Ms. Tracy Enos with Enos Enterprise talks about the Power of LinkedIn in creating Industrial Opportunities

In this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to Tracy Enos, Founder and President of Enos Enterprise about “The Power of LinkedIn to Attract Clients, Gain Attention and Create More Opportunities”. Get the answers to your “LinkedIn Marketing” questions along with Tracy's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
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Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott MacKenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go. As always welcome to industrial talk, where we celebrate industry heroes such as yourself, you're bold, you're brave, you dare greatly you innovate, you solve problems, you're changing lives, and you're changing the world. Thank you very much each and every day of what you do to make my life better. Thank you very much. All right, in the hot seat, we have a young lady by the name of Tracy Enos. And look at this, if you're out on video, I've got a book. Yep, she produced it. LinkedIn publishing to profits, it guess what we're gonna be talking about? LinkedIn, let's get cracking. Yep. So I have this book, it's well laid out. It asks the right questions, it is addressing the right issues. It is exactly and it's not overwhelming. She's got it laid out. And it is well written, very, very well done. And I'm very honored to be able to have that, behind me in my, I guess my hall of fame of books that are just right behind me. And we're gonna be talking about this book, as well as many other topics. Because given the pandemic, given the challenges that we are still trying to get through, I think this is a timely conversation. And you know, I always geek out when we start talking about ways of growing your business, surviving, right, rebuilding, prospering, what are the strategies that we can deploy, and I never, ever, ever, ever say no, to anyone who wants to help industry, and people succeed, and live their dreams. That is exactly what this particular podcast is all about. That's what it does. Israel talk media is all about, we just want to be able to celebrate, and help people succeed. And that's what this particular conversation with Tracy will be before we get going. So, you know, I've been a big write a big fan of what they're doing out at Neil. And once again, if you go out to an E o, find out route around, look around that website and see the passion, read about the passion and see the individuals that are truly working to create a community of the future, leveraging. And I mean, leveraging all the technology that's out there that that innovation that we speak a lot about on this particular podcast. It's exciting. So here I am, let's just if you're out on video, here we go, we're going to go to the website real quick. Here is here is a slide on, I can't say slides, or whatever it's it's, it's a page on their website. And it's under line. But it's the the picture is powered by an innovative, invisible infrastructure. So if you're out there, and you're looking at this picture, and you're looking at you go Holy snakey. That's amazing stuff. They're gonna do it. They're gonna do it because they have the right people in place. They've got the it's, if I look at the timing of all this, if I look at everything about what they're doing at Neo, this is the right time. I think innovation is is there. I think the energy to be able to solve problems is there. And and I think we I think we can get it done. Or they can get it done. Oh, whatever adds exciting stuff. All right, back to the interview. Tracy Enos, that's e n o s. Enos enterprise, is the company the founder, you go out to her stat card, right. Let's see what it looks like. Yeah, look at that. A well done, because she is all about doing stuff on LinkedIn. She's got, she's got great stuff out there. And it's just right there.
Sometimes you just get excited about LinkedIn, you find a person out there, the person is willing to share insights, wisdom, knowledge, because we have to be about education. We have to be about collaborating. And boy, I talk about that all the time, because you don't have all the answers. And then of course, the the need to innovate. All right, they're all easily accessible. All right. Enjoy the conversation with Tracy. Tracy, welcome to the industrial talk podcast. I'm going to enjoy this conversation because we're gonna be talking about LinkedIn. Added us around LinkedIn. And and yes, if you're an industrial professional, you're not doing it right. Just FYI, I'll just lay it right on out there. LinkedIn is an asset. Let's do it. Right, Tracy, how you doing?
Great, Scott. Thank you. Glad to be here today.
Yeah, I like that book behind you LinkedIn publishing to profits. And and especially now My gosh, I like that. I like that. But let me just sort of check something out. FYI. Just when, if you're looking at on the video, and I'm turning around in my chair. No, I don't have one. on my bookshelf. I don't have one of those things that are on your bookshelf that's not on my bookshelf. How can we solve that problem? That means I need to send you one. All right. For the listeners out there. Give us a little background on who you are.
Yeah, yeah. So my name is Tracy Ennis. And I have been an expert, LinkedIn advisor for nine ish plus years, somewhere around there. And it kind of fell into it by accident. I got laid off twice in four years by corporate America, and
a common tale a common tale,
right. And single mom, too. And the second time around, I was couldn't find work. And this is back in November of 2012. And on the advice of my sister, she told me to start a marketing agency because the summer prior to that I had sat down with her, she was the graphic artist in the family, and had a very a very successful freelance business on our own and Hello, skill,
I'm telling you right now, skill,
e to corporate America did a big disservice to her as well. And so she went out on her own and made a hell of a lot more money than them, right. Anyway, so um, she told me just to take the dive and do it. And you know, as nervous as I was, I did, you know, and so what started out with what I'm doing today didn't start out that way. It started out as a digital marketing agency. So we're like building SEO, websites, or we're doing videos, we're doing business directories, getting companies in the Google Maps, which is very different back then that is today. I mean, it was, you know, it was fun selling it, it was not fun doing it, or
that's a that's a heck of a learning curve to, especially back then I think today is a little bit easier not to, I mean, there's cool tools out there. But back then, whoo. That's trench, baby. That's trench work.
At what, Oh, don't get me wrong, I'd be burning the midnight oil. Sometimes I get two hours of sleep, and the kids are getting ready for school.
Easily, easily. So let's let's start venturing into it. One of the things that of course, we got hit up the side of the head with is pandemic, people were scrambling, trying to figure out how to get their message out. Didn't have. I mean, I believe personally there, Tracy that we were we were lazy. We didn't bring our a game, we brought our B, maybe c game, possibly each and every day, no big deal. And then the pandemic hits, and then all of a sudden reality hits. And we're trying to get our message out and we have no clue. And the only place that everybody went within industry was LinkedIn. And that ban, that thing just blew up. But still in the strategies that that are around and let's talk a little bit about that. So give us a little problem that's associated with LinkedIn today. What do we need to do from an industrial perspective?
Well, I think their problem affects everybody, not just the industrial.
Well, no, no, my whole life was just industrial don't don't even go into other areas. I don't even know if there's anything else other than industrial.
I think what happened is like, you know, a lot of people heard about this LinkedIn thing, and then they get on it. And then they're like, now what? Right? And then like, there's so many bells and so many bells and whistles to LinkedIn, unlike any other social media platform, and they're like, I don't know how to navigate this thing. I don't know what to do first, what do I do second, and then they get overwhelmed, and then just quit forget, screw it, you know, they put a company page app and they expect people to go there organically and find us and then you know, hire us and it just doesn't work like that.
It does not? Yeah, it's interesting, because you're you're absolutely spot on. I was probably fell into that category. LinkedIn came out promoted as, hey, it's a professional location for socially engaging people and all that stuff. You you tip your toes in the water, it's okay. Then all of a sudden, you're getting people popping in and you're just like, I don't have time for this. I've got I've got a five alarm fire over here that I've got to deal with. So I agree with you 100% about it, but now it's I think it's strategic for your company. I think It's strategic for not just the company, but for an individual. Do you agree? 100%? Good answer, because you got a book back there that says that. No, Scott, no, not not one bad man. No, no. There's a disconnect there. So let's talk a little bit about it. Let's talk a little bit about why it's important, why it's strategic, and then sort of strategies, sort of these actionable strategies that we can put into place right now. So why is it important?
Well, I think, from a standpoint, we just mentioned SEO with my digital marketing agency, LinkedIn is considered an authority website with Google and the search engines. And so when somebody comes in contact with your company, whether you found them or whether somebody referred your company, what's the first thing somebody is going to do?
I go right out to, in fact, that's what I did with you, Tracy, right out to your LinkedIn profile, see what they
are, they're going to Google you, right? Oh, yeah. And, and oftentimes, unless you're dumping 1000s of dollars every month into search engine optimization for your website, your LinkedIn company page, and your LinkedIn profiles for the company are going to show up on page one before everybody everything else.
I'm gonna check that out right now. It's, it's funny, because you're spot on, because, but I still have a problem with a guy named Scott MacKenzie, but he died a number of years ago, and he was a singer. Gonna go ahead.
Anyway. So next thing that they're going to do is they're going to go do some due diligence, right? They're going to go check out your company page. And lo and behold, if they go directly to your company page, right there, it says, How many people are employed with your company, or at least say they're employed with your company, whether the current or past? And you're going to go click on that link that says all employees? And then what's that going to go to a list of all the employees and people are gonna start looking at the executives, they're gonna look at, for the owner of the company, they're gonna look at the executives at company, and they're looking at the employees. And I'm gonna tell you what, here's a big, big problem that a lot of companies have is a lot of times their employees profiles are better than the top key executives and the owners of the company. And that's a big No, no, I mean, honestly, I think so. But one of the biggest mistakes that you can mistake is, or one of the biggest mistakes that you can make as a company, even though maybe the CEO is too busy, or some of the key executives are too busy to actually use LinkedIn, for networking or whatnot. And they leave that to their sales and sales and marketing team, you still should be branded and look, the part, you know, this is how people make buying decisions. This is how people make decisions on whether or not to be employed with your company. And I think that is what a lot of folks are missing.
That's interesting, because you're I, what I hear you saying is that that executive, whoever it is, doesn't have a very good looking profile. But the employees have better looking profiles than the executives. Yeah, that's the disconnect. Yeah, it's interesting. Now I got it, I'm gonna look at that just because I, you're my actions. And I don't go to Google. I don't, I'll go right to LinkedIn. And then I'll look at the LinkedIn. And in LinkedIn, there's just pieces of information like connections like oh, okay, yeah, I can, I can have that conversation. It's chock full of great actionable information. But
I never also you have to keep in mind, your searches are only as good as what somebody puts in their company page or their profile. So a lot of times employees might be on LinkedIn, but the company doesn't have a company page so that the employees can attach themselves to that company.
I want to let you know, right now, industry people, that frustrates the hell out of me, when I can't, when I don't have a company page. If I go out to somebody, and I want to look at that stat card, that LinkedIn stat card, great stuff, and then I go to the company, and there's no company or it goes to the sort of a general, whatever that look at that. gray box. Yeah. Gosh, that bothers me. Don't do that. Don't do that. If anything outside of this whole dog God conversation, don't do that. Get a company profile out there. Okay.
Look, folks, we're not back in the 20th century, what do I do is such So look, I learned it this way, if you are not actively using LinkedIn, which by the way should be by all means you should at least have a presence there. And it should be done well, so that you know, with your link back to your website, so it gives people a chance to go and check you out. off of LinkedIn
stream. It's not that difficult. I mean, LinkedIn makes it. I mean, makes it easy. I mean, yeah, it's all free. And it's like, click here, dude. This Upload that. And it's like, you're just downright lazy. If you don't do it, you're just that's it. I'm laying that thing. You're lazy. Don't be lazy. Get that company thing out there. And then Okay, okay, so let's say, Tracy, I'm interested in sort of beefing up my my stat card on LinkedIn, because I always look at that. I mean, it's just, it's, it's natural, it stays up. 24 seven. I don't know if that is a good thing for me or a bad thing, but it stays up all the time. So from an individual perspective, what are you? What are you looking at? What do they need to look at? You mean, on your personal profile? Yep. Yeah, start there. And then let's pivot to the company.
Well, the way we do things is very different than everybody else, this thing. So I really think this is an opportunity for the owners of these companies and their employees to really capitalize on really, who are you wanting to work with? Who you work with? What is it that you do for them? How do you do it? How you're different than your competition? At the end of the day? What does somebody really want to know? What kind of results can they expect working with you? Right? And I think that's it. That's where people fall short is they don't you know, it's a client centric or client facing type profile. Not everything on there should be you should have the human side to you. But still linked has been around 18 years, and people are still using this, like, it's their resume, like, Oh, look at me, look at me look at me mean, yeah, yeah. And a lot of times people want to know, know, what is it that you can do for me, that's what I really want to know,
I have a problem solve my problem, give me some insights into solving my problem. I'll be more than happy to look at your stat card. I agree with you. 100%. But that requires effort on my part to try to ferret out that prospect. Right? That that requires a little effort, that what do we do with that I need to target my verbiage to go after that prospect, right?
