Vesku Turtia with Armis

On this week's Industrial Talk we're onsite at IoT Solutions World Congress and talking to Vesku Turtia, Regional Sales Director with Armis about “Identifying and Securing your Digital Transformation Strategy”. Get the answers to your “Connected Assets” questions along with Vesku's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
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Industrial Talk is brought to you by Armis. Yes, you were in the digital transformation game. Yes, you need to find trusted companies, trusted individuals to help you along with that journey. The Armis platform delivers complete asset intelligence, you know what that means, insights into your connected assets, you're in the digital transformation game, you have to have that insights into what is connected, go to Find out more, you will not be disappointed. Also industry IoT Consortium. At industrial talk, we always talk about education, we always talk about collaboration, we are always talking about innovation. And if you're a business that has any desire to be resilient to the future, you need to be able to educate, collaborate, as well as innovate with other industry professionals. That's a must. Industry IoT consortium brings that all together, you need to be a part of this community, you need to be connected with these leaders that are all apart the Industry IoT consortium, go out to Find out more again, you will not be disappointed. You're just going to be happy. Hey there, and welcome to industrial talk. Thank you very much for joining. We are broadcasting. Well, we are on site at IoT Solutions World Congress, we had a great time we were broadcasting from that location, it is a must attend event. So put that on your calendar that is in Barcelona. That's the IoT solutions World Congress. Now, in the hot seat, we have a gentleman by the name of Vesku Turtia, and he is with a company called Armis. He is the Regional Sales Director for them. And we're just talking about the ability to be able to identify your assets. If you're in the digital transformation game, identify those assets, secure those assets, so that you can reap the benefits of this digital transformation journey, it's important for you to be able to identify all your assets, and Armus is leading the way. So enjoy the conversation.
Yeah, you haven't heard conference.
So far, So good. We started today. So there's a lot of people in the conference rooms in the different presentations. But yeah, I mean, people are passing by the booth. And so far, so good. No complaints.
No, I wouldn't listen to you. If you had any complaints, I would say. Forget it. Forget it. All right. So some of the information or some of the conversations that we were having at this particular event, IoT Solutions World Congress, how about that for plug another one? Is that, okay? We have made the determination from an industry perspective that we want to connect pretty much everything. And I mean, everything they want to, they want to connect with my dog for whatever reason, but they want to connect to everything. And one of the conversations that I think that needs to happen is how do you secure that? Talk to us a little bit about Armis, securing that connected, because if you're not connect if you're not securing it, this whole digital transformation journey, whatever it might be, is all for naught. Right?
Yeah, exactly. And, you know, for the CISOs of the modern companies today, I mean, they have a pretty, pretty tough job. And as Today we talk about the IoT, this fear, so, so a lot of people doesn't even realize and understand that, that in the today's connected world, there are way more IoT devices connected to corporate networks than PCs and mobile phones. So therefore, in order to make a specific and very good cybersecurity strategy, the first questions that everybody should ask, Do I understand what I have connected to my network? If I don't, I mean, making making a solid cybersecurity strategy becomes quite difficult if you don't know and control what do you have connected in your in your network? So that's what we do. We help companies to get to knowledge what they have connected internet,
because the reality is, is that here's this IoT world, if somebody tripped out IoT or industry to Dotto, right, and it's like, okay, everything, we're going to connect everything, that's one, and then that it's sort of like cart before the horse type of deal. You mean, I can just stick that device out on this pump, and I can measure it, but nobody really thought at that particular time. They just sort of put it out there collecting data. Oh, good. But the the vulnerability that exists, exactly. How does RMS ensure that you see everything? What needs to be seen?
Yeah, well, I mean, we'd like to talk about two types of devices. We talk about Manage Devices and and manage devices to manage devices as the ones were You can wait, you can put a program in it like an SDR. So you can put an h in there. And then the announcement is devices are these that you can't because you know, IP cameras, blah, blah, blah, you know, you name it, there are tons of I mean, I can't even name half of the IoT devices or devices that are out there. But there are more than mobile phones and PCs, what I just mentioned. So what we do, we work with our agent, because we can't automate and build those devices, because by the design they've made, you can't do that. So by listening to network traffic, and putting our collectors to the strategic places of the customers networks, we can then give an inventory real time, what the customers have in connected in the network. And then the inventory. We call it discovery. It's a great piece. But after you have that one, do you know what happened? Scott? No, the inventory changes day by day. You're right about that? Yeah, exactly. So So if when you have the inventory, then you have to monitor that. So we do that 24 By seven, obviously, in the passive mode, we work with the hospitals, we work with the critical industries. So we need to be 100% passive, so we do that. So we monitor that. And then the third part is the security assets, you know, so how we do that, we do that through integrations with the third party products with the sub with the different CRMs, with SDRs, with CMP DS with tax and everything. So so so we have a buddy of everybody, so so. So we listen to the traffic, we tell you what you got. And then through the integrations we we had the customers to do due to be more secure and avoid those famous ransomware lateral movements from IoT device to another it demons.
There appears to be an education here that the industry needs to go through. I think just like anything else, you come to an event like this, and you're you get exposed to a lot of great, great, you know, solutions. Do you find that there is a potential gap with the cyber conversation with many of these solutions? Like, great, you're in the you're in critical infrastructure? How are you protecting that? And I think it would be a natural conversation.
Yeah, it is. It is. I mean, I'm not telling your name. But you know, there was 111 customer, one customer came to talk to me and they are in the water treatment business. So So
Josh. So social better treat that water properly.
Absolutely. So so that's the thing that we get some to tap and we drink it and stuff like that. But you know, in this particular case, they said that we have all servers, they've never failed. So So our strategy is not to touch them. And I said, Why are you sure about that? So so the apparent education, what you meant, I mean, it really depends. You know, the cyber world. I mean, I like to use the common sense thing, you know, if you get an email that you don't know, if there's a you know, weird things, but still, you know, 80% of the people, they still have to go and click the link and stuff like that. So I don't I don't believe I'm sorry to say that I don't believe in that education. It just doesn't work. You need to, you need to put you know, better barriers and and do things properly.
Who and I think you bring up a good point you we have this just human nature, this human tendencies to say, You mean, I want something, let me just open it up. And that's just natural. The other thing that I see that exists is the fact that as we journey down this road, we, you know, we're gonna get exposed to all this great technology and innovation, great thumbs up the people or the individuals that happened to various type of intent. They're licking their chops. They're saying, Hey, we're, we're learning as you guys learn, and we're learning the bad side. And you got a better you better have your act together.
Exactly. Exactly. This is this is you know what I'll, you know, like arms a lot I've been I've been in the white, perhaps too many cybersecurity companies in the past 22 years.
You look 20
Thank you. Thank you. You're welcome. Anyhow, but but but the real value proposition that RMS is giving to the market is really simple. I mean, do you know what do you have? Do you think it's important to know what do you Have? Of course it is and then do it in the simple manner enough to show the value from the next minute when you block in the collector into a customer network that really that really, you know, it's really cool for average sales guy like myself, so. So,
you know, you touched upon something and I want to expand a little bit, I think real I think the use cases that exist out there have to incorporate simplicity. If they do not if they it could, it could solve whatever problem but if it's difficult for, you know, me yep. Then if I shy away from it. So I think that that's an incredible statement that that doesn't need to be glossed with making it simple. Exactly. Look,
for instance, the same products, I mean, how many cm vendors, they're out there, they are very cool. And they do the compliance the thing really well. But what you know, unfortunately, a lot of times, I mean, if you don't have enough resources, and you name your company, who was tells that I have enough resources, there is none. So so so some of these very large projects, becomes headaches, and we'll never get you know, finished. Because they bring more complexity into the, into the value chain.
That's huge. That's huge. And whether whether it's good, bad or whatever, I know I'm lazy. I know that there is a necessity to do things, right. But if you can do things, right and remove, I don't want more headaches. Right? And so that's the reality of and I love that, that approach. Now. Where do you see it going? What? Put a little future hat on here? What do you see it go?
