Cyber Security Panel with Armis and Kroll

On this week's Industrial Talk we're onsite at Distributech 22 and talking to Team Armis and Team Kroll about “Cyber Security, Digital Transformation and the Critical Infrastructure Protection Program”. Get the answers to your “Cyber Security” questions along with the teams unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
Finally, get your exclusive free access to the Industrial Academy and a series on “Why You Need To Podcast” for Greater Success in 2022. All links designed for keeping you current in this rapidly changing Industrial Market. Learn! Grow! Enjoy!
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Armis, devices, critical infrastructure, industrial, incident response, conversation, digital transformation, vito, peter, solution, floor, utilities, problems, listeners, kroll, threat, cloud based infrastructure, cip, companies, protect
Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott Mackenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots,
and let's go. Alright, once again, thank you very much for joining Industrial Tech. I've got my coffee in hand and I'm ready to celebrate you industrial professionals all around the world. You are bold, you're brave, you're daring greatly you innovate, you solve problems. You're making the world a better place. That's why we celebrate you on industrial talk. Now we were broadcasting from distributed tech in Dallas. We had a great panel discussion with Tim Armis, and Tim Crowell about cybersecurity, and digital transformation, let's get a correction. Okay, so you're in the digital transformation game, or you should be because your competition is in the digital transformation game. And you need to secure that network to be able to reap the benefits of being able to pull that information that data to be able to make those decisions, those tactical decisions into your operation to create that business that is resilient, you need to secure it. And Team Armis, Team crawl come together and provide a pack of solution that helps you identify those devices, secure those devices, and be able to reap the benefits of a digital transformation. But before we get into that conversation at distributech, I want you to sort of put this on your calendar. I haven't got the dates down yet. But we are creating a series a series of webinars. I call them live podcasts because they are live podcasts of live podcast dedicated to the state of utilities, state of oil and gas, state of manufacturing. And where do we stand? There's a lot of buzz. There's a lot of information, a lot of things happening out there. That I know for me, I get confused. And I'm just saying I need to know a little bit about where we're at where we're going and make that cogent. That cogent or paint that cogent picture of what what where we're at. So that's really important. And so, be on the lookout go out to industrial and find out more and if you want to get engaged with this ever expanding ecosystem of incredible professionals, please do so. Industrial Alright, let's get cracking with the conversation. Incredible professionals, great conversation. And again, I can't stress this enough. You need trusted people. You need trusted companies to be able to help you through this digital transformation journey. Team Armis, crawl, boom, they deliver they've got a great solution. So you might hear some buzz in the background just because we were on site. But this is a good conversation. It's one that you need to take notes. So enjoy. All right, Jess, welcome to industrial talk. Thank you very much for finding time in your busy schedule to talk about something that I believe is pretty doggone exciting. But before we get into that conversation, let's just go around the table. Let's make a quick introduction to so the listeners know exactly who you guys are why you have great and major street cred. So starting with you, Peter, give the listeners a little background on who you are.
A morning Scott P. Dougherty. I'm the Chief Strategy Officer here at Ole Miss about 25 years in cybersecurity.
Well, that's good Vito. Hi. Give us a little background, Peter.
Yes, yes. My name is V. Two I work from Europe from the other side of the world. I'm sitting in Europe and I work for Kroll as a managing director. I take care of all cybersecurity problems around Industrial Security, Internet of Things and offensive security for the productivity mini Mia,
who's got a mad set up right over there. If you're looking out on video, he's got mad set up. I like it a lot. All right, and a dear little background on who you are.
Hey, guys, I'm a director on the CTO and co founder at Armis. So I've been at the company since the start these days, mostly kind of guiding the general vision and product outline of what we're doing and supporting the people who actually do the work like Peter and Vito here.
Look at that. He's supportive, be supportive of us. And last but not least, Keith give us a little background on who you are.
Yeah. Hey, good morning. So my name is Keith Walsh. I'm the director at strategy and Armis glad to be here on the show floor with this guy.
Yeah, and listeners if you see some little delays within the conversation, we are broadcasting from a distributor tech 22 here in Dallas and we, we were scrambling for, well bandwidth to be able to do this live but we we, because of Keith, we prevailed. So it's all good and wonderful. All right, Keith, let's start with you. Talk to us about what is just on the back on well, not the back burner, but on the burner for arm is talk to us about that.