Well, I mean, you're probably already doing it in your business, right? You probably already know who it is that you work with what it is that you do, how you do it, how you're different, and you better know what your competition is doing, right? how you're doing it different because people are going to come with you with objections like, well, this guy over here, they do this, why don't you do this? Or how do you do it better. And then the other day, you've, if you've been around for at least three years or more, I'm sure you have some results, right? show those results in your profile. I mean, share them. I mean, people want to see that. I mean, people are, when they're buying, they're emotionally mine, that you either are feeling some sort of, you know, you're solving a problem, or you're, you're squashing a fear or you're are, you know, feeling some sort of desire that they have, whether it's, you know, depending on your business personally or financially, right. And that's what you can do at the profile. And I don't think people understand that you have opportunities within the profile, and sections that most people don't even fill out. In order to do that, I got a big tip for you, I only share this Scott with my paying clients.
All right. big tip coming your way, take notes.
in the about section, you now it has LinkedIn as expanded it from 2000 characters to 2600 characters, you should now direct people to drive them to your projects section in LinkedIn, to showcase a few of your favorite clients and the results that you've gotten for them. But what that also does, it allows them to now scroll through the rest of your profile. So maybe they see the human side of you, like your organizations that you support and the volunteer work that you've done, and maybe some education because people like to connect with people that they went to the same college with or military experience or whatnot. Um, then you also have the the skill sections, which are your keywords, which people don't care about that, but LinkedIn does, because those are keywords that people are gonna be able to find you organically in LinkedIn. But then again, you also have your honors and your awards and things, things like that people want to to feel good about who they're potentially going to be working with and getting on the phone with, right, that's the human side of you. Trust me, everybody's forgetting about these sections and these new trainers, these new LinkedIn guru trainers, yeah. All those sections like where's the human? Where's the human to you? You know, and, and a
fan of the human side, I think, especially now, and I think that industry, we do a horrible job at highlighting that. And I'm on my I'm on my stat card, and I've got some gaps. Just when you're out there looking at industrial talk, just sort of notice that I got my nice header. Don't Don't go beyond just kidding. That's
that's another thing too. Why are people forgetting to put a branded background photo with action? They're leaving that dreaded blue background like, or they're putting in some crappy cityscape that they found on Google.
Says Drew, it's true. Just sort of throw out some coin out there and get a nice background. It's easy. Come on. Yeah,
go to Fiverr and get one done for 25 bucks Promise me down at like,
fiber. That's cool. I remember the first time I discovered fiber, I've gotten really? Are you kidding me? Really? Yeah. I thought that was an incredible, incredible
day. You know, I'm not the graphic artist. But you know, I know how to design things. But like, we would spend two to $300 just for one background banner. It's crazy.
Have Canva Canva that, that sort of mixes and matches the car combination? It doesn't look like a mess. Like if I had
to have some they've got some templates in there. But you really should have some design skills to understand
that Yeah, well, no, I pay for mine. I've got premium. Yeah, but but you're right. It's still I have come to just just love graphic designers, because they're just, you just know when something doesn't look right. You're looking at and you think, man, I'm proud of this, but something's not right. And then a graphic designer comes in, moves things around a little bit changes colors here. And it's like, wow, that feels much better. And it's a feeling it's like right in there, man. It's a feeling. Okay, so we've done that. We've taken your your advice. Now let's, let's shift to the company side. Okay, one, do not go away without updating and looking at your profile. And and don't be lazy, right? It doesn't take much effort. Don't Don't be lazy. Spend some time, you're not that busy. Okay, now on to the company. What are we doing that's wrong with company stuff?
I think well, the company actually company pages, added some additional features. Now, a little hack here is like your website's probably already well done. And instead of just writing some fluff about your company takes some aspects of art, what's already in your website, you get 2000 characters in that description about the company, and kind of do it a little bit again, like we just talked about in your about section on your profile, describe what it is what you do, who you do it for, what kind of results can they expect working with you. Secondly, LinkedIn still has what they call specialties in the company pages, which typically all that means is they're your keywords, you've already done the research and the brainstorming, it's already on your your personal profile, add 20 of those to your company page. That's how people are going to find your company page. These are keywords.
So if I want to look for somebody that has skill sets in graphic design, and be that that is apparently the word of the day for us, I can do a search, and then it would provide some results of people who have those keywords in their profile.
Yeah, so you can go to regular LinkedIn or free and you've got a few filters in there. And you can look for company pages, you can say graphic design is a keyword, right? And then you can pick your location, and you can find graphic design companies within the location based off of that, but if your profile your company page, I'm sorry, doesn't have that word at all in your description or in any of those specialties. No one's gonna find you.
Nobody. All right, yeah. So what I was trying to say is LinkedIn is a search engine at the end of the day it is, and it's I gotta tell you, I'm I'm bullish on LinkedIn, I think that there's a lot of great stuff that that is happening there. And and what you're talking about little tweaks here and there, you're now now they can they can procure your services, and he'll beef it up and hopefully bring in some opportunities in revenue associated with their better personal profile as well as company profile, right. That's gotta get what other things can companies do, specifically from a social, you know, human side?
Well, first of all, I mean, I know that we said at the bare minimum, have your profiles and your company page branded. But Wow, LinkedIn is a just a wealth. I mean, look, I've had clients that are making six and seven figures without advertising on LinkedIn, we've done it. I mean, it just takes a little bit of time and effort or have a team member do it for you. You don't need to use all of what LinkedIn has offered to make a very good income or increase your ROI. using LinkedIn, but you also don't need to be on it for 5678 hours a day, you know, 3045 minutes an hour a day, as long as you have like a strategy or a list like a daily task list. Yeah. And then you follow that list until it's second nature and then things. I mean, you're not spending that much time networking is this isn't like the old days was spending hours with the phone button cold calling?