Well, you know, IoT, and internet of things. I mean, imagine the buddy buddy, Elon Musk, what he's doing what he's good is there is there is somebody that is I don't know if it translates to English, but who reads the future. And that there is there's a claim that says that was it 2035 445 I can't recall, anyhow, that you know, humans can't be driving cars anymore. So so everything will be connecting. So this connectivity, and the EOD connect Internet of Things will go boosting. So so so therefore, I see a very bright future for armies, because, you know, there will be more and more connected devices.
I don't think you can gloss over that. I think that as you come to an event like this, then you start talking to other trailblazing innovators that that exist here. It just opens up more use cases, which then opens up more conversations around cybersecurity. And it just goes on and on. I don't see it ending anytime soon. And it and again, we're here, get engaged, you gotta get on,
we are here and we want to be connected. And we want to be more connected in the future. So cyber is the thing. And the security is the other thing and knowing what you have, it's the third thing. So
there it is the trifecta of bumper stickers.
Exactly. All right.
How do people get a hold of you? How do they get ahold of
you? Ah, okay, we have a we had a stand together with the CrowdStrike folks, you know, this American company for HDR, which is like, you know, huge. So, so obviously, we've done our emailing and stuff and that, you know, I put meetings, but you know, people are walking and that they see army sacrifice, like in the in the booth. So, I fight. Let's talk cybersecurity
rescue. Thank you very much for just real talk. Once again, listeners, we are broadcasting from IoT solutions, World Congress industry IoT Consortium is a sponsor as well. If you want to come to Barcelona, come to Barcelona when this event happens, and you just going to get the most out of your trip. So anyway, thank you for being on industrial talk and talking about yes, cybersecurity listeners. I'm all right. Once again, we're gonna be back with another great conversation from this incredible event shortly. So stay tuned. You're listening to the industrial talk, Podcast Network. All right. Once again, thank you very much for joining industrial talk again. Here's the deal. You need to be in the digital transformation game. If you want a business that is resilient, you need to begin to embrace that innovation. But more importantly, once you embrace all that innovation, you need to be able to secure it and know that you're protected. And that's where RMS that's where fescue and team RMS bring a great solution to the table because, quite frankly, you need to secure it. So anyway, I'll have all the contact information for fescue out on industrial So don't come to me and say you can't get a hold of it because he's out there and ready to talk. All right. Thank you to IoT solutions World Congress, great event, put that on your calendar. I think they're going to have it at the end of January of next year. So put that on your calendar, as well as the industry IoT consortium, fantastic. organization get engaged because we got to be about education. We got to be about collaboration, we got to be about innovation. Those are organizations that embody that we're gonna have another great conversation shortly so stay tuned, we will be right back.
Industrial Talk is brought to you by Armis. Yes, you were in the digital transformation game. Yes, you need to find trusted companies, trusted individuals to help you along with that journey. The Armis platform delivers complete asset intelligence, you know what that means, insights into your connected assets, you're in the digital transformation game, you have to have that insights into what is connected, go to Find out more, you will not be disappointed. Also industry IoT Consortium. At industrial talk, we always talk about education, we always talk about collaboration, we are always talking about innovation. And if you're a business that has any desire to be resilient to the future, you need to be able to educate, collaborate, as well as innovate with other industry professionals. That's a must. Industry IoT consortium brings that all together, you need to be a part of this community, you need to be connected with these leaders that are all apart the Industry IoT consortium, go out to Find out more again, you will not be disappointed. You're just going to be happy. Hey there, and welcome to industrial talk. Thank you very much for joining. We are broadcasting. Well, we are on site at IoT Solutions World Congress, we had a great time we were broadcasting from that location, it is a must attend event. So put that on your calendar that is in Barcelona. That's the IoT solutions World Congress. Now, in the hot seat, we have a gentleman by the name of Vesku Turtia, and he is with a company called Armis. He is the Regional Sales Director for them. And we're just talking about the ability to be able to identify your assets. If you're in the digital transformation game, identify those assets, secure those assets, so that you can reap the benefits of this digital transformation journey, it's important for you to be able to identify all your assets, and Armus is leading the way. So enjoy the conversation.
Yeah, you haven't heard conference.
So far, So good. We started today. So there's a lot of people in the conference rooms in the different presentations. But yeah, I mean, people are passing by the booth. And so far, so good. No complaints.
