Bill Hoffman, Chairman and CEO of OMG

On this week's Industrial Talk we're onsite at IoT Solutions World Congress and talking to Bill Hoffman, Chairman and CEO with OMG.Org about “Collaborating with leaders to solve today's industrial challenges”. Get the answers to your “Industry Standards” questions along with Bill's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
Finally, get your exclusive free access to the Industrial Academy and a series on “Why You Need To Podcast” for Greater Success in 2022. All links designed for keeping you current in this rapidly changing Industrial Market. Learn! Grow! Enjoy!
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Industrial Talk is brought to you by Armis. Yes, you are in the digital transformation game. Yes, you need to find trusted companies, trusted individuals to help you along with that journey. The Armis platform delivers complete asset intelligence, you know what that means, insights into your connected assets, you're in the digital transformation game, you have to have that insights into what is connected, go to find out more, you will not be disappointed. Also industry IoT Consortium. At industrial talk, we always talk about education, we always talk about collaboration, we are always talking about innovation. And if you're a business that has any desire to be resilient to the future, you need to be able to educate, collaborate, as well as innovate with other industry professionals. That's a must. Industry IoT consortium brings that all together, you need to be a part of this community, you need to be connected with these leaders that are all apart the industry IoT consortium, go out to ai Find out more again, you will not be disappointed. You're just going to be happy. Hey there, and welcome to industrial talk. Thank you very much for joining. We were on site at IoT solutions World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, and that is a must attend event for you to put on your calendar, incredible people, incredible companies solving problems and delivering solutions. We also had the opportunity to talk to Bill Hoffman, he is the chairman and CEO of Object Management Group. And we're talking standards. Okay, he's talking standards, but we need to have standards. And I'm telling you right now, this is a paper and pencil conversation with Bill Hoffman, enjoy it.
Bill Hoffman is in the hot seat on key is the company and he is a part of the industry IoT Consortium. Did I get that? Right? You did, Scott, because you changed it. And I had to sort of like, my brain was wired the other way. And it was, I don't know, my ears started to bleed.
Well, you know what happened? No, please tell me found out that industrial for some of the markets that are using this technology didn't resonate, particularly with doctors. So industry made more sense.
So what was funny is that when I saw that, and and different color palette, now it's blue. And then I it was rough. I just want to let you know, I was tossing to turn into No, I was I just wanted to I wanted to bring the drama. So let's, for the listeners out there. Let's let's talk a little bit about just the the Object Management Group structure to consortiums. How that lines up and then let's talk a little bit about what's going on with with these Consortium. A
sure that's great. Hey, Scott, were 33 years old. I went to work with OMG started 33. I went to work three months after it started. Both Richard soli and myself thought it was a two year gig. We had a lot more hair. Here it is.
Yeah, it had and, and and the energy is still there. Absolutely. It's absolutely you you wander around and this this, this environment this this conference, chock full of energy, absolutely passion.
And you know, we're also glad to be back. Oh, my goodness, this is my first event outside the states since COVID. And I am delighted. You know, to see people that I have talked to on Zoom calls now for two years without ever meeting in person. I didn't recognize some of it. We've had employees we've hired I've never been in terms no way really hired him virtually during the middle of COVID during lockdown.
It was weird because I had I had the same thing i i met so many people that I've met virtually and and you walk in fact, no. One walked up, Scott. Well, hey, how are you? Yeah, it but it's a good thing. And it's good to be back.
It's good to be back.
Did you get all sort of stressed out with being tested and getting on the plane and making sure that you're you do everything sort of the way it needed to be done? I was I was a little tweaked on that. Well,
I gotta go back. So same thing. I gotta have a test tomorrow so I can get back on the plane.
Again, I'm sorry to deviate here. Are you going to get at the airport? No. So you gotta you gotta please
here. I have an appointment. Downtown. I just get off stop guide.
Well, we were instructed to go to the airport and they would take care of it there. So okay, well, we'll talk offline. How's that? All right, so let's go back to the original conversation. You know, I'm GE, the consortiums that hang off a little structure.
