Kevin Price with Hexagon

Industrial Talk is speaking with Kevin Price, Strategic Advisor, Hexagon Asset Lifecycle Intelligence Digital Asset about “The strategic vision for Hexagon EAM and Asset Management solutions for success”. Get the answers to your “EAM” questions along with Kevin's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
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Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott Mackenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go.
th:Good. It's great to see you again. Man. How
are you? I'm thinner. I'm faster. I'm stronger. I can't say that I'm better looking not like you, man. Because your hair is flowing. You're looking great.
Well, you know, we all have our strengths and weaknesses.
All right, let's just we're gonna be talking a little bit about Hexagon, the company. First off, because we need to know a little bit about that. And then we're going to sort of springboard into Hexagon, e a. m, and we're going to talk a little bit about that too, as well. So, Kevin, for the listeners out there for all of the listeners out there. Can you give us a little background into Hexagon, the company?
Absolutely. So Hexagon is an organization that is out of Sweden, and they have about nine divisions and in those divisions, they have some actual world class leading applications. And many writes one example in the Geosystems. Team, they have solutions out there that do LiDAR, laser, and radar, given us the maps that we commonly use on our phones every single day. Another thing that they're known for is creating autonomous capabilities. What did you just say? Autonomous capabilities?
Ah, very good. Okay, continue. Yeah, so
came over here, as of October:to jump on, pounce on that, what I'm going well, why limit now going for
limitless type of you didn't see before. So, you know, it's a good opportunity. It's a good place to land, when we were looking at it from an in for a perspective, and we were looking at where we could go. And there's a lot of capabilities that we wanted to have. And there's a lot of things that we wanted to do in different spaces in different verticals in different geographies. But we wanted to stay in to the industrial engineering, we wanted to stay in that industrial grade type of environment. And I'll tell you why we couldn't have done it in a better place than we have here at ex con.
Yeah. You've touched on a number of things out, outside listeners, you can tell he's the event. He's truly an evangelist, you've you've had this conversation before. It was smooth. It really was a couple of things that I think is really interesting, this, being able to come on board with an organization like Hexagon and having access to all of that great innovation and technology and how your system fits quite seamlessly or well with all of that is just amazing. Now you brought up something that was pretty interesting. This collision avoidance. Have you ever seen it in action? We have.
It's pretty amazing. See these this morning an example. I mean, these are 400 ton trucks. And you're looking at them and there's no driver. And it's kind of hard to imagine, but it's out there. And if you look at some of the some of the areas where Hexagon at large has endorsements on there, even in some of the f1 types of vehicles and ratios that go on except for, you know, there's technology that's that's ran, there's like really big remote control cars. Amazing.
Yeah, and and it's real time. And if you're looking at the, the solution, it's like PPP, PPP. PPP is just real time. It's just an amazing, amazing solution. And yeah, it is complex. Now, with that said, Cool, got some horsepower behind that EAM platform. Now, talk to us talk to us through that Hexagon, em, solution.
out first line of code since:I'm gonna, I'm gonna back you up a little bit, define asset performance management just general.
erally, since probably around:real quick Oh, yeah, we'll do simulations like Okay, so if you're, you're saying, hey, what if? What if, what if what happened and really dial that capability in for optimal value?
Exactly, exactly. Because this is the problem, right? When you when you were before in an asset management system, you say, Okay, I need to come to the meeting, and I need to produce what that budgets gonna look like for the next 12 months, 18 months, 24 months, and I can do that I can, for all us being equal, I can tell you pretty much how much we're going to stay. But what if there's a pandemic? What if there's a supply change? What if What if all of a sudden, the suppliers that I get these parts for just increase all of a sudden, because there's a problem in the supply chain? What if workers are around? What if I get what if I get less money, which is usually the case? So what if I get more money, which is never the case? I couldn't do a good job of modeling that out when I was at my capability sets in em, right? So what we can do as an out of the box integration to that ECOSYS tool, they can perform a lot of those simulations and what if scenarios, and then they can take it further. And what I mean by that is they can manage the actual project. So when you do these asset investment plans, you're actually creating a portfolio of different projects that you want to be able to execute but they don't manage that. Because they do project performance, they do that type of work. And we can be able to execute it from a work process from what we do. Day to day basis. It's a great fit.
It's almost like a project digital twin, because it's over here. And I can sit there and play around over here. And then you're in the real world because you're started going, Hey, okay, good. Oh, my gosh, we've got a delay here. What does that mean? We get it
in a big way, and a big way. And that's, that's the thing I'd like to talk about, too, is what digital twin is over here. If you don't mind.
Hey, by the way, I interviewed the original founder with a thought guy for digital twin.
Oh, yeah.
He's, he's as smart as you are. Oh, come on. Meet now, it's pretty cool. Okay, if you want to start venturing into that digital twin, I think that is a real hot topic.
