Industrial Leadership: Intense Focus

As Elite Industrial Professionals we must have Intense Focus on the task at hand. To excel, we must be Intensely Focused on the tasks that move us and the company forward. As a guilty party, many of us are distracted by email inbound noise and shiny objects. Professionals with Intense Focus are disciplined to avoid distractions and with laser beam precision accomplish the vital tasks for Success.
Podcast Transcript:
[00:01] The industrial talk podcast GO-BIG in just six minutes a day. Building a legacy of success in a rapidly changing industrial market. Alright, welcome to the industrial talk podcast. We are rapidly changing. This market is just at a blistering pace. There are tools and techniques out there that you can leverage today. It'd be a success. Leave that legacy because this platform is 100% dedicated to you at your success. So let's get going. I'm having a great day. It's a beautiful day out out
[00:29] there. Love this weather. I hope you are having one as well. Okay. I've been hammering on the industrial toolbox. This is a must. You've got your Active Campaigns, CRM, you've got to use that tool. You've got BombBomb that is bringing out the human element within your communications on your emails. You've got Social Jukebox that leverages technology so that you can do more on a daily basis specifically to your digital platforms. And then I've got a new one, which is very cool. Bliss drive, bliss drive. So I interviewed a gentleman by the name of Richard Fong. He's CEO of Bliss Drive and uh, they're all focused on SEO and optimization of your website, putting you at the top. There was some great stats. So that podcast is coming out probably in a couple of weeks. And, uh, I just need for you to go out to bliss drive, find out more because boy, they know what they're talking about.
[01:27] And then we're all about education here on this particular platform, the industrial talk platform. And once again, go to the Industrial Dojo, right? Go to the Industrial Talk, find a course out there, fantastic stuff. The, and then, uh, in the Industrial Academy, same thing, of course is out there. Great stuff because we're all dedicated to you, your success, your industrial success because you professional industrial professional or changing the world through innovation and your drive. Okay, now on to the topic, we're going to talk a little bit about intense focus, intense focus. Now we've been sort of using the analogy, the analogy of a, uh, an Elite Athlete. And so we talked about grit in our past podcasts and what that means, that drive that, that persistent, that Grit, right? And then we talked about Process, Process, Process and what that means, where they're very structured, they know exactly what's going on.
[02:25] You have to have that same sort of mindset of developing those processes and we're going to go into in tents focus. That is the clear focus on results and outcomes. You know as well as I do, you get this, this flood of email noise and instead of focusing on what is valuable to your bottom line, we sit there and we get distracted by the emails or the internal politics or whatever it might be. There's a great article out there on Biz Journal and it talks specifically about Intense Focus but multiple components associated with being an entrepreneur. But one thing that stands out that we've always got to start out here. You know Tom and you know the Thomas Edison story, that's 10,000 attempts to invent a light bulb, 10,000 attempts. Now talk about grit, talk about following a process and talk about that intense focus. 10,000 attempts to invent a light bulb and then of course Steve jobs and his drive to perfect the Macintosh second to none.
[03:33] And then finally, Bill Gates never ever took a vacation. That's bizarre. But nonetheless, that talks about intense focus because what they really truly want is that they take whatever their, their vision, their, their purpose and just continue to focus intensely on those points. They do not get distracted. Many of them go away and they become sort of recluse because of the noise that exists today in it. Just daily lives in a recognize the necessity to focus on those key components for success and that deliverable of whatever that that product might be or that solution or that service. I know for me personally, I get distracted. I get distracted easily because being in this whole digital world and being able to look at what goes on and it's, it's like a Cornucopia, I can say Cornucopia, I can't spell it. Cornucopia of opportunities and solutions that, that are there that are there to truly leverage solutions.
[04:48] But here's the problem. Some are better, some are not. I have to look at the, the ones that are not so good versus the ones that are good. And then I have to figure out, and then I find myself constantly being manipulated by little shiny objects. But for me personally, and for you, I'm willing to do that. But it does provide a lot of distraction because instead of doing a thousand things poorly, which many of us do, and our lives are like that, why don't we just intensely focus on five to seven deliverables that automatically or, or we'll build that bottom line that is that undying desire for clear results and outcomes. I like that. And I, and, and it, it takes a lot of work. And when I say it takes a lot of work because if you're in an environment that is high energy, which many of you and in an environment that is try to grow and trying to move and trying to impact the world, there is a greater likelihood of really getting distracted. Right? And the reality is we just can't do that. We've got to really drive and drive big into,
[06:19] yeah. You know, intense focus, intense focus, challenge you today to think about five to seven things that you can focus on that really, truly impact the bottom line. Do not waver from it. You want that clear result. You want that outcome to find that Be that individual within your organization that is driving to those results. Thank you very much for joining the industrial talk podcast. We're going to continue down this elite athlete because you're an elite industrial professional, and this platform is for you. And boy, do I want to be able to work with you and communicate with you. And you know, I'm just excited that I get to be a part of it. So thank you very much. Have a wonderful day. Be Safe as always, and we'll talk again.
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The post Industrial Leadership: Intense Focus appeared first on The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie.