Xcelerate20 Features Suzane Greeman with Greeman Asset Management Solutions on Creating a Resilient Career

In this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking about the virtual event of the year- Fluke Reliability’s Xcelerate20! Home to 3 powerful iconic brands – Pruftechnik, eMaint, Fluke Connect and Accelix. (that right-the guys with the black and yellow tools are FAR more than just hardware!) Join forward-thinking maintenance & reliability pros as they gather, learn, get inspired and become resilient. On air we are speaking Suzane Greeman, President and Principal Asset Management Advisor at Greeman Asset Management Solutions about “What does a resilient career look like”. Below is a quick summary of Suzane's Xcelerate20. You can find out more about Suzane by the links below.
What would it take to have a profession or career that outlasts roles and transcends companies and industries? Can you experience professional fulfillment, while maintaining relevance to your stakeholders?
Many professionals would love to do so but are unsure of how to get this and how to sustain it. Yet, the making of a resilient, timeless professional that can mitigate risks associated with relying on a single company or role, needs to be holistically planned. Sounds obvious, but what does holistic planning of one’s career involve? It requires partnership with one’s self.
In this 50-minute speech, asset management strategist and author, Suzane Greeman will invite participants to journey through some lessons that she learned at the “University of Hard Knocks”. She will share some important elements of a timeless career and key steps that she has used to partner with herself to develop true resilience in professional life.
Finally, get your exclusive free access to the Industrial Academy and a series on “Why You Need To Podcast” for Greater Success in 2020. All links designed for keeping you current in this rapidly changing Industrial Market. Learn! Grow! Enjoy!
Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/suzane-greeman-asset-mgmt-exec/
Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/greeman-asset-management-solutions/
Company Website: https://greemanassetmanagement.com/
Company Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GAMSINCASSETS
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gamsinc_assets/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamsinc_assets/
people, asset management, risks, talking, Suzane, assets, collaborate, organization, listeners, career, work, Reliability, resilience, opportunities, reached, company, resilient, business, Xcelerate20, certification
Scott MacKenzie, Suzane Greeman
Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott MacKenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go Hey
Scott MacKenzie 00:21
there, welcome to the industrial talk, podcast, absolute honor, once again, that you have joined this platform, this industrial talk platform that features in it does features the women and men of industry, the women of men of manufacturing companies that get it done, they are bold, they're brave, they dare greatly. They're changing the world through innovation. They constantly think that's what they constantly do. They never stop. And they never stop saying, How can we help people? That's, that's the biggest part. They're making my life better. And I guarantee you they're making your life better. Even if you don't notice it. They're making your life better. All right, who's in the hot seat? That's right, her name is Suzane Greemen. That's gr e ma n. She's got a lot of pep out there. She's exciting to
Suzane Greeman 05:03
Oh, my goodness, Scott, thank you so much for having me. I I'm still laughing from our last one. And that was fun, wasn't it years ago.
Scott MacKenzie 05:14
If you can tell in her voice, she's passionate about what she does. And she's she's infectious, in a good way not infectious, like a COVID way.
Suzane Greeman 05:23
Thank you.
Scott MacKenzie 05:25
Why would I use infectious in this world that we live in pandemic? No, she's not COVID. She's a good infection. Yeah. Whatever that looks like.
Suzane Greeman 05:36
All right, but I'm really excited to be here. And thanks for having me again. And thanks for working with us to get Xcelerate20 2020.
Scott MacKenzie 05:47
That's an exciting event is virtual, and they're, they're a Fluke. reliabilities doing a lot to make that event really spectacular. And you to make that happen. You're one of the keynotes.
Suzane Greeman 05:59
Yeah. And as I'm quite pleased that and, you know, when Donna reached out and asked me if I duet she got on the phone, actually. And I thought, well, first of all, I can't say no to dawn. I can't say no to flute. But it was such an interesting prospect, because then I asked her, What was the theme that she was working with? And she mentioned that resilience? And so I thought, Okay, how about, if I were to talk about building a timeless career, you know, and a timeless career is about resilience in your professional life. But that comes from something that was so partnership,
Scott MacKenzie 06:38
self partnership, but before, because that's, that's great stuff. And let me just sort of what got you to this point, give us a little background on who Suzane is, by the way, she spells her name, Su z, A and E. So don't go out there and say, Scott, I can't find her. Just spell her first name wrong.