Yeah. So right. No one likes to do that anyway. No, no, don't. Don't do that. Let's talk a little bit about the algorithms. Now, if you got a company, if you got employees, is it is it best practice or good practice to have employees saying, hey, pull them in, you know, get engaged with what's taking place in the company level, right?
100%. As a matter of fact, that's one of the new features that LinkedIn has for company pages is before you actually had to have a Sales Navigator business premium account to have these insights on the company pages to allow your employees to actually interact and also share and be their your biggest advocate or cheerleader for your company. But now it's free. So as long as you have a company page, you now can get your employees active engaged, because everybody, every one of your employees has a separate network, right. And that's how you start building a bigger network, a bigger company pays and getting more eyeballs on your business is through your employees. Okay, and so,
success company pages now even offer articles now you can put your company blogs and stuff on there before it was just for profiles. Now company pages can have that. So now your CEO can have his own personal blog. And you know, the kids can come in and engage with that and share it out. But your company page can also do that as well. So that's one of the strategies to is that companies they have the company page, but they're not putting up content.
So yeah, got it got to do. He got to put up content. It's great check mark, we got a company page, but no content that it's, here's the thing,
the company is like, Oh, I don't know what to do next. But what do you think about it? How long have you been in business? I bet you you have assets that you realize that you didn't already have. And you can repurpose those assets that started
with that. That's a whole nother conversation about repurposing I'll, I'm a big fan of resurrecting old blogs, because I think the if you can resurrect it, meaning put it on a podcast sticking out a video, I don't know and talk about it. You've just resurrected that asset that that content. And and I think that that's that's an important thing. Let me ask you a question about Sales Navigator. What's your thinking about that?
I love it. Why? I've been Sales Navigator user for like six years now. I won't do without it. I'll pay for it month after month after month. It is an amazing prospecting tool. And for companies that have like teams, there's three levels, there's professional, those are typically maybe for the solo entrepreneur or who have a very small team. Then you have the team's version that has 10 seats. And then you have the enterprise for the larger companies, which those to the teams and enterprise have additional features like that can sync with like your CRM. Yeah, it's got point drive, which I think is called team link now or point link point. I don't know they changed the name like last year, or sharelink. Right? It's sharelink. Yeah. And then enterprise even has additional features, if you know you want to pay for that. But it is especially if you've got teams that like work like different regionals. So nobody's Crossing Paths and stepping on each other's toes when they're prospecting. So it's it's easy to keep tabs on what your sales team is doing with those two, but if you're just getting started out, or you have a small company pro work just fine. It just got amazing, you got like 30 something filters, you can find people you can save lead lists. Their homepage is completely different than the LinkedIn newsfeed once you start saving accounts and saving people into lead lists. Now you can get updates on their activity and stay front of mind with them without even being connected to them. So amazing what this thing can do. Yeah,
it's it's a pretty powerful tool. I've I've come to appreciate one, the fact that you have email marketing strategies, right? And then email marketing strategies, okay, it's it, you can tell it's going in their email, and it can be captured, captured by whatever, you know, block, whatever it might be, and it won't go in there or go into spam or whatever it might be. The doc on LinkedIn, if you use LinkedIn, it goes right into their inbox. It is it's in their face, it goes right past whatever firewall they have.
What's even better is let's say that you found a search a perfect search. No one wants to remember the search that they did, right? They allow you to save your searches. And then LinkedIn will even email you to your primary email address any new searches that come up, and you tell them how often you want those emails. That's brilliant. Now, look for this every day, it's been sent to me automatically.
I think the the premise or the moral of this conversation is that there's so much more that can be done in LinkedIn that you're not doing that you're doing it, but everybody else was not doing it. I'm telling you right now, and it is available. And and for me, personally, I'm in the business of what I do. I discover things each and every day, then the power behind LinkedIn. And you just got to be engaged, you gotta, you can't get lazy.
Now you just have to be consistent. But then hours and hours and hours on on the platform. Speaking
of consistency, let's talk a little bit about some giveaways. I see a 23 point check list. Tell us a little bit about that. Well, we segwayed into that.
We developed the profile checklists, that's pretty comprehensive on your personal profile. And I'm going to tell you what, it's actually now up to 28 points. And we didn't even cover the new creator profiles now that LinkedIn just came out with a few months ago. But those are only for the people who are doing content. Anyway. So um, but right now, the 23 point checklist will work along with the book behind me, which I wrote in 2018 best selling book, talks about your content, but the whole first chapter talks about your profile, and the foundation work that you need to do. But the profile checklist will keep you in, you know, check 123 ABC from top to bottom and how to fill out these profile sections effectively and quickly. And then I think we can give them away what the book and the checklist and I tell you what if you guys get the book and the current checklist, when we get the new one out, which is we're finishing up some edits on it right now. We'll give you the new one for free. The 28 point checklist. You guys can go to LinkedIn or who linked into publishing. com.
All right, the website is LinkedIn two That's what is That's right. Yeah, put that triple, triple w the World Wide Web and get that. But fear not. It'll all be out there on industrial What is the best way, Tracy to get ahold of you? Tracy?
Hold on, guys, get out there and follow me and connect with me on LinkedIn. That's
Yeah, just email me. No. I like that.
Yeah, again, you I mean, connect with me on LinkedIn. Like that's, you're gonna get some you know, cool tips. And then when we start doing some more videos and stuff in the news, you can email me. Yeah, absolutely. Um, but like, I like LinkedIn. I think we can all agree on that. Right, man.
So don't even go don't know. I'm not even gonna give out an email. Nope. Nope. Tracy, Enos. That's e n. o. s. Sir. Another Tracy Enos out there.
There is what I was the very first one on LinkedIn. I think I'm still the only one with a photo.
There you go. So So you've got to reach out. It's simple. It's easy. Just do it. And I'm sure she's, she'll say, Okay, great. I'll have you a part of my network.
