Mr. Ruben Stancel Discusses building a Seamless EAM platform

In this episode of the Industrial Talk Podcast, Ruben Stancel, Director of Sales at Infor, discusses the power and flexibility of a seamless Enterprise Asset Management (“EAM”). Ruben talks flexibility of InforEAM to connect to existing legacy systems and leverage Mobility applications and the Cloud to effect rapid and positive change. Find out more about Ruben by the links below and reach out to connect. Also, get your free InforEAM Toolkit and exclusive free access to the Industrial Academy. Both links designed for keeping you current in a rapidly changing Industrial Market. Enjoy!
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- 7 Steps for implementing reliability-based maintenance
- 10 steps toward a paperless operation with mobile EAM checklist
- Asset intensive industries, finding the straightest path to the cloud
- EAM vs CMMS, don't get fooled
- Infor EAM Brochure
- Infor EAM Overview
- 9 fleet management challenges and how to resolve
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Mr. Mark Board discusses the positive impact Infor EAM has on the energy market
Podcast Transcript:
[00:02] [inaudible].
[00:04] Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott MacKenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring, cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots and let's go.
[00:21] All right, grab your work boots and let's go. I'm, I'm ready to go. My name is Scott MacKenzie. Welcome to the industrial talk podcast. So glad that you are here. Once again, this is the number one industrial podcast in the galaxy. No, in the universe. It's even bigger than the galaxy. So thank you very much for joining. We're going to be having a great, another great conversation just because we can, and once again, maybe one of these days, I'm looking out on the video and I'm gonna get some makeup so that I don't look like a full moon, but that's not not a big deal. So we're going to be talking to, here we go. Here we go. We're going to be talking again to a gentleman from [inaudible] for, his name is Ruben Ruben. Stan Stancel. That's right. Stancel. This Stancel Instead show us what you missed on my first one. I know I did. First one's easy. Sorry about that. You have your podcast listeners. That's right. Ruin Ruben is the easy one.
[01:16] I was all tied up in knots about your last name and I can't even pronounce the first name, so pretty much I just butchered everything about you there, Ruben. That's a good start. That is. It's a write off into the gates, man. I'm going to happen and baby. Okay, Reuben, but listeners want to know and they do because in fact I'm receiving tech. No, I'm not receiving texts. I would like to say that I am receiving techs right now, but they want to know a little bit about your background, where you come from. Just bring out the human element in you. Ruben Stancel Stancel,
[01:46] Stancel [inaudible]. No Stancel got it. Stancel. I got it. thanks Scott thanks for having me on. Take that Mark. I'm trying his name. You're not even trying anymore, are you? No, you don't. I mean I gave him the, the easy way out. I said, just say, stands on now, but he insisted, so here I am. So let's go. So we had a name like that, right. Uh, originally from Romania, right. Got Off the plane about, uh, 25 years ago. Right here in Atlanta. I actually was a summer day, uh, went to school over here in the United States. Um, and then, um, then started with data stream really to kind of bring it into the, uh, the industrial talk round. Um, uh, been with a company with a data stream for about 20 years subsequently being acquired by [inaudible]. And I could say that, you know, I, I've, I've grown up, I grew up in, in my professional career in the, uh, in the asset management space, uh, where a couple of hats, if you will, starting from a technical support services, implementation training, um, all the way into sales. And currently I, uh, my role is a director within the sales organization focusing on expanding and growing on our energy business. Uh, I have to ask the question, where did you go to school? So the name of the school is Bryan College and Dayton, Tennessee. Okay. Okay. And the funny thing on that is a, that's where I met my wife, right. So here's a Romanian kid going to school in the United States in Tennessee and guess who he meets?
[03:10] A Russian. How'd you know? Yes, yes, yes. So, uh, yeah, that's kind of a funny story, but yes, that's right. Wow. And your degree is in what?
[03:22] So I'm a double major in business admin and computer science.
