Mr. Marty Osborn with Advoco an InforEAM Partner talks about When Maintenance Matters

In this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to Marty Osborn, President of Advoco and Infor EAM Solutions Partner about “When Maintenance Matters and the 5-Enemies of Success”. Get the answers to your EAM questions along with Marty's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
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Maintenance, InforEAM, Marty Osborn, Advoco, implementations, IoT, IIoT, trusted advisor, organization, conversation, listeners, culture, success, trust, Osborn, team, talk, matter, understand
Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott MacKenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go. All right, welcome to the industrial talk podcast, absolute honor that you have joined. This podcast is a celebration of you. This is this is where industry professionals come in talk. That's what this is about. And we feature the women and men of industry and the women of men in manufacturing of women or men of technology, and everything in between. Because you're bold, you're brave, you dare greatly innovate, boy, do you innovate. You're not just changing the world, you're changing the lives of individuals in the world. You're saying to yourself, Scott, Hey, who's on the hot seat? Marty Osborn? That's right. He's the president of Advoco. And bear and InforEAM partner. And they excel at implementations and he's going to start sharing the secrets because we're going to be talking about the five enemies of success. Let's get cracking.
Know what a Advoco means? No one asked him. It means trusted advisor. I think that's pretty cool. And they are man, they they know exactly what they're doing when it comes to EAM implementations. They know when maintenance matters. In an organization, you just can't, it just can't wing these things. Man, you've got to have an organization that is committed to maintenance and doing it right and leveraging technology to create a business of resiliency. So
I had this epiphany. And I don't even know how to spell epiphany but I know that it's a word and it's like a light bulb
going off in your head. And it revolves around the InforEAM platform and I've had hours and hours and hours of conversation about Industry4.0 and everything that goes into that hour, they're talking about Industry5.0, but I have all that Information in my head, there has to be an enterprise system to truly facilitate a successful industry4.0 initiative. And that's what, that's what in for em brings to the table. And that's what companies like Advoco, they develop and deploy. Because the reality, let's just, we always talk about collaborating, we always talk about innovation, we don't always talk about education. And you know, you can do that right now. In fact, do it. But the the reality for a business who truly is, is
resilient going forward is that you're leveraging technology, you have a culture that is committed to really sound principles such as maintenance and and the principles around it. So that God, if God forbid, we have another two fingered, you know, COVID punched in the head, you're ready, because you've got the technology, you've got the the culture, you've got the people in place that knows how to really, truly keep that business rolling, and be able to be nimble, when things like that take place. That's that's the reality of it. And that's what we're talking about. Because I I'm all about, you know, IoT devices. Absolutely. I'm all about edge. I'm all about, you know, cloud, I'm all about all this stuff, this AI ml, all of the things that that 5g, boom, right around the corner right there, right now, things are happening. So there's a lot of technology, a lot of innovation going on out there and you need a system, you need an enterprise system to be able to handle all of that, in a way that makes sense. Not something clunky, not something difficult to manage. But something that's nimble. InforEAM is that particular product and partners like Advoco, and team Advoco and Marty Osborn. They'll make you a success. And I'll have all the contact Information for Marty because you're going to be dazzled by him. Alright, let's get on with the interview. Marty Osborn President of Advoco and team Advoco and we're talking about the five enemies of success now I'm not gonna I mean, I've got it right here. So you're gonna have to, you know, grab a piece of paper and pencil and write it down or push pause, and you got to get this stuff down because he is dropping some wisdom. He's he's got some sage happening here with the with all of these points. So enjoy the conversation with Marty Osborn. Marty Osborn, welcome to the Industrial Talk podcast. Absolute. I mean, I'm telling you listeners out there. You're in for a treat. A very good surprise here. He's one of my favorites. How about that for an intro, Marty. Wow. That's it
Gotta set the bar a little too high, man. Well, it's not very high when it comes to me my friend. Absolutely. And I really appreciate it. I really appreciate you finding time in your busy schedule because it is a busy time for you and your company and, and and team Advoco. Now, before we get into the interview and getting into the meat of the conversation, give us a little 411 on who Marty is and why you're such an incredible professional and do not and do not mention Clemson.
