Jerry Gootee with EY

On this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to Jerry Gootee, Global Advanced Manufacturing Leaders at EY about “Innovation in Action that solves real problems making our lives better”. Get the answers to your “Manufacturing Innovation” questions along with Jerry's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
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nottingham, jerry, talk, digital, industrial, rotunda, shop floor, people, client, product, absolutely, data, call, thinking, solve, companies, place, interview, world, real
Hey there, welcome to industrial talk. And thank you very much for joining. You're asking yourself, Scott, where it's that inspiring introduction that that music that gets me going and wanting to learn. Well, Fear not. And it's going to happen. We were very fortunate to interview live at Nottingham, Spirky. Why? And that is up in Cleveland, Ohio. You might have heard just telling you if you haven't, you might have heard Mr. John Nottingham's interview. Now, if you haven't, go out to industrial talk, and definitely download that particular interview because he's inspiring. He wants our lives to be better. And he's doing it and and team Nottingham Spirky wire making it happen. So go out. Look for Mr. John Nottingham's interview. This is the EY side. This interview coming up is the EY side. Jerry go t is the gentleman. And he's every bit as passionate about solving problems delivering solutions. Me personally geeking out on this stuff. We had a great conversation. So anyway, again, not in Habsburg II, why? Cleveland, Ohio. I mean, at least go out to their website. I'm telling you, you'll be dazzled by it. So thank you very much enjoy the interview.
In a hurry because the drinks are coming on
the scene. He just walked on the intro that Jerry did this guy. We're not backing it up. That's Jerry Enzi, you can tell it's gonna be a great conversation. So I just walked on my gun.
industry focused trends while highlight men and women who keep the world moving. So good on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's
Alright, welcome to industrial talk. Yes, Jerry's with us. He is going to be chirping a lot about what's happening here at this incredible Nottingham Spirk location. But you remember, this is the number one industrial related podcast in the universe that celebrates industry professionals such as yourself, you're bold, you're brave, you dare greatly innovate like nobody's business. You're solving problems. You're changing lives, and you're changing the world. That's why this platform industrial talk is for you. That's right, Jerry. Sky. Cracking Are you born out now?
I'm ready. I'm ready. I feel like I'm going to a football game. I can't wait. Let's do it.
That's what, that's what industry is all about. We've got to make sure that we bring the energy because you guys are really doing a lot of great stuff out there, man. I'm telling
you. Absolutely. We are. Thanks for being here. By the way.
Are you kidding? I mean, I couldn't. I didn't sleep. Well. Last night. I was gonna I was gonna lie and say I was here last night, which I was and was able to tootle around which is great. I didn't. I didn't. My expectation was well, it was an expectation. But it's your past in a bit. Like, like, way above if you're out on video. I'm going above the camera right there.
Wow. Thank you for that. That's awesome. It is it's pretty cool. Come on you blow people's necks. Just blow this blow their socks. So
when they come through the door, man, there's like, I know that. I know that. I know. Are you kidding me? That too? Oh my gosh. Alright. Enough of that. Yeah. Give us a background. Yeah. Give us a background. who you are.
Well, listen, I couldn't, couldn't be more excited about being here. I'm Jerry goatee. I work at EY. So the love of my life. This place is also a labor of love. By the way, the white Nottingham Spirk innovation hub. been with the firm for 31 years. I've done a lot of exciting things. But nothing more impactful and rewarding than this place. I mean, this place is about helping companies grow. I know you're trying to get a question. I mean, oh,
no, no, I'm breathing. Yeah, I'm breathing. That's I'm, I'm I'm geeking out on this conversation. I'm just breathing out. Don't mind me.
Yeah. Okay, Scott, just jump in anytime you like. You know, so what, what's unique about this place, you know, there's a whole bunch of place you can go to and industrials and manufacturing go to and, and, you know, have see client experience centers see innovation hubs, see innovation centers, all kinds of names, right. But what's unique about this place, and you can be inspired by the way you can be inspired, there's all kinds of cool places, all kinds of toys, I call them candy stores, right? All these whiz bang technologies. We have we have that. Okay. And we want people to see that.
However, you have a lot of, we have a lot of
a lot of, you know, what's really unique about this place. If I go back to real life client experiences we've had is we have that but then we can actually take a real client issue. And we can then go as I like to say, we go down the basement actually make make stuff we can actually make physical stuff and make digital stuff. That's what's really unique about this, right? It's one thing to go be inspired and have to go back to your real world and say, Oh, great, but I don't have that. And I have this I use this technology. None of that works. It's another to come here and say, Oh, wow, they have all these digital applications. And that's actually on SAP. We have SAP here Wow, that's on PTC, we have PTC. And oh, by the way, we have a hodgepodge of technologies here just like all of our clients. And downstairs, we kind of have a brownfield and upstairs here we're kind of talking about new and a Greenfield. So we have all those different different, you know,
when When, when, when we arrived, the rotunda, it's, it's, it's big it is, and it does take your breath away. So you're saying, Okay, what is this place out? So there's the rotunda, you go, wow, it is different. And then you take the journey down, and then you just keep on going down. And and what it's like 60 60,000 square feet. 66,000 square 66,000 Square feet. Wow. Yes. Of just innovation of just
Yeah, real. Real. Yeah. Real meat, authentic. I call it authentic innovation, because you can actually see real outcomes like wow, this actually got innovated, put quotes around it here. And here's the real product, they got created a real digital app they got created. And here's the 18 month journey that got us there. Yeah. That's why everybody loves people love the stories, the physical space is great. But then the real life stories, the outcomes and how we got there, that's what people want to know.
