Madhu Gaganam with Dell Technologies

A quick summary of the points in Industrial Talk's conversation with Madhu Gaganam at Q1 OMG meeting:
- The concept of digital twins has been around for a long time, but it has only recently been gaining traction in the industrial sector.
- Digital twins are virtual representations of physical objects or systems that can be used to simulate their behavior and performance.
- Digital twins can be used for a variety of purposes, including:
- improving operational efficiency
- optimizing product design
- predicting failures
- training operators
- The edge is where the data is created, and it is important for digital twins because it allows for real-time decision making.
- There are three levels of maturity for digital twins: visualization, digital shadowing, and digital twinning.
- In the future, digital twins are likely to become an integral part of the industrial sector.
Here are some additional points from the statement:
- The speaker believes that digital twins will be as common as electrical motors in the future.
- The speaker gives the example of Nike shoes to illustrate how digital twins can be used to improve the product design and manufacturing process.
- The speaker acknowledges that there are still some barriers to the adoption of digital twins, such as the lack of interoperability between different systems.
Overall, the speaker believes that digital twins have the potential to revolutionize the industrial sector. He believe that digital twins will make it possible to improve operational efficiency, optimize product design, and predict failures. He also believe that digital twins will become an integral part of the industrial sector in the future.
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digital, twin, edge, talk, manufacturing, industrial sector, simulation, omg, product, data, perspective, run, industrial, dell, fyi, industry, organizations, consortium, aspect, shadowing
Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott MacKenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting-edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots. And let's get around once again, thank you very much for joining an industrial talk. And thank you very much for your continued support a platform right here. Industrial talk is a platform that is dedicated to industrial professionals all around the world, because you are bold, brave, and you dare greatly you innovate, you collaborate, you do everything to make my life better. And that's why I celebrate you on this wonderful podcast that you need to subscribe to FYI, right there. All right, and we are broadcasting from OMG to q1 om Qi meeting here in Reston. And it's Virginia, by the way. And it's it's again, a collection of incredible professionals, all focused on debating and solving problems. That's why you need to be a part of OMG go down to low In a hot seat. Madhu. Dell Technologies. Let's get cracking.
Intro complete check.
So you've been on and off with OMG. So that's pretty good. Did you just arrive today? No. On Monday, Monday, you been?
Austin? Best? No, we should have been connected Monday, instead of the 11th hour on a Tuesday. Not to say it's anything. You're cutting up? No.
to anything? Yeah, Monday is all about trading. So
you're spot on?
All right, for the listeners out there. Maybe give us a little background on who you are.
Thanks, Scott. Happy to be here. So happy to have you Madhu Gaganam, I work for Dell Technologies. And I look after the manufacturing domain expertise, especially focused on edge portfolio and solutions for manufacturing. So that went down again, manufacturing Exporting solutions and what was
edge compute edge catch up at compute portfolio and solutions that Dell delivers regularly. So I'm responsible that you know, my title is pretty much around tech, being a technical staff, and engineering technologists, I look at solutions from infrastructure perspective, software perspective, as well as anything related to the connectivity, IoT connectivity in manufacturing, how to enable all that from
you got stuff going on my friend, you definitely got a lot of stuff going on. Now. You're you're here at OMG. You are involved with which consortium group
con fab, what Who are you involved with? I'm involved with digital print consortium.
And they represent the Working Committee for manufacturing within Digital Consortium.
So there's been a lot of conversation, no doubt about it. digital twin by the way, there's a there's Dan accessing and right there. He's He's the digital twin guy, right? He's the dude. Yep.
th digital twins almost since:right there. Maybe. He's, he's considered like the father of digital. Right. So I took his paper and presented the concept and I was fascinated since then. But you know, it evolved over time I was in management consulting at the time.
re my journey started back in:perspective now, within Dell,
we identified Digital Trends as one of the, you know, future trends. Right, one of the five major trends and I look, you know, we identified that three years ago, it's going to be one of the trends, how it is going to add value to the industrial sector, right from operational efficiencies perspective, operational excellence perspective as well, I actually call it you know, from a run grow and transform perspective, how do you run today your operations, how do you grow as an organization as and then how do you transform right, by innovating new products and new solutions, new goods and services from that standpoint, that's how I looked at it and then I attached the digital twin concept right. The important aspect that was I foresaw was it is all going to be around edge the operational twins has to be edge right. So, edge is where everything is going to happen, where the people are going to collaborate with assets machines or equipment, right machines to machines, the process streams, the systems that actually make this infrastructure dry when I say infrastructure, operational technologies drive the product right. So how do I think about digital twins on the edge time point of view? That is where Dell took an initiative that okay, let's focus on how do we enable digital twins at the edge for industrial sector right. Okay, before we we venture into that
define help the listener understand what you mean by edge why that is important to
facilitating digital twin Absolutely. So, edge is where the data is created, right.
