Javier Diaz and Carlos Toro at IoTSWC

On this week's Industrial Talk we're onsite at IoT Solutions World Congress and talking to Carlos Toro, Principal Researcher – Simulation and Digital Twin at Vicomtech and Javier Diaz, CTO at Aingura IIoT about “AI, Simulation, Digital Twin and Augmented Reality in Action”. Get the answers to your “AI Simulation” questions along with Carlos and Javier's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
Finally, get your exclusive free access to the Industrial Academy and a series on “Why You Need To Podcast” for Greater Success in 2022. All links designed for keeping you current in this rapidly changing Industrial Market. Learn! Grow! Enjoy!
Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/javierdiazrozo/
Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ainguraiiot/
Company Website: http://www.ainguraiiot.com/en
Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ctoro/
Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vicomtech/
Company Website: https://www.vicomtech.org/en
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technologies, carlos, javier, industrial, industry, companies, world, model, conveyor belts, business, background, conversation, find, people, digital, augmented reality, digital transformation journey, interesting, problems, basque
Industrial Talk is brought to you by Arduino the original all in one IoT platform. That's right, go out to arduino.cc. And you will find documentation you will find devices, powerful boards to help you with your digital transformation journey. It's all there, go out to arduino.cc. Find out more see how you can connect with these professionals to help you along with your digital transformation journey. arduino.cc. Also industry IoT Consortium. At industrial talk, we always talk about education, we always talk about collaboration, we are always talking about innovation. And if you're a business that has any desire to be resilient to the future, you need to be able to educate, collaborate, as well as innovate with other industry professionals. That's a must. Industry IoT Consortium brings that all together, you need to be a part of this community, you need to be connected with these leaders that are all apart the Industry IoT Consortium, go out to iiconsortium.org. Find out more again, you will not be disappointed, you're just going to be happy.
Hey there, and welcome to industrial talk. And thank you very much for your continued support. Once again, we were on site at the IoT Solutions World Congress, Barcelona, you can tell by the noise in the background, it was a hopping event. And I want to make sure that you put this on the calendar there, the next installment, the next IoT solutions World Congress is right around the corner. It is at the end of January and you must and you must put that on your bucket list to attend. You get great people like the conversation we're going to have with both Javier and Carlos, we're gonna be talking about IoT, of course, AI, simulation, digital twin, all on this particular conversation from IoT solutions World Congress, and you'll get to know that Carlos and Javier, they know what they're doing. So enjoy the conversation are you guys doing? Well? Yes, yeah, I like it a lot. I'm excited to be here. Yeah, you should be because it is exciting out there. You both are legends. Phil Hoffman said I needed to talk to you because you guys are doing things that are really cool. Before we get into that topic. Let's, let's talk a little bit about background. Javier. You must background
Oh, yes. My name. My complete name is hilarious. I'm the CTO of Aingura IIoT. And my gut. My background is mainly mechanical engineer. And I have a PhD in artificial intelligence. So from there, we have started eight years ago, this line of applying artificial intelligence to the industry. So we are moving on that, on that on that line. And, and that's how we are bringing things real things to real life.
So, so forgive me, I didn't call you doctor Javier. Because the card that I have is that you scribbled on Javier on somebody else's business card. So next time
I run out of run out.
Yeah, it is. That's a good yeah. That's that's a whole nother debate. That's for sure. Are you just starting?
All right, Dr. Carlos. Just call me Carlos. Yeah. Okay. I'll tell you, Carlos. Just like my notes. Well, it's on your card right there. And I figure Okay, yeah. Well,
I mean, it was on for business. Right. That's right. People just upon right. So let's
Carlos Toro. Yeah.
Well, okay. I'm also a mechanical engineer, right, by my definition, right? Difficult mechanical engineer who transform into a machine learning specialist. So I did my PhD on machine learning, right? Um, that's kind of interesting, because it allows me to see both sides of the story, right. But the physical thing is, I understand that right? Because I was there in the shop floor. Right. But then to try to understand how the computer we're modeling, right, that's the other side of story. And this is what we're bringing here. Right? So I'm currently working in the company which is Research Center and our office space in the Basque Country. Beautiful, beautiful place.