See. And what's interesting, this is what, what I realized here, and I've had a number of conversation is it's not a slam on anybody. Please, please, please, please don't come texting me or whatever. It is the fact that it Israel, you see tangible results. You see, the solutions. You see, it's right here right now. It's not vaporware. It's not interesting thinking, right? It's it's real. Exactly. And the process is solid of how you get it from that idea, all the way through to the market. And then do it again.
Exactly over and over and over again for and I'm sure Mr. Nottingham bragged a bit about 95%. I always do it over under you know how many times he typically says it over understand normally how many times he said it.
But again, another way to bring
that helicopter in it probably so it's for you. Right? Probably. So you're that big
of a deal. Going to get Yeah, yeah. No, he he said 95. Yeah. And then he also said, the 5% is what? What does he say with about the 5%? Well,
5% is what typically, that's that's what company success rate typically is for r&d, right? Billions n and if 5% successful, the other 95 is not
but the success of what now, you know, Nottingham's work, and why what is being delivered here is that you take it from cradle to grave. Exactly. And that is that's the secret sauce. It is the secret sauce. Because there's a lot of challenges. It's one thing to say, Hey, I got a mic. It's great mic, fine. But how do you do it? How do you make it? How do you how do you scale it? What do you get? How do you get it out to the market? Right? How do you source it? All of that stuff is impressive. It is very impressive. Why is it important for you? And why to be here?
What's the future? Right, this is we're looking forward. And that's what's cool about this place. You know, a lot of folks, you know, obviously for a long time, 100 years plus Ey has been phenomenal at doing audit doing tax work. You know, doing diligence work, financial work, we continue to love that business and bring a lot of value create a lot of value for clients. This place is about looking more forward, right. It's about what's your next frontier of growth? What's our next frontier of growth? How are we going to help companies to you know, take that next? You know, take take, take the next hill right, the next? What's their next big agenda, if you will. And that's why we're so excited about this place is, as I shared with you earlier, I think we're off off, off camera Off mic, if you will, is chatting we just chit chatting so why sir? Where were we so excited about it? Trains dollars being spent every year? Lot of it some depend on what you read? Yeah, 80 to 90% of it actually isn't creating the result that people are expecting. So what it is at me look at, I can even share with data sources there. It's a huge number. So something's not working right now. There's some additional insight needs to be brought to the table new way of doing new way of thinking. And that's what this place allows you to do create a chi i like to call it concept to market, right? You know, from a great idea all the way through to designing it all the way to engineering to prototyping, but but again, now we're adding to it is this connectivity element, right? And data, you know, what's the importance of data as it relates to a new concept and a new product and a new, you name it piece of equipment, you know, what role should data play? And then once I have that data, I can't tell you how many clients have said, Hey, we're all in on connectivity. We've spent a bunch of money, we've added greater connectivity or products. We know what we can't charge for it. We're not making any we're not we're not actually getting any value. We've added that element of connectivity, but we haven't adapted our business model yet. to actually benefit from it, many organizations are struggling with as well. So you can come here, you also can take that business model, you know, challenge on as well, there's so many different things that you can do across the spectrum.
And we spoke about this offline. There, there is a need for companies to be engaged. That's one to, to my challenge is to find that trusted resource to say, I have all this data, I got a data I'm collecting data, Leila data, it's a tsunami of data. Yeah. But I have no idea how that data is going to bring me value to make my business better. And my bottom line, right. But you could theoretically, theoretically, you could come here physically, and have a conversation and say, this is the data. Yeah, I got this manufacturer amount, blah, blah. But whatever the story is, yes. And be able to have that conversation with you.
Yeah, more than a conversation, we can actually show you some live use cases on how we sort of solved it. For other companies. And similar with similar situations, right? It's really, you know, show me something, right. I mean, I got lots of folks that tell me and talk to me and tell me why data is great, and what they can do for me. But here you can actually come, we can likely pull up three or four very specific use cases are on point and say, here's the here's the journey that we took this client on. Here's, here's here were the pain points. Here's the problems we're trying to solve. And here's the outcome. And here's how we got there's the process that we used. That's what's different.
It's real. It's real. And I do like that. Now, let's talk a little bit about COVID. Right? I believe me personally, I could be completely wrong, and I'd feel comfortable being wrong. Anyway, pre COVID. We were bringing our became maybe our C game. We talked a lot about digital transformation. We said yeah, that seems like it's great. COVID hits. It's a slap upside the head, no doubt about it. I believe that COVID has created a more collaborative environment because people are searching for solutions. Yeah, we got the bad stuff. But I'm not talking about that. But I think the good stuff is like, I got to come to a Jerry and say, Jerry, I need help. Yes. And I have to have this conversation. I'm not sitting here with my, you know, cards close to my vest. And I'm not, no, I'm willing to collaborate. I'm willing to venture into the innovation space. So that's what I think.