No, I wouldn't listen to you. If you had any complaints, I would say. Forget it. Forget it. All right. So some of the information or some of the conversations that we were having at this particular event, IoT Solutions World Congress, how about that for plug another one? Is that, okay? We have made the determination from an industry perspective that we want to connect pretty much everything. And I mean, everything they want to, they want to connect with my dog for whatever reason, but they want to connect to everything. And one of the conversations that I think that needs to happen is how do you secure that? Talk to us a little bit about Armis, securing that connected, because if you're not connect if you're not securing it, this whole digital transformation journey, whatever it might be, is all for naught. Right?
Yeah, exactly. And, you know, for the CISOs of the modern companies today, I mean, they have a pretty, pretty tough job. And as Today we talk about the IoT, this fear, so, so a lot of people doesn't even realize and understand that, that in the today's connected world, there are way more IoT devices connected to corporate networks than PCs and mobile phones. So therefore, in order to make a specific and very good cybersecurity strategy, the first questions that everybody should ask, Do I understand what I have connected to my network? If I don't, I mean, making making a solid cybersecurity strategy becomes quite difficult if you don't know and control what do you have connected in your in your network? So that's what we do. We help companies to get to knowledge what they have connected internet,
because the reality is, is that here's this IoT world, if somebody tripped out IoT or industry to Dotto, right, and it's like, okay, everything, we're going to connect everything, that's one, and then that it's sort of like cart before the horse type of deal. You mean, I can just stick that device out on this pump, and I can measure it, but nobody really thought at that particular time. They just sort of put it out there collecting data. Oh, good. But the the vulnerability that exists, exactly. How does RMS ensure that you see everything? What needs to be seen?
Yeah, well, I mean, we'd like to talk about two types of devices. We talk about Manage Devices and and manage devices to manage devices as the ones were You can wait, you can put a program in it like an SDR. So you can put an h in there. And then the announcement is devices are these that you can't because you know, IP cameras, blah, blah, blah, you know, you name it, there are tons of I mean, I can't even name half of the IoT devices or devices that are out there. But there are more than mobile phones and PCs, what I just mentioned. So what we do, we work with our agent, because we can't automate and build those devices, because by the design they've made, you can't do that. So by listening to network traffic, and putting our collectors to the strategic places of the customers networks, we can then give an inventory real time, what the customers have in connected in the network. And then the inventory. We call it discovery. It's a great piece. But after you have that one, do you know what happened? Scott? No, the inventory changes day by day. You're right about that? Yeah, exactly. So So if when you have the inventory, then you have to monitor that. So we do that 24 By seven, obviously, in the passive mode, we work with the hospitals, we work with the critical industries. So we need to be 100% passive, so we do that. So we monitor that. And then the third part is the security assets, you know, so how we do that, we do that through integrations with the third party products with the sub with the different CRMs, with SDRs, with CMP DS with tax and everything. So so so we have a buddy of everybody, so so. So we listen to the traffic, we tell you what you got. And then through the integrations we we had the customers to do due to be more secure and avoid those famous ransomware lateral movements from IoT device to another it demons.
There appears to be an education here that the industry needs to go through. I think just like anything else, you come to an event like this, and you're you get exposed to a lot of great, great, you know, solutions. Do you find that there is a potential gap with the cyber conversation with many of these solutions? Like, great, you're in the you're in critical infrastructure? How are you protecting that? And I think it would be a natural conversation.
Yeah, it is. It is. I mean, I'm not telling your name. But you know, there was 111 customer, one customer came to talk to me and they are in the water treatment business. So So
Josh. So social better treat that water properly.
Absolutely. So so that's the thing that we get some to tap and we drink it and stuff like that. But you know, in this particular case, they said that we have all servers, they've never failed. So So our strategy is not to touch them. And I said, Why are you sure about that? So so the apparent education, what you meant, I mean, it really depends. You know, the cyber world. I mean, I like to use the common sense thing, you know, if you get an email that you don't know, if there's a you know, weird things, but still, you know, 80% of the people, they still have to go and click the link and stuff like that. So I don't I don't believe I'm sorry to say that I don't believe in that education. It just doesn't work. You need to, you need to put you know, better barriers and and do things properly.