I just did well, yeah, you know, I guess Scott, we go back and forth. Because we're both tigers. You're just happened to be the wrong tiger. Yeah, it's been a rough year for the old LSU fan. Yeah, yeah, it's been but but hey, thanks for having me novel. I always enjoy our conversations, because then they're pretty lively, as you said, We'd like to riff off each other. But yeah, again, Marty, I was born and I'm the president and one of the partners that had Volvo. And again, at Volvo in Latin means to call in a trusted advisor. And so that's always been been our mantra with our clients or teams is how do we become their trusted advisor? When we're implementing? In for EA? Yeah. And that's, it's kind of a unique business, because that's all we do. So we don't do Maximo we don't do Oracle, we don't do SAP, we are in for em. And, you know, I think the reason we do it is like to say we know how the movie ends. And that's kind of our, our mantra, and how do we help our clients get the most out of their software and hopefully reach their true potential? Yeah, and the InforEAM product is very, and for listeners out there, EA N stands for enterprise asset management, it is an enterprise solution that allows you to truly get visibility into your asset base, if you're a manufacturer, if you're whatever industry, boom, this is an enterprise system that is both flexible, powerful, and constantly improves, it's amazing. And then you get people like at Volvo companies like a vocal people like Marty, who just met excel at that capabilities. Now. We're gonna have to touch upon a subject matter that is really important to me. And and, and I know that we've had this conversation offline, and listeners out there take a paper to pencil or whatever, computer and keyboard I don't care, take notes on this particular conversation, because we know as well as I do, there's there's certain times when, when
maintenance succeeds, and maintenance doesn't succeed. And I'm interested in is like, when does like maintenance matter? Like me as a company? When when do I embrace maintenance? And I think it's a great thing. When does maintenance matter? Yeah, yeah, I think it's I mean, it's funny as we've, we've spent a lot of time I mean, Volvo's been 13 years, we've probably believe it or not have done almost 500 implementations and so it Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we get quite a few over the past. Yeah. 13 years believe we went back and started counting and, you know, you start to look at, you know, a challenge kind of in front of us is how do we help our clients, right, live up to that true potential, and, you know, to deliver that results. And so as we started kind of digging into this,
we just really kind of came up with that theme is when maintenance matters, that seemed to be the differentiator. And Scott, you know, I mean, we get in the purchasing world, right? There's requirements gathering, there's, there's RFPs, and there's demos, and there's all these things that try to help you build success, yet, no matter how much time they spend on it, I mean, there's statistics out there that over 50% of em projects either fail or fail to hit the mark. And so it kind of drives at us and saying, How can we, again, be better than that? Yeah, and you know, as well as I do, I've been at a number of facilities and a number of places around the world and all that good stuff. And, and if I ever have a conversation with the maintenance team, yeah, they'll say maintenance matters, but they still have issues with maintenance. Yeah. And that's, that, to me is an interesting what, what, what looks like I have what looks like for me in in the world of business in the world of maintenance, that I demonstrate what matters, it matters to me. How do I demonstrate that? Yeah, well, it's a it's a great question. And, you know, it's funny is one of the things we always say is, companies can't meet their goals, right, or their objectives if they don't have safe reliable equipment. Right. If that truck doesn't deliver the chips or deliver the Pepsi's or that machine doesn't cut the beef or whatever it's trying to do. We can never meet our goals. And so what we find is from a maintenance side is
Does that make it matter? And so I think you start to dig in. And what we looked at is, you know, in the organization getting people involved in so we actually came up with something we call the five enemies of success, right? So, you know, maintenance matters when you go through these five enemies, or these sort of five checklists. And I think they kind of help you distinguish what you need to do to be successful. So this is interesting, because you'll have this conversation with, when you sit down with a client, right, you still they're walking away, they're sort of saying the right terms, but you still have to determine you and your organization have to determine if maintenance truly matter, because it is, it hinges upon your success, the success of the implementation, and as well as your client success, which is the ultimate
goal is to help them succeed in whatever they're trying to accomplish. So these are the questions you would ask them. Yeah, so these are things I think, kind of boiled down that, that we see kept companies from reading, you know, meeting that overall objective, and, you know, it's gonna be silly, but number one is very simple. But does your product have a name or an identity? I don't understand that. Now. Do you think that that is the case? Come on, believe it or not, I mean, we name our dogs, our cars, our boats, our, our,
you know, everything around us, but we don't really name our projects, right. And so what you kind of need is that rallying cry, so if maintenance matters, and it's funny about scale crack up, but if you walk around a plant, or an operation, you'll see a quality banner, you'll see a safety banner, you'll see a mission statement. When have you ever seen a maintenance banner?