Suzane Greeman 06:57
Oh, oh, my goodness, I didn't even think about that as a possibility. But yes, oh, yeah,
Scott MacKenzie 07:03
I do. Because I'm a paid professional. Make sure that you get the biggest bang for you know, this, no, this is all fun. So give us a little background there, Suzane, real quick.
Suzane Greeman 07:14
So I myself, I'm an engineer by by discipline. And I've also gone through and done like my MBA, because I wanted to learn about all aspects of of my professional life. So I mentor the business side of it as well. And I've done quite a bit of other asset management certification. So my line of work is asset management. I have a company and that company delivers asset management, consulting, education, and really advisory services coaching for our clients. That's that's what we do. So it's along the lines of asset management. So just before I'm gonna interrupt real quick define asset management, what do you mean by that? So what we're looking at with asset management is how we manage our assets to deliver value to our stakeholders. And it really comes down to that if you start from the perspective of value, then you work your way back to assets that you're supposed to have, then that dictates how you manage the assets that you have, how you look at asset turns, when are you supposed to be changing over assets, because you want to be sure that you're not miss miss? Well, spending money in appropriately put it that way, especially, especially now, nicely,
Scott MacKenzie 08:32
better have those hot guys going and making sure that you're spending the right money at the right time with the right asset, start talking about assets, we're talking about a pop about that thing that is important to either your manufacturing, whatever your base that we're talking about,
Suzane Greeman 08:48
right? So we're talking about, you know, your quiet, right, all of those types of equipment, but you're also talking about infrastructure that you walk on infrastructure that delivers your water takes away your sewage, you know, we're also talking about data, we're talking about your it network, we're talking at some point, even about your human assets, we're talking about intellectual property. So it could be like a wide variety of assets that that companies are, are looking at. So the most important thing is if you start from a perspective of value, then every single transaction every every, we call them investment decision that you're trying to make, whether it's big or small, you always examine the question of value and whether that is of best value to the organization and to its its stakeholders.
Scott MacKenzie 09:37
It's so interesting that you bring that up and when we start talking about asset management, some people have put on their financial hats and and I think it is a perspective of value art and I'll look at it I'll try to simplify because I am not. And I repeat you listeners out there. I'm not as smart as Suzane. So I always have to simplify down to the real so
Suzane Greeman 10:00
You you've been well question to remember that every time you say something funny remember how much I my capability to laugh is tremendous. So just remember that.
Scott MacKenzie 10:10
That's why I'm doing it. Definitely. So I look at it this way two things, is it? Is it something that's going to make me money? or save me money, right? And I can throw in safety and I can do all of that other stuff. But really, when we start talking about what has taken place within this pandemic world is this next normal, whatever we want to call it. I'm laser being focused on how do I retain the right talent? Right? How do I manage my risks, or build a wall around and get rid of that risk? Save money, make money, right, and to create a business that has some level of resiliency? And that's all you're talking about? quite frank, right? And you're not saying it from? You know, I mean, everybody, everything's an asset.
Suzane Greeman 10:55
Yes, everything's an asset. And, and I'm glad that you broke it down. Because in my books, that actually comes down to two things that comes down to what level of performance you're trying to get out of out of your assets, which aligns with whether it's a part of values, not all of that. And then the other part is, what risks are you trying to mitigate. And I like to leave cost them finances out of it to the end, because cost and so on, can't be directly controlled. So ever, all costs are related in a business, such as an asset dependent business costs are related to either trying to deliver performance or trying to mitigate risks. Where I think we misstep a lot in organizations is that we don't take a wide enough approach to risks. And it's one of the lessons that's coming out of COVID. So in asset management, you know, I look at risk in a three dimensional way. First of all, there is things we call them external threats. You You can I want to say you can do something about it, but you didn't create it. The company didn't create it, they didn't create it. How about
Scott MacKenzie 12:07
how about an example of that as being COVID-19?