Who and I think you bring up a good point you we have this just human nature, this human tendencies to say, You mean, I want something, let me just open it up. And that's just natural. The other thing that I see that exists is the fact that as we journey down this road, we, you know, we're gonna get exposed to all this great technology and innovation, great thumbs up the people or the individuals that happened to various type of intent. They're licking their chops. They're saying, Hey, we're, we're learning as you guys learn, and we're learning the bad side. And you got a better you better have your act together.
Exactly. Exactly. This is this is you know what I'll, you know, like arms a lot I've been I've been in the white, perhaps too many cybersecurity companies in the past 22 years.
You look 20
Thank you. Thank you. You're welcome. Anyhow, but but but the real value proposition that RMS is giving to the market is really simple. I mean, do you know what do you have? Do you think it's important to know what do you Have? Of course it is and then do it in the simple manner enough to show the value from the next minute when you block in the collector into a customer network that really that really, you know, it's really cool for average sales guy like myself, so. So,
you know, you touched upon something and I want to expand a little bit, I think real I think the use cases that exist out there have to incorporate simplicity. If they do not if they it could, it could solve whatever problem but if it's difficult for, you know, me yep. Then if I shy away from it. So I think that that's an incredible statement that that doesn't need to be glossed with making it simple. Exactly. Look,
for instance, the same products, I mean, how many cm vendors, they're out there, they are very cool. And they do the compliance the thing really well. But what you know, unfortunately, a lot of times, I mean, if you don't have enough resources, and you name your company, who was tells that I have enough resources, there is none. So so so some of these very large projects, becomes headaches, and we'll never get you know, finished. Because they bring more complexity into the, into the value chain.
That's huge. That's huge. And whether whether it's good, bad or whatever, I know I'm lazy. I know that there is a necessity to do things, right. But if you can do things, right and remove, I don't want more headaches. Right? And so that's the reality of and I love that, that approach. Now. Where do you see it going? What? Put a little future hat on here? What do you see it go?
a claim that says that was it:I don't think you can gloss over that. I think that as you come to an event like this, then you start talking to other trailblazing innovators that that exist here. It just opens up more use cases, which then opens up more conversations around cybersecurity. And it just goes on and on. I don't see it ending anytime soon. And it and again, we're here, get engaged, you gotta get on,
we are here and we want to be connected. And we want to be more connected in the future. So cyber is the thing. And the security is the other thing and knowing what you have, it's the third thing. So
there it is the trifecta of bumper stickers.
Exactly. All right.
How do people get a hold of you? How do they get ahold of
you? Ah, okay, we have a we had a stand together with the CrowdStrike folks, you know, this American company for HDR, which is like, you know, huge. So, so obviously, we've done our emailing and stuff and that, you know, I put meetings, but you know, people are walking and that they see army sacrifice, like in the in the booth. So, I fight. Let's talk cybersecurity
rescue. Thank you very much for just real talk. Once again, listeners, we are broadcasting from IoT solutions, World Congress industry IoT Consortium is a sponsor as well. If you want to come to Barcelona, come to Barcelona when this event happens, and you just going to get the most out of your trip. So anyway, thank you for being on industrial talk and talking about yes, cybersecurity listeners. I'm all right. Once again, we're gonna be back with another great conversation from this incredible event shortly. So stay tuned. You're listening to the industrial talk, Podcast Network. All right. Once again, thank you very much for joining industrial talk again. Here's the deal. You need to be in the digital transformation game. If you want a business that is resilient, you need to begin to embrace that innovation. But more importantly, once you embrace all that innovation, you need to be able to secure it and know that you're protected. And that's where RMS that's where fescue and team RMS bring a great solution to the table because, quite frankly, you need to secure it. So anyway, I'll have all the contact information for fescue out on industrial So don't come to me and say you can't get a hold of it because he's out there and ready to talk. All right. Thank you to IoT solutions World Congress, great event, put that on your calendar. I think they're going to have it at the end of January of next year. So put that on your calendar, as well as the industry IoT consortium, fantastic. organization get engaged because we got to be about education. We got to be about collaboration, we got to be about innovation. Those are organizations that embody that we're gonna have another great conversation shortly so stay tuned, we will be right back.