Jason Petri with Brightly

On this week's Industrial Talk we're onsite at FABTECH in Atlanta, GA and talking to Jason Petri, Sr Solutions Manager at Brightly about “Intelligent asset management to transform asset performance”. Get the answers to your “Asset Management” questions along with Jason's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
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Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-petri/
Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/brightlysoftware/
Company Website: https://www.brightlysoftware.com/
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Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott Mackenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots. And let's get
around once again, thank you very much for joining industrial talk the number one industry related podcast in the universe. Jason, it is backed up by data and you're a part of a system it's data. So it's all backed up. And we are broadcasting on site at FABTECH. Atlanta, Georgia is the location and it's it's three conference halls of solving problems and people just passionate about what they do. And it's massive. It's it's supermassive you have to it's so big, you have to change the time going from one event or one site to the next site. It's that big. All right. Jason Petrie is in the house. Riley is the company. Let's get cracking. All right, Jason. Yeah. Pretty good conferences.
Yeah, having a grind away. Speaking
of distance. You guys are in, in V? I think you're in be all the way in the corner. And fortunately for us, there was a Gatorade stand, because I think we were getting a little dehydrated, and then we have cramping up and all that stuff. No, it's It's massive. It's truly massive. All right, for the listeners, Jason. A little background on who you are.
Yeah, sure. So my name is again, Jason Petrie. I am the solution consulting manager for private markets over at brightly. I've been with the company since 2014. And in private markets, we serve several verticals. So my team concentrates on manufacturing, of course, that's why we're here. Yeah. And healthcare as well.
So I got to ask the question, What's private market? Private? What's private?
So private is basically any private, privately held companies. And then we have public markets, which are government and education as well.
I was I was, I was getting all stumbling on that was going on
and nothing top secret.
Yeah, thank you very much. All right. So you've been with them for since 2014. And in this world? That's a long time. Yes, sir. Especially in the tech boom. So beforehand, what did you have? Again, this is a sort of going to be a CMMS conversation. But did you have sort of that background in the world of reliability, asset management, all? Everything did you have that?
I actually did not. I went to I went to WVU, West Virginia University, I got an English and Philosophy major.
And, yeah, I see how that connects.
But unfortunately, there's no I couldn't go work at the English factory, right? So many job options. So I got into sales actually, and worked in banking for several years and then transitioned into the world of software sales, which which brought me here and one of my when I first started at brightly previously, dude solutions, we hadn't even really gone after manufacturing in terms of outbound activity. So I was part of the first team that actually test piloted that and now at this point, we have about 1300 manufacturing clients using receive on this platform.
No way. That's pretty substantial. So let me ask you this. What did President workers do, dude? Yep, dude. Yeah. What, what? What industries? Did you focus in on parent if it wasn't? I mean, come on, look at it.
Sure. So the when we first started in 1999, the company was founded, it was called school dude. And it was a cloud based CMMS software specifically for use in schools. So we actually have about a very high percent Did you have schools use our software? Because we've been in that industry for so long? So we just slowly started to expand to other industries that also needed cloud based CMS options.
So in the world of schools, what are they? What are they tracking? What are they? What are they doing using it?
So their facilities, preventative maintenance on things like H vac systems, boilers, chillers, that sort of thing. But, you know, their main focus is student comfort and student safety for their students and staff, so, and they get a lot of requests for light bulbs out and all these things from the different teachers, so they use it for that as well.
Okay, I'm sorry, I digress. I just wanted to know, if you're right out how, how ridiculous that I didn't know that old burnout, even in schools. I thought they just happen. They do. Alright, so you're here at FABTECH? Take us through a little bit about greatly the CMMS system, how it applies to manufacturing to help us understand a little bit about what that looks like.