Suzane Greeman 12:11
Scott MacKenzie 12:12
Nobody had in their business continuity plan, that there was a global pandemic, and everything, everything would shut down.
Suzane Greeman 12:18
Exactly, there is COVID-19, which we can see. However, there are other things like your regulators, they're things related to laws change, and those things that you can't do anything about climate change, you didn't create any of those things your assets been created, but yet, your assets and the organization itself have to build resilience against them. And then we have the second dimension risks, no, that are created by the organization. So this has to do with lines of defense of the organization not being in place, missing systems, missing procedures. Yeah, incorrect application of talent, incorrect ways of doing things. So those kinds of risks are created by the organization. And they're not specific to any type of assets. And they can only be fixed by looking at systems processes and culture. So that's the risk created by the organization. And then number three are the risks now that are created by the assets themselves. Usually, those risks relate to relate to risks of failure. Now, if you think about making money and saving money, then risks managing risks properly, have to do more with with saving money, there's a way to capitalize on risks, we call that opportunities, which would allow you to make money, but for the most part, when we talk about risks, we're talking about how we preserve value, and hence how we preserve capital within the business. The reality of some of this, if we look at things like safety and the environment, too likely, then we miss out on two very important liabilities, that that that we could run into later that could become financial liabilities. As a matter of fact, there is a lumber company, I think, that in January, did not have its operating license renewed and it was closed down somewhere here in Canada. So so you have to always be considering all the aspects of risks in that multi multi dimensional manner. So that so so that you know, what the asset is supposed to respond to. So if it's climate change, what should we be doing to the assets know, to make it more resilient to increase flooding and increased risks of fire? What should we be doing to the to the assets to protect it? To build the resilience of the business, because in asset dependent companies, we deliver value through the assets.
Scott MacKenzie 15:08
Alright, listeners are three components right here, risk management resilience. I've taken that one. Yes, right. Number one, let's talk a little bit about those external risks, things that you can't cover, but you got to be aware of those are that's number one, external risks, the risks that are generated by your organization, that means your failures from systems, processes and cultures, you got to work on that most definitely. And then, of course, the risks of the assets. And the failures of that all of them actually tied up with the risk management of resilience.
Suzane Greeman 15:43
Correct? And when when you think about it, you know, they have a saying that everything that runs, runs from the inside out, yeah. So why. So what it means is that within the organization, you have two dimensions of the risks that need to be managed very carefully. Yeah. And so we're very good at seeing like the risk of failure, but we're not very good at seeing like the organizational risks, because that is about who we are as a people, how we work together, how we what systems we have in place, how we fortify the three lines of defense for the organization, the external threats are those know that you didn't create them, they asked us to create them, the companies didn't create them, but yet you must respond to it. Otherwise, you will go under, and they could be anything. So usually, if you're looking at that and use a you know, standard business tool, such as your your pestle or opportunities and threat, you look at your political and legal technological look at what's happening now with the onslaught of industry 4.0. Like, like, companies are just now caught, like, like, there's an headlight like, okay, I hear you're I know, IoT is here, but what do I do?
Scott MacKenzie 17:10
pre, you know, pre, on Monday, pre, pre COVID-19, everything was like two to five years out, come Tuesday, when COVID-19 decided that it wanted to flip the switch. Now, all of a sudden, everyone's like, I need a digital digital journey. I need a digital solution. I need a digital, something that helps me see what's going on. And you're absolutely and so, you know, you brought up a good point. First off, there's a couple of things, rich, with content here, folks, is we always talk about it always gets down to people, doesn't it? Yes, all of this stuff is fine and dandy. You can physically you know, you got your assets you got got the it gets down to the people and how the people react to all of those particular risks. Now, with that said, right, with that said COVID was, yeah, there's a there's a challenge on one side, and everybody's feeling it, that's without a doubt heard it, definitely. But the positive side, is the fact that people are truly focused on what is important. Now all of a sudden, when we start talking about asset management, it comes from the perspective of true, I want to know, and I want to have insights, and I want to be able to execute with a sense of purpose and focus. Right. And it's sort of it's an interesting mental transition. No, I don't want to hang out by that water. The watering hole, I want to come over here and talk about solutions. And it's been it's been really good. With that said, and we talked about the resiliency, you know, and what does that mean? Right? Tell us, you know, your your, your want to talk about a resilient career, what does that look like?