The banner I always saw was that one that had that cheesy mirror saved guesses on you. Yeah, and and so what we started to do is we looked at what the clients is, how do we name that property, give it an acronym that gives maintenance of purpose, something that they can rally around. And so as an example, and I'm wearing my shirt right now, but it's pride, right? We love pride, maintenance. And pride stands for people really interested in delivering excellence. And so, as we start this project, and you go to do your em project, it just can't be while we put a piece of software, you know, it does fall flat when you put it that way. It's like, Yeah, we did an enterprise. So what is that, man? Nevermind, I gotta go eat a sandwich. Yeah, well, we have a kickoff meeting. And there's no rallying cry, there's nothing there. And so right at the beginning, every project is we like to name it. And so pride maintenance is a name we use quite often. And we actually will create a banner. And when we go live, everybody signs in and says, We're committed to this, not not only the VP of manufacturing, the CFO, we've had presidents all the way down, which tells them maintenance matters that this is important in the process. So to us, just simply step number one is name your project. And the best graphic ever saw was a banner they put over the maintenance store and said pride starts here. Right and interesting here. And what I what I said, it's because many of these challenges always occur, you got to get that executive to buy in at executive to say, Yeah, I want to sponsor support, do everything I can and, and be at the forefront of my thinking. And given the fact that you're your name of the project, you're, you're creating a buzz around it. Like it's like internal marketing, you're creating a buzz around that, that that project and getting that President getting that BP getting that executive to sign off, that sort of in essence says you're part of this, so don't let us down. Yep. Yeah, like I said, we got up, we kind of poke it does maintenance matter, doesn't really matter, we'll poke you, but we'll look around where is that banner? Whereas because again, maintenance, you know, they've always kind of feel like are they invited to the table, that kind of stuff. So to me, just number one is do your projects have names? Do the your maintenance team have an identity? And when they do, right, that pride exudes in everything that they do, and that's what we want. Number one name that name, your projects, sound, Game Show, name and name and so, this one again, and these are all kind of basic stuff, but number two is other right people involved, you know, right from the get go, who's on your team, right, who is involved in, in the project, you know, do we have representation from the asset management group from the AMA
Roll group from the purchasing group, you know, from the IT group like, we believe that there's five kind of key stakeholders from asset management to the work order groups to MRO, purchasing, and it. And when all five are represented, and they're on that team, and they're part of this, then that's when the magic happens. And again, you will always see that battle, either see a maintenance team, or we'll see an IT team. But do they really, are they coordinated? Yeah, and you're right about that. And I've seen it all too many times where it's, it's, then all of a sudden, it just sort of evolves into an IT project. And then it's shoved down the throat of the people in the field, and then nobody likes it, and everybody in it. And then all of a sudden, it just sort of implodes, because we weren't a part of the process. But that's, that starts with your number one, if I give it a name, if I get real executives, leadership, then I'm going to me executive person, will then make sure that I have the right team in place representing the organizations that have a vested interest in the success of this implementation. Yeah, I was I always chuckle because we, we always talk about change management getting, like the users the change, and it's not the users, it's usually the leadership team that needs to change. But they got to believe that this is important, and that this is mission critical, and that they can't reach any of those company goals, stock price, anything else without it. And so, yeah, getting everybody involved. And it's not just this maintenance project, like let's tuck it away, let me let me sort of point this out. So you're going down this road, you're sitting around, you got a bunch of people in a conference room or whatever, you're, you're choking on some sandwiches, whatever it might be. And when does your little red flag go up? And you're saying, Hey, guys, hey, I'm just telling you right now, I think we have a gap here on the team, we don't have the right people, we're missing x. And make sure that at that moment, you're making sure that everybody's buying in, but you got to get that team, if you don't have the right team, you're gonna fall apart. Do you ever just step in and say, guys, this ain't gonna work? Oh, absolutely. And I think it's right from the get go, we'll start to even look at who is represented who's not because we also know if the CFO or the VP of Ops, um, somebody asked me, and this is kind of funny, but how do you guarantee your project I said, I can guarantee ROI in every project. And it's easy, right? I just take it out of your budget.