Oh, absolutely. We're seeing it over and over again. Because if you're not doing it, your competitor is right. Yeah. I mean, yeah, you know, I would say a lot of progress, you know, has been made, and had to be made. I mean, you think about you think it's something right now we're on video, but, you know, a lot of times where zoom, we're on teams. Yeah, I mean, I think about just simple stuff, like pre COVID. Very few of our calls, global calls that we had as a team, or our meetings with our clients would have been video. Now all of a sudden, they're all video. And oh, by the way, when you decide you're going to do a phone call, and you don't get on video, everyone's like, where's Jerry? Why is it Jerry on video? It's think about, like how quickly it happened. Right? Right. And like when you want to, you know, get your, you know, whatever it might be your burrito in the evening, you know, now you go on the app, and you order that burrito, you don't think twice about, I'm going to go pick it up, they're going to deliver and I'm going to walk into the restaurant, it's all gonna be, you know, me touches. Well, the same thing for manufacturers, right? I mean, now, if you think back, you know, when this whole thing got started, people were scared to death of having third parties into their operations onto the shop floor. That's true. Right. And so what had to happen? Well, we had to start thinking about remote, you know, doing in servicing? And you're in the maintenance, right? Yeah, how do we actually start to do remote maintenance, right. And one way to do that is through digital connect, and getting getting more connected, right?
Edge cloud, you got IoT, whatever it might be. It's, it's transformative. And what I see and what's interesting in when we talk about maintenance space, is that we get to the point where the data, I'm collecting data, the data is it has knowledge in it right? And I'm gonna, I'm gonna analyze that data through whatever parameters or whatever AI, whatever that tool is, and then be able to say, hey, there's a trend that's taking place on that asset, it's remote, bring this, that and the other thing just because, well, that's what you need to bring, because that's what the failure mode say, Go on out there. And it's so efficient. And so your, your asset uptime, through data analytics is is improved, because that thing's not going to fail. Because it's notifying you, you get out there and maintain it. Boom, backup. Amen. Amen. And that's it. That's across the board with manufacturing in general. Absolutely. greater capacity and so on and so forth. Yeah, absolutely. Where do you see it going? Where do I see it go? Where do you see it going? greater adoption. What what I mean, it's still there's a lot of people thinking that it's it's it's more buzzword ish. Yeah. Hey, digital twin. Hey, cloud. Hey, clouds, a little bit more able to sort of like yeah, I say pictures to the cloud. They get that I got that right. But it edge IoT data analytics AI may Where do you see all of that going? Is it going to be real?
Absolutely. I'll just tell you we've had, you know, at this point, we probably had 25 to 30 companies. And granted, we just launched, you know, two and a half weeks ago, but we did a lot of pre launch activity. Right. And I can talk about it. Oh, great, wonderful.
He doesn't go ahead but you go right ahead and ride his coattails because Yeah, well, hotel
is a good is a good hotel. And I'll tell you that, that every, every company that came in here was was was talking about disrupt disruption. Okay, now we're gonna get the digital. Yeah, yeah. But it all it all sort of starts with disruption. Right. So I can't tell you and since we're talking about industrials, and manufacturers, which I love, at least half of them said, hey, my product portfolio hasn't changed in 50 years. Many of them said, for the most part, we make this this product, it hasn't changed in 40 or 50 years. But oh my now I look at electrification and the impact it's going to have, depending upon what you know, where you are in the supply chain, right, many of the big industrials are tied to you know, combustion engines, some form or fashion, right? When you look at ESG, and you look at sustainability, you look at their products, they're thinking, Oh, my, you know, this is real, this is going to happen, we're gonna have to rethink impact we're having on the environment. It's not just a, you know, a lot of you know bantering, it's it's happening and products are changing. And regulations are changing, right? Yeah, there's like one thing after another, almost every industry has something incredibly disruptive, that is right in front of them. And because of that, they're saying, Okay, we have to think differently. And I love the saying of it's, it's more about why not versus why. So it's, it's, you know, why can't we go do that? Why shouldn't we go do that, as opposed to for the last 40 years, it's like, hold on a second, we got a good thing going, why we need to change this. So
that that that speaks to the culture you're absolutely spot on. And there has to be that shift in culture that shift in thinking yes, to be able to begin to embrace this, whatever this is.
Exactly. Exactly, exactly. And then if, you know, I'm sure Mr. Nottingham talked about the customer, right? So you know, who is the customer, it's a customer, it's a consumer, it's, you know, it's a it's a distributor, it's a wholesaler, it's, you know, especially in this b2b world, all of that is in major disruptive situation right now, right? Everyone's trying to they're trying to get closer to customers? And how are they going to get closer to customers or getting closer customers by having their products be more connected? Yeah, right. And in spot and, and, and once you have that, if you think about that's worked with the membrane, that's where it starts, now of a sudden, you understand the products got to be smarter, they got to be more connected, they're going to be providing more insights. Now, all of a sudden, I got, I got more informed more intelligence, as you said earlier, and then that's going to be that's going to drive smarter supply chains, right, I can see social media, you know, someone big, and a movie star, or someone is touting some particular product, and I haven't I have I have, I'm in the supply chain of that product. You know, in today's world, what happens? The product goes nuts, everything sells off the shelf. And a month later, you know, everybody becomes
a supply chain expert, because they can't get that dog gone. Toilet paper?
Like, where's it gone?
Now, if you have the ability to see, okay, hold on a second, we're actually, you know, monitoring what's happening, all these all these different, you know, sources, not just the equipment, yes. But social media. Yeah, everything else. Now, all of a sudden, I know something's coming, I can get ahead of it. And I can start producing it ahead of time. And I can take full advantage of that opportunity. So you know, that insights from products, obviously going to drive a much more improved operation, and our ecosystem of partners. That's another that's a whole nother, as we get into all the way down to the shop floor, right? And making sure that I'm utilizing that capacity in the best way possible. So is it going to happen absolutely is going to happen. It's going to happen faster than we could ever imagine. So with
that said, how do you how do you consult or work with a client that is seeing this out there? Yes. You just rattled off? Oh, just the world is changing. We like it or not. Where do I start? Yeah. Well, that's quite like, what's my first step? What? Can I incrementally go through this process? Like, it's like there's a low hanging fruit?
Yeah, absolutely. You can. I mean, there's, you know, the first thing you need to do. We have, we call it the digital transformation playbook. And it's okay. And it starts with, you know, assessing sort of what what your current maturity is, seeing where you have gaps, and understanding, you know, where might we plug in some of these digital capabilities to close some of these gaps that we have today. It's almost like you and I think we were off. We were offline or today I said, many organizations will say, digitize and solved anything for me. Right. Okay. And then as soon as you say, Okay, well give me what is the biggest thing that needs us off? And they'll describe something to me. And I'm like, okay, great. That's here's the digital application that would solve that. All of a sudden, they're thinking about digital a whole new way. Okay. Now, again, there's some foundational elements you need to have, yeah, Dane, that no doubt about it. But I think the best place to start is, what are the biggest problems that you have today? And are there digital capabilities that we could leverage today to solve those those bigger biggest issues you have? And then from there, that becomes a platform toward a broader transformation?
Yeah, and I don't know how you can. I mean, we talk specifically many people talk about the resource challenges. Right, and and how do I get people? Yes, in my organization, to do what I need to do. And that is, from my perspective, there is a need to be able to market and recognize that digital transformation. What we see here in action, yes. is really a wonderful career. A Absolutely. And and it's not just your dirty jobs, whatever it is, it is a spectacular career. You're and I I think that that has to also be a part of that. Absolutely. It's hand in hand. It's,
yeah, there's a talent agenda. There's also a leadership agenda, too, right? That goes along with it. Yes, yes. So So everyone's quick to say, hey, there's not enough talent. But
you bring up another point that has to be addressed.
I always say there's this huge gulf between the 38th floor and the shop floor. There's a lot more sort of capabilities. Many companies actually invested in the shop floor and a lot of these technologies we're talking about, but this translation to how does it show up in the p&l? Or how's it going to show up in my finished? Yeah, that hasn't met that hasn't hasn't happened yet. Jerry, how
do they get ahold of you?
They call me. They can call me.
Are you how are you? You call this home? Most of
the time, I'm here. I'm here. Seven days a week.
Wow, you are committed. You are a digital committed guy. Man, I'm telling you. This is exciting. Yes. I wish I was you wish I had your hair, which I don't have hair. Everybody knows I have no cap on. I do it because well, it's a personal issue. Anyway, you were absolutely wonderful. Thank you very much for being on industrial talk listeners. We're going to wrap it up on the other side, we're going to be able to provide all the contact information for Jerry as well as Nottingham Spirk as well as anything else you got. You got to make this this has got to be a priority. Put this on your bucket list. When you come to Cleveland. Visit this incredible site. The return to itself is just spiritual. It really is a pipe organ. It's like you walk in rotunda, pipe organ. What is that all about? Alright, thank you very much sharing my job. Thank you very much.
Thank you for having me. All right. Stay
tuned. We'll wrap it up on the other side.
You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
What did I say? Were you gonna I mean, wasn't that a great interview? And what I like about it if we go to Nottingham, Spirky wide, and and not many places, you could say Rotunda. I mean, it is. It is it's a rotunda. And it is impressive. But the reality is, is that they bring things to market, right? They they bring it from beginning to end. And it is inspiring to see them right in the middle of solving problems and making things happen. That's why industry is so exciting. That's why you know books like the future faster than you think. They're right in the middle of it. I'm just gonna reach out to Jerry. And that's g o o t E. Go T is his last name. Reach out find out more. And he's got a major stack card out there. Thank you very much for joining industrial talk people. Be brave, daring greatly. And hang out with people like Jerry. They're bold, brave Derek Redmond Nottingham spurt, and you're going to change the world. Thank you again. We're going to have another great interview shortly. So stay tuned.