So, whether a particular machine where a particular machine or an asset or a human right any of those aspects when you think about a manufacturing floor or a shop, you know, manufacturing or in assembly operations, when we think about those two areas pretty much you know summarizes the industrial sector right in one way or the other from a manufacturing perspective.
The edge is where the data is created, whether you are collecting data from sensors, cameras, PLCs right controllers, or humans manually typing it in right that is where the data is being collected, you to gain the maximum benefit of a real time decision making to ensure whether it is a you know, safety, human wellbeing, right or assets performing at an optimized level, that decisions are better to be done near where the data is produced, rather than getting the data collected at a far data center or cloud, right. So the NSA edge is where we wanted to bring all the functionalities that are applicable. So real quick, now we've got the edge where the data is created, and I'm pushing it into my digital twin is out. So it's that's the flow when you do simulation, so, I got it you get the real representation digital twin I understand you know, red bad green good whatever, whatever the indications are,
do you do can you still run simulations within your digital twin and push it the other way? Absolutely. So, that is that is what I call the fusion right, the data fusion element of it, okay. So,
digital twins today, they are all more pointed. So, when I think about the edge, right the data is being fused with additional data when digital twin cannot perform by itself obviously, we know the definition of digital twin, you know, the representation of the physical entity, but digital twin contains more than just the data right? It has a it has a fusion element to it, right? Like if you want to do some simulation, that simulation requires some sort of an additional information, whether it is related to a new product or new bill of materials, right or new planning and scheduling aspect of it, there are several data that you might have to pull
from ERP systems in the generic right, you know, ERP consultants, lot more other systems, but that data needs to be fused with the edge data, right? And to simulate the proper optimization that you want to bring to the shop floor.
There are three aspects in relation to that from a maturity standpoint, one is
just a visualization, right? It No, it is essentially, you're doing some simulation, you're identifying some factors that makes you know, optimize the factory floor. So you bring that into the edge and somebody manually entered it or somebody manually plugs in a USB or something like that, right. The second aspect is called Digital shadowing, digital Shadowing is made where more you feed the data from the edge to this digital trail, right that then you perform your simulations and then get the decisions manually back to the edge, the actual digital printing and they say digital twinning is a bidirectional feedback, right where the data is going from the edge to this digital pin and the
outcome of whatever the simulation are, you know, the simulation can be related to any aspects of it, right? Whether it's security optimization, scheduling and comes back to the edge. Okay, so I have three, three elements that we were talking about three, three things that I want to just reinforce. We got visualization. That's one, two, that digital shadowing. Yes. Okay. And then finally, so that bi directional bi directional, which is actually the twinning. That's the 20. Yes. As I write this down, w 20.
What else are we looking at? Specifically, from a digital twin perspective? It's, it's a, it's a white hot conversation. And, and it just seems to me that
there's a, there's a speed of how it's just constantly changing. Somebody comes up with a new use case, or whatever it might be, hey, why don't we do this? And we do that and we collect this, that that goes without saying, Help us understand sort of that the future I understand the value from a business perspective? What does that look like from the future? So everything makes sense in the light of evolution?
Today, you guys keep it just FYI, I'm dazzled by your capabilities. So today, it's a it's all pointed purposes, right? Pointed use cases, it makes sense in that because people are learning doing POCs you know, proof of concept, right? Trying to understand the value also trying to showcase the value of a digital printer that leadership, right, you know, this is what the value it's bringing, you know, by doing this point and use case.
So, that's, we are we are today in that particular stage now, are all the organizations to that level of implementing a digital twin, probably not, there is a maturity curve that they need to come to, to implement the digital twin, right. As I said, like the visualization shadowing, you know, you got to be able to do that to some level or even when you say industry for Dotto, understand those concepts and technologies of industry for Dotto, right, you have some level of maturity in that sense that now you're ready for digital quiz.