Yeah, you know, so as we move through 2020 T two, it seems like critical infrastructure and, and protecting our way of life really seems to be on the front burner, not only for, obviously those of us that sit here in the States, but you know, across the world, the NATO nations looking to preserve, you know, their critical infrastructure, the gas, the water, their electric delivery. And as we sit here on the show floor of distribute tech is very topical, because we are surrounded by some of the largest OEM vendors in the world. The service providers and the show floor is being walked by some of the largest utilities in the world, all of which are having to deal with the same question and concern which seemingly they've dealt with for the past 1520 years, which is, you know, how do I keep the bad guys out of my grid?
Yeah, that's an that's an interesting challenge. And I think if any company is interested in this digital transformation, especially here, they're going to have to protect it, or their digital transformation journey will be somewhat short. Do you agree with that? Peter?
100% Scott, you know, as we move through this industry 4.0 shift as we digitize ourselves, we've got to also think about the risks involved with adding more and more digitalization sensors, hardware and software cloud to our environment. So we got to, we got to think very carefully as we as we go through that, and put in place countermeasures.
Yeah, and Vito, what, what is your relationship with Armis, in this particular focus this this noble, you know, push?
Well, Artemis and crawl recently joined forces to gather to be more valuable in the cybersecurity market. And I'm very excited, we are all very excited at Kroll about this partnership, because it allows us to bring more value to our customers, we are still dealing with the same problems since years. But with armies on a side we can have better offering we can improve the way we deal with problems and make our customers more happy and try to help them you know, be the people on the floor, face to face to help them establish this trust relationship. We
are on the exhibit floor. And he's got a heck of a voice. I really enjoy that voice. But so maybe give us the thinking behind what what's the program called
the CIP and critical infrastructure protection
program give us a little sort of overview of what that is they're no they're,
well, it's, it's our desire to help the critical infrastructure companies in the US in general, to be able to withstand what we believe is going to be a pretty significant cyber threats are emerging from really all the usual suspects and players, I think that we've seen from both our clients, as well as our partnership with Kohler with everyone else is that there are a lot of vulnerable infrastructure elements and a lot of places where there are security gaps. And our desire is to come in and help these companies get up to shape, help them prevent, ahead of time, different threats manifesting in their environment that makes sure that they're
good deal. Keys, can you how does? How does one get involved? What what's the process? If I want to be if I'm a critical infrastructure provider? How do I get involved?
Yes, so we launched this program on the 17th of the month. And this program, CIP, critical infrastructure protection program, is really meant to as as mentioned, to address the security threats into our critical infrastructure, specifically around a gas, water, electric utilities or marine forts are pipelines. And it's a program that we launched in conjunction with Kroll. And when you look at NIST, and you look at what NIST strives to do with identifying and then detect, protect, you know, and then obviously, inevitably respond and recover. You know, we're we've partnered with Raul and obviously Armis, and our strengths are the front end of that NIST framework, which is the identify, detect, and protect and then curl comes in on the back end. And what curl does is some extremely high valuable, you know, forensics, and things of that nature with for regards to if there are threats crossing the network. So if if our utilities gas water electric reports, pipeline, if, you know if they see, if they see that they've got gaps in they don't understand their devices, if they've got gaps in their security posture of those devices, they can easily just hit our miss up at our OT solutions There is a sign up link. It's just a simple reg page. And they will be contacted by their local RMS team to start a complimentary program, which is a 90 days in length. And what that does is it basically offers up a full assessment of every wired every wireless device that communicates across their infrastructure it or OT, right, we understand that most of the threats into ot do in fact come from it. So there's a simple registration page, there's also CIP Either one of those two links will bring them into our bullpen at arm is where we will immediately reach out and get an understanding for the use cases that those those those utilities are looking to solve for.