That you that you heard me on Scott's podcast. And I'll tell you what, I'll even do your your listeners. One more favor shot What? I will do a quick review over their profile and make my top three recommendations.
Bam. There it is. There it is. You Tracy. were wonderful. Thank you, you know, we just scratched the surface of it. Again, I'm just looking at my bookshelf. I've got I've got the VitaMix. I interviewed the CEO, VitaMix. There's her book right there. And then I got some other books back here. But I just having a hard time seeing that LinkedIn publishing to Prague.
I will get it sent to you. You have to send me your email your, your mailing address, and I'll get it sent to you. All right.
That'll be cool. And then I'll just, I'll talk about it all the time. How's that? Good. Well, version 2.0 is coming out this fall. Keep it never stops with you, Tracy. benefits, values, all of that good stuff. All right. Thank you, Tracy for being on the industrial talk podcast. My pleasure. All right, listeners. We're gonna wrap it up on the other side. So if you're not we're going to have all the contact information really just go out. The LinkedIn you'll be able to reach out to her. All right. Stay tuned. You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
All right, once again, thank you, Tracy, Enos, for being on the industrial talk podcast, absolute wonderful, wonderful opportunity to really talk about this LinkedIn publishing to profits, as well as all your insights into how are you making that LinkedIn work? Excellent, and timely for you, industrial professionals. Anyway, get the book, it'll there'll be a link out there to get that book, I highly recommend it. Alright, again, check out Neil and e o Find out a little bit more. You can get engaged, you can do stuff. But I mean, it's it's wonderful to see an organization truly trying to put all this innovation into action and see how it really benefits us as a whole. All right, again, be bold, be brave. Dare greatly do that. But hang out. Have your team Be bold, brave and daring greatly. You know what you're going to do? Yeah, you're going to change the world. Thank you again, for joining industrial talk. We're going to have another great interview right around the corner. So stay tuned.
Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott MacKenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go. As always welcome to industrial talk, where we celebrate industry heroes such as yourself, you're bold, you're brave, you dare greatly you innovate, you solve problems, you're changing lives, and you're changing the world. Thank you very much each and every day of what you do to make my life better. Thank you very much. All right, in the hot seat, we have a young lady by the name of Tracy Enos. And look at this, if you're out on video, I've got a book. Yep, she produced it. LinkedIn publishing to profits, it guess what we're gonna be talking about? LinkedIn, let's get cracking. Yep. So I have this book, it's well laid out. It asks the right questions, it is addressing the right issues. It is exactly and it's not overwhelming. She's got it laid out. And it is well written, very, very well done. And I'm very honored to be able to have that, behind me in my, I guess my hall of fame of books that are just right behind me. And we're gonna be talking about this book, as well as many other topics. Because given the pandemic, given the challenges that we are still trying to get through, I think this is a timely conversation. And you know, I always geek out when we start talking about ways of growing your business, surviving, right, rebuilding, prospering, what are the strategies that we can deploy, and I never, ever, ever, ever say no, to anyone who wants to help industry, and people succeed, and live their dreams. That is exactly what this particular podcast is all about. That's what it does. Israel talk media is all about, we just want to be able to celebrate, and help people succeed. And that's what this particular conversation with Tracy will be before we get going. So, you know, I've been a big write a big fan of what they're doing out at Neil. And once again, if you go out to an E o, find out route around, look around that website and see the passion, read about the passion and see the individuals that are truly working to create a community of the future, leveraging. And I mean, leveraging all the technology that's out there that that innovation that we speak a lot about on this particular podcast. It's exciting. So here I am, let's just if you're out on video, here we go, we're going to go to the website real quick. Here is here is a slide on, I can't say slides, or whatever it's it's, it's a page on their website. And it's under line. But it's the the picture is powered by an innovative, invisible infrastructure. So if you're out there, and you're looking at this picture, and you're looking at you go Holy snakey. That's amazing stuff. They're gonna do it. They're gonna do it because they have the right people in place. They've got the it's, if I look at the timing of all this, if I look at everything about what they're doing at Neo, this is the right time. I think innovation is is there. I think the energy to be able to solve problems is there. And and I think we I think we can get it done. Or they can get it done. Oh, whatever adds exciting stuff. All right, back to the interview. Tracy Enos, that's e n o s. Enos enterprise, is the company the founder, you go out to her stat card, right. Let's see what it looks like. Yeah, look at that. A well done, because she is all about doing stuff on LinkedIn. She's got, she's got great stuff out there. And it's just right there.
Sometimes you just get excited about LinkedIn, you find a person out there, the person is willing to share insights, wisdom, knowledge, because we have to be about education. We have to be about collaborating. And boy, I talk about that all the time, because you don't have all the answers. And then of course, the the need to innovate. All right, they're all easily accessible. All right. Enjoy the conversation with Tracy. Tracy, welcome to the industrial talk podcast. I'm going to enjoy this conversation because we're gonna be talking about LinkedIn. Added us around LinkedIn. And and yes, if you're an industrial professional, you're not doing it right. Just FYI, I'll just lay it right on out there. LinkedIn is an asset. Let's do it. Right, Tracy, how you doing?
Great, Scott. Thank you. Glad to be here today.
Yeah, I like that book behind you LinkedIn publishing to profits. And and especially now My gosh, I like that. I like that. But let me just sort of check something out. FYI. Just when, if you're looking at on the video, and I'm turning around in my chair. No, I don't have one. on my bookshelf. I don't have one of those things that are on your bookshelf that's not on my bookshelf. How can we solve that problem? That means I need to send you one. All right. For the listeners out there. Give us a little background on who you are.