[03:26] Very good. That's the link to a data stream and 20 year career there and then into info. It's just a natural fit.
[03:34] Yeah, it really was. It really was. Right. Yeah. I did take a business degree as a kid that grew up in the communist times of Romania and then opening up to the west. That is so cool. Um, you know, everybody was like, oh, business, business marketing, you know, we didn't have any of that. So obviously that was my first choice. But as I came over here and I kinda started learning how the real world works, you say, well, you've got to supplement that. Probably something more, more, more defined. And computer science was a natural fit back home in a, in high school you have majors. My Major was math, physics and uh, and uh, and anyway, that's, that's kind of the explanation on how those came together
[04:10] now. That's cool. I mean that, that is, and then you just stayed over here and then here you are and you're having a grand old time here being at this beautiful location in, in for here, there's this, your, is this your office? I'm actually based out of Greenville, South Carolina. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
[04:25] A lot of the folks that that became in for through the data stream acquisition are still, uh, based out of the Greenville Office. And we have a fairly large office over there. They still hoses
[04:35] a lot of our development and, and support folks like it, like it a lot. So let's get a little bit, uh, now your role with in four is what outside of the sales marketing, expanding what, what, what does that mean?
[04:50] So what we're doing right now, we are continuing our momentum of growth, uh, in, in the energy sector. And what do we mean by that? What do we define as energy here in for? Uh, it's, it's the utility space is the oil and gas and it's the mining
[05:02] a utility like water, a power, that type of power gas,
[05:07] transmission, distribution. Yep. And then in New Orleans gas sector, you know, uh, we serve as customers in the downstream, midstream, upstream, as well as some of the oil services organizations that provide support into those. Uh, those things.
[05:20] For our listeners out there that need to understand a little bit about the difference between midstream, downstream, upstream, the, the, the VI, the what you're, you know, laying out. Can you explain a little bit about that? Sure. Just for the listeners, we, we, we work with our customers to optimize their processes starting from the exploration production, right? You're, you're, you're finding the resources you're extracting, uh, what does that defined as? Uh, it's, it's the downstream that's statutory. That's right. Uh,
[05:49] and then you've got the mysteries that transportation, and then you're right back with the refining and the distribution or the finite product, right. And then the field services organization is those folks that provide support in each one of those sub industries, if you will. Yeah. In terms of, uh, optimizing the operations, some of what some of those, the majors or even some of those players in those sectors do not want to staff or build their own B use.
[06:13] So That's interesting. So, so that's, that's a whole line, right? It's, you just got up mid down. All the, everything does, does inform, provide a seamless solution for that.
[06:26] That's right. So we do okay. And that really is, uh, what we preach. We, we, we implement, right? And what I mean by that is build solutions, optimize for the industries that we serve. Uh, now, one, one natural fit with my background in asset management was that a lot of those sectors are heavy, heavy asset intensive industries. Uh, they have to want, they invest a lot of money into procuring, building or, or completing some of those major assets. And then they are, make gotta make sure that they optimize the use of the assets. Right? And each one of those sub sectors have their own tweaks. And, and, and, and, um, uh, they, they, they typically pay attention to, right? And yes, we do optimize our solutions and our approach, uh, to each and every one of them.
[07:12] What happens in a, um, in a situation where you've got, uh, your, your downstream market is, is acme and then it goes into the midstream, which is a different company, which, and then it goes to the, the, uh, upstream, which is a different company. How do you create a seamless solution there?
[07:37] So if, if those three components are controlled by a parent company, say one of the majors, right? Right. Again, absolutely optimize the entire chain, right?
[07:46] Because you're at the corporate level. It's just an easier,
[07:49] right? Now what happens if you're dealing with three entities, each one of those servicing each one of those aspects. Now obviously beneficial to us if they're using our platforms. However, in the interest of optimizing the use and a connectivity between within different application that those folks are using, we are building platforms that optimize the integration of our own solutions into a third party, let's say a financial analyst or human capital management solution or supply chain, whatever the customer has.
