Paula Batlle and Victor Segura with Batlle Group

Industrial Talk is onsite at IoT Solutions World Congress and talking to Paula Batlle, Head of Growth and Innovation and Victor Segura, Sales and Marketing Manager with Batlle Group about “Solutions to Ensure your Industrial Brand Aligns with Your Solution”.

Branding is crucial for business success, and companies must align their branding and design strategies with their growth goals. A collaborative approach, conducting research, and gathering customer feedback are key to informing design decisions and improving brand alignment. Speakers emphasized the importance of understanding a company's values, mission, and target audience to create an effective brand strategy. They also highlighted the need for a comprehensive approach to branding that goes beyond just visual identity.

Action Items

  • [ ] Reach out to Paula on LinkedIn for more information about improving brands.
  • [ ] Contact Victor via their website or LinkedIn to learn more about their branding services.
  • [ ] Attend the IoT Solutions World Congress in Barcelona or similar events to learn and connect with digital experts.


Branding and marketing for startups and established companies.

  • Scott welcomes listeners to the industrial talk podcast and highlights the importance of digital transformation.
  • Scott MacKenzie agrees with Victor that digitalization is a mindset and a movement that requires a long-term commitment.
  • Scott MacKenzie: Branding crucial for small companies, especially in tech and innovation.
  • Paula: Branding important for companies with limited resources, focus on key areas.
  • Victor emphasizes importance of branding for startups, citing need for education and understanding.

Branding, logo design, and marketing strategy.

  • Founder/CEO must understand brand ecosystem to communicate effectively to customers and employees.
  • Speakers discuss the importance of branding and its impact on marketing strategies.
  • Creative team with 20 years of experience transforms ideas into something specific and bold.

Branding and aligning stakeholders for business success.

  • Paula discusses the importance of having all stakeholders in one room to represent the brand and identify pain points and opportunities.
  • Victor describes the process of building a brand, including research, market analysis, and communication across different platforms.
  • Paula explains that a proof of alignment is provided through client feedback and research.
  • Scott MacKenzie emphasizes the importance of nailing down the brand for competitive advantage.
  • Victor and Paula discuss branding and collaboration at IoT Solutions World Congress.

Finally, get your exclusive free access to the Industrial Academy and a series on “Why You Need To Podcast” for Greater Success in 2023. All links designed for keeping you current in this rapidly changing Industrial Market. Learn! Grow! Enjoy!


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branding, brand, companies, logo, victor, paula, important, clients, conversation, marketing, business, people, world, part, process, great, design, linkedin, collaborate, digitalization


Welcome to the Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go. Alright,


once again, thank you very much for joining Industrial Talk. And thank you for your continued support of this particular platform that celebrates industry professionals. All around the world, you are bold, brave, you dare greatly you innovate, you collaborate, you solve problems, you make the world a better place. We are broadcasting on site, Barcelona, Spain, this is the IoT solutions World Congress, it is a collection of problems. So it is an expanding ecosystem of individuals that are really focused on making the world better. And they and they want to collaborate with you. So if you don't have this one on your calendar, it is a must. You need to be here. If you're in the world of digital transformation, if you want to digitize your organization, this is the place to be because you're gonna find great digital Sherpas to help you along on that journey. Speaking of Sherpas, we have to we're going to be talking about brandy. We're going to end we have Paula and Victor. And how do you


battlegroup Thank you very


much. Let's get cracking. I stink at names. Let's stink at words. And of course you say it and it sounds so doggone cool. I struggle. It's


very cut on name. So


it happens all the time.


You guys having a good conference? Yeah. What makes what makes this conference good for you guys? Because you guys have sort of a unique niche. Yeah,


actually for us. We were looking forward to to innovate and digital like digitalization thing, I think it's a movement that we need to be on, sometimes on branding and marketing. I think if you jump early, you have an advantage. And if you don't, then


you're behind. Yeah. III agree with that.