Did you say the
Basque museum
my wife as well. She's Basque family was Basque. Oh, yeah. Whoa, oh, yeah. Oh, cool. So we're gonna have to get Yeah, I'm telling you.
Yeah, well, it's coming from my contract.
It is it is kind of interesting because the region is so vivid, so much industry, so much research, right is very, very interesting. And, well, 20 years ago, they found it, some of election and the TV broadcasting, television broadcasting quality, they funded research center to do all things related to this conversation and computer science. Back in the day, you will never call it machine learning or artificial intelligence, somehow. Now we're doing it now. We call it the right way. Right. And this 20 years, we've been supporting the industry from the research perspective, right, helping them to understand the problems trying to solve their problems to some sort, given some technology, here and there. Working with companies like Agoura to develop technologies with them as well. And it's been it's been it's been quite a road, right. Quite quite quite a row.
Okay, so I like it. You can tell they get they have stray Hey, there goes my wife, Basque. We're doing a podcast now. But we're doing a podcast right now. We're recording as we speak, but I had to tell you that he's from he's the bass. She's taken a picture of us. So what was interesting that built hop and brought up is that you guys you have there's there's this there's this real solution that exists out there today that are solving problems and delivering value. Yep. And, and you've created that sort of environment that, that platform that whatever you want to tap that bed over here, Javier, give us a little background on what that is?
Yes, I'm actually I will start with wilderness monastery that is interesting. Our name Angra angora is a buzzword for uncle. So we are, we are trying to bring all these technologies that we have around all these things, artificial intelligence, connectivity, edge computing, we are trying to, like bring it down to the real edge genetics, from our, let's say, from our ad ADM, from the company to our parent companies, they are mainly industry. So all of us are working in really huge industrial environments. So we understand and we are able and because we are, let's say our background is more mechanical or more the people inside the team or let's say traditional engineering, disciplines, that you can find in, in, in an industrial environment, we are able to understand and to bring those technologies to let's say all these those technologies that are on academic papers, or I don't know, in ideal situations, we are trying to bring them down, change them as decided in order to provide to the end user what they need. They don't need a machine of the IoT machine or industrial industry that further though machine they need a machine that has a high availability, or they have high quality or, or other needs. So we use we use use all these tools together in order to solve those specific,
specific Yeah, I would imagine I need a machine that doesn't create a headache for me if I'm a manufacturer, and I want it simple. And I want to be able to say, okay, if I'm pretty simple in my needs, I've got a problem. I want a solution. And I want inside so I can make sure that that problem is managed properly. Carlos. So how does that how does that fit in with what you guys are doing?
Well, actually, that's quite interesting, right? Because when we started doing this, we were looking at, okay, what is the digital? Right? Yeah, what is the definition of a digital picture? And how can we can build something so anybody can understand something very simple, because you can use digital twins for many things, right? Complex, right? So we came up with the story, right? storyline, that storyline that this does, it doesn't necessarily has to be something that you will find this is not a product that we're selling, right? It's something that will showcase our capabilities. Our collective is something that is showcasing things that we have done to these many years doing research and to be shown in in a very, let's say, manageable way, very controlled way, but that can deliver this and this is this is what we are bringing here to the world to Congress rice is basically a pick and place no where a robot will pick one element from conveyor belt and he will show it to the camera. But up to that point that is a real thing. That is something that you may find in many, many industry facilities, right? But when we have extended that, which is with the augmented reality approach where you just wear your Oculus glasses, you are somewhere in the world, right? And you are remotely controlling the robot, right, you're doing the visual inspection, right? Then you can rotate, you can move around your ears, you can actually get closer to it, and then you will value, right. So we deliver all everything, all the technologies, all the physics that have to be in a model, all the communication that needs to happen from the from the PLC is etc, etc, to the virtual model. And also, he put in that technology that they were has for energy consumption. So we are giving the information about the energy consumption at every single point in time of the cell. So the person somewhere in the world doing the verification, the remote verification process can actually know how effective is how green is his, his operation, right? Which is very important for the carbon footprint, right? Yeah. And this This is, a lot of technologies are out there, right? Like, for instance, when we were doing the communication, right, you can wire right. But of course, we want it to have it in a wireless approach, right? Because theoretically speaking, the person doing the verification is going to be somewhere in the world. Right. So we were testing some 5g technologies in our center, and say, why not? This just use 5g? Why?
Because Absolutely, why? Why not? Why? Why complicate things? Right? Yeah. Why say? Yeah, we can do 5g, and we can hardwire and we can just just put the connectivity and just say 5g, that's it, we're done.
It was a little bit late. So when we call the first like, Okay, we want to we want to put the 5g Amateur transmitter out there, and we want to do 5g There. Right? And they were like, Sorry, do you need permission from the government to do that? Then we said, Okay, we will get it. And we got it. Because we are partnering with, with some companies in the qualification work that they have bands. So Massimo will give us their, their their band for three days. Here, we are using their bands here, right now. It's in these these things are amazing, because all these companies are helping us right to deliver the message, right? And showcasing that these technologies are here, right? And it's not difficult for you to apply those technologies, if you know how to do where to do on which buttons to be pressed. Right? And it's about the trip, it's about the road, it's about how to do it.
Do you think that, you know, we all understand the bad side of COVID, we all understand. But I think the good side of COVID accelerated a lot of the conversation here, it's like, hey, we need it. We need to have that business to be able to be resilient or whatever, I can't get out there because of whatever reasons, but I need to still look at that. And I and I, like I said, the good side is the fact that it accelerated on us. And those conversations, were less human and hot, and more. We need it. What do we do? We're ready to go. Even if it's going to be painful.
Yeah, it's like, just the other day I saw these these mean, on the overhead who dropped the digital transformation of your company. COVID-19 Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Because it was a nice to have right and now it's a must have.
I gotta tell you, I I agree with you 100% Now, hobby or what do we have out on your the floor here? What is the what's the model what are we doing? What if I went up to your your booth What can I do? Well, and
let's say nothing our growth we have an integration of different technologies that are making this possible. And we are trying to mimic real applications actually is just an I like to say like that is it says more model of a larger deployment doesn't have at least in some in some levels in in a real airport. In a baggage inspection system, where we are able to well in this in this in this model, we are able to mimic all their conveyor belts and part of the say interesting and and really easy to to find it for example, in industrial environments, conveyor belts are everywhere in an industrial plant. So we have a small and a small version of it. And from it, we are trying to extract all the interesting things that we have all the technologies that between decom tech and ankura Manage really good. So, we are we are seeing from from that scenario, we are extracting data that is able just to do some analysis related with energy consumption, with maintenance, but we also have other types of datas. We have a robot that is doing some manipulation of it. Were able to have fun Measurement about quality. And it's, of course, quality is related to the, to the inspection, as you are able to manipulate manipulation of that system of that of that element, you're able to, to inspect, and you're able to do some, let's say, reject the PC, if it is, if it's not, okay. And in, let's say, a really simple, okay knock a system that you might find in an industry. But of course, with this integration on a high level, other digital, where you are able to just integrate all this information, all this data is coming from your system. And the human in the loop is able to take decisions related to all those different environments, the human is able to introduce in that in that in that in that world, in the digital twin unable to see the piece that you are manipulating the decide on this quality, but also you are able in the same place, you are able to decide on the energy consumption or in the maintenance of your of your system. Let's say that that's my my my point of view from the let's say, industrial park, but maybe Carlos is able to give us a little bit more insights on that on that system.
The question I have, and we're going to venture into that, but the question I have to and along with all the other bad things with pandemic, I think that there was also a an accelerated need to collaborate. And that these technologies, these insights is this ability to be able to create innovative solutions. Because of that, then all of a sudden, you know, Javier and Carlos are talking together, and they're saying, Hey, we can, and there's that collaborative approach to solve a bigger problem or whatever it might be. That to me is that there's this compounding effect that exists with this technology, as well as this, this recognition to be collaborative, right? Of course, you don't have all the answers. Yeah, that's natural. That's it? That's right. Yeah. So how do you deal with that? And I have to ask, how did you guys come to know each other? If that is the way that it's like, you know, you're over here doing your thing? You're over here doing this thing? What how did you guys come to?
Well, first of all, maybe
you want to tell the story, but I will just give a summary. We are coming from the same city. And we have really common interests. And of course, we are in different companies. But the similar interests that we have just pushes us to work in this way. There is a little bit it's a little bit tricky, as we have actually like a personal relation. But from the point of view of companies, we combine perfectly on the technologies, if they're speaking about digital twins, or about all this beautiful modeling and all of this, you know, no, we done so. And we can just compliment each other on that. Yeah, I
like to think that you you will meet people that is meant for for for you right in the roadway. And even in our in our business problems, right. We come from the same city, but we never met. Right? See, that's just until we start working together. Right? I was looking at research, how he was recently joined a company, but we were working on with we were we were actually visiting a customer for a project, how it was, I guess, I guess your first project, then we realized that we were actually coming from the same city that we were married to Basque women, and that we had some kind of things. And, yeah,
that's how it is. If you want to close deals, that is where it happened. Yeah, that's that's the that's the bottom line. So as we we wrap this up a little bit. This is to you, Carlos, where do you where do you see it going? This is just This is just the tip of the iceberg? Oh, yeah. I mean, this this, this technology, the solution? This is just, this is just beginning stuff. For us. This
is a starting point. Just historically, we've been thinking about things that we will build surrounding this test, but Right. In fact, in the DPC, right, but also to include more components, right? To make it more appealing to demonstrate more technologies, right. And by no means this is ready. I mean, this is just the initial, the starting point of what can be in the future. Right.
I'll tell you, that's a whole nother conversation of just for me, just, I don't circle around the watercooler like you guys and you're talking about hey, did you know what we could do this now check this out. This is new. I was reading here. This is good. We got to talk. I don't do that. Let's say I'm just, I'm a manufacturer, I have challenges. And I'm just looking for a solution, right? And I think that it's important to be able to simplify the message and the value proposition so that I want to do it without the headaches and uncork it. And I think you guys are just, you guys are just nailed it. And again, I'm gonna go over to your booth, and I'm going to see that augmented reality. And I'm going to play around it because Phil Hoffman said I needed to and by the way, he's, he's up next and he's stuck at my wife, my wife with best heritage. Oh, all right. How do they get a hold of you, Javier? How do they if somebody says Javier was speaking my language, how do I get a hold of Javier?
How do we get on the phone? It was difficult. Because
you got this lousy business card that you read, wrote on somebody else's business card. So what's your what's your email address?
My email address is JD s at Angular iot.com.
Very good. And Carlos, how did they get a hold of you? Oh,
you can follow us in our network. We can support my email, see Dora that contact dot o RG. But I think it's not going to be very difficult to find out.
Well, because you know why you're gonna be out on industrial talk and I'm gonna have a backlink to everything. And so listeners, you want to get a hold of them go to industrial talk.com Or just listen to what they said. And you just sort of reach out to them and and you will not be disappointed. Absolutely. stellar job hobby or, or hobby. Hobby. Bolts are doctors that don't want to be called doctors. Alright, listeners, we once again are broadcasting live from IoT solutions World Congress, Barcelona is the country. No, Barcelona is the town. How dare I say country? Anyway, you need to put this on the market unless you get to meet great people like Hobie and Carlos, they are in it to solve problems and make your life a better. Big time. Big better. All right. We're gonna wrap it up on the other side. So stay tuned, we will be right back. You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network. All right, once again, that is Javier. That is Carlos. They're talking about AI for industry. They're talking about digital twin. They're talking about simulation. They're also even talking about augmented reality. All on this particular interview. It was fantastic. All right, you can tell. I'm pretty passionate. I'm very bullish about the IoT solutions World Congress and your participation. You get to connect with people like Carlos. People like Javier and companies that are truly focused on solving problems and have a desire to educate, collaborate, and of course, innovate. That is a must put that on your calendar, we're going to have a lot more, we're going to have a lot more conversations coming from this event. And then of course, we're going to be there at the end of January. And if you're, here's a it's got out how to get on this industrial talk. Well, we'll be there too, as well. So you just look us up. All right. Be bold, be brave, dare greatly hang out with Javier and Carlos and you know what? You will be changing the world. That is why we celebrate you on this platform because you are doing incredible work. Thank you once again for joining. And we're gonna once again have another great conversation shortly. So stay tuned.
Industrial Talk is brought to you by Arduino the original all in one IoT platform. That's right, go out to arduino.cc. And you will find documentation you will find devices, powerful boards to help you with your digital transformation journey. It's all there, go out to arduino.cc. Find out more see how you can connect with these professionals to help you along with your digital transformation journey. arduino.cc. Also industry IoT Consortium. At industrial talk, we always talk about education, we always talk about collaboration, we are always talking about innovation. And if you're a business that has any desire to be resilient to the future, you need to be able to educate, collaborate, as well as innovate with other industry professionals. That's a must. Industry IoT Consortium brings that all together, you need to be a part of this community, you need to be connected with these leaders that are all apart the Industry IoT Consortium, go out to iiconsortium.org. Find out more again, you will not be disappointed, you're just going to be happy.
Hey there, and welcome to industrial talk. And thank you very much for your continued support. Once again, we were on site at the IoT Solutions World Congress, Barcelona, you can tell by the noise in the background, it was a hopping event. And I want to make sure that you put this on the calendar there, the next installment, the next IoT solutions World Congress is right around the corner. It is at the end of January and you must and you must put that on your bucket list to attend. You get great people like the conversation we're going to have with both Javier and Carlos, we're gonna be talking about IoT, of course, AI, simulation, digital twin, all on this particular conversation from IoT solutions World Congress, and you'll get to know that Carlos and Javier, they know what they're doing. So enjoy the conversation are you guys doing? Well? Yes, yeah, I like it a lot. I'm excited to be here. Yeah, you should be because it is exciting out there. You both are legends. Phil Hoffman said I needed to talk to you because you guys are doing things that are really cool. Before we get into that topic. Let's, let's talk a little bit about background. Javier. You must background
Oh, yes. My name. My complete name is hilarious. I'm the CTO of Aingura IIoT. And my gut. My background is mainly mechanical engineer. And I have a PhD in artificial intelligence. So from there, we have started eight years ago, this line of applying artificial intelligence to the industry. So we are moving on that, on that on that line. And, and that's how we are bringing things real things to real life.
So, so forgive me, I didn't call you doctor Javier. Because the card that I have is that you scribbled on Javier on somebody else's business card. So next time
I run out of run out.
Yeah, it is. That's a good yeah. That's that's a whole nother debate. That's for sure. Are you just starting?
All right, Dr. Carlos. Just call me Carlos. Yeah. Okay. I'll tell you, Carlos. Just like my notes. Well, it's on your card right there. And I figure Okay, yeah. Well,
I mean, it was on for business. Right. That's right. People just upon right. So let's
Carlos Toro. Yeah.
Well, okay. I'm also a mechanical engineer, right, by my definition, right? Difficult mechanical engineer who transform into a machine learning specialist. So I did my PhD on machine learning, right? Um, that's kind of interesting, because it allows me to see both sides of the story, right. But the physical thing is, I understand that right? Because I was there in the shop floor. Right. But then to try to understand how the computer we're modeling, right, that's the other side of story. And this is what we're bringing here. Right? So I'm currently working in the company which is Research Center and our office space in the Basque Country. Beautiful, beautiful place.
Did you say the
Basque museum
my wife as well. She's Basque family was Basque. Oh, yeah. Whoa, oh, yeah. Oh, cool. So we're gonna have to get Yeah, I'm telling you.
Yeah, well, it's coming from my contract.
It is it is kind of interesting because the region is so vivid, so much industry, so much research, right is very, very interesting. And, well, 20 years ago, they found it, some of election and the TV broadcasting, television broadcasting quality, they funded research center to do all things related to this conversation and computer science. Back in the day, you will never call it machine learning or artificial intelligence, somehow. Now we're doing it now. We call it the right way. Right. And this 20 years, we've been supporting the industry from the research perspective, right, helping them to understand the problems trying to solve their problems to some sort, given some technology, here and there. Working with companies like Agoura to develop technologies with them as well. And it's been it's been it's been quite a road, right. Quite quite quite a row.
Okay, so I like it. You can tell they get they have stray Hey, there goes my wife, Basque. We're doing a podcast now. But we're doing a podcast right now. We're recording as we speak, but I had to tell you that he's from he's the bass. She's taken a picture of us. So what was interesting that built hop and brought up is that you guys you have there's there's this there's this real solution that exists out there today that are solving problems and delivering value. Yep. And, and you've created that sort of environment that, that platform that whatever you want to tap that bed over here, Javier, give us a little background on what that is?
Yes, I'm actually I will start with wilderness monastery that is interesting. Our name Angra angora is a buzzword for uncle. So we are, we are trying to bring all these technologies that we have around all these things, artificial intelligence, connectivity, edge computing, we are trying to, like bring it down to the real edge genetics, from our, let's say, from our ad ADM, from the company to our parent companies, they are mainly industry. So all of us are working in really huge industrial environments. So we understand and we are able and because we are, let's say our background is more mechanical or more the people inside the team or let's say traditional engineering, disciplines, that you can find in, in, in an industrial environment, we are able to understand and to bring those technologies to let's say all these those technologies that are on academic papers, or I don't know, in ideal situations, we are trying to bring them down, change them as decided in order to provide to the end user what they need. They don't need a machine of the IoT machine or industrial industry that further though machine they need a machine that has a high availability, or they have high quality or, or other needs. So we use we use use all these tools together in order to solve those specific,
specific Yeah, I would imagine I need a machine that doesn't create a headache for me if I'm a manufacturer, and I want it simple. And I want to be able to say, okay, if I'm pretty simple in my needs, I've got a problem. I want a solution. And I want inside so I can make sure that that problem is managed properly. Carlos. So how does that how does that fit in with what you guys are doing?
Well, actually, that's quite interesting, right? Because when we started doing this, we were looking at, okay, what is the digital? Right? Yeah, what is the definition of a digital picture? And how can we can build something so anybody can understand something very simple, because you can use digital twins for many things, right? Complex, right? So we came up with the story, right? storyline, that storyline that this does, it doesn't necessarily has to be something that you will find this is not a product that we're selling, right? It's something that will showcase our capabilities. Our collective is something that is showcasing things that we have done to these many years doing research and to be shown in in a very, let's say, manageable way, very controlled way, but that can deliver this and this is this is what we are bringing here to the world to Congress rice is basically a pick and place no where a robot will pick one element from conveyor belt and he will show it to the camera. But up to that point that is a real thing. That is something that you may find in many, many industry facilities, right? But when we have extended that, which is with the augmented reality approach where you just wear your Oculus glasses, you are somewhere in the world, right? And you are remotely controlling the robot, right, you're doing the visual inspection, right? Then you can rotate, you can move around your ears, you can actually get closer to it, and then you will value, right. So we deliver all everything, all the technologies, all the physics that have to be in a model, all the communication that needs to happen from the from the PLC is etc, etc, to the virtual model. And also, he put in that technology that they were has for energy consumption. So we are giving the information about the energy consumption at every single point in time of the cell. So the person somewhere in the world doing the verification, the remote verification process can actually know how effective is how green is his, his operation, right? Which is very important for the carbon footprint, right? Yeah. And this This is, a lot of technologies are out there, right? Like, for instance, when we were doing the communication, right, you can wire right. But of course, we want it to have it in a wireless approach, right? Because theoretically speaking, the person doing the verification is going to be somewhere in the world. Right. So we were testing some 5g technologies in our center, and say, why not? This just use 5g? Why?
Because Absolutely, why? Why not? Why? Why complicate things? Right? Yeah. Why say? Yeah, we can do 5g, and we can hardwire and we can just just put the connectivity and just say 5g, that's it, we're done.
It was a little bit late. So when we call the first like, Okay, we want to we want to put the 5g Amateur transmitter out there, and we want to do 5g There. Right? And they were like, Sorry, do you need permission from the government to do that? Then we said, Okay, we will get it. And we got it. Because we are partnering with, with some companies in the qualification work that they have bands. So Massimo will give us their, their their band for three days. Here, we are using their bands here, right now. It's in these these things are amazing, because all these companies are helping us right to deliver the message, right? And showcasing that these technologies are here, right? And it's not difficult for you to apply those technologies, if you know how to do where to do on which buttons to be pressed. Right? And it's about the trip, it's about the road, it's about how to do it.
Do you think that, you know, we all understand the bad side of COVID, we all understand. But I think the good side of COVID accelerated a lot of the conversation here, it's like, hey, we need it. We need to have that business to be able to be resilient or whatever, I can't get out there because of whatever reasons, but I need to still look at that. And I and I, like I said, the good side is the fact that it accelerated on us. And those conversations, were less human and hot, and more. We need it. What do we do? We're ready to go. Even if it's going to be painful.
Yeah, it's like, just the other day I saw these these mean, on the overhead who dropped the digital transformation of your company. COVID-19 Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Because it was a nice to have right and now it's a must have.
I gotta tell you, I I agree with you 100% Now, hobby or what do we have out on your the floor here? What is the what's the model what are we doing? What if I went up to your your booth What can I do? Well, and
let's say nothing our growth we have an integration of different technologies that are making this possible. And we are trying to mimic real applications actually is just an I like to say like that is it says more model of a larger deployment doesn't have at least in some in some levels in in a real airport. In a baggage inspection system, where we are able to well in this in this in this model, we are able to mimic all their conveyor belts and part of the say interesting and and really easy to to find it for example, in industrial environments, conveyor belts are everywhere in an industrial plant. So we have a small and a small version of it. And from it, we are trying to extract all the interesting things that we have all the technologies that between decom tech and ankura Manage really good. So, we are we are seeing from from that scenario, we are extracting data that is able just to do some analysis related with energy consumption, with maintenance, but we also have other types of datas. We have a robot that is doing some manipulation of it. Were able to have fun Measurement about quality. And it's, of course, quality is related to the, to the inspection, as you are able to manipulate manipulation of that system of that of that element, you're able to, to inspect, and you're able to do some, let's say, reject the PC, if it is, if it's not, okay. And in, let's say, a really simple, okay knock a system that you might find in an industry. But of course, with this integration on a high level, other digital, where you are able to just integrate all this information, all this data is coming from your system. And the human in the loop is able to take decisions related to all those different environments, the human is able to introduce in that in that in that in that world, in the digital twin unable to see the piece that you are manipulating the decide on this quality, but also you are able in the same place, you are able to decide on the energy consumption or in the maintenance of your of your system. Let's say that that's my my my point of view from the let's say, industrial park, but maybe Carlos is able to give us a little bit more insights on that on that system.
The question I have, and we're going to venture into that, but the question I have to and along with all the other bad things with pandemic, I think that there was also a an accelerated need to collaborate. And that these technologies, these insights is this ability to be able to create innovative solutions. Because of that, then all of a sudden, you know, Javier and Carlos are talking together, and they're saying, Hey, we can, and there's that collaborative approach to solve a bigger problem or whatever it might be. That to me is that there's this compounding effect that exists with this technology, as well as this, this recognition to be collaborative, right? Of course, you don't have all the answers. Yeah, that's natural. That's it? That's right. Yeah. So how do you deal with that? And I have to ask, how did you guys come to know each other? If that is the way that it's like, you know, you're over here doing your thing? You're over here doing this thing? What how did you guys come to?
Well, first of all, maybe
you want to tell the story, but I will just give a summary. We are coming from the same city. And we have really common interests. And of course, we are in different companies. But the similar interests that we have just pushes us to work in this way. There is a little bit it's a little bit tricky, as we have actually like a personal relation. But from the point of view of companies, we combine perfectly on the technologies, if they're speaking about digital twins, or about all this beautiful modeling and all of this, you know, no, we done so. And we can just compliment each other on that. Yeah, I
like to think that you you will meet people that is meant for for for you right in the roadway. And even in our in our business problems, right. We come from the same city, but we never met. Right? See, that's just until we start working together. Right? I was looking at research, how he was recently joined a company, but we were working on with we were we were actually visiting a customer for a project, how it was, I guess, I guess your first project, then we realized that we were actually coming from the same city that we were married to Basque women, and that we had some kind of things. And, yeah,
that's how it is. If you want to close deals, that is where it happened. Yeah, that's that's the that's the bottom line. So as we we wrap this up a little bit. This is to you, Carlos, where do you where do you see it going? This is just This is just the tip of the iceberg? Oh, yeah. I mean, this this, this technology, the solution? This is just, this is just beginning stuff. For us. This
is a starting point. Just historically, we've been thinking about things that we will build surrounding this test, but Right. In fact, in the DPC, right, but also to include more components, right? To make it more appealing to demonstrate more technologies, right. And by no means this is ready. I mean, this is just the initial, the starting point of what can be in the future. Right.
I'll tell you, that's a whole nother conversation of just for me, just, I don't circle around the watercooler like you guys and you're talking about hey, did you know what we could do this now check this out. This is new. I was reading here. This is good. We got to talk. I don't do that. Let's say I'm just, I'm a manufacturer, I have challenges. And I'm just looking for a solution, right? And I think that it's important to be able to simplify the message and the value proposition so that I want to do it without the headaches and uncork it. And I think you guys are just, you guys are just nailed it. And again, I'm gonna go over to your booth, and I'm going to see that augmented reality. And I'm going to play around it because Phil Hoffman said I needed to and by the way, he's, he's up next and he's stuck at my wife, my wife with best heritage. Oh, all right. How do they get a hold of you, Javier? How do they if somebody says Javier was speaking my language, how do I get a hold of Javier?
How do we get on the phone? It was difficult. Because
you got this lousy business card that you read, wrote on somebody else's business card. So what's your what's your email address?
My email address is JD s at Angular iot.com.
Very good. And Carlos, how did they get a hold of you? Oh,
you can follow us in our network. We can support my email, see Dora that contact dot o RG. But I think it's not going to be very difficult to find out.
Well, because you know why you're gonna be out on industrial talk and I'm gonna have a backlink to everything. And so listeners, you want to get a hold of them go to industrial talk.com Or just listen to what they said. And you just sort of reach out to them and and you will not be disappointed. Absolutely. stellar job hobby or, or hobby. Hobby. Bolts are doctors that don't want to be called doctors. Alright, listeners, we once again are broadcasting live from IoT solutions World Congress, Barcelona is the country. No, Barcelona is the town. How dare I say country? Anyway, you need to put this on the market unless you get to meet great people like Hobie and Carlos, they are in it to solve problems and make your life a better. Big time. Big better. All right. We're gonna wrap it up on the other side. So stay tuned, we will be right back. You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network. All right, once again, that is Javier. That is Carlos. They're talking about AI for industry. They're talking about digital twin. They're talking about simulation. They're also even talking about augmented reality. All on this particular interview. It was fantastic. All right, you can tell. I'm pretty passionate. I'm very bullish about the IoT solutions World Congress and your participation. You get to connect with people like Carlos. People like Javier and companies that are truly focused on solving problems and have a desire to educate, collaborate, and of course, innovate. That is a must put that on your calendar, we're going to have a lot more, we're going to have a lot more conversations coming from this event. And then of course, we're going to be there at the end of January. And if you're, here's a it's got out how to get on this industrial talk. Well, we'll be there too, as well. So you just look us up. All right. Be bold, be brave, dare greatly hang out with Javier and Carlos and you know what? You will be changing the world. That is why we celebrate you on this platform because you are doing incredible work. Thank you once again for joining. And we're gonna once again have another great conversation shortly. So stay tuned.