So we started as a standards development organization. And our, our standards are ubiquitous everywhere read everything from every cell phone around the world to the International Space Station to Mayo system, Mayo Clinic, the new plastic destroyers are all running on top of bone G standards. We've done really well with standards. And then along came the industrial Internet. And that's where we started the IIC, which is now the industry IoT consortium. And obviously, that was the genesis of what brought us to this show. We met with the fewer people eight years ago. And we sketched out that, you know, we thought we needed a way to show people not just what the technology was, but how do you use it? How do you measure return on investment? What partners do you use with these things? No one company can do this alone. No one thing about all these technologies, no one company could solve all these problems. It is collaborative,
it is collaborative, it's human. And it's collaborative. Without a doubt, there's no other way the digital transformation
journey depends on multiple partners. Trusted, trusted PR, because
that's another sort of nugget of truth that comes out. It's like, yeah, I understand the need to do this. I'm a company, I understand it. Where do I start? Who do I trust? And are you going to create a lot of problems for me? So those are really this is like, you know, foundational. And that's why this is so, so important. That's
why the show did so well. You know, I have to tell you coming into this this year's event, we didn't know what to expect. Because, you know, two months ago, we weren't sure what was happening a month ago, we weren't sure what, two weeks ago, we weren't sure what was going to happen. We know that for a lot of our friends in the Asian Pacific they weren't unable to attend. We also know that a lot of our friends in the States, they can't wait to the last minute to make a trip like this. And a lot of people you know, need two months in advance notice, and they didn't have that based on the variants that were going around. So we're tickled the amount of people that have made it to this event.
It is great. And validation is there 1000s 1000s
of people here 1000s of people, but as I walk around the exhibitors will seem to be happy, the quality of the of the attendees are the right kind of people were really cool about a lot of the stuff. But what we're really hot on is that beyond IoT, and IoT, now, if you look around the show for it, you see digital twin stuff, you see artificial intelligence, you see augmented reality, you these are the areas that are emerging technologies that are going to make a big difference in these companies digital transformation journey. And we'll continue to evolve the show to reflect these technologies as they are. So
this is what I was interested in I it was an epiphany that took place and I said, You know what? IoT is just all of a sudden become this miscellaneous file, because you got digital twin, you got AI, you got cloud, you've got edge, you've gotten thinner, and you've got, you know, just as whatever it is, it's just goes on and on and on. And so IoT almost has to be redefined to a certain extent. I don't know, I'm just sort of
all these tangentially overlap. They do. They do they,
again, back back to the collaboration. You can't just you can't just be in a silo and say, Hi, I have a device and they've collapsed. And that's it. And that, you know, you find out the connectivity of it. Right. That's right. That's good. So So these, these consortiums, what, what's the thinking behind it? Well, you
have communities of people who have a vested interest in a certain technology and how to apply it to their business or their organization, in the hopes of either gaining efficiency, profitability, making it a better world. There's a variety of reasons why people are embracing these things. But the other thing is, is that you can't be left behind. You can't be the last guy to get on the bus.
That is the biggest concern no matter how, you know, there's gonna be pain. It's, it is what it is, but I'd rather deal with the pain. And then or Wait, you can't do that. You gotta wait, gotta participate.
You have to remain competitive. And you'd have to remain looking at advanced technologies, because that's where the competitive fronts battles.
to sort of make that a concrete statement. We were here, what, three years ago, I think it is give or take a few whatever. We were here, and the conversations have changed dramatically, from what it was just just three years ago, to what it is today, where it is real. And then people are just like, yep, digital twin. Yep. All right there, man. We're hopping on this, that and we're doing things that didn't happen. COVID But I think no, see, I think my belief is that COVID helped facilitate it a speed
of this did in some degree. Yeah, directions. Absolutely. Absolutely. Because
if I'm a business, I all of a sudden realized how maybe vulnerable I am. Oh, I was, I was thinking about this neat little thing called digital transformation. And I might have been doing it. Now all of a sudden, it became real. It became a thing that it's like, oh, this is I need to survive. I need. This is my problem. I need visibility. Let's make it happen. And I think that
that's good. Yep. Yep. Yep. And it's been an interesting mix of of exhibitors on this for this year. There are a lot of companies that I wouldn't traditionally see at this show. But I think it's part of the evolution as we evolve beyond IoT. So you're seeing companies with different technologies and different takes and different pieces of the ecosystem? And that's really cool.