Well, it's a it's a little bit different here. Because everyone has a different definition of a digital twin, can I go out, create a 3D model of it and go look at it, that's yeah, we can do that no problem. And there's a lot of folks that can do that. There's a lot of different tools that can do that. There's a lot of different solutions that's out there. But how out is that digital, twin, smart. And really, when you make it smart, you're adding data about that twin, so you're looking at that piece of equipment, and then you're giving it metadata that's back there. Here at Hexagon because we own a lot of the design tools, we have designs about the facility, we have designs about the equipment that we wrote, when we actually were designing the actual facility out, what we can also do because of laser, light, laser, LiDAR, and even radar tools, is we can go out with drones or take images of it, they create something called a point cloud of what that asset looks like in real time, we can do different types of heat sensors, we can do different types of other views that we want to make of that particular asset. And we can overlay it on top of that original drawing. And we can see visually, hey, this is different from here to here. But the problem is, is still it's not as smart as it could be. Because it doesn't show the DNA, if you will, of that equipment, who's the last person that inspected it, who's the last person that changed something on it, who's the last person that changed how we operated it, and that stuff that EDM knows. So when we think about what they've done in the past, they produced the digital twin in the drawing, they did that here, they had an acquisition over here of a company called Leica. And it's in their geo systems, that goes out and creates a point cloud. And actually, they can compare those two. So they have a visual definition of the difference. But what we provide is we provide a lot of that intelligence, we provide the asset Livecycle intelligence, we make that reality, your digital reality smart, because we can be able to provide all that DNA. So
when we go ahead, I'm sorry, I know we of course, go.
I'm gonna say what Ben, when we look at it, what we can do, because we're part of this ecosystem of digital reality is we can add to the amount of intelligence that's there and make it smart. So when we think about digital twin here at Hexagon is not just a digital twin. It's not just a digital reality, but it's actually a smart digital reality that comes with all the detail that you'd want to know in real time. It's amazing.
So use case, here it is. So I have I have a digital representation of whatever my my, my, my line, my manufacturing, like digital representation right there. And then I've have the EM platform over here, which has the DNA to these assets. And therefore, I can take my digital twin, and then I can drill down and get all of the information that is necessary. There, I only have to be on the the manufacturing floor, I can be in the digital twin environment, you could drill down,
you could And another example is what happens if you have some of the asset performance characteristics like the asset condition, you have monitors that are going on, you have alerts that are going on that could be happening. Wouldn't it be nice if that can be visible in the digital twin as well? Absolutely, because those are data elements about the equipment. So I can see that you and I from our backgrounds of asset management and operation. We know because we have a little bit of gray here. Well I do that's about when I'm I try the Z you can have a beard. That up you can see that if if this particular piece of equipment has a vibration definition of x, it has a heat of y, it has an hour operation of z that I can pretty much tell you if that continues on, it's gonna fail within the next 24 to 36 hours. Now, if I'm on a digital twin, there's only so much you would know if I'm in a smart digital reality I could see that like and visualize it, I can actually see that go read or be able to learn that could go on. So I can let somebody know that it's going to fail. And when it does fail, because of the downward effect of that digital reality, like the other equipment that I can, they can hurt. So I can be able to notify quickly when it comes about.
So in the Hexagon, em, because there's a lot of analytics that are going on there that because if you have that predictive capabilities, and you're pulling all that analytics off of that asset, and you see certain escalations that are abnormal to the asset, therefore you have that analytic capabilities to be able to say, Dad, look at that, and we will give you a time slot. But it's, it's, it's on the path of it.
Let's let's think about that for a second. The answer to that answer that question is absolutely, yes, right on track. But the question x is, what do I do about it? Yeah, so should you should you ignore it, should you send somebody out to to call a third party because it may be an asset that's under the operation and maintenance by that third party for that service level agreement, and it depends it what it is, I could have the system automatically notify the manufacturer for them to come out in 24 hours or less to get this avoided before it happens. It can be some data, some piece of equipment that that has a part on it, that's unique, that may take longer to get in than I would normally see. So you're not only taking that condition and understanding how it performs, and then predicting failure, but you want to get to where you can prescript those actions to get done. And these are things that we can we can do. And these are things that we can visualize, and these are things that we can execute. But what we simply couldn't do before is do this with as much streamlining as possible here at Hexagon, these industrial great applications that they have these customers, they have the expertise that they have, it just makes it a natural thought it's a natural extension to what they already do and where we wanted to be.
So use case again. So I have an asset, I have an asset that is clearly failing for whatever the the the reasons are the data saying it's failing. Are you saying that the Hexagon em platform will be able to through its its robust capability, be able to say, okay, that thing's failing, we need to get a maintenance person out there and bring this seal, this screwdriver, whatever it is, and then I'm going to also at the same time, notify the right, and it's under warranty, whatever, whatever it, it tries to remove that whole manual component and just gets right to the work.
That's right. And if you think about it, that's the autonomy, that's the ability, because that's how it connects, right is, is I'm taking those those physical world things are happening. Relay in that digital version of it, I'm applying the computing power to it. And those come together in autonomous capability. So I want to get the technician, the right technician. So that job with the right tools or the right materials at the right time, because I know that that all things being equal is going to fail, maybe at Thursday at 4pm. So I want to make sure that person is ready before it happens to fail,
and avoid that catastrophic failure. And and deploy the maintenance dollars at at the right time as opposed to just sort of, you know, deploying it out of not the right time.