Hey there, welcome to industrial talk. And thank you very much for joining. You're asking yourself, Scott, where it's that inspiring introduction that that music that gets me going and wanting to learn. Well, Fear not. And it's going to happen. We were very fortunate to interview live at Nottingham, Spirky. Why? And that is up in Cleveland, Ohio. You might have heard just telling you if you haven't, you might have heard Mr. John Nottingham's interview. Now, if you haven't, go out to industrial talk, and definitely download that particular interview because he's inspiring. He wants our lives to be better. And he's doing it and and team Nottingham Spirky wire making it happen. So go out. Look for Mr. John Nottingham's interview. This is the EY side. This interview coming up is the EY side. Jerry go t is the gentleman. And he's every bit as passionate about solving problems delivering solutions. Me personally geeking out on this stuff. We had a great conversation. So anyway, again, not in Habsburg II, why? Cleveland, Ohio. I mean, at least go out to their website. I'm telling you, you'll be dazzled by it. So thank you very much enjoy the interview.
In a hurry because the drinks are coming on
the scene. He just walked on the intro that Jerry did this guy. We're not backing it up. That's Jerry Enzi, you can tell it's gonna be a great conversation. So I just walked on my gun.
industry focused trends while highlight men and women who keep the world moving. So good on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's
Alright, welcome to industrial talk. Yes, Jerry's with us. He is going to be chirping a lot about what's happening here at this incredible Nottingham Spirk location. But you remember, this is the number one industrial related podcast in the universe that celebrates industry professionals such as yourself, you're bold, you're brave, you dare greatly innovate like nobody's business. You're solving problems. You're changing lives, and you're changing the world. That's why this platform industrial talk is for you. That's right, Jerry. Sky. Cracking Are you born out now?
I'm ready. I'm ready. I feel like I'm going to a football game. I can't wait. Let's do it.
That's what, that's what industry is all about. We've got to make sure that we bring the energy because you guys are really doing a lot of great stuff out there, man. I'm telling
you. Absolutely. We are. Thanks for being here. By the way.
Are you kidding? I mean, I couldn't. I didn't sleep. Well. Last night. I was gonna I was gonna lie and say I was here last night, which I was and was able to tootle around which is great. I didn't. I didn't. My expectation was well, it was an expectation. But it's your past in a bit. Like, like, way above if you're out on video. I'm going above the camera right there.
Wow. Thank you for that. That's awesome. It is it's pretty cool. Come on you blow people's necks. Just blow this blow their socks. So
when they come through the door, man, there's like, I know that. I know that. I know. Are you kidding me? That too? Oh my gosh. Alright. Enough of that. Yeah. Give us a background. Yeah. Give us a background. who you are.
Well, listen, I couldn't, couldn't be more excited about being here. I'm Jerry goatee. I work at EY. So the love of my life. This place is also a labor of love. By the way, the white knighting Spirk innovation hub. been with the firm for 31 years. I've done a lot of exciting things. But nothing more impactful and rewarding than this place. I mean, this place is about helping companies grow. I know you're trying to get a question. I mean, oh,
no, no, I'm breathing. Yeah, I'm breathing. That's I'm, I'm I'm geeking out on this conversation. I'm just breathing out. Don't mind me.
Yeah. Okay, Scott, just jump in anytime you like. You know, so what, what's unique about this place, you know, there's a whole bunch of place you can go to and industrials and manufacturing go to and, and, you know, have see client experience centers see innovation hubs, see innovation centers, all kinds of names, right. But what's unique about this place, and you can be inspired by the way you can be inspired, there's all kinds of cool places, all kinds of toys, I call them candy stores, right? All these whiz bang technologies. We have we have that. Okay. And we want people to see that.
However, you have a lot of, we have a lot of
a lot of, you know, what's really unique about this place. If I go back to real life client experiences we've had is we have that but then we can actually take a real client issue. And we can then go as I like to say, we go down the basement actually make make stuff we can actually make physical stuff and make digital stuff. That's what's really unique about this, right? It's one thing to go be inspired and have to go back to your real world and say, Oh, great, but I don't have that. And I have this I use this technology. None of that works. It's another to come here and say, Oh, wow, they have all these digital applications. And that's actually on SAP. We have SAP here Wow, that's on PTC, we have PTC. And oh, by the way, we have a hodgepodge of technologies here just like all of our clients. And downstairs, we kind of have a brownfield and upstairs here we're kind of talking about new and a Greenfield. So we have all those different different, you know,
when When, when, when we arrived, the rotunda, it's, it's, it's big it is, and it does take your breath away. So you're saying, Okay, what is this place out? So there's the rotunda, you go, wow, it is different. And then you take the journey down, and then you just keep on going down. And and what it's like 60 60,000 square feet. 66,000 square 66,000 Square feet. Wow. Yes. Of just innovation of just
Yeah, real. Real. Yeah. Real meat, authentic. I call it authentic innovation, because you can actually see real outcomes like wow, this actually got innovated, put quotes around it here. And here's the real product, they got created a real digital app they got created. And here's the 18 month journey that got us there. Yeah. That's why everybody loves people love the stories, the physical space is great. But then the real life stories, the outcomes and how we got there, that's what people want to know.