But when we look at that is the near term that is a short term, that's how we are looking at these things. But the way I see it in the future, it's going to be a lot right.
Nobody is going to question today, you know why we need an electrical motor versus a steam engine.
Similarly, the digital twins are going to be an integral part of industrial sector,
for the organizations to run, grow and transform, right? The reason is, if you think about it, right.
It is very dynamic industry, the market disruptions are going to be much more dynamic compared to 30 years ago, 20 years ago, right? How to handle that dynamism. We need some sort of this digital twin concepts embedded into the manufacturing. And it's norm, not norm yet. Because the people coming on the same consensus, there are a lot of barriers to it, you know, a lot of influence by the partner ecosystems, the consultants, their size, the software vendors, all of that, right. But they all have to reach that particular interoperability framework. But let me talk about a little bit about the future. Why with an example.
In the future, right, whether you're thinking about introducing a new product, right, that requires from all the way from planning and scheduling, to identifying which equipment on the shop floor, or better to run that particular product, right? Today, if we have to do that exercise, it's probably 18 months, for any discrete industry to start, you know, I'm talking a little bit medium to large. And
if you're building a new Nike shoe, for example, right, right, from the point it starts design, all the way hits, it's the manufacturing, it'll be probably 18 months. Right? They're cutting down with, you know, a little bit of a digital twin concept, they're introducing a lot of things, but that would be the norm right, you know, in the future, the moment the planning and scheduling happens or new product introduction happens, the digital twins will tell, you know, just from what is the optimized design from a sustainability standpoint of view, all the way to you know, the changeovers, the cost, you know, what the how the machines need to be changed over, right, which machines are properly can be aligned in a way that the product can run through this hat doesn't have to be a sequence of lines that this line runs only this product. Right now, you can run based on multiple assets rather than production lines, right? That is called cellular optimization, cellular design, you can do that cellular design, optimize that, right? That is from running and growing, getting the time to market aspect of it, right from a transformation standpoint of you. Let's say you want to venture into different markets, or you're introducing new products and new services that are drastic
Very different, right? Your digital twins will tell you that right? They will feed you the information, can I run this particular new product? Can I create this product? Right? This twins will tell you that. And the way I say it is a digital twin is something that is compound in the future. When I say compound,
a factory
has a digital twin of a factory. And that digital twin of a factory is composable composed into multiple hundreds of pins. It can be related to the assets, it can be related to the robots, right AGVs or mobile robots that are running around the factory. So that's how I see it from a futurist.
But I would say that the horizon is, you know, about five to eight years ahead, right. There are a lot of companies
just blistering fast. Don't give me this five, eight years. I mean, I was I was talking about, I felt like five years ago, that was a stone age compared to what you guys do today. Oh, my gosh, and the conversations that you are happening. So for the listeners out there, how does somebody get a hold of you? Because you know your stuff? Man who? How do they get a hold of you? They can reach me
at Yeah, I got it right here. I see your email.
And I'll just switch me. Yeah, see? All right there. You were absolutely spectacular, as always, everybody from OMG and digital twin and all the consortiums that exists here that that are talking about stuff in solving problems. You were absolutely spectacular. Thank you very much. Thank you, Scott. All right, listeners. You got you got a call to action here. The call to action is reach out to Matthew I'm going to have his contact information out on industrial talk as well as his stat card. I'm sure you're out on LinkedIn, right? Yes, there you go. Man. I'm going to have that connection to reach out you will not be disappointed as you can tell. He knows more than me. Which is not very sorry. That's not a very high
hurdle right there. All right, we're going to wrap it up on the inside. Thank you very much for joining We will be right back. You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
Madhu is the man Dell Technologies is the company's digital twin. And using digital twin, for operational excellence within manufacturing, all they're all wrapped up in that conversation. And yes, you need to reach out to Madhu, who you need to reach out to Team Dell Technologies to be able to just you just need to know more about it. And you need trusted individuals to be able to help you with that journey. Madhu fits all I'm just checking all of the box with Matthew.
And also you need to go out to O M Trustworthy standards to help us succeed in this ever evolving and changing technology. Frontier. Now, I just sat there. Yeah, there you go. All right. Be bold, be brave. We're going to have more coming from this conference this meeting shortly so do not go away. We will be right back.