Mr. John Glassmire with Hitachi ABB Power Grids talks about The Electrification of Industry

In this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to John Glassmire, Senior Advisor, Grid Edge Solutions with Hitachi ABB Power Grid about “Microgrid, Grid Edge, Energy Storage. The Electrification of Industry”. Get the answers to your “Electric Grid” questions along with John's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
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Hitachi, grid, renewables, power, edge, utility, john, big, talk, batteries, power grid, reliability, ABB, industry, lights, industrial internet consortium, technology, hear, energy, event
Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott MacKenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go. Alright, welcome to the industrial talk podcast where we celebrate industry heroes such as yourself, you are bold, you're brave, you dare greatly. You're changing the world and you're changing lives. That's why we celebrate you on this particular podcast. Now, this is going to be a series now. And of course, I'm super geeky about all this stuff. This is utility stuff. This is power stuff. This is energy stuff. This is brave new world stuff. And this is stuff that is pushing the edge of innovation. We're going to be talking to a gentleman by the name of john a glass Meyer, and he is with Hitachi ABB power grid. And we're gonna get we're going to start this series and we're going to be talking about what it looks like this brave new future and you know, I turn on my lights and it happens. He's got a great story to tell, let's get cracking. Yep. Okay, you know, I love this stuff. Old lineman as myself. I remembered that, you know, it was pretty simple back then when you'd have these big old dog on generators put right at the edge, typically, Bywater whatever, pushing power and and it was pretty straightforward. And and now we're venturing into a brave new world for power generation, utility, grid management, and how do you pull all that stuff together and make it a product that we who we take for granted. So I walk into a room flip on a light switch? Boop, it happens. And john, with Hitachi ABB power grid, and and others are asking those questions because it is very cool. Before we get into the interview, I want to make sure that you have these two events on your calendar. The first one is IoT solutions World Congress, this is October 5, through the seventh, I am hopefully broadcasting from that location at the at that time, spectacular event brought to you by the industrial internet Consortium, and Farah, Barcelona, both organizations put on a great event, let's get our life back in order. The next one is the manufacturing and technology show this is November 9, through the 11th, it's up in the beautiful town of Cleveland, put that on your bucket list, because it is a great location. And they're gonna bring about some great, you know, information about manufacturing technology. And once again, let's get our life back in order because this is a special time. Alright, let's get on with john. Now, again, john brings up I don't know, a semi load of experience within power grid. And of course, when we start talking about attaching additional grip, when we're starting to talk about what is taking place within a lot of the the management of fossil fuels versus energy and, and vice versa, and what do we do? And how do we do it? How do we and and the market saying, hey, I want more of this? What do we do? How do we respond? How do we ensure that the quality of our power is there, because we've got all this technology and, and yet, be able to implement renewables re implement the innovation that is taking place out there. You know, john and his team at Hitachi ABB are doing it. Now we're going to be doing a little quick cast because this is heavy stuff. And we want to make sure that we can consume it. So these are about 10 minutes or less, give or take a few now we're going to be talking on this particular conversation about the grid edge. So enjoy. JOHN, welcome to the industrial talk podcast. I'm looking forward to this conversation because listeners, I'm a big geek when it comes to anything utility anything generation. And, and john brings, well, all of that. How are you doing, john?
Great. Thanks, Scott for having me here. I'm I'm I can't say that as excited as you but I'm pretty darn excited. Wow,
man, you're gonna bring me down now. All of a sudden, I bring you down. No, yeah, I was just sorry. No, you didn't give me a break. All right. For the listeners out there. Give us a little background a little 411 on who john is.
So I am a senior advisor in grid edge solutions with Hitachi ABB power grids. And you may be wondering what on earth grid edge solutions is I believe we're going to talk about that today. So I won't I won't spend too much time but don't. Don't blow it. But the I also so I worked for Hitachi power grids as well as I'm professor, affiliate faculty at the University of Washington in distributed renewable power systems.
Is that at University of Washington so what is it? university? Yeah, the Huskies, Huskies fantastic football stadium. Oh, it's it's a beautiful football stadium. Fantastic. And you know, I've heard about boats coming up on it. It's like, hey,
what will happen is the boats will go out, they'll get lunch on out in Ballard and then they'll boat over through the, through the channel and parked right out there for the games.
All right, these are quick casts, we're going to be talking a lot about just on topics one topic at a time. So we're not going to be impacting your day. If you're listening. That's what we're going to be talking about. Let's, let's broach the subject of grid edge. What is that? grid edge.
So you may be familiar with the term edge computing. It's it's the power utility equivalent of that. So the idea is, if you look over the 120 30, plus years of power utility that have brought electricity will all over the North America, this is a little bit of a rethinking of that it's rather than that centralized power plant idea grid edge, flips it on its head and talks about bringing power in from the edge. So it's enabling not just the power out there, but all the smarts and all this intelligence related to that. So that would include things buzzwords that you might hear related to this are micro grids, battery, energy storage systems, distributed energy resource resources, or DVRs. There's a whole bunch of things, solar photovoltaics, they're big in this space, too, if you know that getting your power from the sun.
For me, we take it for granted that on I flip the switch boom, powers, good lights, good. I've got I've got equipment here. It doesn't like fluctuations in any of the cycles or anything it wants. Clean, consistent power. How is grid edge helping me achieve that? Or, you know, achieving my renewable whatever targets? versus how's that helping me?