Yeah, yeah. So my name is Tracy Ennis. And I have been an expert, LinkedIn advisor for nine ish plus years, somewhere around there. And it kind of fell into it by accident. I got laid off twice in four years by corporate America, and
a common tale a common tale,
d this is back in November of:I'm telling you right now, skill,
e to corporate America did a big disservice to her as well. And so she went out on her own and made a hell of a lot more money than them, right. Anyway, so um, she told me just to take the dive and do it. And you know, as nervous as I was, I did, you know, and so what started out with what I'm doing today didn't start out that way. It started out as a digital marketing agency. So we're like building SEO, websites, or we're doing videos, we're doing business directories, getting companies in the Google Maps, which is very different back then that is today. I mean, it was, you know, it was fun selling it, it was not fun doing it, or
that's a that's a heck of a learning curve to, especially back then I think today is a little bit easier not to, I mean, there's cool tools out there. But back then, whoo. That's trench, baby. That's trench work.
At what, Oh, don't get me wrong, I'd be burning the midnight oil. Sometimes I get two hours of sleep, and the kids are getting ready for school.
Easily, easily. So let's let's start venturing into it. One of the things that of course, we got hit up the side of the head with is pandemic, people were scrambling, trying to figure out how to get their message out. Didn't have. I mean, I believe personally there, Tracy that we were we were lazy. We didn't bring our a game, we brought our B, maybe c game, possibly each and every day, no big deal. And then the pandemic hits, and then all of a sudden reality hits. And we're trying to get our message out and we have no clue. And the only place that everybody went within industry was LinkedIn. And that ban, that thing just blew up. But still in the strategies that that are around and let's talk a little bit about that. So give us a little problem that's associated with LinkedIn today. What do we need to do from an industrial perspective?
Well, I think their problem affects everybody, not just the industrial.
Well, no, no, my whole life was just industrial don't don't even go into other areas. I don't even know if there's anything else other than industrial.
I think what happened is like, you know, a lot of people heard about this LinkedIn thing, and then they get on it. And then they're like, now what? Right? And then like, there's so many bells and so many bells and whistles to LinkedIn, unlike any other social media platform, and they're like, I don't know how to navigate this thing. I don't know what to do first, what do I do second, and then they get overwhelmed, and then just quit forget, screw it, you know, they put a company page app and they expect people to go there organically and find us and then you know, hire us and it just doesn't work like that.
It does not? Yeah, it's interesting, because you're you're absolutely spot on. I was probably fell into that category. LinkedIn came out promoted as, hey, it's a professional location for socially engaging people and all that stuff. You you tip your toes in the water, it's okay. Then all of a sudden, you're getting people popping in and you're just like, I don't have time for this. I've got I've got a five alarm fire over here that I've got to deal with. So I agree with you 100% about it, but now it's I think it's strategic for your company. I think It's strategic for not just the company, but for an individual. Do you agree? 100%? Good answer, because you got a book back there that says that. No, Scott, no, not not one bad man. No, no. There's a disconnect there. So let's talk a little bit about it. Let's talk a little bit about why it's important, why it's strategic, and then sort of strategies, sort of these actionable strategies that we can put into place right now. So why is it important?
Well, I think, from a standpoint, we just mentioned SEO with my digital marketing agency, LinkedIn is considered an authority website with Google and the search engines. And so when somebody comes in contact with your company, whether you found them or whether somebody referred your company, what's the first thing somebody is going to do?
I go right out to, in fact, that's what I did with you, Tracy, right out to your LinkedIn profile, see what they
ntimes, unless you're dumping:I'm gonna check that out right now. It's, it's funny, because you're spot on, because, but I still have a problem with a guy named Scott MacKenzie, but he died a number of years ago, and he was a singer. Gonna go ahead.
Anyway. So next thing that they're going to do is they're going to go do some due diligence, right? They're going to go check out your company page. And lo and behold, if they go directly to your company page, right there, it says, How many people are employed with your company, or at least say they're employed with your company, whether the current or past? And you're going to go click on that link that says all employees? And then what's that going to go to a list of all the employees and people are gonna start looking at the executives, they're gonna look at, for the owner of the company, they're gonna look at the executives at company, and they're looking at the employees. And I'm gonna tell you what, here's a big, big problem that a lot of companies have is a lot of times their employees profiles are better than the top key executives and the owners of the company. And that's a big No, no, I mean, honestly, I think so. But one of the biggest mistakes that you can mistake is, or one of the biggest mistakes that you can make as a company, even though maybe the CEO is too busy, or some of the key executives are too busy to actually use LinkedIn, for networking or whatnot. And they leave that to their sales and sales and marketing team, you still should be branded and look, the part, you know, this is how people make buying decisions. This is how people make decisions on whether or not to be employed with your company. And I think that is what a lot of folks are missing.
That's interesting, because you're I, what I hear you saying is that that executive, whoever it is, doesn't have a very good looking profile. But the employees have better looking profiles than the executives. Yeah, that's the disconnect. Yeah, it's interesting. Now I got it, I'm gonna look at that just because I, you're my actions. And I don't go to Google. I don't, I'll go right to LinkedIn. And then I'll look at the LinkedIn. And in LinkedIn, there's just pieces of information like connections like oh, okay, yeah, I can, I can have that conversation. It's chock full of great actionable information. But
I never also you have to keep in mind, your searches are only as good as what somebody puts in their company page or their profile. So a lot of times employees might be on LinkedIn, but the company doesn't have a company page so that the employees can attach themselves to that company.
I want to let you know, right now, industry people, that frustrates the hell out of me, when I can't, when I don't have a company page. If I go out to somebody, and I want to look at that stat card, that LinkedIn stat card, great stuff, and then I go to the company, and there's no company or it goes to the sort of a general, whatever that look at that. gray box. Yeah. Gosh, that bothers me. Don't do that. Don't do that. If anything outside of this whole dog God conversation, don't do that. Get a company profile out there. Okay.
Look, folks, we're not back in the 20th century, what do I do is such So look, I learned it this way, if you are not actively using LinkedIn, which by the way should be by all means you should at least have a presence there. And it should be done well, so that you know, with your link back to your website, so it gives people a chance to go and check you out. off of LinkedIn
stream. It's not that difficult. I mean, LinkedIn makes it. I mean, makes it easy. I mean, yeah, it's all free. And it's like, click here, dude. This Upload that. And it's like, you're just downright lazy. If you don't do it, you're just that's it. I'm laying that thing. You're lazy. Don't be lazy. Get that company thing out there. And then Okay, okay, so let's say, Tracy, I'm interested in sort of beefing up my my stat card on LinkedIn, because I always look at that. I mean, it's just, it's, it's natural, it stays up. 24 seven. I don't know if that is a good thing for me or a bad thing, but it stays up all the time. So from an individual perspective, what are you? What are you looking at? What do they need to look at? You mean, on your personal profile? Yep. Yeah, start there. And then let's pivot to the company.