[08:17] So you're creating sort of these API APIs, these ability to be able to sort of plug and play tasks. Right? That's right. Well that's good. That's good. And then, and then hit their tables correct. The whatever data that they're looking for. So that's new, right? Normally it would, it in the past it just, it would never happen.
[08:36] That's right. Right. So it's quite, it's quite, uh, exciting really to kind of see the customer faces and, and that we talk in those industries when we actually present some of the alternatives to the status quo, if you will. And some, some of those things that we have done as a, as a software developer right. To, to, to answer the market requirements. And that's what I would tell them. I look to those who, the comedy that, hey, we didn't know you have it. Well, please challenge your vendors, right? Bring your vendors to the, make them part of the process
[09:07] that the pushback I have is sometimes I don't even know what to ask. All I'm dealing with is the pain. And I have no idea that there's even a solution out there to make me feel better and sleep at night a little bit better. You've got to educate.
[09:21] That's right. Because they don't even know. That's right. It's just like, okay, I got it here. I'm doing it to go. And that's on us. That's very much on us in terms of getting the word out there. Right. And being proactive, getting engaged with a, um, would many organizations, industry, organization, industry events, um, we actually have an event coming up this fall where we bring all of our customers in one spot and, and we, we basically showcase our vision for the future. What we've done, where we see the trends in the market, or how do we answer this, how do we align with our customers? So you're absolutely right now being that, uh, we are, uh, still somewhat that challenger, if you will end in, in some of those industries. Um, what I ask customers, like, look, bring us to the tables, let us have a sit in the conversation and you might be surprised, right?
[10:06] Because we definitely bring a different perspective. And you know, I'm somewhat of an anomaly many when you think about it. I've been with the same company for about 20 years, but I'm here for a reason, right? Some of the things that, that, that our leadership has brought as we continued to build our organization, uh, in terms of servicing those industries that we play in are just phenomenal. And I see that in, in my day to day interaction with our customers, right? When, when they share with me some of their challenges, some of the frustrations that they have today, and we're actually able to actually partner with them and in the real sense of partnering, right? And the examples are out there. So,
[10:41] so with that said, where do you today? I hear what you're saying. Uh, Ruben, you're, you're saying, hey, we've got, we've got the ability to be able to sort of streamline that whole flow, whatever that is, that we can streamline it through, uh, solutions that would make your life easier, don't get me wrong. And then you can extract the information that you need, the data that you want to hear or see and be able to do some really decent tactics. What's been a big, I mean, you can't ignore the fact that the energy, the oil and gas market in general from a macro point of view here in the United States, let's just say any, you know, globally, but in the United States is just exploding. Correct. How are you sort of, what does the future look like there? Yeah.
[11:30] So, uh, yeah, absolutely. Right. So where we're seeing the trends that we're seeing in, in, in, in the, in the space is a lot of the companies are still on the, on, on, uh, on legacy systems. We're calling them that, right? And typically the status quo of those systems is, hey, you get a blank sheet of paper and then your write your story on it. You either do it with internal assets, external assets. There was a bunch of uh, uh, consultant outfits out there that can help you basically build it for you. Now the position that we're taking is, hey, let us be a part of that development of that solution. Let us at least configure, optimize the use of our solutions for your industry. Right? And that should speed up adoption and ultimately the ROI in ends, the ROI. Now,
[12:12] sorry, go ahead. No, no, no. It's, it's an interest because you know, the market itself, that the oil and gas market is justice. It's going so fast. Do you, can you even get people to stop for a moment and think about the pain that they're dealing with? Or is it just like, okay, let's keep going, let's keep going, let's keep pushing, let's keep going. There's a con and then if it slows down we'll have a conversation or something like that.