Right? You just take the money out of the budget, but what that does is everybody wants a project. And the minute I say, we're gonna take the money out of your budget, then we're like, whoa, wait a minute, right. Right. Now we get to the crux, right? Now the VP is really saying, or the maintenance team is does this matter? If you're saying I'm gonna have a return on investment of x? Are you willing to give it back? Because savings only occurs? If I don't spend it right? What did I say the easiest way to double your money is take it out, fold it in half and stick it back in your pocket.
And so I think that when maintenance matters, again, we look at the ROI. Yeah, we look at our budgets, and if whatever our project is, it has to pay for itself. And so with the right people, those become the right conversation. Yeah, and I think you're spot on on that. And I think that just the principles behind it. Now in for em, what you're trying to do, you're trying to create greater insights to keep that asset up and running, producing whatever you're producing, bottom line value, all of that stuff is real important. And being able to
strategically pull assets out and do the maintenance on them at the right time, that minimizes the impact to the overall organization and that those things is key, and you can't help but have real return on that investment. All right.
So, you know, I think number three is it's simple is that you put the how, in front of the why.
And you got to think about this is how how, how, how right, how are we going to do this? What are the features? What are the requirements? How, when in actuality does everybody in the organization know the why why are we doing this? Right? You're saying put the how in front of the why or we'll do the live sorry, put the Y in Okay, you know, yeah, you know, what the why in front of the house? Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
I just ordered the hell out of you. Right. Just that in there. I'm going with it that makes no sense. I guess it's you put the house in front of the why that's when you fail, but why needs to come there. But yeah, it's Yeah, yeah. And it's we get so caught up in the how right and the detail and that's maybe the engineer in us, it's maybe the technical side, but it's back to you.
Number one is when we name a project, it's tied to the why it becomes that rallying cry, and we understand is, are we trying to drive greater? You know, output? Are we trying to create greater efficiencies that we trying to, you know, reduce the cost or visibility? And, you know, it's, um, a lot of times it's amazing again, we go through these RFP processes, and they're just how, how, how, and never right. How are you doing? Why, why? Yeah, and it's interesting, because
you're spot on. There are many all of the conversations. It's not that it's, he better understand the why you're deploying a system like this, then you can say, yeah, we're all bought in on the Y, because the Y does, you know, that's Yeah, thumbs up on the Y. And then you can go and venture into, well, we got the Y. Let's figure out the how. And I think that that's your right. I mean, I've been on so many projects, how do you do that? How do you do it? I want to know why. Yeah, how do you create a work? Or how do you do this? How do you do that? Right?
are you what are you really trying to you're trying to build a more reliable operation? Right? Are you trying to streamline the way we pass things? You know, around? Are we trying to get better planning better scheduling better? You know, again, we're in a very interesting time, when equipment and technology right equipment is getting so automated, you know, getting so technical? And again, is is it tied them? Well? How do we fix this stuff? Where do we find manuals? Where do we get this, this detail? So yeah, I think it's really, yeah, and I'm telling you, right now, if the system is configured, if the system is configured to your why, right, and you're trying to be more efficient at the ability to be able to gain insight, collect Information. And and, you know, the old way, hopefully, the old way is that you're wasting a lot of time trying to find those documents, wasting a lot of time doing what do you need to you think you need to do when a system can make you more efficient? I mean, it's it's imperative that you have to understand that Why? Yeah. Am I talking people in culture right now? Just FYI. I mean, it's shocking, right?
But for some reason, we get into software, and we follow this manual that just goes back to 250 requirements. Yeah. And half the time, we'll look at a requirement and say, why is this important? Right? I don't know. We just
have that conversation. Why is this? And people are going? Well, well, it was. It's a and they just stuttered and stammered through the whole thing. And it's like, yeah, you don't need it. Right. And again, it's just back to that rallying cry when, when people know the why. Right, the maintenance team becomes more engaged, right? They become more a part of the organization. And it really ties things together. And so yeah, we love that conversation. And so that's number three. Number four, again, and this one, we see it and again, it's tied back to I think these all are intertwined is there's just a lack of bias. Right. And, and it's, it's weird, but I always use the example and you'll laugh as we started rolling out like mobile. In the technician goes all this is too hard. And the people are like, the leadership's like we can't do it. The mechanic says it's gonna take too long. And I use the example of the ATM machine. If I asked a bank president, what do you thinks of an ATM machine? What's he gonna say?
That's it. It's it's a great thing.
It adds the productivity and I think it's a great.
I use it because I don't want to talk to anybody. And it's a fantastic thing for me. Yeah, it's great. But you look at a bank, President bank manager, why do they like that technology, right, and let them serve their customers quicker. It allows them to process things more. If I ask a customer like yourself, and you think about it, what do you think of atm? Right? I have access to my money. I don't have to talk to anybody. I can deposit checks midnight or six in the morning, right? whatever I want. Yeah. But if I asked a bank teller, what do they think of ATMs? What are they gonna say?
No, they don't like it because it's their job, I guess. Right? So their bias comes in. And at first they're like, Oh, it's going to take my job. So Oh, it's too complicated. It's, you know, customers are gonna have problems and all this stuff. And the irony is there are more bank tellers today than there were 10 years ago, even with a deli. But what happens to be well, they will you see more and more smaller banks out there, but what does the teller become? They become more customer service, right. And as you come more deal with the problems and I think when we get into
The technicians by providing them the tools, it's not taking their job. It's just making them more customer service to the assets and that kind of stuff. And so I think, you know, when we talk about buy in, I think we can talk about it from the organization, and that they have to understand and I, Seth Godin has a great line says in search of familiarity, yeah, we we go to work to be familiar, we drive the same way we go to the same office, when I go to church, I sit in the same Pew on the same side, right? It's, you know, it's in search of familiarity. And so when we go to roll technology out, people will use code words like, well, this is not user friendly, this is going to take too long. You know, when in reality, what they're just saying is, I don't understand, I feel kind of dumb, you just need to teach me and so that whole buy in needs to understand that there's going to be challenges, people are involved in that when we're sold on the why we're sold on the tool, then it's going to be great, but so many projects fail, because they'll pull the plug or Yeah, you don't have to do that. Or, you know, it's not important we close our work orders out or, you know, it's not odd that I got 1000 work orders in backlog. But see, here's the deal. If I'm following your process, if I'm following the enemies of success, and and I, I get I named my project, right, and I get people to sign a banner, and there's a lot of lot of fanfare, that internal marketing, and if I, I, I have some sort of get the right people, right, that conversations happening, I shouldn't have a problem with lack of bias. Right? I should, that should not even be a part because I've done my part, I understand my why I've got the right people involved. And I've made my project. Yeah. And it's funny, because we've actually got to the point where we were struggling on the implementation. And the senior leadership was struggling, and we reminded them of the banner.
Right? How do you get the number four, you remember number one, and it's amazing once people signed in, early on, we got that initial signature, and then there should be the buy in. But again, every day, right? There's just forces that are always against us, there's people that are gonna challenge and, and we just have to keep remembering that. And it's interesting when you go to a meeting, and everybody nods their head and doesn't say a word will actually walk away and say that was the worst meeting we ever had. Because we have a thing you've got to weigh in, to buy in. So if you don't worry, you don't challenge if you you know, think about anything that you really care about. You always weigh in, right, wrong or indifferent. You might say, Hey, this is too many steps, or we have a four step approval process. We're never going to do that. Right? Right, that tells me you're bought in just by the fact that you brought that up. And now we can deal with it. But if you just sit in a meeting and like, right, the worst scenario is you walk away, this will never work, but you don't speak up, then typically you don't really interesting because I feel the same way. But I've never used it in such a way that says weigh in is buying because I if I'm not getting people peppering me with questions, like Hey, what about this? What about that? I know that then I'm not doing my job. I'm not creating interest. I don't know what I'm not doing it. Yeah. And it always bothered me. He's like, you guys don't have anything to say. They all just smiled and
I think this is the greatest since you know, greatest thing since
then. That's a pearl with that sage advice right there the listeners out there. You get it? Nobody weighing in. nobody's buying in baby. They're going back to their where their cubicle. Business as usual. Yeah. Five. All right, number five. And this is the, you know, the, the one I think brings it home, but I but and this one's the hardest one is you have to have a culture, you know, or if you have a culture of culture of distrust, then that becomes an enemy. Right? If teams are fighting each other if teams don't believe that people in the same room have their own best interest. Yeah, then it will fall down and, and trust is one of the hardest things in the world, right? Trust is and I say it's not a bank account, like you can't, you can't build it and you know, it's simple Golden Rule, right? Treat others you want to be treated, but I watch organizations and they just go at each other. Right? They attack each other. And, you know, we have to the operations has to have a trusting relationship with the maintenance team. That's going to get it done that will do it properly. And quite frankly, maintenance teams and it's why we
Love the word pride is maintenance teams will talk about well, nobody you know, trust us, they don't you know, they give us the equipment, it's broke, they'll give us all your excuses. But have you earned that trust? Have you done the things that makes production? say, Yes, I can give it to you, you'll give it back to me in the right, in better order and on time. You know, it's interesting when you bring up culture, right? I mean, it's just, that is like, an iceberg, right? You can see some of the things but boy, there's a lot of stuff underneath that water that iceberg. And
I find, sometimes, if you have a culture that doesn't trust, Mistress doesn't whatever.