Suzane Greeman 18:54
You know, it's really interesting to think about resilience, because when I spoke with dawn, and she, she kind of talked about, like, coming out, coming out of this and, like, kind of like a phoenix coming out of out of the ashes.
Scott MacKenzie 19:11
good analogy. Oh, I like the word picture. Yeah.
Suzane Greeman 19:15
So so when you when you think about this, how can you have a career that is timeless, it's not dependent on a particular company. It's not dependent on an industry? How can you develop that kind of career? So it's, it's, it's a multiplicity of things. It's complex, but I like the graphic that you put up. So I'm gonna just use some elements from that. And I won't go deep into everything because that is the focus of my, my keynote speech that I'm really looking at
Scott MacKenzie 19:53
planting the seeds of anticipation. Yes, like I'm just gonna skirt along skirt log. fullstory you've got to get to Xcelerate20. And
Suzane Greeman 20:07
the reason another reason that I chose this particular topic is because it is the most common question that I get from people believe it or not, the most common question is not, what is asset management? The most common question is associated with people's career. What should I be doing to improve my career? What certifications should I be taken? That's the kind of question that I get more often than not. So I always start people off with, what do you want? This is your one life. You can spend your life live in Suzanne, live in Scott live and anybody else. It's good to have Scott side,
Scott MacKenzie 20:52
Suzanne side, but not trust me, listeners don't go down that aim higher.
Suzane Greeman 20:59
cracking. So so so I tried to get people to focus on F word to have your dream career, what would it be? So if you're able to define that for yourself, then we can then map out a path of education, certification and experience to get there. No, I had somebody really I consider No, now that I'm 43, I consider somebody who's 23. To be like, really young. And he he reached out and he wanted to know about certifications. And like, dude, first tried to get your base qualification to enter the market. Then when you get your base qualification, cheese, the thing called experience, you need quality experience, but you also need quantity of experience, you need that experience so that in later life, you can stand on it. When you get your certification, you have something behind it, and underneath it to present to people. And so I try to focus, especially younger people on get some good experience, you need multi dimensional experience, you need experience, deep seated experience in something. So there needs to be something in your career that you know, really well,
Scott MacKenzie 22:21
then you're talking mastery
Suzane Greeman 22:24
of it. And if you listen to, for example, like Malcolm Gladwell, when he spoke about the 10,000 hours, you know, you need you need to know something really deep, then you need to also know related things. You may not know them as deep, but you need to know what they are. Because nothing works by itself in an organization. So if you were to go to an organization and say, let's, let's get an asset management system going, you need to know that there are cultural aspects to it, you need to know that there are financial aspects to it, you need to know that if the company is unionized, it's a different kind of culture than if it's not unionized. So you need to know these related things, you need to know probably about quality management. So in other words, what I'm saying is, when you get deep into what you know, try to also get cross disciplinary experience. And that comes from project work. It comes from deliberately opening up yourself to all kinds of opportunities. And you know, we started off with you asking me about where I'd been on what I done. Among things I hate to do is to talk about myself, but I've been fortunate to have gotten some experience and I really took
Scott MacKenzie 23:44
one of them was that unfortunately, this is a podcast. Whether you like it, knock about yourself or not. It's about you. Don't hold back. Nobody wants to hear about me.
Suzane Greeman 24:01
Oh, you kill me. What? So among the experiences that I've had that led to, I ended up having so far, I've had like, five different careers, and I've loved a lot of them. But I have the opportunity for a couple of years to join an HR department as an HR business partner dealing with capacity building. And people would say what if you're an engineer? Why Why would you take that and, and did you go and soft near your engineering self by by going into into HR. And the end result is that I didn't know these many years later, that I would be a consultant going into people's organizations now to tell them about how they can implement different types of systems and realize the importance of culture, and then how to integrate that into my work. So in other words, if you're 23 I would probably I can't tell anybody what to do. But I would prioritize good quality experience over certification. And then when you had some amount of experience, come back and do certification. A lot of people are doing it the other way around. And they're finding that they don't get as much as much value out of their journey. That's interesting.