Yep. So that's a that's a great point. You know, we're, you know, Hitachi power grids are just more broadly, within the power industry, reliability has been the cornerstone of that you, you say, you flip the light, it comes on. That is awesome. And that is something that we highly, highly values, we talk about reliability, resiliency. So that's if you had this idea of the light, you flip the light on, it comes on. But what if there are some big dramatic event that hits you say there's a superstorm or hurricane earthquake, with these sorts of grid edge technologies, where you're getting your power is close to you. So there's an expectation that you'll be able to have not only reliability, but also resiliency, you're also figuring out and bringing in some of the automation and controls affiliated with this type of stuff. So that if you want to get your power from lots of renewables get, say, all of your energy from renewables, it provides the power electronics, the controls, the automation, all that stuff you need, you don't have to worry about it.
You're saying you're saying that if I want to get my lights today, from wind? Well, for lack of a better term right there, right? You're saying the the the automation or the the technology out there? tells me that I am getting in from wind?
Well, issue it right. Yes, that's right. If you do it, right, you have designed it from the get go with reliability in mind. And you can do that you can run your power system 100% on renewables, if you want, we often look at that. And you may not want that, we like to question Where do you get your power, we definitely, if you want to do that, we can enable you to do that. If you want to focus completely on reliability, if you want to focus on low cost, if you want to do some compromise, or some way to maximize across all those different considerations of reliability, cost, renewable, you know, environment type thing, you can do that with grid edge solutions, they really allow you to do that.
See? Now that's interesting. What was the tipping point like all of a sudden, you know, traditional utility business model, right? Big generation, pushing it through wires, bringing on data substations, and it's just not right to the house. But it was just big, big stuff. What was that tipping point where if somebody says, Hey, you know, I can have micro grid, I can I can do this. I can do that. But as we continue to do this and that it requires greater sophistication from a digital point of view. Right? digitalization, what was that tipping? What was that tipping point?
So you know, actually, I think it's essentially I don't know I haven't really thought about it in those terms of a tipping point, I've thought of it more like a locomotive getting up to speed, there's just been sort of momentum building around this. There are there have certainly been some big moments, some watershed type moments, things like the price of solar panels, solar photovoltaic panels coming down consistently. I mean, you know, you think about that 1010 years ago, the price of solar panels were about, oh, somewhere in the neighborhood of five to 10 times what they are today, you look at battery, and the batteries that go into some of these, you know, big you'll hear it called in, in the, in the common media, the batteries in the utility network, you know, if you're getting the technical service or battery energy storage systems, those the price of the batteries that go inside those, those have come down, like five years ago, they were maybe $3,000 a kilowatt hour. They're they're also down by about an order of magnitude. So you can get the batteries that go in for, you know, normally around a 10th of that today. So there's been these massive swings that of course, you'd be remiss not to talk about the computer revolution that's that's been our Yeah, see,
that's that's hold that industry for Dotto, that whole innovation that all that that one day, we couldn't do it today we can it's all cloud, it's, it's this it's that we're going, you know, data analytics, we're just popping and snapping and all that stuff. To your point, Tesla has come out with a car, electric car. And I think the price point on it is 19 grand. It's it's, it's the economics, that is from my perspective, driving this, if the economics continue to push down and makes it more viable, utilities as a whole, have no excuse, they've got to figure something out. And that's where that's where Hitachi power grid comes into play. Because you, your organization, make sure that my lights don't flicker.
Yeah, it's, it's, it's all well and good to have an electric vehicle but you, you talk about wanting your lights to come on, I guarantee you, if you've got a vehicle that's powered by it, you definitely want that power there when you need it. And with these grid edge technologies, you can have that assurance, you can have the assurance of the utility, with an additional security layer right there. You can have some backup at your house, at your business, in your community, all these different layers of where you get your power from, and where you get your reliability from. Those can all be brought together under this portfolio of solutions.
And the bottom line, it's happening. It's happening, you either either play or you just move aside because it's like your train analogy. It's happening. You're trying to get down that and it's only going to go faster. It's only it's only going to be it's just going to happen, you better be a part of that whole game.
You got to be a part of it. And you know that you'd be remiss not to talk about just, you know, it's not just the cost of these things. It's also people are demanding it. People want their energy to come from renewable sources. Many people are worried about climate change. There's all these considerations that are you know, you hear it in the remaking the backbone into the renewable backbone, the backbone of the grid, renewable backbone or this full decarbonisation of society, electrify everything, all these things fit under that we want to use renewables to power more of our lives and make sure that we can get our modern energy services to things that power our lives from those sources in a reliable clean, low cost way.
Alright, we got to wrap it up. Sir john glass Meyer, did I get that my Yes, sir. Oh, Ron, again, glass. All right, hot. Hitachi power grids is the organization john, how do they get ahold of you?
You can email me, I assume you'll pop it up on the site. And probably reach out. I've also I'm also on LinkedIn, you name it. I'm here to listen.
Alright, dead sexy conversation. We're gonna, we're going to continue to sort of sort of a sort of he's quick Cass type of things that wrap around this whole utility energy power grid. The reason for that is because we it's the only way we're going to be able to consume this because it's pretty damn sophisticated. All right, we're gonna wrap it up on the other side. You're gonna have all the contact information for john, and anything else. Thank you very much for joining the industrial talk podcast. We will be right back. You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
Alright, that's number one. Number one, and as you can see that this is interesting from my perspective, and hopefully from your perspective as you are in industry, because this will impact you how we address power how we address energy, how we address the grid, how do we create a stable environment such as that, telling you, it's an exciting time. And I don't know what the future holds. But people like john and company, though, they know what's going on. And that's pretty exciting. All right. Again, we have an event October 5 through the seventh IoT solutions World Congress, brought to you by those incredible folks at industrial internet Consortium, as well as Farah Barcelona. Both organizations put on a fabulous event. So you know, put that on your bucket of Barcelona's great place. And also Let's go, let's, let's do what November 9 through the 11th. This is in Cleveland, Ohio. This is the manufacturing and technology show. Both great opportunities. All right. Be bold, be brave, daring greatly. Change the world. Thank you for joining the industrial talk podcast.