But Peter, here's a deal. That's sort of a snapshot in time, right? You offer this program, it is great. It provides the insights into what needs to be identified, but it's truly just a snapshot because if I'm a company, and I'm, I'm on this journey, baby, and I want to be able to do this, there's going to be new devices, there's going to constantly be this necessity to constantly update to protect our you know, the critical infrastructure, is that all a part of Armis, and the solution and the CIP program
exactly right, you know, what one thing always does very, very well is it is a real time system. So we're continually looking at what new assets are coming onto the network, what's moving around? How are things being utilized? And over time, of course, you're gonna have to understand those trends and analyze those for incident response for risks and all that good stuff. So yes, you know, we envisage, sip helping our clients helping utilities helping oil and gas, understand very, very, very quickly, what's my current state? Where am I? And then over time,
that to me is good, because I'm, let's just let's just put it out there on the table. I'm lazy. And I want to be able to be told that I have challenges. But I don't want to do any more. I think that that's, that's a critical component to what you guys are offering. It's once that system is in place. It monitors and then crow does what crawled does, is that the way we roll their veto,
yes. And one of the important aspects that has been discovered is this incident response on Crawl has been mentioned multiple times, we do have this lino, we're very established Incident Response practice, we are very good there. But not a lot of companies out there that are doing Incident Response understands the peculiarities and the difference between incident response in it, and incident response in OT, where priorities are completely different. And what you need to do to make sure that you're staying on production, what you need to do is different than just installing, you know, agents and doing just forensic and doing the, the analysis to look for the patient zero, the usual way you do incident response. So we understand all these differences. And we try to use and leverage the capabilities that are bringing out of the technology that admins provides, to offer better incident response to be capable with customers to isolate that problem and to go back in production in a shorter time, which is one of the highest priority when an incident response heats already on top of the ID or only OD. So this is really really crucial to understand this peculiarities and is different this is where we add value, we use the technology to reach better incident response, you know,
you know, Vito brings up a point GoldenEyes We're surrounded here on the show floor with all sorts of OEM vendors, kept bank controller vendors, yeah, those are vendors, smart meter vendors, as these devices are being placed within are created on our feeders, you know, these devices 20 years ago, never communicated. And typically how they come to market is they've slapped comps onto these devices, whether it be cellular, whether it be 900 megahertz, tower centric solutions, but these devices typically have never communicated in the past. And now, there's, there's hundreds of vendors on this floor with all these devices that we now have to address into vetoes point. These these devices need to be, you know, the, the risk of these devices and the potential threats. It needs to be solved for in a different way because we can't necessarily just cut communications to a campaign controller or recloser, you know, these devices that that manage the delivery of energy down our grid, you know, so it's our or Mrs. It's armistice take that, you know, when when we're deployed, we're deployed on an OT side within the confines of critical infrastructure, but also on the IT side, because wouldn't it be novel? To stop that threat threat from ever even entering ot we don't have to necessarily address you know, an existing exploit or threat within your ot network because you caught it in it.
So Madera. It's great to identify, it's great that this platform exists. It's great that it's, it appears to be simple. On you know, real time all good. It's, it seems great. But there has to be action is is arm as a part of that saying, Hey, we found something, boom, do we do something? There's action associated way to mitigate it, change? Take care of it?
Yeah, I think that's a terrific question. Visibility is one thing, but the actual security part is important. So the answer is yes. In two ways, I think, from an army standpoint, there are things that Armis can take directly as actions within the environment, lock out different devices and assets, limit their capabilities of communication, doing things like that. But also, Armis lives as part of an ecosystem of different tools used by both different clients as well as the partners and service providers that they use. And Armis is able to seamlessly integrate with these different tools as well. So use the right tool for the right action, use the existing enforcement platforms and investments that organizations have already made. And make sure to streamline everything so that they can monitor and audit these changes later on. But the the result of all of this is that if something bad happens, or miss can actually take immediate action to resolve that, using any and all methods.
So I'm gonna, I can't say digress. But this is an interesting thought that came to mind this do you keep? So we've identified, we have mitigating solutions, is there another step of saying, hey, whatever the body is, we're coming across this particular thread within our critical infrastructure, I want to be able to sort of let everybody know about that. Because that's really important, because you don't want to just hold it close to your vest, you want to be able to say, Hey, this is a bad, you know, issue you wouldn't need to be aware of.