See. And what's interesting, this is what, what I realized here, and I've had a number of conversation is it's not a slam on anybody. Please, please, please, please don't come texting me or whatever. It is the fact that it Israel, you see tangible results. You see, the solutions. You see, it's right here right now. It's not vaporware. It's not interesting thinking, right? It's it's real. Exactly. And the process is solid of how you get it from that idea, all the way through to the market. And then do it again.
Exactly over and over and over again for and I'm sure Mr. Nottingham bragged a bit about 95%. I always do it over under you know how many times he typically says it over understand normally how many times he said it.
But again, another way to bring
that helicopter in it probably so it's for you. Right? Probably. So you're that big
of a deal. Going to get Yeah, yeah. No, he he said 95. Yeah. And then he also said, the 5% is what? What does he say with about the 5%? Well,
5% is what typically, that's that's what company success rate typically is for r&d, right? Billions n and if 5% successful, the other 95 is not
but the success of what now, you know, Nottingham's work, and why what is being delivered here is that you take it from cradle to grave. Exactly. And that is that's the secret sauce. It is the secret sauce. Because there's a lot of challenges. It's one thing to say, Hey, I got a mic. It's great mic, fine. But how do you do it? How do you make it? How do you how do you scale it? What do you get? How do you get it out to the market? Right? How do you source it? All of that stuff is impressive. It is very impressive. Why is it important for you? And why to be here?
What's the future? Right, this is we're looking forward. And that's what's cool about this place. You know, a lot of folks, you know, obviously for a long time, 100 years plus Ey has been phenomenal at doing audit doing tax work. You know, doing diligence work, financial work, we continue to love that business and bring a lot of value create a lot of value for clients. This place is about looking more forward, right. It's about what's your next frontier of growth? What's our next frontier of growth? How are we going to help companies to you know, take that next? You know, take take, take the next hill right, the next? What's their next big agenda, if you will. And that's why we're so excited about this place is, as I shared with you earlier, I think we're off off, off camera Off mic, if you will, is chatting we just chit chatting so why sir? Where were we so excited about it? Trains dollars being spent every year? Lot of it some depend on what you read? Yeah, 80 to 90% of it actually isn't creating the result that people are expecting. So what it is at me look at, I can even share with data sources there. It's a huge number. So something's not working right now. There's some additional insight needs to be brought to the table new way of doing new way of thinking. And that's what this place allows you to do create a chi i like to call it concept to market, right? You know, from a great idea all the way through to designing it all the way to engineering to prototyping, but but again, now we're adding to it is this connectivity element, right? And data, you know, what's the importance of data as it relates to a new concept and a new product and a new, you name it piece of equipment, you know, what role should data play? And then once I have that data, I can't tell you how many clients have said, Hey, we're all in on connectivity. We've spent a bunch of money, we've added greater connectivity or products. We know what we can't charge for it. We're not making any we're not we're not actually getting any value. We've added that element of connectivity, but we haven't adapted our business model yet. to actually benefit from it, many organizations are struggling with as well. So you can come here, you also can take that business model, you know, challenge on as well, there's so many different things that you can do across the spectrum.
And we spoke about this offline. There, there is a need for companies to be engaged. That's one to, to my challenge is to find that trusted resource to say, I have all this data, I got a data I'm collecting data, Leila data, it's a tsunami of data. Yeah. But I have no idea how that data is going to bring me value to make my business better. And my bottom line, right. But you could theoretically, theoretically, you could come here physically, and have a conversation and say, this is the data. Yeah, I got this manufacturer amount, blah, blah. But whatever the story is, yes. And be able to have that conversation with you.
Yeah, more than a conversation, we can actually show you some live use cases on how we sort of solved it. For other companies. And similar with similar situations, right? It's really, you know, show me something, right. I mean, I got lots of folks that tell me and talk to me and tell me why data is great, and what they can do for me. But here you can actually come, we can likely pull up three or four very specific use cases are on point and say, here's the here's the journey that we took this client on. Here's, here's here were the pain points. Here's the problems we're trying to solve. And here's the outcome. And here's how we got there's the process that we used. That's what's different.
It's real. It's real. And I do like that. Now, let's talk a little bit about COVID. Right? I believe me personally, I could be completely wrong, and I'd feel comfortable being wrong. Anyway, pre COVID. We were bringing our became maybe our C game. We talked a lot about digital transformation. We said yeah, that seems like it's great. COVID hits. It's a slap upside the head, no doubt about it. I believe that COVID has created a more collaborative environment because people are searching for solutions. Yeah, we got the bad stuff. But I'm not talking about that. But I think the good stuff is like, I got to come to a Jerry and say, Jerry, I need help. Yes. And I have to have this conversation. I'm not sitting here with my, you know, cards close to my vest. And I'm not, no, I'm willing to collaborate. I'm willing to venture into the innovation space. So that's what I think.