Yeah, you know, when you when you are here, and you're walking the trade floor, you see all these different options for all these technologies. You know, all these buzzwords, IoT CMMS. Manufacturers tend to be pretty slow to adopt technology, just in general. But the maintenance department especially, has often just been ignored for a variety of variety of reasons. But a lot of maintenance departments are really in the stone age when it comes to tracking and using any type of technology. So we're really just here trying to educate folks on the benefits of a CMMS. You know, trying to talk about, you know, they where they're coming from spreadsheets and paperwork orders, showing them the efficiency gains that they can get by going mobile, and going paperless with their process, as well as understanding the power of the data and what it can be used for. Because, yeah,
yeah, no, no, no, continue. I didn't mean it, because I'm already on it's like, yes, but there's such a steep learning curve to a certain extent, one, and then two, can I can I sort of proceed forward? incrementally, right, and say, Okay, I got it. I feel comfortable with my spreadsheet. I've been here for 20 years, and I don't want something new. How do we start broaching napkins? I mean, I get it, it's important. It's important out there.
Yeah, so really, when you're deploying any type of technology, or really any type of change management, trying to take on too much at once is one of the one of the ways that something like this. So we always advocate for a crawl Walk Run approach, because a CMMS does a lot that's got PMS, work orders, inventory tracking, asset management. And if you try to do all that at once, when you're coming from paper, it's going to fail. So we advocate for, you know, thinking about it as kind of a phased approach and kind of think of each module is kind of a Kaizen project for your maintenance department. So just start with your don't feel like you have to upload every piece of equipment right away, just start with your critical pieces of equipment, schedule those PMS, get your team's used to using a mobile app. And then slowly, as they see the benefits of that, then they can scale out and do more, such as add inventory.
I do like that. I like that approach. And I think that is it's more palatable, or for many to be able to just sort of take little bites and proceed forward. I like that. That's a that's a big thumbs up on that. Why is why is it? Why is the a CMMS platform important to companies? Man, you manufacturing? We're here. Let's talk about manufacturers. Why?
Yeah, so the key for manufacturers is maintenance is what's keeping these machines running. And it's a huge financial impact, depending on industry, unplanned downtime. So the CMMS, really, the key of it, is to try to prevent unplanned downtime as much as possible through things like predictive maintenance and preventative maintenance. But more importantly, looking back at that data periodically, and making sure you understand what is the condition of these piece of equipment? Do we need to continue to repair them? Is there some type of a project that we can do or maybe it's time to replace it like new because anytime we can even stop one hour of downtime for manufacturer, depending on who they are and what industry they're in? That can be up to $22,000 a minute in cost for unplanned downtime.
It's pretty staggering. That's for doggone Sure, let me ask you this. But I but I have my legacy systems in place and can you connect to my legacy systems? You ever have that conversation?
We do. So we we have no play integration options for folks that have things like ERP systems, and we'll just you know, periodically pass inventory data to those when it comes to legacy systems. While most people really don't use anything to track their maintenance, a lot of folks they bought an older CMMS and like the mid late 90s and Do you know they're stored on a server? They're on site. And they're basically the same piece of software they got in 1995. So imagine if you were still using the same cell phone, you were in 1990, like US passport.
That's an old one. Hey, go. Sorry.
So it's so we normally don't really integrate with those systems. But what we've what we do a lot is migrate the data, while the data quality might be hit or miss, depending on how you've got to have a scrub, or do something, depending on how effectively it was used in the past. But we have we've had a great success in importing assets. pm schedules, even work order history, in some cases, if it's if it's valuable enough.
When I let's say I, I'm already on going, Oh, yeah. And I recognize the necessity to be to do maintenance better. Okay, I got it. And then I'm going to contact you. And I'm going to say I'm ready. I'm interested in knowing what what can be done. How quickly can you have something up and running and being able to say, and, and you got to of course, you got to have that asset criticality conversations like that. pumps more important than that, but and then all of that all important, you got to create that hierarchy just because you should. But how quickly can this system be up and running and adding value as far as?