[12:35] Interesting point, right? Because when the price of oil is extra high, the money flows, right, the projects are going on right. There a be more fun. However, in the downturn is really when we see those companies reach out to us for help. And that's very interesting, right? Yeah. Um, yeah. So to the question is do they stop and think we're seeing more and more of that trend becoming prevalent, right? There are taking a look at SAS, the cloud, how can the cloud impact their operations? A lot of those folks have actually build without dropping names, it organizations that arrive with some of the largest software developers in the world, right? And then they are the point where they ask themselves, what business are we in? Right? Do I want to have 2000 it professionals on staff, right? They created custom software applications or, or do we go with somebody that can provide an off the shelf solution, right? With some of the features functions that we need, right? So to that point, we are seeing a lot of that right now, right? So you combine the cloud with a design build for your industries. And, and I believe that there's a tremendous momentum to open up the door and engage in those conference
[13:39] because there's two components. If I went down, the first one that you discuss about are going to have a bunch of coders in here. We're going to create a custom solution. It's time and money and it's going to take forever. And then there's the, there's this, the, you know, functionality, user friendliness, all of the things that make a system successful is also compromised. So you're saying, hey, we can, we can address that time, we can address that money because it's still, if I can get it up and running, I can definitely save you time, money and effort. And then the usability of course. That's right. So that's an adoption issue too. I'm not, I've been in systems where it's like, Nah, I'm not going in there. I'll keep it on a piece of paper and I'll, uh, maybe I'll come back and I'll upload it some way, shape or form. You don't want that
[14:25] and, and think about it. Look, I mean, what's, what's also very prevalent in the industries is the mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, stress, just by the nature of those activities taking place. There's a lot of systems that get ascent, assimilated into an organization or pushed outside of our organization. How do you mitigate that? You see customers that literally have hundreds if not thousands of applications that they have to maintain. And I think they rich in a point where even by virtue of the sheer volume of work and the impact that that has in terms of like is that a solution still supported was the road-map. It just becomes impossible to, to govern if you will. So, so you get into those situations and I'm telling you like more and more people are actually reaching out for help. At least engage in the conversation. Is there an alternative to what we call, I call the status quo. So yeah, it's, it's, it's pretty exciting.
[15:14] So where do you see it going? Where's this future wizard's bright future taking us? So I'm fascinating and exciting right now. Kind of like a technique. Oh by the way, thank you very much. Here. Let me make sure he's got notes. So I want to make sure I spell my name right. It's not mc and it's MacKenzie mic. If you want to try to say it's MacKenzie, that's an a, there you go. And I tried, I tried. Now I feel better and I go, I'm going to sleep better at night. He, Reuben, no one that I've just, no, I am.
[15:48] So here's where we are seeing, right? Leveraging, hey, making use of your data, right? How do you use the data to make decisions and can you capitalize on, on, on real life data, capture a analyzing of this data and then turn them into business decision that actually impact the bottom line, right? So how do you do that? Right? You need systems, you need solutions, right? Um, and that's, that's truly, I think what the future is going to look like. It's going to be heavily, uh, incorporating the principles of the IoT Internet of things, right? Every device, every equipment that you buy nowadays has a sensor or some sort of a tag that, that collects data and pushes it. Where does it push it? Right? The question goes and what do you do with it? Right? That's number one. Number two, uh, mobility, right? Um, if, uh, if you're like me, you know, I mean it's actually scared of the amount of time that we spend on those devices. I actually get a report per store to me every week on the, uh, the, the number of hours daily.
[16:45] Uh, I stopped looking at that because I, first off, I there's nothing I can do about it. And secondly, I don't want to be embarrassed. So it's all about me Ruben.