You're absolutely right, because I had been walking the floor, and I've gone, why are you? Why are you here? But back to that collaborative. There is this compounding that takes place and saying, Hi, I'm a technology and I, I do this, and then somebody comes in and says, you know, I'm a technology, I've got this innovation, and then all of a sudden those two people talk and say, what if we did this, creating a new use case? Say it'll do this? And then that's just the beginning of it. Right? And he's just got to keep on feeding it. Just keep on going.
But it's all about the solutions, right? So it's not about the technology, per se, it's it's about applying it as solutions. And it is solving problem solving problems. Yeah, it's it's a beautiful thing. And I just think that's how much fun can we have? Yeah,
we were chirping last night. And you were saying, Hey, how about this? How about that? It doesn't stop? No. Now, which, which is a good question to ask. Because there's a velocity because there's this buzz. The masses don't see this. This is this is happening here. And it's great. And it's wonderful. But a lot of people don't know, though, but it will affect them, it will affect them. How do we increase that visibility? Because it's just it's, it's so what
you have to Scott, I mean, you know, people don't ask how gasoline is required. They just want to go into their classroom, right. And people don't necessarily want to know how technology came about. They just want to know they can use it, use it and make it simple for me. We were the standards business alone, we used to say nobody wants to see sauce standards being made just like sausage. In the end user just wants to standard. They don't want to know. So I think there's a special market for people like us. Oh, yeah. Alright. Yes, technologists who understand where we're where we have to go to apply these technologies. And we're learning now how to do it. And the whole idea of the Congress is to bring in people that have already done it to some degree so that we can learn from them. So rather than to have a bunch of vendors stand up and tell us we want to have their customers stand up and say, This is what worked this is what didn't work. This is the ROI on getting this, these were the problems I had, yeah, these are the problems I was able to solve. These are the problems that are still out there. Out of insecurity, right? Interoperability always gonna be it's just all well, it doesn't matter what technology to always have in the cyber security people here. Awesome. That's part of the ecosystem. Yeah.
See, what is also interesting as, and I think that what you provide team OMG team, Congress, Team consortium provide is a a trusted ecosystem of people who are trying to solve the problems, and then be able to have a way of sharing to say, hey, this worked. This was I did this and but that conversation has to happen, or, or it will, it won't progress. Right. Right. Because, again, there's a velocity out there that that is just blistering.
Yep. And the thing that comes shining through face to face matters. Tell people I have literally zoomed out.
Yeah. I didn't realize how many cues I take from face. Right, right. Like, Oh, I must have said something wrong. Maybe they didn't understand that maybe I need to clarify things just sort of in the head. Just start, you know, rattling
I just had three people bumped me on the way over here that wanted to talk to me
now. Phil Hoffman, just your bill was virtual,
you know, they'd have to you'd have to send me an email.
Or you could do what I do. And I just have a Calendly link and everybody just jumps on in any way and I'm just sort of sit at my high and you are great. Let's talk.
I actually tried that didn't work. For me. It's like everybody everybody glommed on, like I was
just gonna say, How come I didn't get a link? Because it's true.
Unfortunate where people want to sell to me that we wanted to sell to
true Gosh, but everybody in that COVID world that we're trying to survive, so are trying to figure out what what we're selected Uh, and and for me, it's a good feeling to just see people back to semi normal next year is going to be even better next year is gonna, you know, we're just gonna have to be optimistic about it. What what dazzles me is what kind of conversation is going to happen next year after something like this where people all of a sudden say, oh my gosh, I've met you at IoT solutions World Congress, and we were talking, and then they build that relationship, and they'll come back here, presented whatever. Yep,
yep, we're onto something big. You
guys are our fan. And I started getting the picture. And you know, I just, I sit in, I'll buzz around. And that's great. But But now I understand.
Not only that, it's fun. It is. It's fun.
So, so throw some future stuff at us. Right? Give me some sort of thing that should blow my mind's. Yeah, I'm calling you on the carpet there? Because I'm always Because? Because I just have those the team over there that was dealing with the the augmented reality charm and all that stuff? Oh,
sure. Well, you know, there's an old joke about the factory of the future. And that is it has a one employee and a dog, dog. And the dog is here. So the employee doesn't touch anything. But that's where we're at. I know, right? I mean, because you got computer vision, you have reality, you have augmented reality, artificial intelligence, you have all these technologies that we can bring to bear. And will will create a better world, a more efficient world. It's going to be a great run.