Yep, so depending on the size of the deployment, we look at it from around 60 to 90 days, is normal is normally the standard. But a lot of it comes down to making sure that the client is committed on their side and has the resources to commit to it. Oh, exactly. An example would be, you know, we can come on site and do a two week implementation. But we need you to be attentive during that time and really focus on this. And, you know, I've seen, I've seen massive operations get up and running within 30 days. And then I've seen very small organizations just never get off the ground because they didn't have the internal commitment to that change management. And it just kind of fell on its face. So
yeah, every time we have conversations like this, especially around technology, so it happens everywhere here too. And it might, you have to have that culture that is ready to be able to commit. And to do it right, you know, you've got to eliminate that pencil, whipping this sort of behavior, get the right information, start to track it in a proper way. And given the fact that, you know, if I'm a small to midsize manufacturer, and I want to compete, this is this is a must conversation, I'm going to have to collect that data, I'm going to have to see that insight, I'm going to be able to make that tech, tactical, you know, decisions. Does, does brightly also provide you're collecting data from let's say, a device out there in the field collecting or whatever. You're not collecting all of it? Do you have the capability of saying this is important data, this is not important data do? Do you do any the edge and cloud and all of that type of conversation,
we have a we have an IoT platform, actually, that we offer that's integrated with our CMMS. But normally, if clients want to use, perhaps they already have a pre configured deployment that they don't want to use the sensors that we offer through our partners, then in some cases, we'll we'll talk through what an integration like might look like. But it wouldn't be done through edge computing, necessarily. It's just more so talking to the client deciding what data they want to bring in and which ones and which ones they don't. Normally with, especially with IoT devices, there's not there's a lot of that data that might not necessarily be relevant for use in CMMS. Whereas some would be such as, you know, runtime, downtime, that sort of thing.
There are a lot of devices out there that are also tracking heat vibration. And those are all critical data points on the health of that asset and, and be able to Does, does your platform also sort of do some a prediction type of AI analytic type of approach saying, Okay, I'm collecting data, things are sort of trending upward, let's say up as bad. So it trending upward? You know, just FYI. You know, let's, let's figure that out.
Yeah. So for instance, one of our one of our reports that we offer for Asset Management is it looks at historically, how much you've spent to maintain the piece of equipment, and how many issues or you know, open tickets you've had on it, and it will trend those out for you. And then based on that data would tell you what's the next expected when is the next day for an expected issue that you like.
It's vital to be able to have that level of insights into into your organization into the assets. And given the fact that the reality is, things are just changing so rapidly. You just got to be able to it's just gotta roll with it. Sure. Hello, I tried to blow holes into your service. But, you know, sadly, I wasn't able to. Jason How does somebody get a hold? Do
they can contact us on our on our website and we will also be at Booth what's our booth number again Amanda
disregard it's gonna come after Don't Don't worry about it. The booth will be gone by then. But anyway, yeah, absolutely we're gonna have all the contact information Jason who are fantastic. Oh, thank you appreciate thank all the contact information for Jason as well as brightly will be out on industrial talk.com. Once again, we are broadcasting from FABTECH and it is a must attend event put this on your calendar next year, you will not be disappointed because there's a lot of people like Jason solving problems answering the tough questions, and you need to be successful. So contact Jason and team Brightly big time. All right, we're gonna wrap it up on the other side. Stay tuned, we will be right back.
You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
All right. Once again, thank you very much for joining industrial talk and for your support. That is Jason Jason Petrie and team brightly delivering the goods at FABTECH. By the way, you need to put FABTECH on your conference calendar yet, man it was spectacular, great people really doing some wonderful stuff as well as brightly teen brightly. So we we did a technology sprint Be on the lookout for that. We went to their booth. And what a wonderful, wonderful platform delivering real solutions for manufacturers for industry. And and you need to look into that platform in a big dog on way. Wonderful people at brightly as you can tell Jason's wonderful right there. You just heard the interview. All right. We're building a platform industrial talk. It's focused on education. It's focused on collaboration, and it's definitely focused on innovation. We are in support of these three, the three pillars. Because we believe that you pointed out you in the video, you need to be successful, and you need to continue to educate because it's happening fast. You need to collaborate because you don't have all the answers and there's a lot of people that want to collaborate. And definitely you need to innovate big time. All right. Be bold, be brave, dare greatly reach out to people like Jason and you're gonna change the world. We're gonna have another great conversation coming up from FABTECH shortly so stay tuned. We will be right back.