[16:54] So w yeah, but on that point, right, it's another concept, right? That um, uh, that we've actually coined a about six or seven years ago, I want to say work the way you live, right? So we are, it's a fact. We are spending our lives connected using those, those uh, those pocket miracles, right? Cause there are beautiful for you. They make our lives easier in our personal lives. Now, can you transform that into the business life? Can we build solutions that are truly our solutions that are intuitive, easy to use, that the folks like to use that are going to be part of their daily, uh, activities. And we believe we can, right? So implementing mobility and make it meaningful. Right? Um, and then another interesting concept, uh, following up on the IoT is can you bring your assets into the conversation? Right? Can you give your assets a voice? And I think that's very important. It's quite exciting, right? Because the data that they're pushing to you is their voice. Now are you listening and now you're taking action
[17:49] and, and, but, but the, the, the next level of, of I guess thought here is like, yeah, I got all this data, but what does it mean? How do I, how do I w I mean, it's just, it's data. And unless you have some sort of meaning behind that data, it's just data that's just no rush.
[18:05] So then the question becomes why do we have the right analytical tools? Do we have the right criteria? There were there were watching or paying attention to? Are you empowering your folks in the field to tell you, hey, this is what makes sense to me. Give me this data and if you can make it available, I can improve my day to day performers. I can improve your assets performance.
[18:29] Yeah. See for me personally, I'm excited about the technology. It's just a neat thing because you got to do more with less. But then there's this abundance of information out there to make you even smarter, more intuitive and insightful into your org and make it just, it impacts your bottom line and in a very positive way. And then to your example of when the oil prices low, that's where they're trying to figure out greater ways of optimizing, greater ways of being able to extract value. And that's a technology solution, whether you like it or not, it's just, it's a beautiful, bright, wonderful, exciting time. I'm telling you that and I, so I'm going to summarize it real quick. Is that okay? Can I do that? He said yes. So here's the deal. Technology, whether you like it or not, whether you, you rail against it, whether you are fighting and you don't want to do it, it's going to be with you.
[19:32] It is what it is you either begin to embrace it but you guys and and the people who develop technology or are in a position to be able to make it easier, more accessible and, and back back, way back, it was something like a, you know, you had to be a computer person to be able to even access that information, but now it's not the case. So that's real important stuff. And you guys are developing that platform. That's right. That's right. I just don't believe that that's the future. Well, I'm going to give you my resume because I'm going to be taught Jessica, just kidding. Hey everybody, it does real talk. That is Ruben. Don't even begin to help me such a Stancel. Close enough. Okay. Thank you very much. Yeah, that guy. Here's a rock star as well as a, the other one and mark in for baby in for baby and thank you very much. Hey, you guys out there on industrial talk podcasts. Stay tuned. We're going to close it up on the other side. Thank you very much. Once again, Ruben. Sorry for screwing up your name and the beginning, middle and end. I'm pretty much, but I think everybody's distracted by my bald head so it's irrelevant. So anyway, thank you very much. Thank you Scott. Excellent job. Thank you. And stay tuned guys.
[20:48] As an industrial professional myself, I was always passionate about sales, marketing, Brandi expanding the marketplace for my company. That's what Ian Dust, real talk platform is all about. It's about you, the industrial company, the industrial professional and your legacy, increasing sales, gaining greater exposure on what you do and how you and your company change the world. Go out to industrial that's industrial contact me. Let's have a conversation to see how we can work with you on improving your bottom line and that you can be a part of an ever growing network of industrial companies focused on expanding and growing and leaving a legacy. I hope to hear from you soon and be safe out there.
[21:53] [inaudible] alright, in four nation, that was Ruben Stancel. Now I'm going to butcher his name and I butchered it in the interview, but he's a great guy. You got to look them up in Linkedin, reach out to him. He, he knows his stuff and he was just a great interview and a great don sport about the whole thing, but he is passionate about it for e am the solutions that can provide the future that it holds. I'm telling you right now, bring him into your conversation. That's what Ruben Stancel and dot. He knows his stuff. But thank you very much for joining the industrial talk podcast. We're going to have another great interview with another great person, professional, passionate about what they provide for the industry. So always stayed too. And again, and again, you can never say it enough. Always be safe out there. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
The post Mr. Ruben Stancel Discusses building a Seamless EAM platform appeared first on The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie.