Mr. Ricky Watts with Intel Corporation Talks About Modernizing Utilities through Digital Transformation

In this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to Ricky Watts, Industrial Solutions Director at Intel Corporation about “Utility 2.0 and Modernizing Utilities Supply and Demand through Digital Transformation”. Get the answers to your “Utility 2.0” questions along with Ricky's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
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Scott MacKenzie, Ricky Watts with Intel Corporation
Scott MacKenzie 00:04
Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott MacKenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's get All right. Welcome to the industrial talk podcast. Another show that is dedicated to industry heroes. That's right, you if we're out there on the old video, I'm pointing right at you. You're an industry hero because you are bold, you're brave. You dare greatly. you innovate. You're changing lives. You're changing the world, and you're solving problems. Did I leave anything else out? No, I don't think so. We are all as an industry bound together. And we have these ties. Everybody is interlinked. That's why we must educate, collaborate. And definitely, you're an innovation. So keep innovating out there because we depend on you. hotseat industrial talk hotseat. His name is Ricky watts. And he is the industrial solutions director with a small little company called Intel. You might have heard of them. But anyway, let's get cracking. We're gonna be talking about utility to Dotto.
Scott MacKenzie 01:19
Yeah, again,
Scott MacKenzie 01:21
another utility conversation. Alo, I mean, you gotta admit, I love geeking out about this whole utility stuff, but it's really becoming a, an interesting challenge to be able to manage supply, manage demand, and innovative people.
Scott MacKenzie 01:39
And innovative companies that constantly say this is better, better, not just for before the demand side, but better for the supply side. It is a brave new world. And this is a great conversation once again, and we're going to be talking about a number of things. Ricky's, Ricky's got some passion, big time, you're going to enjoy this conversation in a big, big way. Before we get in to that conversation. I want to just remind you, that industrial is a platform where you can educate where you can collaborate, where you can definitely work with the individuals to innovate, because we're innovation is and if you don't think that we're not bound together, that we don't have ties in industry, all industries, if you're talking about utilities, yes, it has ties to manufacturing, if you're talking about manufacturing, yes, it has ties to reliability and supply chain, and and how does that whole beautiful
Scott MacKenzie 02:44
You know, network work, it requires that you educate because
Scott MacKenzie 02:49
everybody is just learning so much. And there's a lot of innovation going on out there that you just have to keep current. And that's what industrial talk is all about. Just go there. And if you see anybody you want to reach out to do so, because they're putting themselves out there. They're looking at this world. They're very excited about what is happening and what's changing in it. Alright, let's get with Ricky watts. Again, Intel is the company Ricky watts is the individual hotseat. His card is really pretty cool out there on on LinkedIn. And
Scott MacKenzie 03:24
it's, it's funny to hear just just like we
Scott MacKenzie 03:30
had a conversation with Dean with Hitachi. There's just this level of excitement that exists with this innovation and I know that Intel, Ricky, his team, and everybody there they're looking at ways of being able to do that, that bring the innovation to make you know consumer our lives. If I'm a business our lives better if I'm just a consumer, I flipped the switch our lives better. They they are looking at the world through the lens of innovation. And I love it. That it's it's a geek fast. Don't get me wrong as a former journeyman transmission lineman, I love utilities. I love what I do. I love the people within industry just it. It just keeps on getting better. All right, enjoy this conversation with Ricky watts. Ricky Welcome to the industrial talk podcast absolute honor that you found time and you're you're a hard man to get ahold of you are running and gunning there at Intel. How are you doing? I'm doing well my friend and yourself. Wait, thank you for asking. I'm doing well because I get to talk to you. And we get to talk about utility to Dotto we get to do and I and I'm gonna geek out on this one I am I'm gonna geek out. Listeners we've been having a just a dandy conversation prior to this particular recording. And he brings the passion. There's no doubt about it. You're gonna find out that Ricky brings the passion. All right before we get into the utility to dot o Ricky give us a little background little 411 I'm looking at your
Ricky Watts 05:00
We didn't stack card. It's impressive. Give us a little background. Okay, so yeah, so Ricky watts, you can tell by my accent, I come from this little island, outside of Europe, they're all called the UK. But, but I'm living over here in the US now working with Intel looking after the industrial solutions, what we call segment market and to look after the markets within industrial, including utilities. So and let me tell you about ourselves. So I spent 28 years on the road, I've lived in China, I've lived in India, I've lived in Europe, I've lived in six or seven places in the US, Russia, Nigeria, Middle East, you name it, I've been there. So I came out of the telco world Originally, I was trained as a radio engineer, satellite broadcasting, moved into the software world, I've done many, many roles was in South Africa for five years, you know, working on modernizing their comms infrastructure. But nowadays, I'm really focused on what we call, you know, these industrial segments in the utilities market. And
Ricky Watts 06:03
what I'm trying to look at is from an Intel perspective, there's a lot of technology that we talked about, that's coming in your around this utility to dot zero, yeah, how an Intel and how can we bring these technologies together, that really innovate, drive to the next level in terms of what we can do here? You know, the the reuse of renewables in the manufacturing? How do we use power? How do we generate power? How do we understand the use of that power, all of those system level activities, bringing all of that together, and that's really one of the passions that I got is bringing all those pieces of my background together to drop down
Scott MacKenzie 06:44
in the utility space as a whole, on very reluctant to change, because they have a system that is pretty stable. And very, we take it for granted here in the United States and others where we didn't we flipped that light switch on it is on what is driving the necessity for utilities to innovate and change?
Ricky Watts 07:06
Well, I think it comes from a few areas.
Ricky Watts 07:10
You know, there's if you look at it from the fact that the utilities are looking at how they use in power and how they're generating power, okay, so those are the two things the usage and the generation side of it. So look at the generation side of it, we know that we're getting a lot more things on the renewable side company, wind, solar, these renewable things that are coming in micro grid technology, solar powers on people's roofs, with, there's a lot more places that we're generating power than we did before, when it was generated at the central plant, you know, if it was nuclear, or coal or gas or whatever. Now we got power being generated everywhere. So they got to be how do they do that? How do they bring these things together? That's a challenge for them. You know, how do you distribute that power? That's a real big challenge for them as well, then, of course, we've got the impact of governments, whether it's the US government, whereas the EU government doesn't matter. governments around the world are saying, hey, one of the things we got to look at is this idea of climate change, you know, you hear it all the time, you know, and how are we affecting the planet and through the use of our power, so there's regulation that's coming, that's driving change as well, the regulations coming down. So we've got renewables coming in, which the the utility companies want to tap into, they want to do it intelligently. They've got government regulation coming, and then I'll go down to what is his brass knuckles? Can I reduce my cost, and you know, how important that is to utilities, you know, they're regulated, the way that they charge is very much driven by you know, regulation. So they got to look at how they can reduce a car. So these three or four things that are going on is saying, hey,
Ricky Watts 08:51
what I'm doing today, can it be done differently? Can it be done more cost effectively? Can it allow more flexibility? And can it reduce, you know, the use of carbons, okay, so reduce
Ricky Watts 09:05
carbon usage in the way that I use and consume power? So that's the technology that I think we've been working on an Intel is looking at those things, how can we do that, and that's what you call that utility. 2.0. So and that's really about modernizing, whatever call the utility infrastructure, and where I focus on where we've been focused on a team is much more on what we will call the operational side, the control system side, you know, you talked about the idea that the socket, you know, plugging in power comes out the systems that are doing that have been there and designed over many, many years. You know, I mean, it's a very reliable and robust infrastructure. Yeah. If you're gonna modernize that you better be sure you know what you're doing when you do.
Scott MacKenzie 09:50
So listeners what I hear and I think that this is an interesting conversation from for, from the perspective of industry to dot O. Utilities as a whole have to really run
Scott MacKenzie 10:00
With multiple generation options, you know, they're just like these micro grids that exist out there. And that that reality, unfortunately, or fortunately, or whatever you want to call it is not going away, and it's going to be bigger. That's one, two, there's a lot of pressure from a regulatory perspective, governments, what are we doing? How do we manage climate, all that good stuff is also impacting that utility. And of course, utilities are not that I'm telling you, I'll be the first to admit, I don't want my power to go up. And therefore the utilities are obligated to make sure that that pop power is down. And then
Scott MacKenzie 10:38
how do you take that, that soup of dynamics and be able to control it in such a way that delivers power to my house? Me because it's already and others and manufacturing in a stable way? Did I sort of summarize that up? You did you did you know that. So you can use it on a bumper sticker, it's, it's a bit lengthy, but you can use?