And maybe it's just me, every time I come here, my wife gets sick and tired of talking to me, because I'll just sit there. Did you see this? Did you? Oh, my gosh, how about that? I can't believe it. I'm having a hard time putting my mind around now. Like, I just I sound like an old Briggs and Stratton engine. I can't stop talking about it. Because Because there's smart people out there. And I just went when somebody says, Hey, how about this guy? I didn't even think about that. Or I didn't think big enough. Or I just said really? It's exciting. So how does somebody get to be a part of the Congress, the consortium? Get a hold of you? What's the best way to say hey, I want to get a gauge to
or www dot O M G dot o RG?
That's us. Yeah. There you go.
By the way, we were just talking earlier, somebody asked me about presenting oh my god, the first guy ever heard say That was Bob Metcalf VentureBeat.
All I can remember is object oriented identity is not Object Management, object oriented, totally. Cobalts in there. Again, Rockstar, thank you very much. And once again, we're broadcasting from the IoT solutions World Congress put that on your bucket list is going to be bigger, better and in just next year is going to be incredible. Because Where where are these guys going to take? Kids never stops? Standards? Just absolutely. All right. You're gonna get all Phil's contact information out on industrial talk and all the links to IoT and in the consortiums. See how it did ask because you don't just have one? No majority consort, the
digital twin console. Industry is solely responsible for new augmented reality new dad, plus the standards development. So yeah, we're busy guys.
Yeah. Awesome. All right, we will be right back. So stay tuned, do not go away. You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
Right, once again, thank you very much for joining and supporting industrial talk and learning with me, because I'm telling you right now, the learning never stops. You have to be about educating, collaborating and innovating. It's it's happening and it's happening fast. Thank you to build up. Did I tell you did I tell you paper and pencil? And there's a lot more get engaged? Well, I'm G getting engaged with IIC. And definitely, definitely. But the IoT solutions World Congress on your calendar, you will not be disappointed, great leaders, great solutions, solving problems and making our lives better. How can you argue with that? All right, again, industrial talk is where you can connect with Bill hoppin, do it, make that a priority? And then hang out with those folks at OMG? Because you will not. I mean, it's it's an important time. Thank you once again for joining and hanging out with people like Bill Hoffman and you're gonna change the world. We're gonna have another great conversation from IoT solutions world coalition
Industrial Talk is brought to you by Armis. Yes, you are in the digital transformation game. Yes, you need to find trusted companies, trusted individuals to help you along with that journey. The Armis platform delivers complete asset intelligence, you know what that means, insights into your connected assets, you're in the digital transformation game, you have to have that insights into what is connected, go to find out more, you will not be disappointed. Also industry IoT Consortium. At industrial talk, we always talk about education, we always talk about collaboration, we are always talking about innovation. And if you're a business that has any desire to be resilient to the future, you need to be able to educate, collaborate, as well as innovate with other industry professionals. That's a must. Industry IoT consortium brings that all together, you need to be a part of this community, you need to be connected with these leaders that are all apart the industry IoT consortium, go out to ai Find out more again, you will not be disappointed. You're just going to be happy. Hey there, and welcome to industrial talk. Thank you very much for joining. We were on site at IoT solutions World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, and that is a must attend event for you to put on your calendar, incredible people, incredible companies solving problems and delivering solutions. We also had the opportunity to talk to Bill Hoffman, he is the chairman and CEO of Object Management Group. And we're talking standards. Okay, he's talking standards, but we need to have standards. And I'm telling you right now, this is a paper and pencil conversation with Bill Hoffman, enjoy it.
Bill Hoffman is in the hot seat on key is the company and he is a part of the industry IoT Consortium. Did I get that? Right? You did, Scott, because you changed it. And I had to sort of like, my brain was wired the other way. And it was, I don't know, my ears started to bleed.
Well, you know what happened? No, please tell me found out that industrial for some of the markets that are using this technology didn't resonate, particularly with doctors. So industry made more sense.