Yeah, because not the right time is a hell of a lot more expensive becomes a lot more risk. And there's a lot of other things that could be in play too, if you happen to prefer that's just normal asset management, predictive maintenance that you'd want to be able to do anyway. But in this particular environment, it provides a lot more visibility, a lot more interaction with other variables, and also be able to give you a lot more detail that you couldn't get before.
The question that always comes to me is like, Hey, this is great stuff. This is all wonderful stuff. You got digital twin, you've got Analytics, you got this guy to get that. And all of this wonderful innovation, AI. If I had a nickel every time, I wouldn't be now. But the reality is, it's happening today. It is industry, it is absolutely it. Companies are doing this and they're seeing real value. Is that correct?
Absolutely. 100% I mean, these are things that are capable, and what we provide because of being in one solution and one environment and one eco system is a speed to that value. Because beforehand, you know, we can take em the pieces of it and do integration to it and build it out. These are things we've done before. But now we have a lot of those disciplines at our fingertips. I mean, these are people that are down the hall from each other. Now, these are experiences that we can start sharing. These are things that we hear at Hexagon cost synergies, because when we look at the acquisition, you know, we're like all the different tools. Oh my God, it was it was like being in a toy store looking at all the different types of things that they could do. And so we found several dozen opportunities that we could go after. But the problem here is not necessarily you know, the synergies looking for synergies, we have those. The question is prioritization of them, and when can we add different capabilities to them. So our roadmap now is enormous. And these are things that we love to be able to share. We have lots of different events that we go to industry, in any industry, we do things locally, we also do big user events every year,
which was a great segue, because I was getting ready to I said, Hey, we're just scratching the surface of the our Hexagon, AI. And it's exciting and, and it's exciting to be able to hear see, and, and witness how the the Hexagon relationship has just really taken a powerful system and took it to the next level, which is really pretty cool. Tell us a little bit about let's say, I'm, uh, I'm hearing you and I'm getting all salivate and I'm going Ha, this is cool stuff. Talk to us about that Hexagon live event that's scheduled on June, I believe in September,
it is June:See, and I don't have to be an ex Hexagon aficionado, I can go there to learn I can understand the solution, right? I don't have to well,
if you're not one, when you leave, it's our fault. Because you shouldn't be but you don't have to be when when you come in, I don't have well be when you leave. And if
I'm a company that is looking at, you know, solutions around my my assets, and I'm looking for a platform, I highly recommend that that would be the must attend event.
Oh, it is I mean, there's so much to learn there. And there's so many real good network connections to make. We have folks that come out there simply because they can meet new people. And they can be able to meet other people that's a birds of a feather in their industry, or maybe a bird of a feather in their discipline, or maybe just a kindred heart that just likes the same ad span. But the idea behind it is you can be able to meet other people and make new connections. I definitely think at any point in time when you can get out of where your daily grind is and see how other people are doing it. It makes you a better person.
Wow. You are wonderful. I hate to hear you try you succeed. Absolutely. So if somebody's listening to this podcast, and are watching this video, and I'm pointing at you, and you need to get a hold of Kevin, how does? How does somebody get a hold of you?
Oh, I'm available. I don't mind posting my email any day of the week, twice. And Sunday, it's And if you get a chance to be able to meet us in Vegas, I'll be able to grab your coffee, and a smile and tell you another joke.
Really liked it, man. All right, listeners, we're going to have all the contact information from Kevin out on industrial talk as well as his email, as well as all the information around Hexagon Live. I think that's a must end event, at least begin that journey of educating and begin that journey of collaborating. And it will lead to innovations that will help your business succeed. Thank you very much for joining. We will be right back.
You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
As always, thank you very much for listening to industrial talk. And Paul was always thank you very much for your continued support. That was Kevin Price. You can tell he's got mad skills in the world of asset management. And that platform, the Hexagon em platform. Yeah, knocking it out of the park. Again, as a reminder, two things one, we're beginning this journey with Hexagon AEM. We're going to have a number of topics that we're going to cover. And then we're going to start to shift it to some webinars for some deeper insights into how this platform how in the knowledge associated with, you know, asset management can help you succeed can help you in your operations in a big way. So just keep on the lookout for that and once again, we're We're going to be out there in Las Vegas. This is going to be June 12. Through the 15th. Make that a point. Go on out there, ask the tough questions. If you have any questions associated with how to manage your assets and or you're looking for a platform, that is that is the event that you need to attend. It's in Vegas. You know, what's, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but I highly recommend that you have that conversation. Reach out to Kevin Price, he's gonna be there and he is an open book. Big time that's going to be Hexagon live. That's Las Vegas. June 12, through the 15th right around the corner, if you can believe that. All right. As always, be bold, be brave, daring greatly. I say it every time. You got people like Kevin, you got companies like Hexagon and you're going to change the world hang out with them. All right. We're going to have as you know, going to have more conversations around the world of asset management and, and Hexagon. So stay tuned. We're going to have another great conversation shortly.