Well, the way we do things is very different than everybody else, this thing. So I really think this is an opportunity for the owners of these companies and their employees to really capitalize on really, who are you wanting to work with? Who you work with? What is it that you do for them? How do you do it? How you're different than your competition? At the end of the day? What does somebody really want to know? What kind of results can they expect working with you? Right? And I think that's it. That's where people fall short is they don't you know, it's a client centric or client facing type profile. Not everything on there should be you should have the human side to you. But still linked has been around 18 years, and people are still using this, like, it's their resume, like, Oh, look at me, look at me look at me mean, yeah, yeah. And a lot of times people want to know, know, what is it that you can do for me, that's what I really want to know,
I have a problem solve my problem, give me some insights into solving my problem. I'll be more than happy to look at your stat card. I agree with you. 100%. But that requires effort on my part to try to ferret out that prospect. Right? That that requires a little effort, that what do we do with that I need to target my verbiage to go after that prospect, right?
Well, I mean, you're probably already doing it in your business, right? You probably already know who it is that you work with what it is that you do, how you do it, how you're different, and you better know what your competition is doing, right? how you're doing it different because people are going to come with you with objections like, well, this guy over here, they do this, why don't you do this? Or how do you do it better. And then the other day, you've, if you've been around for at least three years or more, I'm sure you have some results, right? show those results in your profile. I mean, share them. I mean, people want to see that. I mean, people are, when they're buying, they're emotionally mine, that you either are feeling some sort of, you know, you're solving a problem, or you're, you're squashing a fear or you're are, you know, feeling some sort of desire that they have, whether it's, you know, depending on your business personally or financially, right. And that's what you can do at the profile. And I don't think people understand that you have opportunities within the profile, and sections that most people don't even fill out. In order to do that, I got a big tip for you, I only share this Scott with my paying clients.
All right. big tip coming your way, take notes.
LinkedIn as expanded it from:fan of the human side, I think, especially now, and I think that industry, we do a horrible job at highlighting that. And I'm on my I'm on my stat card, and I've got some gaps. Just when you're out there looking at industrial talk, just sort of notice that I got my nice header. Don't Don't go beyond just kidding. That's
that's another thing too. Why are people forgetting to put a branded background photo with action? They're leaving that dreaded blue background like, or they're putting in some crappy cityscape that they found on Google.
Says Drew, it's true. Just sort of throw out some coin out there and get a nice background. It's easy. Come on. Yeah,
go to Fiverr and get one done for 25 bucks Promise me down at like,
fiber. That's cool. I remember the first time I discovered fiber, I've gotten really? Are you kidding me? Really? Yeah. I thought that was an incredible, incredible
day. You know, I'm not the graphic artist. But you know, I know how to design things. But like, we would spend two to $300 just for one background banner. It's crazy.
Have Canva Canva that, that sort of mixes and matches the car combination? It doesn't look like a mess. Like if I had
to have some they've got some templates in there. But you really should have some design skills to understand
that Yeah, well, no, I pay for mine. I've got premium. Yeah, but but you're right. It's still I have come to just just love graphic designers, because they're just, you just know when something doesn't look right. You're looking at and you think, man, I'm proud of this, but something's not right. And then a graphic designer comes in, moves things around a little bit changes colors here. And it's like, wow, that feels much better. And it's a feeling it's like right in there, man. It's a feeling. Okay, so we've done that. We've taken your your advice. Now let's, let's shift to the company side. Okay, one, do not go away without updating and looking at your profile. And and don't be lazy, right? It doesn't take much effort. Don't Don't be lazy. Spend some time, you're not that busy. Okay, now on to the company. What are we doing that's wrong with company stuff?
eady in your website, you get:So if I want to look for somebody that has skill sets in graphic design, and be that that is apparently the word of the day for us, I can do a search, and then it would provide some results of people who have those keywords in their profile.
Yeah, so you can go to regular LinkedIn or free and you've got a few filters in there. And you can look for company pages, you can say graphic design is a keyword, right? And then you can pick your location, and you can find graphic design companies within the location based off of that, but if your profile your company page, I'm sorry, doesn't have that word at all in your description or in any of those specialties. No one's gonna find you.
Nobody. All right, yeah. So what I was trying to say is LinkedIn is a search engine at the end of the day it is, and it's I gotta tell you, I'm I'm bullish on LinkedIn, I think that there's a lot of great stuff that that is happening there. And and what you're talking about little tweaks here and there, you're now now they can they can procure your services, and he'll beef it up and hopefully bring in some opportunities in revenue associated with their better personal profile as well as company profile, right. That's gotta get what other things can companies do, specifically from a social, you know, human side?
so don't need to be on it for:Yeah. So right. No one likes to do that anyway. No, no, don't. Don't do that. Let's talk a little bit about the algorithms. Now, if you got a company, if you got employees, is it is it best practice or good practice to have employees saying, hey, pull them in, you know, get engaged with what's taking place in the company level, right?
100%. As a matter of fact, that's one of the new features that LinkedIn has for company pages is before you actually had to have a Sales Navigator business premium account to have these insights on the company pages to allow your employees to actually interact and also share and be their your biggest advocate or cheerleader for your company. But now it's free. So as long as you have a company page, you now can get your employees active engaged, because everybody, every one of your employees has a separate network, right. And that's how you start building a bigger network, a bigger company pays and getting more eyeballs on your business is through your employees. Okay, and so,
success company pages now even offer articles now you can put your company blogs and stuff on there before it was just for profiles. Now company pages can have that. So now your CEO can have his own personal blog. And you know, the kids can come in and engage with that and share it out. But your company page can also do that as well. So that's one of the strategies to is that companies they have the company page, but they're not putting up content.