Yeah, no, that's an interesting question. So what drives our myths at the heart of what we do is our collective intelligence based upon our, our device knowledge base, which currently actively manages and monitors over 2 billion devices in real time. So when, you know, when, when, as an example, utility customer, there's a vulnerability and an exploit, right, there's a threat that's running across, you know, a municipality, a co op, an IOU in, in the central United States, right? The Knowledge Base ingests that information, and we see that there's an anomaly that's occurring within that device. So when we talk about collective intelligence, we're talking about being able to take that information of what occurred maybe at a smart meter, maybe at a load control switch that sits on the side of your house. susiana. Yep, right. And that device, you know, there's an exploit maybe there's a, you know, a TLS exploit or an authentication exploit in that you can switch that sits on the side of your house, it's clicking on and off your, your, your, your air conditioners, and on and off your, you know, your, your, your electric, your water heater, right, so we can ingest that information and extrapolate the knowledge of what happened within that device and intelligently share that information with all other verticals, all of their owners of that eaten switch, so that it's really sort of a communal effort to attack the problem. And we can do this because we are a, you know, a knowledge base, a cloud centric solution that ingest this information from one device, but yet, can share that information across the entire ecosystem
gets me getting, okay, we're gonna have to wrap it up. Because there's something that we did not cover that we should have covered in this conversation about sip. What Armis is providing, and the necessity to be able to have that clarity within these connected devices. Peter, is there anything that we needed to sort of quickly touch on that we didn't
cover that? You know, just, I'd rather recommend anyone go to or look us up? You know, we're passionate about the space we want to go and how
it is you can tell Vito, same question to you. Is there anything that we sort of left out that we should have included in this important conversation?
Well, I will just close with reminding everybody that the approach that RMS is using but in general, the network basic the detection and response approach we're trying to achieve nice the Now with this visibility improvement and all this stuff that we all know very well. But when it comes to critical infrastructure when it comes to IoT environments where you have this ingenious mix of different devices, and now with industry for that, oh, they are getting connected, when it comes to this point that the only solution we have to achieve that is the passive approach is what we are trying to do. And on top of that, with platforms like armies, you can you can also react on events. And you can move to from passive monitoring, which is the only thing you can do to just active response. And and this is, I just want to emphasize the fact that this is the only reasonable, really valuable approach.
Oh, there you go. All right. Back to you. Is there anything that we need to sort of chip on before we depart this incredible conversation?
Nothing to add, on top of what my esteemed colleagues here said, great discussion. And thank you so much for the opportunity.
Oh, definitely. The pleasure is mine. I'm, I'm a big fan of digital transformation, right. And if we want to really go down that road, we have to protect those assets. If we don't protect those assets, this whole dream of digital transformation becomes just well, that dream key final thought, close us out. Yeah.
So final thoughts. Were at booth 357. Here in the distributed Hall. So certainly come by this, the CIP program. You know, we're we're, as Peter mentioned, we're serious as a heart attack about this, you know, trying to refer back to the community that critical infrastructure operators, the the, you know, the asset operators here at distributech. If there's concerned about the security Enos of those devices, absolutely combined. Talk to us at that three to seven. We also have a conversation on Wednesday at 930 on the exhibit floor with IBM and with every the energy research, oh, how are folks energy power research into the future? So yeah, so we've got a a panel 930, Wednesday morning, where we are going to be discussing NERC CIP, we're going to be discussing the merits of what what maybe a cloud based infrastructure that mirrors FedRAMP looks like, such that the utilities can now you know, can now leverage the values of a cloud based infrastructure that's been that's been audited and complies with FedRAMP. So a very interesting conversation. We're about to have this Wednesday morning. It's correct.
That yeah, see, listeners, you can tell that they're quite passionate, definitely leaving it out on the old field, or shall we say, and Peter's will the pitch. Has that? Nailed it on the pitch? All right, listeners. Hey, thank you guys for joining industrial talk. Thank you for sharing this wonderful program. listeners. If you will have any questions, comments or concerns, go out to industrial That's where all the contact information will be located. If you say Hey, Scott, I want to be able to contact them. So you're not just go out there, you will have no problem finding them. All right, and a dear Vito, Peter, G. Thank you very much. And thank you, we're gonna wrap it up on the other side. So stay tuned, do not go away.
You're listening to the industrial talk, Podcast Network.
