Dan Roberts and Greg Corder with OSF HealthCare

On this episode of Industrial Talk, we're onsite at Accruent Insights and chatting with Dan Roberts and Greg Corder with OSF HealthCare about CMMS Deployment – Challenges and Opportunities for Healthcare. Here are the key takeaways:
- Standardizing asset management codes in 17 hospitals. 0:00
- Palo Alto Networks offers zero trust security for operational technology, simplifying management and providing comprehensive visibility and protection.
- Dan Roberts is a CMMS Asset Management coordinator at OSF Healthcare, with a background as a technician and 6 years of experience in healthcare.
- Greg and Dan are the primary team members working on standardizing asset management codes across 17 acute care medical centers and 300+ medical office buildings.
- Implementing a new CMMS system for 17 hospitals. 4:56
- Dan mentions that the organization had a failed implementation of a new system two and a half years ago, and they received commitment from upper management for a new implementation.
- Dan states that the organization is now on a common system, which has helped them manage their capital and assets more effectively.
- Organization failed to implement CMMS due to lack of consulting experience, weak product, and insufficient upper management commitment.
- Implementing a new CMMS system for multiple hospitals. 9:34
- Infrastructure maintenance needs are a top priority, with a focus on organization and communication with finance teams.
- Greg suggests using a single CMMS to create a clearer picture of asset conditions and replacement costs.
- Implementing a CMMS system for facilities management. 13:20
- Standardizing data across legacy systems through a centralized CMMS platform.
- Dan plans to implement a single system for tracking corrective and preventive maintenance, with a 5-year timeline for full implementation.
- Healthcare asset management and CMMS implementation. 17:17
- Senior Vice President seeks help standardizing hospital equipment and maintenance requests.
- OSF Healthcare executives discuss the deployment of a CMMS system to manage asset management in healthcare.
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Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-roberts-853982208/
Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/osf-healthcare/
Company Website: https://www.osfhealthcare.org/
Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-corder-94b345/
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Welcome to the Industrial Talk podcast with Scott Mackenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go Alright,
once again, thank you very much for joining Industrial Talk and thank you for your continued support of a platform that celebrates industry professionals all around the world. You are bold, you are brave, you dare greatly. you innovate. You collaborate, you solve problems, and you make the world a better place. Why not celebrate you? That's what this is all about. We are once again, broadcasting, Nashville, Tennessee, we are at the Gaylord, and I guarantee great did you get lost in the Gaylord
men lost many times. I'm lucky to be here this morning. But
everybody gets lost. It's a common common conversation. And this is Accruent Insights. And it's a collection of professionals that are really passionate about solving problems right here, right now. And we've got two gents. You heard one, his name is Greg. The other one is Dan. We're going to be talking a little healthcare. We're going to be talking about CMMS. And we're going to be talking about how do we bring in 17 hospitals under one platform. I'm glad I'm over on this side of the mic. Let's get cracking. Hey guys doing?
Doing good doing good. Thanks for having us.
Thanks for being available. Thanks for drawing the short straw. Because somebody came by and said, Hey, you guys gotta be on the podcast, right? And somebody said that
that's pretty good shout.
Somebody from a crude said, hey, you need to be on the podcast.
And of course, yesterday, I was all dressed up. So I thought I was somebody today. I'm back to normal since then
you look great. All normal look. All right, for the listeners out there. Let's start with you, Dan. Give us a little background on who you are.
Yeah, Dan Roberts, I am a coordinator for CMMS Asset Management at OSF Healthcare. I have a background as a technician and worked in healthcare for a short time coming up on six years. And really an exciting time. Right now in my career as like you said, we're taking on the behemoth of a job of standardizing asset management codes across 17 acute care medical centers and about 300 Plus met medical office buildings.
Next, it was a little background.
So I'm an engineer by trade. I grew up in a manufacturing realm or in production, discrete manufacturing, heavy equipment manufacturing, and was in that really most of my career here about five years ago moved into healthcare. And it's been really exciting healthcare, it's very interesting moves a lot faster than I thought it would. It's been a very interesting ride.
So I would imagine that's an that's an interesting sort of epiphany. I didn't I could. I am shocked. Because you can have 17 hospitals, because Cillian assets. And Dan's like he's 22. And he's going to probably retire on the project. How big is your team?
And our team is primarily Greg and myself. We have a lot of stakeholders, a lot of people who are looking for answers and solutions.
It's just you to doing this
to be unique. Yes, just the two of now we've had a lot of support along the way. Upper management a lot of support, but pretty much band nine carrying the load right now.
Okay, so got this O S F stand for something?
It does it's an acronym that is post Gnomeo of sorts. We're a faith based organization that is founded by the third the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis. So yes, indicates that they have that third order of St. Francis. I
like that a lot. Because I'm going to withstand something very good. I like that. St. Francis. All right. So what was the point in time? When somebody says, Hey, we've got 17 hospitals? And, and yeah, we're, we're managing this one this way. And we're managing that one the other way. And this one we don't like to mention just because well, that's, that's a challenge. And again, so on and so forth. How long did it take Greg, for this whole sort of decision to say, hey, let's start pulling all this stuff together? And what was the what was that? You know, breaking point?
Yeah, you're exactly right, there came a point where we knew we were disparate. And we've added a few new hospitals in last few hours. So we had eight that were on one system, and seven that were all on something different. And we realized that everybody's doing their own thing. There's no standardization. And if we're going to roll up all of the information, we need to manage our capital, our assets, we're going to have to get on a common system. So we started that venture, probably we are coming off a failed implementation. Actually, we tried to implement a system over two years, and it did not go well. So probably about two and a half years ago, we met with management, and they said, Hey, we need a new system reset, agree. And we asked, Hey, we need we need some support, we need a commitment from you. But it's going to be successful, for manpower, and for time and resources. And we got that commitment from upper management, which has been key to our success.
In that, that prior failed, you know, project, did you do any sort of root cause on what was the challenge not to say any names or anything like that? That's not what I'm just what was what was sort of the reasoning behind or sort of, upon reflection? What was the reasoning behind the, the unsuccessful
project, I'll go ahead and jump in, Dan, Dan's a little bit newer to everyone out there for the output. Side, nevermind.
We look over here, we,
number one, we didn't have a great consulting experience. That was key, somebody who was really knowledgeable about our industry, as well as the product, the product itself was a little bit weak. And I don't think we had the upper management, commitment to provide the resources we needed to implement. And that's why we hit it so hard. You know, it takes a lot of work to implement successfully and bring all the 17. Together, we knew that we had to standardize across the organization. And so for all those reasons, it was just not a success. It
always gets down from my perspective, that human component, you know, yeah, I guess, I guess, the what is surprising, because many companies, once they have a challenging implementation that didn't go well, to actually have another stab at it, it's like, you get one shot at the, you know, or one bite at the apple, and then all of a sudden, it's like, we're going to continue to limp along for as long as possible. This is kudos to the organization for still are saying, Hey, we still need to do that, which is, yeah,
I agree wholeheartedly. In fact, our Senior VP, it was really kind of sticking himself out, right? Because we just spent X number of dollars trying to implement a system that failed. Now, you're going to come back and ask for an additional amount to do it again. And so we had to convince him that we were up for the challenge. And then it was his job to go up and argue for that.
Dan, why is it important to be able to bring all of these these businesses together under one CMMS?
There really is so many advantages to really start to answer that question. It helps to provide a state of the state so to speak, our infrastructures are facing a lot of deferred maintenance needs.
I call that sweating the asset,
sweating the assets, take it home with And? And so there really is this need to, to get organized and to really take a good, detailed look at what needs to get done and when it needs to get done, and how are we going to, you know, how are we going to provide information to the finance team on what
it has bought them like valid. I mean, if it's got to have that business reason, you're not just doing it, because because it's the right thing to do, let's just sort of lay it out there. And, and I still think if I could talk to the Senior VP, a couple more people would be probably beneficial as it does to us, Senior VP, a couple more people trust me being a part of other implementations. This is a monumental task, but but it's still important, there's a recognition that there needs to be some visibility into the the asset as a whole, and across multiple businesses, are they all located the hospitals located in one geographical location or across multiple states, what 40 were
spread over the state of Illinois and, and Michigan. So geographically, we're in that we're in that area, I will say, I could, I could give an analogy, like you're painting a picture, if you're on 16, different CMMS is you're trying to paint a picture of what your asset conditions look like, and what replacement costs and capital planning is gonna look like you're using a bunch of different mediums. And it's, it's not going to be a clearer picture in the end. However, if we're all on the same CMMS, that's going to be one type of medium, on a on a clean canvas, and we can start building this clear picture. Yeah, it's going to, it's gonna take some time, you know, maybe,
you know, you got to do it incrementally and in a sense, like, okay, property A, and we're going to merge property a and property B together onto one, they get that taken care of, and, and so on how what's what does that implementation look like,
we really need to bring them on same time. So it, there's
a senior VP, just FYI, you just need more people
from a from a corrective reactive work order, you know, system we got around the same time. So any one of our 20,000 plus employees can enter a work request at any one of our 17 hospitals. And so, you know, there's, there's, it's too hot in here, there's a wet spot on the floor, there's a machine that's not working, can come from anywhere at any time, we had to have that all come up at the same time. From a preventive maintenance standpoint, there is kind of a transition as we take them off of their own old legacy systems onto the new one, we want to make sure we stay compliant with joint commission. So we got to make sure we do that in a logical process.
The other side to do is that there's the asset management side capital planning side, but also our Corrective maintenance, right, our our users of our facilities. And our patients that are experienced in our buildings, this can all be tracked in one source. And we can really get a handle on the communication aspect of this is this is what needs attention in the building. And here's the process. Here's the workflow, read CMMS is for those who don't know, that's, that's going to standardize the process across the board through all of our system. So
in many of the conversations I've had, there is the conversation around the data. Right? The how far back the cleaning up the data, the the normalizing of the data, and getting it so that you get to a point where you feel confident in the data. What what is that strategy for you guys to do that? And to take all of these legacy systems, get rid of the ones you want, whatever the whatever the strategy is? Yeah,
that's a great question. You know, we made a decision that the work order history that we have from all of the sites would remain where it was, we wouldn't try and bring that over. Because it was so different. The data the codes are different. The way they use the data was different. The way they the number of assets they tracked was different. So we said it Okay, we're gonna leave that where it was. And we're going to mark a point in the sand from this point forward, we're going to start tracking that all in a single system. Historically, we've got that data, we need to pull on it for the last two or three years. But moving forward, it's all going to be in once one spot one system.
What's the timeline on this thing?
I mean, we're on the Corrective maintenance side, we are live we've been live for about a year. And that has been a work in progress. We're, we're really just kind of focusing on the Corrective maintenance side is really still ironing out the wrinkles in locations, very granular locations, that as the services that we provide changes, that landscape changes a lot in healthcare is pretty dynamic. So you know, keeping up with that code, that's part of your workload, in the system, and then a timeline, as far as building our preventative meet our preventive maintenance schedules, we're probably looking at the pace we've been going, we're probably looking at two years. It's very it's very stop and go, things come up, we get surveyed, we get our hospitals go through various schedules of things they have to do outside of this extra implementation, right. So this extra implementation is something that we kind of have to wrangle people in to get them to focus on it for a period of time, and then they don't have that time. So it's the timeline is kind of this moving this moving and evolving thing. Oh, so we're told that to get to where we want to be INSIA in in our CMMS. It's gonna be about a five year journey to where we're really tuned in, and it's dialed in and looking the way the way we want it to. Yeah,
that that seems to be reasonable. Because all I could think of my perspective, and listening to what you have to say is that there's a cause there's, there's assets. There's assets galore, and it's trying to get it into a common platform and get it so that you're not, you put it in correctly. And then you try to get the data. Oh, I just, you know, kudos to you guys. Because that's it, it makes sense. It's the right thing to do, again, to the Senior Vice President, and I think that they need help like this.
We didn't pay him yet.
Because I there's this little side thing. Let's say, and this is just a horrible example. So I've got, I've got paddles, whatever the zappers, we got paddles in one hospital than they're not the same. You've got different different pieces of equipment that do maybe similar things, but they're just different. Yeah,
you know, and it's like, oh, yeah, and they're, they're called different things. And then you can't find them, right. And so in ours, and so when our facilities maintenance, so we are so hospitals there to heal people to to help people get better to take care of the emotional and the physical well being and we've got doctors and nurses and a lot of equipment that they use. We don't represent any of that equipment. We are the air handlers, the boilers, the chillers, the things that keep you hot and cold and comfortable, and the operating rooms at the right temperature and humidity. So when it comes time to go to upper management and say, Hey, we've only got so many dollars, and we need this money, dollars to fix our assets and maintain them. We're going up against MRIs and CT equipment. And so we really have to justify the needs that we have.
You guys were great. I could keep on going. I had the wrap up side behind you. So you didn't see it, but it is I got to wrap it up. Okay, how do people get a hold?
Well probably go through. Yeah. So
if they say hey, I want to know more. If not, it's not a big deal. I'll just
going to email me Daniel R dot Robertson OSF healthcare.org.
Okay, good. You could use mine as well.
I got both of them. All right. You guys were great, by the way. All right listeners. We're gonna wrap put up on the side, we're going to have all the contact information for these two jets out on Industrial Talk. Thank you once again for joining. Thank you for your support. We will be right back.
You're listening to the Industrial Talk Podcast Network.
That was the Greg and Dan show. Accruent Insights was the event, healthcare, asset management as it pertains to health care. That is a tiger by the tail. Kudos to both Greg, and Dan, for the deployment of a CMMS system that can handle all of that. That is great work on their part. All right. Industrial Talk is a platform for you. It is made up of education, collaboration. And of course, we need to innovate. That's what Industrial Talk is all about. We have podcasts, we have webcasts, we have a learning management system, we attend events. We want you to be a part of this ever expanding ecosystem go out to Industrial Talk. Find out more, it's easy. You want to connect with me. You want to amplify your voice. Click Hi, Scott, I want to amplify my voice. That's what that's all about. Be bold, be brave. They're greatly hanging out with Greg and Dan changed the world. We're gonna have another great conversation shortly. So stay tuned.