I totally agree. I think that we can have a digitalization of like you, you should stay like all the papers in your notebooks. And now you pass it in your computer. But the thing of digitalization, it's more like a mindset, it's more like a movement that we have to join. For me, it's like a long process. And you will have all the growth we are doing


say I agree with you 100%. And I think that if you're not in the game, if you're not actually, you know, pursuing and educating and finding out more about it, you are going to be left behind and the speed at which it's going. It's not a little, little slow car, it is a bullet train that's taking place. Just Just begin, there's a lot of people that would love to have that conversation before we get into branding, on passionate about branding, before we get into branding, and why it's important for industry to to do it correctly. Paula give us a little background on who you are. Okay,


and Bella by the as you're saying. And I'm the head of growth and innovation in both Europe. And my background is inside of design the field and the part of UX UI design and the topic of growth the business in our clients more than in our branding way more in the design world more in our construction, and because system of chronic


character resume their thought and we wrap it up.


I am the girl's manager or by the group. I'm more involved on sales and marketing inside the company. Basically my job is to explain to our clients to make them understand why branding is important or not for them. And for them to decide.


If we're gonna look at a dress I digress here, is it sometimes not important to brand? His I think


I really like nowadays, companies are very complex, and they have sometimes limited resources. So they really need to focus on certain things in certain moments. I think it's super important. If you hear out I don't know like I think in us it's very huge lately Alex or mozzie and he is rediscovering right now branding and he is understanding how much impact you can create with it and how much you can go farther from your your other competence and around. So I think it's super important kind of time it


is I don't see how you can get around it. I mean, many of these companies, there's if you're here at this particular event, or a lot of startups, or a lot of indie startups typically are small in a sense, of course, they're just a handful of people who are in it. And they're in the technology, they're in the innovation, they're into that just very focused, pinpoint focus on that. And they don't have the bandwidth to consider that that whole market, that branding, the marketing, that the what really sustains the business, outside of attack, got it, got it, it's all good. I'm not sitting here, don't send me any emails. But the reality is, is that that has to be a part of the thought process.


Overview for me that kind of the overview, because we are focusing your pain point of your business that you want to solve, like, it's kind of like, I wipe, I want to make a tech tech solution for whatever, I don't know. But you have to have the overview of all of the business, and all of the touch points that you have with your customers and the market. And the trends. And that kind of overview can drive with a brand in terms of like, I guess I've maybe a victor one to say, like, he knows, which maybe is the problems in some business, but the person inside of the business maybe don't really know. And for me, the part of maybe our job is like to find opportunity, in some point that that person inside of the company really don't know. And don't say that.


Yeah, I would imagine there's a tremendous amount of education that has to happen just to get individuals get the founder, to the point where they say, yeah, that's, that's exactly what I hear what you're saying, I see the importance. I I understand the necessity to do that. But I I want to impart some sort of reality here. We want we want companies we want these these startups, any company I don't care be successful. Exactly. I just And that does happen in the world of branding. Exactly. So Victor, take us through if you if let's use a use case of I'm a I'm a new technology been around maybe a couple of years, having some some success. I've kept the door open? How would you take me through that whole journey of trying to truly define a brand? That's, that's my powerful?


Yep. So the thing here, it's also I wanted to when I was answering before, I said in from the point of hiring a brand company, like a specialist for branding, because branding, you are doing it anyway. Like you could do bad branding, with no props, or you can do branding with an intention, or not. So that's the main thing. So as you know, you are creating your website, your new brand website, and then they are asking you for for a new logo. Exactly, there it is, for a new logo, and then you create a logo and you don't know exactly what you're doing. And then you see that there is a paper about the values of the company, where are you heading for? So you will start doing that. But the big difference is that you're doing it trying to imagine how to create that. And for us, it's like, we have been 30 years with a lot of types of companies like from some of them that they are international, and like big players on the market, and also small companies. So we kind of understand a bit better how to go through that. So if you are a person who is a CEO or founder that right now, you are starting to realize that it's important your brand to communicate. You should figure out Witter Who are you communicating to so and what your intention there also, like it's very different when you are trying when you are going forward for something but you're trying to hire some employees and and you feel that no one is interested. They don't have interest to work with you because they don't know you. So you don't really need to imagine just branding to sell your customers you also need to sell for your future employees. So that's the the brand ecosystem there has a lot of different touch points. So if you don't do that job during like, really seed on it. We work a lot with workshops and we tried to to take through that process. Any founder or CEO that did that in that moment. Or The big players of the company like huge companies, they have the the marketing, maybe they have the own agencies also. And we bring all together because they have things to say. So we put together everything every piece to, to look at the future, like we are not looking at tomorrow, like some marketing campaigns, we are looking 10 years from here. So process and when you know who you are, it does it to the site, which opportunities you take,


okay, you just touched on something that is really near and dear that from that brand, I'm sorry, we changed my camera on Friday, got all goofy and geeky about it. But from that particular perspective, that brand, that logo that that identity also drives all of the other marketing and all the other sort of ancillary. It just there's, there's a consistency, there's no disconnect that that exists. And if you nail that brand, then then the other very important components, right? Sort of flow, right?