All right. Once again, thank you very much for joining industrial talk. And we want to just give a hearty thank you to Team Armis, as well as deep roll for delivering and being a part of the solution to educate, to collaborate, and to definitely innovate, so that we can enjoy the benefits of digital transformation and create that business of resilience, reach out to them go out to Definitely find out more, and you will not be disappointed. All right. reiterate, we are starting a series called the status of utility, the state of manufacturing the state of oil and gas, and be able to paint that picture of where we stand today with all of the incredible innovations go. So go out to industrial get engaged, be a part of this ever expanding ecosystem. Thank you again for joining. Remember to be bold, brave and daring greatly, and hanging out with people who are bold, brave and daring greatly. You're going to change the world. We're going to have another great conversation shortly. So stay tuned.
Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott Mackenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots,
and let's go. Alright, once again, thank you very much for joining Industrial Tech. I've got my coffee in hand and I'm ready to celebrate you industrial professionals all around the world. You are bold, you're brave, you're daring greatly you innovate, you solve problems. You're making the world a better place. That's why we celebrate you on industrial talk. Now we were broadcasting from distributed tech in Dallas. We had a great panel discussion with Tim Armis, and Tim Crowell about cybersecurity, and digital transformation, let's get a correction. Okay, so you're in the digital transformation game, or you should be because your competition is in the digital transformation game. And you need to secure that network to be able to reap the benefits of being able to pull that information that data to be able to make those decisions, those tactical decisions into your operation to create that business that is resilient, you need to secure it. And Team Armis, Team crawl come together and provide a pack of solution that helps you identify those devices, secure those devices, and be able to reap the benefits of a digital transformation. But before we get into that conversation at distributech, I want you to sort of put this on your calendar. I haven't got the dates down yet. But we are creating a series a series of webinars. I call them live podcasts because they are live podcasts of live podcast dedicated to the state of utilities, state of oil and gas, state of manufacturing. And where do we stand? There's a lot of buzz. There's a lot of information, a lot of things happening out there. That I know for me, I get confused. And I'm just saying I need to know a little bit about where we're at where we're going and make that cogent. That cogent or paint that cogent picture of what what where we're at. So that's really important. And so, be on the lookout go out to industrial and find out more and if you want to get engaged with this ever expanding ecosystem of incredible professionals, please do so. Industrial Alright, let's get cracking with the conversation. Incredible professionals, great conversation. And again, I can't stress this enough. You need trusted people. You need trusted companies to be able to help you through this digital transformation journey. Team Armis, crawl, boom, they deliver they've got a great solution. So you might hear some buzz in the background just because we were on site. But this is a good conversation. It's one that you need to take notes. So enjoy. All right, Jess, welcome to industrial talk. Thank you very much for finding time in your busy schedule to talk about something that I believe is pretty doggone exciting. But before we get into that conversation, let's just go around the table. Let's make a quick introduction to so the listeners know exactly who you guys are why you have great and major street cred. So starting with you, Peter, give the listeners a little background on who you are.
A morning Scott P. Dougherty. I'm the Chief Strategy Officer here at Ole Miss about 25 years in cybersecurity.
Well, that's good Vito. Hi. Give us a little background, Peter.
Yes, yes. My name is V. Two I work from Europe from the other side of the world. I'm sitting in Europe and I work for Kroll as a managing director. I take care of all cybersecurity problems around Industrial Security, Internet of Things and offensive security for the productivity mini Mia,
who's got a mad set up right over there. If you're looking out on video, he's got mad set up. I like it a lot. All right, and a dear little background on who you are.
Hey, guys, I'm a director on the CTO and co founder at Armis. So I've been at the company since the start these days, mostly kind of guiding the general vision and product outline of what we're doing and supporting the people who actually do the work like Peter and Vito here.
Look at that. He's supportive, be supportive of us. And last but not least, Keith give us a little background on who you are.
Yeah. Hey, good morning. So my name is Keith Walsh. I'm the director at strategy and Armis glad to be here on the show floor with this guy.
Yeah, and listeners if you see some little delays within the conversation, we are broadcasting from a distributor tech 22 here in Dallas and we, we were scrambling for, well bandwidth to be able to do this live but we we, because of Keith, we prevailed. So it's all good and wonderful. All right, Keith, let's start with you. Talk to us about what is just on the back on well, not the back burner, but on the burner for arm is talk to us about that.
u know, so as we move through:Yeah, that's an that's an interesting challenge. And I think if any company is interested in this digital transformation, especially here, they're going to have to protect it, or their digital transformation journey will be somewhat short. Do you agree with that? Peter?