Ricky Watts 11:02
Yeah, it's like what I'm coming to you when I'm moving,
Scott MacKenzie 11:06
you're gonna run into something because it's too long.
Ricky Watts 11:09
But, but your point is very valid. So let's try and break this down. So you know, the most difficult task really is that those systems that you talked about, that are out there today that have, you know, involved in the distribution of power, so we've been looking at the substation market, you know, substations are absolutely critical in the distribution power, you know, they're very complicated, they've got a lot of legacy systems in them, they've got a lot of operation systems, what we're working on inside Intel is, we want to modernize that infrastructure. And we want to modernize it on a modern compute platform, you can take these things, these applications that are running in this environment, the manual part stays the manual part, but the systems that operate and run it and look after those that are what we will call the legacy appliance, they sit on an old piece of equipment, we can now modernize that and put it into a modern type of computer architecture. Now, it takes time to do that, you've got to make sure it's safe, you've got to make sure it's secure, you've got to make sure you're complies to the standards, you know, and ultimately, the most most important thing is any new technology should never result in you making things worse than they were before. It must improve, okay?
Scott MacKenzie 12:27
You want to shut initiative down, make it worse. And I guarantee you people just, yeah, they're coming after you.
Ricky Watts 12:34
So you start there. So we've been building that we've been working with utility companies on this modern computing infrastructure, taking those legacy systems, moving them on to a modern compute infrastructure.
Ricky Watts 12:48
But you talk about utility 2.0, why is that important? If you do not get those systems modernize, you will never truly be able to get to the next level. Because you cannot bring in new technologies such as AI, you can't bring in new technologies that are going to be connectivity, you're not going to be able to upgrade and add in new services, you're not going to be able to innovate, but the level that you want on the usage, you talked about the usage, you know, if I'm going to look at usage, how I'm intelligent, the using power, where the word intelligently comes in, well, what does that mean? I need to look at data, I need to analyze how I'm using something. Am I using it efficiently? Are my systems using it at the right time? Can I match the usage of my power, maybe to one, I've got a renewable this generate the sun shining really well today? Therefore, I'm generating maybe more electricity from renewables, could I map that to somehow at the factory and that the guy can up his production or that time, whenever it sounds kinda like Star Trek II, but that's a reality, what's what intelligence is, and you need a platform that can host those systems allow renewables to be very flexible in terms of the way that they come in, and then map that to the usage on the other side. And that's kind of what I will call that common platform at the substation that allows to connect the control systems with what we're going to call the evolution of these intelligent systems on the usage side as well. So you know, when you talk about utility to Rado, number one thing, let's start looking at modernization. As we modernize, can we database it, keep it running, keep it safe, keep it secure, hey, I can lower the cost as well. By the way, this is a lot cheaper, these 26 boxes that you are paying for, we can now put them on one box. Cheaper, smaller, less power. Now we've got that then we can start to sort of do some of the other things. So again, we're on a journey. absolutely the same doesn't. As you say, I didn't switch off the lights on a Friday night and Monday morning. The world has changed. It's not like that. But we definitely didn't reboot it. Yeah, we're done.
Ricky Watts 15:00
Quick finish.
Scott MacKenzie 15:03
No, you didn't thank God, you didn't reboot it. Java's coming out your socket that you know.
Scott MacKenzie 15:10
Scott MacKenzie 15:11
What is interesting from A to point out is that you bring up a good point about the necessity to truly modernize the realities in the marketplace, specifically within the utility area is that these these generation sources are not going away the necessity to be able to manage that demand side. And it is really a data driven solution. Can I incremental eyes it?