Oh, absolutely. We're seeing it over and over again. Because if you're not doing it, your competitor is right. Yeah. I mean, yeah, you know, I would say a lot of progress, you know, has been made, and had to be made. I mean, you think about you think it's something right now we're on video, but, you know, a lot of times where zoom, we're on teams. Yeah, I mean, I think about just simple stuff, like pre COVID. Very few of our calls, global calls that we had as a team, or our meetings with our clients would have been video. Now all of a sudden, they're all video. And oh, by the way, when you decide you're going to do a phone call, and you don't get on video, everyone's like, where's Jerry? Why is it Jerry on video? It's think about, like how quickly it happened. Right? Right. And like when you want to, you know, get your, you know, whatever it might be your burrito in the evening, you know, now you go on the app, and you order that burrito, you don't think twice about, I'm going to go pick it up, they're going to deliver and I'm going to walk into the restaurant, it's all gonna be, you know, me touches. Well, the same thing for manufacturers, right? I mean, now, if you think back, you know, when this whole thing got started, people were scared to death of having third parties into their operations onto the shop floor. That's true. Right. And so what had to happen? Well, we had to start thinking about remote, you know, doing in servicing? And you're in the maintenance, right? Yeah, how do we actually start to do remote maintenance, right. And one way to do that is through digital connect, and getting getting more connected, right?
Edge cloud, you got IoT, whatever it might be. It's, it's transformative. And what I see and what's interesting in when we talk about maintenance space, is that we get to the point where the data, I'm collecting data, the data is it has knowledge in it right? And I'm gonna, I'm gonna analyze that data through whatever parameters or whatever AI, whatever that tool is, and then be able to say, hey, there's a trend that's taking place on that asset, it's remote, bring this, that and the other thing just because, well, that's what you need to bring, because that's what the failure mode say, Go on out there. And it's so efficient. And so your, your asset uptime, through data analytics is is improved, because that thing's not going to fail. Because it's notifying you, you get out there and maintain it. Boom, backup. Amen. Amen. And that's it. That's across the board with manufacturing in general. Absolutely. greater capacity and so on and so forth. Yeah, absolutely. Where do you see it going? Where do I see it go? Where do you see it going? greater adoption. What what I mean, it's still there's a lot of people thinking that it's it's it's more buzzword ish. Yeah. Hey, digital twin. Hey, cloud. Hey, clouds, a little bit more able to sort of like yeah, I say pictures to the cloud. They get that I got that right. But it edge IoT data analytics AI may Where do you see all of that going? Is it going to be real?
Absolutely. I'll just tell you we've had, you know, at this point, we probably had 25 to 30 companies. And granted, we just launched, you know, two and a half weeks ago, but we did a lot of pre launch activity. Right. And I can talk about it. Oh, great, wonderful.
He doesn't go ahead but you go right ahead and ride his coattails because Yeah, well, hotel
is a good is a good hotel. And I'll tell you that, that every, every company that came in here was was was talking about disrupt disruption. Okay, now we're gonna get the digital. Yeah, yeah. But it all it all sort of starts with disruption. Right. So I can't tell you and since we're talking about industrials, and manufacturers, which I love, at least half of them said, hey, my product portfolio hasn't changed in 50 years. Many of them said, for the most part, we make this this product, it hasn't changed in 40 or 50 years. But oh my now I look at electrification and the impact it's going to have, depending upon what you know, where you are in the supply chain, right, many of the big industrials are tied to you know, combustion engines, some form or fashion, right? When you look at ESG, and you look at sustainability, you look at their products, they're thinking, Oh, my, you know, this is real, this is going to happen, we're gonna have to rethink impact we're having on the environment. It's not just a, you know, a lot of you know bantering, it's it's happening and products are changing. And regulations are changing, right? Yeah, there's like one thing after another, almost every industry has something incredibly disruptive, that is right in front of them. And because of that, they're saying, Okay, we have to think differently. And I love the saying of it's, it's more about why not versus why. So it's, it's, you know, why can't we go do that? Why shouldn't we go do that, as opposed to for the last 40 years, it's like, hold on a second, we got a good thing going, why we need to change this. So
that that that speaks to the culture you're absolutely spot on. And there has to be that shift in culture that shift in thinking yes, to be able to begin to embrace this, whatever this is.
Exactly. Exactly, exactly. And then if, you know, I'm sure Mr. Nottingham talked about the customer, right? So you know, who is the customer, it's a customer, it's a consumer, it's, you know, it's a it's a distributor, it's a wholesaler, it's, you know, especially in this b2b world, all of that is in major disruptive situation right now, right? Everyone's trying to they're trying to get closer to customers? And how are they going to get closer to customers or getting closer customers by having their products be more connected? Yeah, right. And in spot and, and, and once you have that, if you think about that's worked with the membrane, that's where it starts, now of a sudden, you understand the products got to be smarter, they got to be more connected, they're going to be providing more insights. Now, all of a sudden, I got, I got more informed more intelligence, as you said earlier, and then that's going to be that's going to drive smarter supply chains, right, I can see social media, you know, someone big, and a movie star, or someone is touting some particular product, and I haven't I have I have, I'm in the supply chain of that product. You know, in today's world, what happens? The product goes nuts, everything sells off the shelf. And a month later, you know, everybody becomes
a supply chain expert, because they can't get that dog gone. Toilet paper?