100% Scott, you know, as we move through this industry 4.0 shift as we digitize ourselves, we've got to also think about the risks involved with adding more and more digitalization sensors, hardware and software cloud to our environment. So we got to, we got to think very carefully as we as we go through that, and put in place countermeasures.
Yeah, and Vito, what, what is your relationship with Armis, in this particular focus this this noble, you know, push?
Well, Artemis and crawl recently joined forces to gather to be more valuable in the cybersecurity market. And I'm very excited, we are all very excited at Kroll about this partnership, because it allows us to bring more value to our customers, we are still dealing with the same problems since years. But with armies on a side we can have better offering we can improve the way we deal with problems and make our customers more happy and try to help them you know, be the people on the floor, face to face to help them establish this trust relationship. We
are on the exhibit floor. And he's got a heck of a voice. I really enjoy that voice. But so maybe give us the thinking behind what what's the program called
the CIP and critical infrastructure protection
program give us a little sort of overview of what that is they're no they're,
well, it's, it's our desire to help the critical infrastructure companies in the US in general, to be able to withstand what we believe is going to be a pretty significant cyber threats are emerging from really all the usual suspects and players, I think that we've seen from both our clients, as well as our partnership with Kohler with everyone else is that there are a lot of vulnerable infrastructure elements and a lot of places where there are security gaps. And our desire is to come in and help these companies get up to shape, help them prevent, ahead of time, different threats manifesting in their environment that makes sure that they're
good deal. Keys, can you how does? How does one get involved? What what's the process? If I want to be if I'm a critical infrastructure provider? How do I get involved?
Yes, so we launched this program on the 17th of the month. And this program, CIP, critical infrastructure protection program, is really meant to as as mentioned, to address the security threats into our critical infrastructure, specifically around a gas, water, electric utilities or marine forts are pipelines. And it's a program that we launched in conjunction with Kroll. And when you look at NIST, and you look at what NIST strives to do with identifying and then detect, protect, you know, and then obviously, inevitably respond and recover. You know, we're we've partnered with Raul and obviously Armis, and our strengths are the front end of that NIST framework, which is the identify, detect, and protect and then curl comes in on the back end. And what curl does is some extremely high valuable, you know, forensics, and things of that nature with for regards to if there are threats crossing the network. So if if our utilities gas water electric reports, pipeline, if, you know if they see, if they see that they've got gaps in they don't understand their devices, if they've got gaps in their security posture of those devices, they can easily just hit our miss up at our OT solutions There is a sign up link. It's just a simple reg page. And they will be contacted by their local RMS team to start a complimentary program, which is a 90 days in length. And what that does is it basically offers up a full assessment of every wired every wireless device that communicates across their infrastructure it or OT, right, we understand that most of the threats into ot do in fact come from it. So there's a simple registration page, there's also CIP Either one of those two links will bring them into our bullpen at arm is where we will immediately reach out and get an understanding for the use cases that those those those utilities are looking to solve for.
