Ramesh Gulati with ReliabilityX

On this episode of Industrial Talk, we're onsite at Accruent Insights and chatting with Ramesh Gulati with ReliabilityX about The Benefits of a Focused and Comprehensive Reliability Education. Here are the key takeaways:
- Securing operational technology with zero trust. 0:00
- Palo Alto Networks offers zero trust security for operational technology, simplifying management and protecting assets.
- Industrial education and workforce development. 1:16
- Scott Mackenzie welcomes Ramesh Gulati to discuss education in the industrial sector.
- Ramesh emphasizes the importance of hands-on experience in education, citing a lack of practical knowledge in the workforce.
- Asset management and reliability best practices. 5:09
- Ramesh wrote books on maintenance and reliability best practices to share their knowledge and help others learn.
- Ramesh emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to asset management, including right specification, design, procurement, and communication.
- Ramesh emphasizes the importance of education and awareness in implementing RCM, highlighting the need for a cultural shift and ongoing training.
- Ramesh and Scott MacKenzie discuss the challenges of implementing RCM, including the need for a collaborative approach to ensure principles are retained and the importance of starting with fundamental education.
- Culture, education, and innovation in business. 10:34
- Ramesh emphasizes the importance of sustainable culture and continuous education and awareness for top management to understand the value of investing in training.
- Education is key to preparing people for change and innovation in the workplace.
- Asset management, reliability, and education. 15:02
- Ramesh suggests attending conferences, local chapters, and building a network to learn and grow professionally.
- Ramesh Galati emphasizes education, collaboration, and innovation in asset management and reliability.
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Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramesh-gulati-90739a20/
Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/reliabilityx/
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people, educate, change, reliability, education, industrial, innovation, technology, ramesh, fundamentals, upskilling, training, books, culture, talking, palo alto networks, conferences, operations, local chapters, wrote
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Welcome to the Industrial Talk podcast with Scott Mackenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting-edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's
Alright, once again, thank you very much for joining Industrial Talk. Thank you for your continued support the number one industrial related podcast in the universe rematch right here, you know, and it's backed up by data. Did you know that? Yep. So you don't even start to demand? Any? It's like question my resolve that it is the number one anyway, it celebrates industry professionals all around the world because you're bold, brave and daring greatly. You are changing lives and you are changing the world. We are broadcasting on site, a crew and insights is the location or as the user community which is just absolutely wonderful. A lot of people are discussing challenges and solving problems right here right now. And by the way, if you ever want to come to a place called Gaylord, it's a must. I mean, you'll be amazed at the side. You've heard them once. You've heard him twice. We've got Ramesh in the house. Ramesh Gulati. Gonna be talking about education. Let's get cracking. All right. Mas, you're back in the back and you're going to be sharing some pearls of wisdom.
Thanks, Scott. We should?
Absolutely. Your feet Industrial Talk podcast doors are always open for you.
Thank you, again, we meet at different places. I'm glad we are meeting at my hometown, Nashville greeting from Music City.
It is great, by the way. Yeah, whose grade? The it's just, it's got a great vibe to it. We haven't been outside of the Gaylord because this is a small state. It's it's the 51st state.
Just my state but Long's day, it is
amazing. All right. We already know your background. 350 years of experience, just kidding. combined experience, you've forgotten more about reliability asset management than anybody can imagine. We're going to be touching upon education. Why don't you take the listener right now through sort of what you're thinking about from an education perspective?
Well, what I'm thinking is, I mean, really is a in the field person who has been on in the plant in the field for many, many years. But I found that we have to make sure our people have proper skill set the proper education, because without that you cannot get things done properly. What our people are coming from the schools, what we get them, they are not ready for the work. They are not ready for hands on experience, kind of
not even close. Not really there's a level of sophistication out there. Well,
again, what we teach in our colleges and universities in schools is a more a theoretical stuff. They are not hands on experience, practical. And that's a challenge. So what I'm thinking what have we have done what I've done when I was working again, I have retired a few times but we're still working God I have a passion for what I do, educate and get people higher level so they can do a more productive work so hard, more on education, educating people making sure they have the knowledge base So, over the years, in fact, I've done a lot of training of my own people, and requests from my own people and industry. Hey, what do you do something? So I wrote a couple of few books on this one. So make sure people have a deacon go someplace, give the resources so they can start learning themselves. And not
what are the name of the books,
maintenance and reliability best practices? This is now integral edition. I'm glad I'm happy, and really happy about it that this integration now. Okay. So
I have to ask the question, because what I see here, what I experienced with the conversations, is this speed, this this constant change, how do you how do you keep up with their? I mean, there's blocking and tackling from from a reliability perspective. And that's important. There's just so much going
on? Well, thinking is fundamentals don't change. Yes, we have new technology skin. Yeah, yeah, but fundamentals of meters. Robin, you have no change. You we have to plan the work, we have to schedule a work, we have to have a workflow process. Yes, fundamentals have not changed. So we have to educate people on that. You know, so my books again, as I said, it's entirely different reason I wrote is I want to share my knowledge, what I know. So that's the effect is a new look, people are coming, and they don't want to read the books. Yeah. Okay. So what last two years what I've done is working with the reliability, X and some other people who have come online, the whole book we have transfer, in online worsen. And with a video so you can go self paced and learn, you know, whenever you want to do it, or you have videos with it, yes, we do. So you can go online and on computer base, and do your education, whenever you need it. Do you have time available? Right, okay. Also, I have written on 10 rights of asset management, say that, again, 10 rights of asset management, because what they learn is real operate in silos, I mean, planning of that asset design of that asset, procurement. All those things are done in silos, and we don't talk to each other. But that's not the way to do it. So as a result, can you handle and I wrote this book 10 rights of asset management, where we are talking about, you know, whole process, you need to have the right specification, you need to have a right design, you have to have a right procurement process. So we don't go for cheapest value, we go to Best value, then you have to have a some kind of installation process, a big process installation process, that's done before, as it gets on the floor, then we do operation maintenance improvements also. And then we have to manage all of those, we have to make sure we have right people on the floor, we have a right to resources and training. We have to make sure we have our process are robust, you know, some ISO certification, all those kinds of things are there, we have to make sure. So it's not just play having a a, what I say is proper skill set, you have to write process. You have to write policy, you have to make sure every one of the food chain from top management to bottom, they all understand where are we going? What's our region where we want to do, what's our policies there. But isn't
it a journey? I mean, you you're popping, you're just you're, you can't flip a switch in this stuff.
That's exactly right. It's a journey. Yeah. If people sometimes our financial people in our companies, organizations, they want a quick return. They want, hey, let's apply RCM or apply this or get this new technology. Just by switching you don't get into it. It takes time. You said journey, you have to build a culture, you transform people's thinking their paradigms, it takes time. It's not overnight. So education awareness of your people is really is the key.
Yeah, and I think another part of it and, and because to to properly educate, to learn to, to to ingest this wonderful information. I think there has to be this culture tool collaborative type of conversation back and forth, to make sure that many of the principles are being retained. Because you just you just rattled off a ton a ton of stuff, which is just all important. And all I can think of is a company saying, I get it. Holy cow. Where do I start?
where do you start?
Again, you have to start fundamental educating people. thing I've seen over the years, many companies start building the right people, they're doing the right thing. And then the person and the Papa Agha adores Kate leaves, the hosting drops. As a saw such, and that's the reason I really what I learned over the years, if you don't have right culture, sustainable culture, you cannot get things going for the long haul. You have to build a culture, a sustainable culture. So people can, you know, keep pushing themselves, you know, just to get to excellence. And you did just don't get one time you stay there. And that's a key how you can stay at the top?
Yeah, see, and that's a tough one. That's a tough one. Because what happens is that you develop this culture you invest in, it's an investment, investment of time and money that you will develop and you reap the benefits, you should reap the benefits from a from a manual or from an operations perspective, reaping the benefits. And then all of a sudden, there's that change. And then somebody's saying, why are we spending all this money, but they don't see the journey, it'll see that we were here, now we're here, and we're sustaining it here. But they don't see that that's,
that's a problem is about top management to understand that, hey, to build a culture to sustainable culture, you have to keep education, awareness. And something is important, which I really focus is training, how much money we should spend on our training. Yeah, it's hard time times. One last thing we do is tech training, tech people, that's not the way to do it. I mean, you have to keep continuing education, keep educating, awareness, keep educating everyone is not just one thing, pray, let's do these people, let's do you have to do all everyone needs to be educated, make sure has the skill sector upskilling whatever you want to call it, and they are yes, new catalog is coming, we have to prepare people for that, you know, so that really is education of your people is the building culture. thing. One thing I learned is a is a everyone should be on the same page, talking same language, one thing I was able to do, my last place was getting people certified, not certify means qualifying people upskilling them, you know, their job. And at every level. When you get people certified, even General Manager or chief engineer, or director of manufacturing that doctor or hiring procurement, all these people, then they start talking the same language, it becomes much easier to make a change that so education becomes a key part of a discharge.
It's everything it is it's and if you're not educating and if you don't have that passion to educate then then your your knowledge is somewhat stale just because things changed so dramatically so quickly. And yeah, we've got the technology the innovation that is existent out there. But you can't you can't effectively handle the new innovation of the technology if you don't have the the the fundamentals that are just solid in your understanding on on the application you just can't see
change, innovation improvements, unnecessary two digit one you have to make improvement you have to make innovation but implementing that is it really means we have to prepare people for change. Our chain elicit helps me to do my job better. I think that's one thing we have to people hey yes changes necessary that our chain we cannot lay jeans necessary, but we have to prepare people we are to make this technology such a way of limitation that technology so that it can help people help me to do my job better, more efficiently. More reflective
for a listener out there that saying, Hey, I hear what you're saying, and I and I recognize or there's a recognition that I need to educate. And I have to keep, I have to, I have to make it a part of my process, my professional process, right? What are some of the options that exist out there?
Well, again, there is a way you can do it yourself training, you can go to read the books, or you can go to call some special colleges, they do the special training for you. But today's seminar three day seminar, you go to a conference like this, out here occurred or smrp, or some other conferences, you go, or IMC go to those places to learn something, new technologies coming. But again, a new lead to be making sure your local chapters you can join, like local chapter for your societies. Yes, it takes time, your time that's important. If takes your time and effort, you have to do something yourself. Or you may have to spend two hours, your own time reading some of the things or going to these conferences, or your local chapter meetings, to understand what's going on, just
have to commit to them, and know that they're available. And then once you start to commit to meeting to those, those local chapters, and then all of a sudden, more opens up, just find out more.
I mean, you have to build your network, you know, working with them, and you can Hey, I know, Scott, hey, I learned something from him. I can call him anytime I've got some issues, and definitely you do the learning.
All right. How do people get a hold of you there? I love what you're talking about. You
can get me on LinkedIn. Thank you miss.x.com. And with me,
there it is. So complete. educate, educate, educate, as much as you possibly can and reach out to individuals like Ramesh and others build that network that is important. Thank you very much. It's always, always enjoyable to see you.
It's my pleasure to talk with
you. Here, right. All right, listeners. We're gonna wrap it up on the other side, we'll have all the contact information for Ramesh out on Industrial Talk. So if you're not, you'll be able to connect with we'll be right back.
You're listening to the Industrial Talk Podcast Network.
That's Ramesh Galati. The reliability Sherpa he I'm telling you, he's forgotten more about asset management reliability maintenance than I'll ever know. He is that impressive. Reach out to Ramesh reliability, x is the company. You need to get into reliability game. Again, we're all about education, which Ramesh talked about collaboration, and of course, innovation, and pulling them all together with some action with some focus. That's what Industrial Talk is all about. You need to participate in this platform. You need to be a part of it. Just go out to Industrial Talk. Go out there, find a little button. Say I want to find out more. Boom, connect. And let's have a conversation. We're creating these masterminds. It's all about solving problems. You need to be a part of it. Be bold, be brave, dare greatly hang out with Ramesh Change the world. That's what industry does. We're gonna have another great conversation shortly. So stay tuned.