Scott MacKenzie 25:22
That's, that's, that's sage advice. I mean, that's the I agree with you 100%. on that, and and what I hear the themes that I hear from your, your conversation is that it has me personally, because it's about me now. Is, is the passion for learning, right? And a desire to learn. And there's, there's no reason not to learn because there's people like you and others. There's the stinking World Wide Web man and has a lot of great insights into how to, but I like the quality versus and versus quantity but quality experience. I think that that's just uh, yeah, fascinates always people.
Suzane Greeman 26:08
Yeah, it is, it is really important. So then, you know, you mentioned people. And it's, it's, it's so important that everyone understands that you deliver nothing by yourself in an organization. So you could be the brightest, brightest person. And if you don't have the ability to collaborate with other people, and collaborate multi functionally, so you have to collaborate with people who know more than you who don't know what you know, who know other things than once, you know, yeah, have to collaborate with people who are more powerful than you, you have to collaborate with people who are less powerful than you. And you have to do that in every part of every deliverable that you're trying to give to your organization. Or to or to somebody else. So it's, it's super, super, super important.
Scott MacKenzie 27:05
The, I know, I don't want I don't want you to gloss over it. And I, you gave three supers in that. I mean, I'll add another super because I I don't think because we're we're just humans, we need to collaborate, you can't do what you need to do to truly be successful. Whatever that looks like, in a vacuum. You have to collaborate with people who are in for me, it's easy, because it's a low bar, collaborate with people who are much smarter than you and tell you is true.
Suzane Greeman 27:37
them all.
Scott MacKenzie 27:39
But it's true. You want to click, you don't want to collaborate. I mean, it's just there's a lot of just go getters, man, I always talk about Be bold, brave, daring, greatly hang out with people who are bold and brave and daring greatly see how your world changes. Exactly, exactly. Okay, we got to hang out more often, Suzane,
Suzane Greeman 27:59
I love it. And you know what, I spend a lot of my time talking to people as well. And just I'm telling you, I meet interesting people, I connect with them. And I stay connected. And I stay interested in their lives and what they're doing. And I find that I learned so much through these kinds of interactions. You know, today I connected with, with a gentleman by the name of Terry. And just out of the blue, he reached out with me yesterday. And he sent a very nice message. And then we took it further and, and suddenly, we now have an extremely great interaction. You see, and now Terry is in my network. I'm in terrorist network. So terror becomes a resource I could lean on I could bone something off of Yeah. And right away. Today already. I've learned something from Terry. So and we've only met like, probably 20 minutes ago. So your your ability to collaborate and attach yourself to resources, but also ingratiate yourself to people because nobody owes you anything. The world doesn't owe you anything. So you have to develop that that skill set to ingratiate yourself so that people find you present enough to collaborate as well.
Scott MacKenzie 29:22
I call that the beer factor. If I want to have Bear Bear with you, then you got a high collaborative factor because he just is. But it's interesting. You bring up an absolutely Good point. And I think people, majority of people in their hearts want to help you and if you ask in a way that is sort of humbling, you know, vulnerable, yes. Hey, I need help. You're gonna have people busting down the door and saying, I'm here to help you. I'm here I'm here.
Suzane Greeman 29:50
Yeah. And there. I mean, there are even angels walking amongst us who have dedicated themselves to helping people who are refusing help and who haven't said that they needed to be held. But you know, we have another term for it in Jamaica, again, we say, the man who has raw meat seeks fire. So you're interested in getting someplace you're interested in learning something, seek out the people who have that knowledge, or even can connect you with with that knowledge I had this summer to young people, just reach out to me and just say, Suzanena, I'd like to have a conversation about, about asset management and about careers and about life. And I'll make time for all of those kinds of conversation. Because it has, well, I am learning, and young people are truly a great source to learn from, if nothing else, us all the folks Now stick on to them and suck their energy because they got tons of it.