Ricky Watts 15:41
My approach, it's like, take a substation over here. It's a, it's a substation, and then and then approach it from your perspective. Yeah, I actually think I mean, there's two ways to do that, you know, again, I'm not saying you just throw everything away. I mean, you know, the stuff out there that works, you know, so what you do is you look at your infrastructure, and you start modernizing it incrementally bringing new things. So I always say, you know, again, let's, firstly, you've got to go for a lot of testing and proving and make sure as I say, you comply. Then you look at your substations, you say, okay, so where can I start on this journey? How do I do this? Okay, so you can bring in a substation, so yeah, this concept, and you've probably heard of it for Brownfield Greenfield. Yeah, yeah, I'm not saying that you have to rip and replace everything in one go, like, oh, let's take the whole grid and shut it down. And then, you know, hey, give us a year, we'll turn the grid on next year, we will be good to go. Okay. That's not it's gonna be incremental. So you're bringing in we we work with the utilities, we install the platform, we start with the simple stuff, first, less intrusive stuff, you know, that's in the in the substation, maybe some of the lesser critical things, we don't want to get protection relays yet, maybe just some of the distribution stuff, we start bringing that in. And then what you do is you eventually you start a migration path of the services bit by bit in the backend, what you want to do is make sure that your control systems environment,
Ricky Watts 17:07
are all systems green, is everything working, okay? I need it to be easy and consumable. So the system technology that's at the backend, that says, hey, you know, I can now see a new computer screen with new things that are going on, I can compare that with my legacy, we need that fusion of what I would call, hey, those are old systems and those new systems so and you'll start moving them across one by one. So yeah, incrementally, we'll look at the systems and the technology in the substation, move it slowly across. And eventually, you'll get to, you know, sometime in the future, you know, a platform that really, I suppose this replaced all of those legacy assets, you know, from a compute environment, all the compute control stuff that we're looking at, there'll be system level control that goes not just back to control systems, but, you know, technology to interface to that as well, you know, not just for the utility company, but for the people that are using the power as well. So you know, that management aspect that we talked about, that orchestration system needs to come both ways. I, as a user, need to understand what I'm doing. So I want to have some, I want to have some understanding of what's going on
Ricky Watts 18:16
a company like pg&e, Florida light and power, he patrols these companies. Yeah, they want to manage and understand their grid as well, from a generation perspective, am I doing the right things? Am I doing it safe? So you're going to see control in a way, go to directions, it's going to go to the end user, and it's also going to go maintain is, you know, with the the generator as well, you know, the utility company that's doing it, because I think that's important. If you truly want to innovate. Me, and you, as users have got to understand what we're doing our impact where it's coming from? I mean, wouldn't you like to know, when you're doing something today? What's the power coming from? Is it coming from renewables? Is it coming from nuclear? Is it coming from coal, you know, because now, you know, we say to ourselves, well, I didn't get the socket result? Well, you know, the kind of nice to know that, well, if I did it, the things I want to do, I don't know, as a user simple stuff. If I switch the washing machine on in the afternoon, I use renewable power. So my impact on the environments produced, if I do it in the middle of the night, simple example, I'm going to use power that's being generated from gas. So my carbon footprint goes up. So I think I know it, I think I sort of, I guess I'm geeky or whatever. But I like the idea that if I think of the younger generation now that are very aware of these things, giving them that information, allowing them to innovate with those systems as well. So again, incremental change, very safe, very secure, modernisation of the systems in a very, you know, controlled way. Once you get that and you start to accelerate and you'll see that accelerate
Ricky Watts 20:00
As we seen the need for, you know, new systems coming in, you'll be able to innovate new services. I mean, there was a fascinating thing. I believe in the telco world, they used to take about 18 months for a new service to come in. Okay. We know I just got to step in and seems like everything takes 18 months.
Ricky Watts 20:20
You know, every project that you know, you've been on it, ah, it's about 18 months to deployment. It's like, Yeah, but it is funny. It used to be two months, but it used to be about 18 months for service to be generated a new service in the telco world prior to the modernization of the infrastructure. Wow. Now they can bring in new services, my understanding is in the 15 to 30 minutes. Think about that. I've got a new idea. I want a new service. And, okay. In the telco world, you could argue, well, I've got a new app or something that doesn't matter. In the if you think about the utility isn't utility to Dotto. I don't know what those services and those applications are. But if I want to change something, I want to do something. If if an idea takes 18 months to implement, again, that's an awful long time for impact. So this technology transformation is going to allow many different things to happen. Again, I'm going to be often the if you know it, but you're absolutely right, you're talking about speed to realization, right, you're compressing that time, which is just super important. And it sounds like you're saying I'm going to remove the roadblocks. I'm going to remove the friction, and I'm going to make it as easy as possible. So nobody has an excuse. Yeah, exactly. That's, that's what I that's the journey I think we're on Yeah, I think we start off with the basics, safe, secure, reliable, high performance, we modernize the compute platforms to do that we reduce the cost of doing that for the utility companies. If we reduce that cost, that gives them more opportunity to innovate. I mean, we always know, if I'm saving money, I'm more likely to continue to do something, you know, bottom line. Absolutely. That's, that's important. I agree with you on that. So if you're looking at that transformation, and you know what it's like, there's a trust factor in any new system, especially who you tell it is, you know, the engineers and the people that run those systems, they've been doing it for a long time. They know what works, they know what doesn't work, you know, so when they see innovation, they're going to be very cautious. But when we reached a tipping point, where the trust levels of that innovation have passed, the point of this stuff works, it's, it meets absolutely all the requirements, it meets the safety standards, it meets the security standards, once they get that level of trust, and you start to see it, I think what you're gonna see is you're gonna see that rat curve, that that evolution go really, really quickly. And I think we're probably a little way away from it now in terms of that curve moving up, but we're a lot closer than we were two or three years ago, and you and others within Intel, and what you're trying to do requires an education, you're looking at an industry that has been very successful at delivering quality power for a long time. Yeah. And, and there is that need to educate. And I think you guys are doing a good job at that. And this conversation is always necessary, and it just takes time for people to consume it. Let me ask you this. Is This Really? I mean, come on, let's be truthful here. Is this pie in the sky? Or is this doable stuff? It's doable stuff. It really is doable stuff. I mean, you know, I've been working at this for a long time with my team. I've been working, you know, looking at many systems, the interaction, the systems, Ai, you know, modernisation of grid infrastructure is really doable. It works. It does what it says it does on the tin, you know, so we're proving it, we're making sure to do your point about training and educating and gaining that trust. You know, we're not doing this without going through a lot of work with the utilities companies to make sure that they are absolutely.
Ricy Watts 24:12
On top of this, they understand it, they agree with you, it meets the requirements, all the stuff that they need to know like, imagine that you're not just operating in a vacuum, you're not just sitting there going, Hey, we're around this water cooler and and we're we're drinking our own Kool Aid. No, you're incorporated and you're bringing in from a collaborative perspective, the professionals that are out there in the utility market, correct? Yeah, yeah. be working with the utility complex. We're working with the supplier community as well. One of the things that Intel does really well is obviously we built this thing called a chip. You know, we would never use that what what up guys do
Ricky Watts 24:49
you know?
Ricky Watts 24:52
You know, what we do is and you know Intel does really really well, is that what they do is they build from that up with state
Ricky Watts 25:00
Say, Hey is a compute platform. And they work with the ecosystem so and a utility would be an end user, but they're system integrators that need to be involved companies like black and Veatch and people like that. Yeah, there are suppliers like ABB and Siemens and Schneider's, we need to work with those guys as well. So it's not just about Intel. And what we're doing, it's about this entire community, evolving atashi, these companies like that they're innovating. So they're innovating
Ricky Watts 25:30
at the same pace that we're innovating. So by working together with them, so not only working with the utilities company to show the architectures that can work showing the compute platforms that can work, working with companies, Dell, we provide platforms, companies like VMware, that provide software platforms that are optimized on Intel, to run their workloads. ABB Siemens, system integrators supply companies, we need to work with the entire value chain on this transformation as well. It's not just about Intel, it's not just about the utility. It's about everybody in that value chain, you know, and that is critical to us. And again, so we work with our partners, we innovate, we show what can be done, we keep innovating, we look at their performance metrics, we work with those companies. And ultimately, what we do is we build a system of partners, an ecosystem that deliver to what the utility is going to need, because the utility is going to go back into its supplier and say, Okay, I love what you're doing. Where do I get it from? I want it. What am I?
Ricky Watts 26:38
Okay, I have a great thing, but it's just in a lab. You know?
