salient points. That's, that's it and and going to all the conferences, having all the virtual webinars and facilitating those, and listening to all the questions that come out. Sure, there's, there are questions that are being delivered by real
knowledgeable, steeped in knowledge. Individuals that get it right. But the majority of us, me included, I'm trying to understand.
I'm trying to understand
the problem that here's here's my problem. Does that problem get solved by whatever the solution, my engagement, my collaboration with you, right? So the reality is, is that those are the drivers each and every time the technology is off the hook? In Ay ay ay was just recently at OMG event in Austin, talking to a group of standards. People talking about cybersecurity talking about digital twin talking about
virtual twin, right, it all cool stuff. But again, it's people. It's noisy. So what do we do? And the only thing that I can definitely because I enjoy doing this is the reality is is that
industrial talk was built off of the premise of educating kids got to do that. You got to constantly educate you got to constantly put forth that effort to learn
understand as much as you possibly can, it's out there. It's, it's just out there, there's no, there's no excuse to go out and educate. And, and so industrial talk, it's going to talk to the leaders, right. And that's, I'm always learning, I'm not trust me, I don't know much about
virtual twin. But when I did hear about it, it's pretty doggone cool, right? Or digital twin, and in all of the stuff that's taking place, supply chain is a big pain point for everybody. It is. So you just have to truly continue to educate. And then you have to collaborate. And that's a that's another pillar that we we found very important for industrial talk. And the reason you collaborate is because specially in a hyper,
hyper speed,
industrial market, you don't have all the answers you might think you do. But I guarantee you're gonna have some gaps. And if you're like me, you have a sliver of the answers. And you're looking for answers from other people, other professionals who have the street cred. The street cred to say, yeah, no, this is a, this is what we did, we made this problem. And here you go, that type of thing. So it's always going to be once again, that human equation, so educate, collaborate, and the last pillar that we find ourselves really building off of, because it just is it's, it's, it's in your grill each and every day, is that innovation.
and I challenge everybody for:SMRP.
people look at coming up and:I think the community, you guys are all heroes, everybody's heroes in industry, I really believe that it'd be cool to have trading cards, trading cards of individuals that represent industry in a specific way. Right? Hi, I'm a supply chain hero. And hi, I'm a utility hero, which is a big conversation too. And so
we need you to succeed, we need for you to
be resilient. And those are the points that I've the one of the biggest points that outside of all those other things that I me personally, I'm a sales and marketing nut. I consume books, I can see one of the, this is where I failed, I consumed the books. And then I go on to the next one. And then I go on to the next one. My commitment to you is that I'm doing book reports, I'm doing sales and marketing book reports, because that's what I gravitate towards. So I'm going to be doing this because there's a lot of wisdom out there. And and, and I'm not going to fail you that I'm not consuming the information that is needed to be better, to be better and to
do that with a sense of professionalism, because
I want to share that with you. I want to help you succeed. And I think you companies need to be media companies. You just do it just because and you need to put yourself out there that makes you feel a little uncomfortable. You just do because if you sound like everybody else, nobody's watching. You have the cure for cancer and nobody's listening. People are dying of cancer, just FYI. Because they're not listening. And we want we hear it no
US Real Talk want people to listen. And they need to listen to you because you're cool. Industries cool.
You guys are the heroes. I am just an industrial cheerleader. And I'll do anything I can to help you. Now, with that said, here's the call to action, call to action is go out to industrial talk. Reach out to me, you want to be on the podcast?
Ask me, are you going to be at a conference?
Asked me. Do you want me to be at a conference? Ask me.
The the the reality is, is that right here, this media company allows you to open doors that just does
purpose. Each and every day.:you're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.