So what was funny is that when I saw that, and and different color palette, now it's blue. And then I it was rough. I just want to let you know, I was tossing to turn into No, I was I just wanted to I wanted to bring the drama. So let's, for the listeners out there. Let's let's talk a little bit about just the the Object Management Group structure to consortiums. How that lines up and then let's talk a little bit about what's going on with with these Consortium. A
sure that's great. Hey, Scott, were 33 years old. I went to work with OMG started 33. I went to work three months after it started. Both Richard soli and myself thought it was a two year gig. We had a lot more hair. Here it is.
Yeah, it had and, and and the energy is still there. Absolutely. It's absolutely you you wander around and this this, this environment this this conference, chock full of energy, absolutely passion.
And you know, we're also glad to be back. Oh, my goodness, this is my first event outside the states since COVID. And I am delighted. You know, to see people that I have talked to on Zoom calls now for two years without ever meeting in person. I didn't recognize some of it. We've had employees we've hired I've never been in terms no way really hired him virtually during the middle of COVID during lockdown.
It was weird because I had I had the same thing i i met so many people that I've met virtually and and you walk in fact, no. One walked up, Scott. Well, hey, how are you? Yeah, it but it's a good thing. And it's good to be back.
It's good to be back.
Did you get all sort of stressed out with being tested and getting on the plane and making sure that you're you do everything sort of the way it needed to be done? I was I was a little tweaked on that. Well,
I gotta go back. So same thing. I gotta have a test tomorrow so I can get back on the plane.
Again, I'm sorry to deviate here. Are you going to get at the airport? No. So you gotta you gotta please
here. I have an appointment. Downtown. I just get off stop guide.
Well, we were instructed to go to the airport and they would take care of it there. So okay, well, we'll talk offline. How's that? All right, so let's go back to the original conversation. You know, I'm GE, the consortiums that hang off a little structure.
So we started as a standards development organization. And our, our standards are ubiquitous everywhere read everything from every cell phone around the world to the International Space Station to Mayo system, Mayo Clinic, the new plastic destroyers are all running on top of bone G standards. We've done really well with standards. And then along came the industrial Internet. And that's where we started the IIC, which is now the industry IoT consortium. And obviously, that was the genesis of what brought us to this show. We met with the fewer people eight years ago. And we sketched out that, you know, we thought we needed a way to show people not just what the technology was, but how do you use it? How do you measure return on investment? What partners do you use with these things? No one company can do this alone. No one thing about all these technologies, no one company could solve all these problems. It is collaborative,
it is collaborative, it's human. And it's collaborative. Without a doubt, there's no other way the digital transformation
journey depends on multiple partners. Trusted, trusted PR, because
that's another sort of nugget of truth that comes out. It's like, yeah, I understand the need to do this. I'm a company, I understand it. Where do I start? Who do I trust? And are you going to create a lot of problems for me? So those are really this is like, you know, foundational. And that's why this is so, so important. That's
why the show did so well. You know, I have to tell you coming into this this year's event, we didn't know what to expect. Because, you know, two months ago, we weren't sure what was happening a month ago, we weren't sure what, two weeks ago, we weren't sure what was going to happen. We know that for a lot of our friends in the Asian Pacific they weren't unable to attend. We also know that a lot of our friends in the States, they can't wait to the last minute to make a trip like this. And a lot of people you know, need two months in advance notice, and they didn't have that based on the variants that were going around. So we're tickled the amount of people that have made it to this event.
reat. And validation is there:of people here:this is what I was interested in I it was an epiphany that took place and I said, You know what? IoT is just all of a sudden become this miscellaneous file, because you got digital twin, you got AI, you got cloud, you've got edge, you've gotten thinner, and you've got, you know, just as whatever it is, it's just goes on and on and on. And so IoT almost has to be redefined to a certain extent. I don't know, I'm just sort of
all these tangentially overlap. They do. They do they,
again, back back to the collaboration. You can't just you can't just be in a silo and say, Hi, I have a device and they've collapsed. And that's it. And that, you know, you find out the connectivity of it. Right. That's right. That's good. So So these, these consortiums, what, what's the thinking behind it? Well, you
have communities of people who have a vested interest in a certain technology and how to apply it to their business or their organization, in the hopes of either gaining efficiency, profitability, making it a better world. There's a variety of reasons why people are embracing these things. But the other thing is, is that you can't be left behind. You can't be the last guy to get on the bus.