Scott MacKenzie 26:45
We got to make that is a good, good point. That is I
Ricky Watts 26:51
I liked the fact that you were talking about that value chain. I'm not sure I just what's interesting, and maybe I could be completely wrong is I see more companies willing to collaborate, and take that little and and take a little slice of that pie but and work with people such as Intel, and so on, to come up with a solution that truly is beneficial to the end user made the manufacturer that whatever it might be it, I'm just finding it more and more each and every day. Yeah, no, I would agree. I get Yeah. You know, we're all people. I mean, I know. We're all companies, we're all run on profit and loss. I'm not saying that you, you throw the baby out with the bathwater. Everybody wants to be competitive. Well, yeah, you know, what I found in this when I have these discussions, whether they with government, people, whether they're with utility companies and partners, whether they're with my family and friends, there's a genuine desire these days to be aware of what we're doing around the planet. And I know it sounds cliche, yeah. But you get that in every company that I'm aware of has this interesting thing called rise, which is really, you know, our impact on the environment. We call it the rice strategy. You know, we want to be looking at renewable sustainability, real key key values. Most other companies I mentioned before, whether it's ABB, Siemens, Schneider, they all have the same values as well. You know, we're as much responsible for the profit and loss of our companies our company's success. But we're also within those companies. We're becoming very aware. So when you talk about that partnership and that collaboration? Yeah, of course, we all want to be competitive. Absolutely. But ultimately, we want to work together. And the reasons we want to work together is because I think you're seeing this align goal that comes through all companies in that value chain, even to the end users. I mean, I want to be aware of what impact I'm having on the environment, equally as much as I want the companies that I buy services and goods from, to be aware of that as well. So I think that responsibility coming in that enhances that collaboration again, absolutely. I know that companies that we work with are going to want to be competitive, they want to want to say, Hey, you know, my widgets slightly better than the other guys. But collectively, we are all working towards bringing that utility to that zero, through. You know, we need everybody on board working that we need the utilities, companies, we do governments, we need supplier community, all of us working together. And again, I've seen you know, I've worked collaboratively in Europe, in in the Americas, in Asia Pacific as well. Everywhere I see I see a genuine ness of genuine way of working, wherever you are. So yeah, I'm seeing that kind of help create that kind of momentum, as I call it and keep and keep moving forward. So yeah, collaboratively with respect, but also maintaining competitive as well, which is what you want. You need competitiveness. you innovate through being competitive, competitive, as well. You're amen to that. That's a whole nother conference.
Scott MacKenzie 30:00
You're spot on that one big time. All right. We're gonna have to wrap it up, unfortunately, Ricky, I love this conversation.
Ricky Watts 30:09
Yeah, I agree with you 100%. Hey, are you active out there on LinkedIn? I am. Yeah, you can see my LinkedIn profile on there. Ricky Watts? So yeah, absolutely. You know, anybody wants to reach out to me, please do happy to talk to anybody working in this area. So, you know, you know, as I say, you, you can see, it's my passion. As much as it is, I work within the company, we've got bad deliverables. But I am really passionate about this utility 2.0 concept. I actually think it's just,
Ricky Watts 30:41
to me, it is one of the greatest evolutions that I think I'll ever be witnessed. In my lifetime. I mean, it for the right, yeah, I agree with you. 100%. It's a, it's really an exciting time. And it is bringing some of the best innovative companies together to solve real, real challenges and opportunities. For the for me a consumer and I like that there's nothing I can argue about that. It is it's going to be great for you. It's gonna, it's going to be great for our kids and our grandkids. You know, you know, I say I'm passionate about it. And the grandfather makes important to me. So yeah, anybody would like to reach out to me, find out what we're doing and Intel and my team is doing, please do. Happy to be part of the podcast today. Thanks for the opportunity to talk to you and to talk to your listeners. Now. listeners. That was a dead frickin sexy conversation. I enjoyed it. We're not going to hear you're going to you're going to say Scott, I need I need more time to get that contact information, fear not. We're going to wrap it up on the other side. I'm going to have all of that information on Ricky's podcast out on industrial talk Comm. Stay tuned, we will be right back. You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
Scott MacKenzie 32:03
What did I tell you, Ricky, thank you very much for being on the industrial talk podcast, sharing your utility, your insights into how to just make that whole grid, more modern. pushing the envelope. Really just love what what's taking place in your team and Intel and the desire to be truly innovative when it comes to the utility space supply, demand, all the good stuff that's associated with it. All right, reminder, gotta go out to industrial Industrial is where you're going to be able to educate, collaborate, and definitely innovate with people like Ricky, his team, Intel, everything else they want to connect. Go to industrial talk. COMM find out more, because I'm telling you right now, you will not be disappointed with that. Ricky guy. All right. As a reminder, be bold, be brave, daring greatly. Yes. Reach out to people that are bold, brave and daring greatly and you know what you're gonna do? change the world. That's what we're all about. Thank you very much for joining the industrial talk podcast. We're gonna have another great interview right around the corner. Stay tuned.