Like, where's it gone?
Now, if you have the ability to see, okay, hold on a second, we're actually, you know, monitoring what's happening, all these all these different, you know, sources, not just the equipment, yes. But social media. Yeah, everything else. Now, all of a sudden, I know something's coming, I can get ahead of it. And I can start producing it ahead of time. And I can take full advantage of that opportunity. So you know, that insights from products, obviously going to drive a much more improved operation, and our ecosystem of partners. That's another that's a whole nother, as we get into all the way down to the shop floor, right? And making sure that I'm utilizing that capacity in the best way possible. So is it going to happen absolutely is going to happen. It's going to happen faster than we could ever imagine. So with
that said, how do you how do you consult or work with a client that is seeing this out there? Yes. You just rattled off? Oh, just the world is changing. We like it or not. Where do I start? Yeah. Well, that's quite like, what's my first step? What? Can I incrementally go through this process? Like, it's like there's a low hanging fruit?
Yeah, absolutely. You can. I mean, there's, you know, the first thing you need to do. We have, we call it the digital transformation playbook. And it's okay. And it starts with, you know, assessing sort of what what your current maturity is, seeing where you have gaps, and understanding, you know, where might we plug in some of these digital capabilities to close some of these gaps that we have today. It's almost like you and I think we were off. We were offline or today I said, many organizations will say, digitize and solved anything for me. Right. Okay. And then as soon as you say, Okay, well give me what is the biggest thing that needs us off? And they'll describe something to me. And I'm like, okay, great. That's here's the digital application that would solve that. All of a sudden, they're thinking about digital a whole new way. Okay. Now, again, there's some foundational elements you need to have, yeah, Dane, that no doubt about it. But I think the best place to start is, what are the biggest problems that you have today? And are there digital capabilities that we could leverage today to solve those those bigger biggest issues you have? And then from there, that becomes a platform toward a broader transformation?
Yeah, and I don't know how you can. I mean, we talk specifically many people talk about the resource challenges. Right, and and how do I get people? Yes, in my organization, to do what I need to do. And that is, from my perspective, there is a need to be able to market and recognize that digital transformation. What we see here in action, yes. is really a wonderful career. A Absolutely. And and it's not just your dirty jobs, whatever it is, it is a spectacular career. You're and I I think that that has to also be a part of that. Absolutely. It's hand in hand. It's,
yeah, there's a talent agenda. There's also a leadership agenda, too, right? That goes along with it. Yes, yes. So So everyone's quick to say, hey, there's not enough talent. But
you bring up another point that has to be addressed.
I always say there's this huge gulf between the 38th floor and the shop floor. There's a lot more sort of capabilities. Many companies actually invested in the shop floor and a lot of these technologies we're talking about, but this translation to how does it show up in the p&l? Or how's it going to show up in my finished? Yeah, that hasn't met that hasn't hasn't happened yet. Jerry, how
do they get ahold of you?
They call me. They can call me.
Are you how are you? You call this home? Most of
the time, I'm here. I'm here. Seven days a week.
Wow, you are committed. You are a digital committed guy. Man, I'm telling you. This is exciting. Yes. I wish I was you wish I had your hair, which I don't have hair. Everybody knows I have no cap on. I do it because well, it's a personal issue. Anyway, you were absolutely wonderful. Thank you very much for being on industrial talk listeners. We're going to wrap it up on the other side, we're going to be able to provide all the contact information for Jerry as well as Nottingham Spirk as well as anything else you got. You got to make this this has got to be a priority. Put this on your bucket list. When you come to Cleveland. Visit this incredible site. The return to itself is just spiritual. It really is a pipe organ. It's like you walk in rotunda, pipe organ. What is that all about? Alright, thank you very much sharing my job. Thank you very much.
Thank you for having me. All right. Stay
tuned. We'll wrap it up on the other side.
You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
What did I say? Were you gonna I mean, wasn't that a great interview? And what I like about it if we go to Nottingham, Spirky wide, and and not many places, you could say Rotunda. I mean, it is. It is it's a rotunda. And it is impressive. But the reality is, is that they bring things to market, right? They they bring it from beginning to end. And it is inspiring to see them right in the middle of solving problems and making things happen. That's why industry is so exciting. That's why you know books like the future faster than you think. They're right in the middle of it. I'm just gonna reach out to Jerry. And that's g o o t E. Go T is his last name. Reach out find out more. And he's got a major stack card out there. Thank you very much for joining industrial talk people. Be brave, daring greatly. And hang out with people like Jerry. They're bold, brave Derek Redmond Nottingham spurt, and you're going to change the world. Thank you again. We're going to have another great interview shortly. So stay tuned.