But Peter, here's a deal. That's sort of a snapshot in time, right? You offer this program, it is great. It provides the insights into what needs to be identified, but it's truly just a snapshot because if I'm a company, and I'm, I'm on this journey, baby, and I want to be able to do this, there's going to be new devices, there's going to constantly be this necessity to constantly update to protect our you know, the critical infrastructure, is that all a part of Armis, and the solution and the CIP program
exactly right, you know, what one thing always does very, very well is it is a real time system. So we're continually looking at what new assets are coming onto the network, what's moving around? How are things being utilized? And over time, of course, you're gonna have to understand those trends and analyze those for incident response for risks and all that good stuff. So yes, you know, we envisage, sip helping our clients helping utilities helping oil and gas, understand very, very, very quickly, what's my current state? Where am I? And then over time,
that to me is good, because I'm, let's just let's just put it out there on the table. I'm lazy. And I want to be able to be told that I have challenges. But I don't want to do any more. I think that that's, that's a critical component to what you guys are offering. It's once that system is in place. It monitors and then crow does what crawled does, is that the way we roll their veto,
yes. And one of the important aspects that has been discovered is this incident response on Crawl has been mentioned multiple times, we do have this lino, we're very established Incident Response practice, we are very good there. But not a lot of companies out there that are doing Incident Response understands the peculiarities and the difference between incident response in it, and incident response in OT, where priorities are completely different. And what you need to do to make sure that you're staying on production, what you need to do is different than just installing, you know, agents and doing just forensic and doing the, the analysis to look for the patient zero, the usual way you do incident response. So we understand all these differences. And we try to use and leverage the capabilities that are bringing out of the technology that admins provides, to offer better incident response to be capable with customers to isolate that problem and to go back in production in a shorter time, which is one of the highest priority when an incident response heats already on top of the ID or only OD. So this is really really crucial to understand this peculiarities and is different this is where we add value, we use the technology to reach better incident response, you know,
you know, Vito brings up a point GoldenEyes We're surrounded here on the show floor with all sorts of OEM vendors, kept bank controller vendors, yeah, those are vendors, smart meter vendors, as these devices are being placed within are created on our feeders, you know, these devices 20 years ago, never communicated. And typically how they come to market is they've slapped comps onto these devices, whether it be cellular, whether it be 900 megahertz, tower centric solutions, but these devices typically have never communicated in the past. And now, there's, there's hundreds of vendors on this floor with all these devices that we now have to address into vetoes point. These these devices need to be, you know, the, the risk of these devices and the potential threats. It needs to be solved for in a different way because we can't necessarily just cut communications to a campaign controller or recloser, you know, these devices that that manage the delivery of energy down our grid, you know, so it's our or Mrs. It's armistice take that, you know, when when we're deployed, we're deployed on an OT side within the confines of critical infrastructure, but also on the IT side, because wouldn't it be novel? To stop that threat threat from ever even entering ot we don't have to necessarily address you know, an existing exploit or threat within your ot network because you caught it in it.
So Madera. It's great to identify, it's great that this platform exists. It's great that it's, it appears to be simple. On you know, real time all good. It's, it seems great. But there has to be action is is arm as a part of that saying, Hey, we found something, boom, do we do something? There's action associated way to mitigate it, change? Take care of it?
Yeah, I think that's a terrific question. Visibility is one thing, but the actual security part is important. So the answer is yes. In two ways, I think, from an army standpoint, there are things that Armis can take directly as actions within the environment, lock out different devices and assets, limit their capabilities of communication, doing things like that. But also, Armis lives as part of an ecosystem of different tools used by both different clients as well as the partners and service providers that they use. And Armis is able to seamlessly integrate with these different tools as well. So use the right tool for the right action, use the existing enforcement platforms and investments that organizations have already made. And make sure to streamline everything so that they can monitor and audit these changes later on. But the the result of all of this is that if something bad happens, or miss can actually take immediate action to resolve that, using any and all methods.
So I'm gonna, I can't say digress. But this is an interesting thought that came to mind this do you keep? So we've identified, we have mitigating solutions, is there another step of saying, hey, whatever the body is, we're coming across this particular thread within our critical infrastructure, I want to be able to sort of let everybody know about that. Because that's really important, because you don't want to just hold it close to your vest, you want to be able to say, Hey, this is a bad, you know, issue you wouldn't need to be aware of.
Yeah, no, that's an interesting question. So what drives our myths at the heart of what we do is our collective intelligence based upon our, our device knowledge base, which currently actively manages and monitors over 2 billion devices in real time. So when, you know, when, when, as an example, utility customer, there's a vulnerability and an exploit, right, there's a threat that's running across, you know, a municipality, a co op, an IOU in, in the central United States, right? The Knowledge Base ingests that information, and we see that there's an anomaly that's occurring within that device. So when we talk about collective intelligence, we're talking about being able to take that information of what occurred maybe at a smart meter, maybe at a load control switch that sits on the side of your house. susiana. Yep, right. And that device, you know, there's an exploit maybe there's a, you know, a TLS exploit or an authentication exploit in that you can switch that sits on the side of your house, it's clicking on and off your, your, your, your air conditioners, and on and off your, you know, your, your, your electric, your water heater, right, so we can ingest that information and extrapolate the knowledge of what happened within that device and intelligently share that information with all other verticals, all of their owners of that eaten switch, so that it's really sort of a communal effort to attack the problem. And we can do this because we are a, you know, a knowledge base, a cloud centric solution that ingest this information from one device, but yet, can share that information across the entire ecosystem
gets me getting, okay, we're gonna have to wrap it up. Because there's something that we did not cover that we should have covered in this conversation about sip. What Armis is providing, and the necessity to be able to have that clarity within these connected devices. Peter, is there anything that we needed to sort of quickly touch on that we didn't
cover that? You know, just, I'd rather recommend anyone go to or look us up? You know, we're passionate about the space we want to go and how
it is you can tell Vito, same question to you. Is there anything that we sort of left out that we should have included in this important conversation?