Scott MacKenzie 30:51
Right. You know, I hate to call this quit. I mean, we can talk on but But clearly, you're going to have this, you're going to have an expanded Yes. version of this conversation at Xcelerate20 20. Now, clearly, you are also very active out on LinkedIn, too.
Suzane Greeman 31:10
Yes, I am, I am sorry, I have a page for myself, I also have a page for my company. And whatever activities I'm involved with a p Mac, the the Asset Management Association here, local one here in Canada. And so we're promoting a few activities for them, like our conference that's coming up, and you talk about collaboration, we got a fantastic leadership team here in Winnipeg, but also grateful to all the speakers that we reach out to and we ask them to come and speak at our at the conference every year. And and, and essentially do it for free. You know, but this this today is about Xcelerate20 2020. And I am super, super, super, super happy to be collaborating, right? There's
Scott MacKenzie 32:01
four supers on that one. It's pretty super,
Suzane Greeman 32:06
super, super.
Scott MacKenzie 32:07
Alright, let's go listeners. Her name is Suzane greement. Now let's let's make sure that you got your pen and paper out here real quick, as she was ZAE first name, second name, gr e ma n. And griemann asset management solution is the company. He's the head honcho the cheese, the CEO, the President and all around great person of that fine organization out of winter pay. And she is speaking at Xcelerate20 20 It's a virtual conference got to go out to I want to say Fluke Reliability, and find out more about that conference. Because if you think that this was a great conversation, she's gonna knock her dad at the conference.
Suzane Greeman 32:48
Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'm pretty. I'm pretty excited about it. I think it's a it's a relevant topic. A lot of people just based on how many people have reached out to me and over, over maybe over the last two years just to talk about career related things. A lot of people would like to break that down a little bit. And I'm happy to have the opportunity to be able to do that. And happy that it aligns with the troops theme for the conference. So resilience. It's very important to me, personally. Yeah,
Scott MacKenzie 33:24
yeah. You needed listeners you needed. Definitely. And a couple of topics that we got to be collaborative, innovative, educate, right, you got to do all of that. Do it, do it yesterday. And then I think I want to include tenacity, you can't give up. You got to be tenacious. And you got to do with a sense of speed and purpose. That's what Suzane's all about. She's awesome.
Scott MacKenzie 33:46
She's brave, and she cares greatly.
Suzane Greeman 33:48
Every day that you're here, every single day that you're here is another opportunity to try again.
Scott MacKenzie 33:55
Look at that, man. I'm ready to conquer the world. Look at me. I'm a better person because of you, Suzane.
Suzane Greeman 34:01
Oh, my goodness.
Scott MacKenzie 34:04
All right. Thank you. Really appreciate you joining us on the industrial talk and talking to the listeners about all those wonderful topics. Remember, listeners, go out to her stat card at on LinkedIn. Find her. If you're not, it's going to be out on industrial talk.com. And I don't want to hear you have to say I can't find Suzane. Well, you you're not trying hard enough. Thank you for joining there, Suzane.
Suzane Greeman 34:28
Thank you so much. I had an amazing time. Scott. As always, he made me laugh. We have
Scott MacKenzie 34:35
listeners. We're gonna wrap it up on this side. I'm gonna give you all the contact information for Suzane and much, much more. So stay tuned.
You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
Scott MacKenzie 34:54
I'm telling she's passionate, right. Suzane's passionate about Reliability. Suzane's passionate about helping us succeed. Suzane is just, she is a passionate professional. Talk about Pep, talk about excitement talk about just a design. She's got a big heart that comes from a big heart, all the way up for the great white North up in Canada. fun conversation, reach out to her go out to her LinkedIn profile, which will be at industrial talk.com. On this particular podcast, you'll find all of the information that you need to be able to get in contact with her because you will not be disappointed. All right. Again, I do not want you to miss this. Not one bit of it. Because these are professionals that you've got to listen to. That is excelerate 20. That is November 17. Through the 19th. It is all virtual, so there's no excuse. Go out there. Click on I want to attend. You will not be disappointed. Another great interview right around the corner. love what you guys you do. Thank you very much. Be safe. We'll be back shortly.
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