That is the biggest concern no matter how, you know, there's gonna be pain. It's, it is what it is, but I'd rather deal with the pain. And then or Wait, you can't do that. You gotta wait, gotta participate.
You have to remain competitive. And you'd have to remain looking at advanced technologies, because that's where the competitive fronts battles.
to sort of make that a concrete statement. We were here, what, three years ago, I think it is give or take a few whatever. We were here, and the conversations have changed dramatically, from what it was just just three years ago, to what it is today, where it is real. And then people are just like, yep, digital twin. Yep. All right there, man. We're hopping on this, that and we're doing things that didn't happen. COVID But I think no, see, I think my belief is that COVID helped facilitate it a speed
of this did in some degree. Yeah, directions. Absolutely. Absolutely. Because
if I'm a business, I all of a sudden realized how maybe vulnerable I am. Oh, I was, I was thinking about this neat little thing called digital transformation. And I might have been doing it. Now all of a sudden, it became real. It became a thing that it's like, oh, this is I need to survive. I need. This is my problem. I need visibility. Let's make it happen. And I think that
that's good. Yep. Yep. Yep. And it's been an interesting mix of of exhibitors on this for this year. There are a lot of companies that I wouldn't traditionally see at this show. But I think it's part of the evolution as we evolve beyond IoT. So you're seeing companies with different technologies and different takes and different pieces of the ecosystem? And that's really cool.
You're absolutely right, because I had been walking the floor, and I've gone, why are you? Why are you here? But back to that collaborative. There is this compounding that takes place and saying, Hi, I'm a technology and I, I do this, and then somebody comes in and says, you know, I'm a technology, I've got this innovation, and then all of a sudden those two people talk and say, what if we did this, creating a new use case? Say it'll do this? And then that's just the beginning of it. Right? And he's just got to keep on feeding it. Just keep on going.
But it's all about the solutions, right? So it's not about the technology, per se, it's it's about applying it as solutions. And it is solving problem solving problems. Yeah, it's it's a beautiful thing. And I just think that's how much fun can we have? Yeah,
we were chirping last night. And you were saying, Hey, how about this? How about that? It doesn't stop? No. Now, which, which is a good question to ask. Because there's a velocity because there's this buzz. The masses don't see this. This is this is happening here. And it's great. And it's wonderful. But a lot of people don't know, though, but it will affect them, it will affect them. How do we increase that visibility? Because it's just it's, it's so what
you have to Scott, I mean, you know, people don't ask how gasoline is required. They just want to go into their classroom, right. And people don't necessarily want to know how technology came about. They just want to know they can use it, use it and make it simple for me. We were the standards business alone, we used to say nobody wants to see sauce standards being made just like sausage. In the end user just wants to standard. They don't want to know. So I think there's a special market for people like us. Oh, yeah. Alright. Yes, technologists who understand where we're where we have to go to apply these technologies. And we're learning now how to do it. And the whole idea of the Congress is to bring in people that have already done it to some degree so that we can learn from them. So rather than to have a bunch of vendors stand up and tell us we want to have their customers stand up and say, This is what worked this is what didn't work. This is the ROI on getting this, these were the problems I had, yeah, these are the problems I was able to solve. These are the problems that are still out there. Out of insecurity, right? Interoperability always gonna be it's just all well, it doesn't matter what technology to always have in the cyber security people here. Awesome. That's part of the ecosystem. Yeah.
See, what is also interesting as, and I think that what you provide team OMG team, Congress, Team consortium provide is a a trusted ecosystem of people who are trying to solve the problems, and then be able to have a way of sharing to say, hey, this worked. This was I did this and but that conversation has to happen, or, or it will, it won't progress. Right. Right. Because, again, there's a velocity out there that that is just blistering.
Yep. And the thing that comes shining through face to face matters. Tell people I have literally zoomed out.