For me, I can say it in like one sentence for me.


What do you mean, I can say that?


Because for me, like, Oh my God, no, I love it. It's kind of like, it's so easy. And it's so hard at that time. For me, the branding is a brand experience that it composed of people in the center, a purpose and an impact. For me, it can be like on that part, it's more from the values from the ecosystem of the touch points of the branding. Now you have now like your branding now is here with the logo is in social media is in LinkedIn. And it has to have different in LinkedIn from the boys and don't have boards that it's presented in Instagram. So this is branding. And this is like the long term vision that we are building as a brandings. Brothers for the marketing for the marketer story make the campaigns for each kind of part, like maybe for Christmas, maybe for summer, we are making like some kind of different campaigns, but with a related both and don't have the branding and the values. Yeah,


see, I can can the process. Just like a lot of companies who just sort of, let's say, using that same use case where I'm a small business, I just started all of that stuff. Victor, can the process be painful? Is there an aha moment? Is there just as you start to sort of unravel and start having those conversations? Does it get to the point where somebody's going? Yes. Yeah,


that happens. So the thing is that I can hear voices, like, from from the podcast, that they would be thinking, Yeah, but I can't do that. So the thing is that it's not exactly that, like, when you are creating something, it's, it's very hard, because once you have all those values, you need to to transform all those ideas of all that, that soul into our logo and into a tone of voice. Exactly. So to do that, to be held from someone outside from your, your vision, it helps a lot. So and that makes that kind of struggle, the beginning in this in that sense of like, we try to push out the people like around No, like in the sense of like feeling like, oh, for me, that was like what's super clear, but we don't know your company. So asking about about it, you start thinking about it. And it's like, it's true. That's that was unclear. And also my logo doesn't represent what I'm saying. It's like we are thinking and it's not subjective. It's like, we are trying to represent something very solid, very, and you can see the logo that did like a small lines and something it's like you're not representing solid at all. So it's like, what are you looking for? And once we have that we have our creative team that they are experts that spend every hour of the day seems the last 20 years. You


don't want to hang out with them and have a beer or two. Yeah.


And then they are the I can do it. I can I'm not I'm not able to do their job. They are excellent on that. So what they are able to do is to transform all those ideas, all all that imagination into something specific and bold.


No. Yeah, we say the bold design. What do you say what design, bold, bold design Okay, is that design that really represents that strategy that we are able to build with a customer with a client with a collaborative stakeholders with the club In Su, of that business, who make workshops with the stakeholders, or with the CEO, with whatever inside of the company, you know, the marketing team, the business team, that sales team is also important to, and the clients that are buying that, that the product, or that somewhere or whatever, it's super important to have it all in one room, because that kind of conversation are so powerful to represent after that in our branding, and to focus on the pain points and the opportunities that we maybe have and spanned out.


Do you fall? Or do you come in contact? And I would imagine, and it would require a level of finesse on your part, you come across companies, and the companies are? No, we have our brand we have we have it when it's in. And you look at it. And you're saying to yourself, yeah, yes, yes, you do. That kind of? Yeah, that's right. I would imagine trying to get that that CEO off to that, that position saying maybe consider some other options. Yeah. And you could probably in a very tactful way, say, See, here's your social stuff. And here's your logo, and here's your color palette. Yeah, was like an Easter egg