So yeah, got it got to do. He got to put up content. It's great check mark, we got a company page, but no content that it's, here's the thing,
the company is like, Oh, I don't know what to do next. But what do you think about it? How long have you been in business? I bet you you have assets that you realize that you didn't already have. And you can repurpose those assets that started
with that. That's a whole nother conversation about repurposing I'll, I'm a big fan of resurrecting old blogs, because I think the if you can resurrect it, meaning put it on a podcast sticking out a video, I don't know and talk about it. You've just resurrected that asset that that content. And and I think that that's that's an important thing. Let me ask you a question about Sales Navigator. What's your thinking about that?
I love it. Why? I've been Sales Navigator user for like six years now. I won't do without it. I'll pay for it month after month after month. It is an amazing prospecting tool. And for companies that have like teams, there's three levels, there's professional, those are typically maybe for the solo entrepreneur or who have a very small team. Then you have the team's version that has 10 seats. And then you have the enterprise for the larger companies, which those to the teams and enterprise have additional features like that can sync with like your CRM. Yeah, it's got point drive, which I think is called team link now or point link point. I don't know they changed the name like last year, or sharelink. Right? It's sharelink. Yeah. And then enterprise even has additional features, if you know you want to pay for that. But it is especially if you've got teams that like work like different regionals. So nobody's Crossing Paths and stepping on each other's toes when they're prospecting. So it's it's easy to keep tabs on what your sales team is doing with those two, but if you're just getting started out, or you have a small company pro work just fine. It just got amazing, you got like 30 something filters, you can find people you can save lead lists. Their homepage is completely different than the LinkedIn newsfeed once you start saving accounts and saving people into lead lists. Now you can get updates on their activity and stay front of mind with them without even being connected to them. So amazing what this thing can do. Yeah,
it's it's a pretty powerful tool. I've I've come to appreciate one, the fact that you have email marketing strategies, right? And then email marketing strategies, okay, it's it, you can tell it's going in their email, and it can be captured, captured by whatever, you know, block, whatever it might be, and it won't go in there or go into spam or whatever it might be. The doc on LinkedIn, if you use LinkedIn, it goes right into their inbox. It is it's in their face, it goes right past whatever firewall they have.
What's even better is let's say that you found a search a perfect search. No one wants to remember the search that they did, right? They allow you to save your searches. And then LinkedIn will even email you to your primary email address any new searches that come up, and you tell them how often you want those emails. That's brilliant. Now, look for this every day, it's been sent to me automatically.
I think the the premise or the moral of this conversation is that there's so much more that can be done in LinkedIn that you're not doing that you're doing it, but everybody else was not doing it. I'm telling you right now, and it is available. And and for me, personally, I'm in the business of what I do. I discover things each and every day, then the power behind LinkedIn. And you just got to be engaged, you gotta, you can't get lazy.
Now you just have to be consistent. But then hours and hours and hours on on the platform. Speaking
of consistency, let's talk a little bit about some giveaways. I see a 23 point check list. Tell us a little bit about that. Well, we segwayed into that.
k behind me, which I wrote in:All right, the website is LinkedIn two That's what is That's right. Yeah, put that triple, triple w the World Wide Web and get that. But fear not. It'll all be out there on industrial What is the best way, Tracy to get ahold of you? Tracy?
Hold on, guys, get out there and follow me and connect with me on LinkedIn. That's
Yeah, just email me. No. I like that.
Yeah, again, you I mean, connect with me on LinkedIn. Like that's, you're gonna get some you know, cool tips. And then when we start doing some more videos and stuff in the news, you can email me. Yeah, absolutely. Um, but like, I like LinkedIn. I think we can all agree on that. Right, man.
So don't even go don't know. I'm not even gonna give out an email. Nope. Nope. Tracy, Enos. That's e n. o. s. Sir. Another Tracy Enos out there.
There is what I was the very first one on LinkedIn. I think I'm still the only one with a photo.
There you go. So So you've got to reach out. It's simple. It's easy. Just do it. And I'm sure she's, she'll say, Okay, great. I'll have you a part of my network.
That you that you heard me on Scott's podcast. And I'll tell you what, I'll even do your your listeners. One more favor shot What? I will do a quick review over their profile and make my top three recommendations.
Bam. There it is. There it is. You Tracy. were wonderful. Thank you, you know, we just scratched the surface of it. Again, I'm just looking at my bookshelf. I've got I've got the VitaMix. I interviewed the CEO, VitaMix. There's her book right there. And then I got some other books back here. But I just having a hard time seeing that LinkedIn publishing to Prague.
I will get it sent to you. You have to send me your email your, your mailing address, and I'll get it sent to you. All right.
That'll be cool. And then I'll just, I'll talk about it all the time. How's that? Good. Well, version 2.0 is coming out this fall. Keep it never stops with you, Tracy. benefits, values, all of that good stuff. All right. Thank you, Tracy for being on the industrial talk podcast. My pleasure. All right, listeners. We're gonna wrap it up on the other side. So if you're not we're going to have all the contact information really just go out. The LinkedIn you'll be able to reach out to her. All right. Stay tuned. You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
All right, once again, thank you, Tracy, Enos, for being on the industrial talk podcast, absolute wonderful, wonderful opportunity to really talk about this LinkedIn publishing to profits, as well as all your insights into how are you making that LinkedIn work? Excellent, and timely for you, industrial professionals. Anyway, get the book, it'll there'll be a link out there to get that book, I highly recommend it. Alright, again, check out Neil and e o Find out a little bit more. You can get engaged, you can do stuff. But I mean, it's it's wonderful to see an organization truly trying to put all this innovation into action and see how it really benefits us as a whole. All right, again, be bold, be brave. Dare greatly do that. But hang out. Have your team Be bold, brave and daring greatly. You know what you're going to do? Yeah, you're going to change the world. Thank you again, for joining industrial talk. We're going to have another great interview right around the corner. So stay tuned.