Yeah. I didn't realize how many cues I take from face. Right, right. Like, Oh, I must have said something wrong. Maybe they didn't understand that maybe I need to clarify things just sort of in the head. Just start, you know, rattling
I just had three people bumped me on the way over here that wanted to talk to me
now. Phil Hoffman, just your bill was virtual,
you know, they'd have to you'd have to send me an email.
Or you could do what I do. And I just have a Calendly link and everybody just jumps on in any way and I'm just sort of sit at my high and you are great. Let's talk.
I actually tried that didn't work. For me. It's like everybody everybody glommed on, like I was
just gonna say, How come I didn't get a link? Because it's true.
Unfortunate where people want to sell to me that we wanted to sell to
true Gosh, but everybody in that COVID world that we're trying to survive, so are trying to figure out what what we're selected Uh, and and for me, it's a good feeling to just see people back to semi normal next year is going to be even better next year is gonna, you know, we're just gonna have to be optimistic about it. What what dazzles me is what kind of conversation is going to happen next year after something like this where people all of a sudden say, oh my gosh, I've met you at IoT solutions World Congress, and we were talking, and then they build that relationship, and they'll come back here, presented whatever. Yep,
yep, we're onto something big. You
guys are our fan. And I started getting the picture. And you know, I just, I sit in, I'll buzz around. And that's great. But But now I understand.
Not only that, it's fun. It is. It's fun.
So, so throw some future stuff at us. Right? Give me some sort of thing that should blow my mind's. Yeah, I'm calling you on the carpet there? Because I'm always Because? Because I just have those the team over there that was dealing with the the augmented reality charm and all that stuff? Oh,
sure. Well, you know, there's an old joke about the factory of the future. And that is it has a one employee and a dog, dog. And the dog is here. So the employee doesn't touch anything. But that's where we're at. I know, right? I mean, because you got computer vision, you have reality, you have augmented reality, artificial intelligence, you have all these technologies that we can bring to bear. And will will create a better world, a more efficient world. It's going to be a great run.
And maybe it's just me, every time I come here, my wife gets sick and tired of talking to me, because I'll just sit there. Did you see this? Did you? Oh, my gosh, how about that? I can't believe it. I'm having a hard time putting my mind around now. Like, I just I sound like an old Briggs and Stratton engine. I can't stop talking about it. Because Because there's smart people out there. And I just went when somebody says, Hey, how about this guy? I didn't even think about that. Or I didn't think big enough. Or I just said really? It's exciting. So how does somebody get to be a part of the Congress, the consortium? Get a hold of you? What's the best way to say hey, I want to get a gauge to
or www dot O M G dot o RG?
That's us. Yeah. There you go.
By the way, we were just talking earlier, somebody asked me about presenting oh my god, the first guy ever heard say That was Bob Metcalf VentureBeat.
All I can remember is object oriented identity is not Object Management, object oriented, totally. Cobalts in there. Again, Rockstar, thank you very much. And once again, we're broadcasting from the IoT solutions World Congress put that on your bucket list is going to be bigger, better and in just next year is going to be incredible. Because Where where are these guys going to take? Kids never stops? Standards? Just absolutely. All right. You're gonna get all Phil's contact information out on industrial talk and all the links to IoT and in the consortiums. See how it did ask because you don't just have one? No majority consort, the
digital twin console. Industry is solely responsible for new augmented reality new dad, plus the standards development. So yeah, we're busy guys.
Yeah. Awesome. All right, we will be right back. So stay tuned, do not go away. You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
Right, once again, thank you very much for joining and supporting industrial talk and learning with me, because I'm telling you right now, the learning never stops. You have to be about educating, collaborating and innovating. It's it's happening and it's happening fast. Thank you to build up. Did I tell you did I tell you paper and pencil? And there's a lot more get engaged? Well, I'm G getting engaged with IIC. And definitely, definitely. But the IoT solutions World Congress on your calendar, you will not be disappointed, great leaders, great solutions, solving problems and making our lives better. How can you argue with that? All right, again, industrial talk is where you can connect with Bill hoppin, do it, make that a priority? And then hang out with those folks at OMG? Because you will not. I mean, it's it's an important time. Thank you once again for joining and hanging out with people like Bill Hoffman and you're gonna change the world. We're gonna have another great conversation from IoT solutions world coalition