is a process to the process, we say that, like all kinds of strategies, and uncoloured design is a process because we want to have all the research market and so on. But in that kind of research, we build Kenda, let's say, with all the parts of the branding, let's say you communicate that way in social media, but inside of social media, we can communicate in two lines, totally different that you're seeing that kind of sentence in your website. And now in your iStan. No, like you're in a congress, you're communicating, like another way. But when when we say like we put the CEO here in, in a table, and we say, Okay, explain me your brand, like an elevator pitch, or explain me your business, explain your problem and your solution. And now you see your social media, and now you see your website is that representative? Yeah, that is like, okay, it's not like alignment, it's not that that I wanted, I wanted to explain to our customers, and here we have like an opportunity. And also with all of the stakeholders, we see like in one table, and all the stakeholders are explaining different things between all the board members, and they figure out like, Okay, we, we are saying that we are aligning, but we really don't know, alignment. So that is a proof. And another proof that we have for our branding, like, for design is the clients inside of a table in a conversation when the CSCs. And listen, the client says like, Okay, this is a really bad design, or this is not that, that design that I will buy, like for example, in, in a beauty and cosmetics, we have one client or we have more clients, but we have that kind of test and research with the customers and we have all the glasses of creams, and the client says, Okay, I guess that is not that this is super cheaper, this is not going to be good for my skin. And, and the CEO was there. And he say like, Okay, this is a proof. I want to change it.


Well, I, I can't speak enough about getting the proper brand. Because now I'm not I'm not an expert. I just know what my eyes like and yeah, my eyes don't like and I you know, and in in there's it's sort of an interesting feeling when there's a disconnect, like, what do you do? Okay. I don't see it. I'm confused. And and a confused mind doesn't take you don't make a decision. So. So you've got to tighten that up. And I think in the world, and in the world of industry where things change so drastically and so rapidly and you want that competitive advantage. I think the reality is, is that you better nail down that brand, you better know nailed it out because everything just sort of sort of goes from out from there that's like that. That's just vitally important. Oh, I can have this. I'm all winded from that. That's how that's how I'm all excited. I think that what you guys are doing is great. Paula, how do people get a hold of you? They're saying I want to know more about how I can improve my brand. What would be the best way to get a hold of me, I guess, LinkedIn? Get a hold of it. I want to call it I want to contact Paula. I want to communicate with Paula How do I do that? LinkedIn, LinkedIn.


Victor, same thing LinkedIn or or you can go to our website by the And you can find us there and we were told you


guys were great. I met them last night. It was at a social We were drinking drinks, and we were having a great conversation. And they were just absolutely energetic. They're very passionate, as you can tell, passionate about what they do. Excellent job. Reach out to, they're going to have all the contact information for these two professionals find professionals out on Industrial to go out there, reach out. Don't hesitate. We are broadcasting from IoT solutions World Congress, Barcelona, Spain is the location be here or V square all the cool kids are hanging out here. So put this on your calendar for next year? Wait, we're gonna continue this conversation. So stay tuned, we will be right back.


You're listening to the Industrial Talk Podcast Network.


That was great conversation. I enjoyed Paul and Victor. Talking about Yes, talking about branding, which is important. And everything, just sort of, as I said, and as they said, and they, it everything's springs forward from there. And given the fact that there's new technologies, new, new solutions out there, looking to collaborate looking to, to do a lot in the world of industry. Get that brand, right, reach out to these two, it's out on Industrial Talk, and I want to make sure that you put that apply, I put IoT solutions World Congress for Barcelona cybersecurity Congress, on your calendar. It's it's an amazing event and it's growing and it's growing each and every year. That means they put on a great show with great individuals willing to collaborate make that a must connection. To make it happen. People will be braved are greatly hanging out with both Victor and Paula changed the world. We're going to have another great conversation shortly.

Industrial Talk is onsite at IoT Solutions World Congress and talking to Paula Batlle, Head of Growth and Innovation and Victor Segura, Sales and Marketing Manager with Batlle Group about "Solutions to Ensure your Industrial Brand Aligns with Your Solution". Branding is crucial for business success, and companies must align their branding and design strategies with their growth goals. A collaborative approach, conducting research, and gathering customer feedback are key to informing design decisions and improving brand alignment. Speakers emphasized the importance of understanding a company's values, mission, and target audience to create an effective brand strategy. They also highlighted the need for a comprehensive approach to branding that goes beyond just visual identity.
Scott MacKenzie

About the author, Scott

I am Scott MacKenzie, husband, father, and passionate industry educator. From humble beginnings as a lathing contractor and certified journeyman/lineman to an Undergraduate and Master’s Degree in Business Administration, I have applied every aspect of my education and training to lead and influence. I believe in serving and adding value wherever I am called.

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