Well, I will just close with reminding everybody that the approach that RMS is using but in general, the network basic the detection and response approach we're trying to achieve nice the Now with this visibility improvement and all this stuff that we all know very well. But when it comes to critical infrastructure when it comes to IoT environments where you have this ingenious mix of different devices, and now with industry for that, oh, they are getting connected, when it comes to this point that the only solution we have to achieve that is the passive approach is what we are trying to do. And on top of that, with platforms like armies, you can you can also react on events. And you can move to from passive monitoring, which is the only thing you can do to just active response. And and this is, I just want to emphasize the fact that this is the only reasonable, really valuable approach.
Oh, there you go. All right. Back to you. Is there anything that we need to sort of chip on before we depart this incredible conversation?
Nothing to add, on top of what my esteemed colleagues here said, great discussion. And thank you so much for the opportunity.
Oh, definitely. The pleasure is mine. I'm, I'm a big fan of digital transformation, right. And if we want to really go down that road, we have to protect those assets. If we don't protect those assets, this whole dream of digital transformation becomes just well, that dream key final thought, close us out. Yeah.
So final thoughts. Were at booth 357. Here in the distributed Hall. So certainly come by this, the CIP program. You know, we're we're, as Peter mentioned, we're serious as a heart attack about this, you know, trying to refer back to the community that critical infrastructure operators, the the, you know, the asset operators here at distributech. If there's concerned about the security Enos of those devices, absolutely combined. Talk to us at that three to seven. We also have a conversation on Wednesday at 930 on the exhibit floor with IBM and with every the energy research, oh, how are folks energy power research into the future? So yeah, so we've got a a panel 930, Wednesday morning, where we are going to be discussing NERC CIP, we're going to be discussing the merits of what what maybe a cloud based infrastructure that mirrors FedRAMP looks like, such that the utilities can now you know, can now leverage the values of a cloud based infrastructure that's been that's been audited and complies with FedRAMP. So a very interesting conversation. We're about to have this Wednesday morning. It's correct.
That yeah, see, listeners, you can tell that they're quite passionate, definitely leaving it out on the old field, or shall we say, and Peter's will the pitch. Has that? Nailed it on the pitch? All right, listeners. Hey, thank you guys for joining industrial talk. Thank you for sharing this wonderful program. listeners. If you will have any questions, comments or concerns, go out to industrial That's where all the contact information will be located. If you say Hey, Scott, I want to be able to contact them. So you're not just go out there, you will have no problem finding them. All right, and a dear Vito, Peter, G. Thank you very much. And thank you, we're gonna wrap it up on the other side. So stay tuned, do not go away.
You're listening to the industrial talk, Podcast Network.
All right. Once again, thank you very much for joining industrial talk. And we want to just give a hearty thank you to Team Armis, as well as deep roll for delivering and being a part of the solution to educate, to collaborate, and to definitely innovate, so that we can enjoy the benefits of digital transformation and create that business of resilience, reach out to them go out to Definitely find out more, and you will not be disappointed. All right. reiterate, we are starting a series called the status of utility, the state of manufacturing the state of oil and gas, and be able to paint that picture of where we stand today with all of the incredible innovations go. So go out to industrial get engaged, be a part of this ever expanding ecosystem. Thank you again for joining. Remember to be bold, brave and daring greatly, and hanging out with people who are bold, brave and daring greatly. You're going to change the world. We're going to have another great conversation shortly. So stay tuned.