Everybody's trying to protect their Little Kingdom. Everybody's concerned about, quote, making a mistake. And you always have to, you have to remove some of that. Because people are not going to put themselves out there. If that culture is one that pounds people over the head for making a mistake on. Oh, you know, I'm not going
to head down low because I don't want that to finger death punch on my head. And that's sad. Because the fear of failure, the fear of making mistakes, the fear of being pointed out, whatever you want to call, it
really impedes the opportunity of success. It just does. And I always get down to the point, Marty, is anybody gonna die? No, just try it out. Make it safe, of course. But yeah, but that that you're absolutely right, that culture is is God. And it'll it'll, I would imagine, correct me if I'm wrong, it sort of swings. It's like, yeah. Oh, yeah.
You know, and, well, there's a pyramid that that's explained. There's a book called The advantage by Patrick lencioni. And it's probably one of the best things around trust. Is that at the bottom, when you start with trust, the next layer is how do you handle conflicts? Right? And it kind of goes back to weighing in the bias, right? A lot of people won't weigh in. Because they're afraid, right? Of repercussions under the trust side. And so healthy organizations always Trump the smart organizations, right? You can have a bunch of smart people. But if they don't have trust, and they can't deal with conflict, right, they can't say, hey, yeah, I screwed up, or Yeah, that was a mistake, or can we do it when you have that conflict? And if you can have open dialogue, open conflict, then you can start to get to commitments, right. And the next, once you get commitments, that then goes to accountability, which goes to results. But trust always is at that conflict level. And if you think about it with your best friend and think somebody said, you know, they're a true friend when they still like you, and they know who you are. Right?
Thank God or you could just be me. And I have just friends that are virtual, and then I shut them down. And yeah, and I go to the ATM because I don't want to talk to anybody. Yeah, so trust is, and it's a two way street. And it's huge. And so I think that's why it's number five. And it's kind of the last one that is the hardest it has me is if there's a culture of mistrust, if there's a culture and I hate to say of abuse and verbal abuse, yes, you know, then people are just going to shut down and you know, they're going to use words. It's not my job or though you words that, Oh, this is too many steps, or that they'll give you code words, that doesn't actually say, I don't want to do this, because nobody's going to look at it. Or, you know, nobody will matter. Or you want to put a maintenance system in and you never give me the equipment. So if you're never going to shut it down, and then it breaks down in the yellow, the maintenance team, well, does maintenance really matter? Or is it just it happens all the time? I guarantee you that fingers pointed, like why did that pump? Right? Right? It's a maintenance problem, right? And it's like it happens all the time. These are huge. I mean, as you start to dig into deep Okay, listeners, right, again, these are five enemies of success does Sure. Did you know people don't name a project? They just don't name it. There's no real personal element to it. Do you have the right people in place? A lot of people don't they just sort of run these projects. They there's good people who have spare time. And that ain't gonna work, right? It's just not gonna work.
Do you understand the why? First, as opposed to the house first. So don't rent the house first, do the why first, and then lack of buy in which just blows me away? After you go through one through three. I can't believe you have lack of buying but we are human beings. And we have different cultures. And then the last one, of course, culture of mistress that'll just keep on, man. You'll stub your toe on that one all the time, too. Yeah, yeah. I you know, I think when we
Bring it all together. You know, we always said there's nothing worse than fear and uncertainty, right. And as people get into these projects, you know, they have all these things. And so what we do and what we try to do with our customers, as I mentioned earlier by being in for an in for em only is we know, I only like to say we know how the movie is going to end. Like we know the code, we know the words. And when we do that, it helps us understand where we are, and hopefully we can take us through that process. And again, sometimes people are looking for Well, do you have planners? Do you have schedulers? Do you have this? Do you have a clean start? I mean, they're all important things. But without these five, the rest of the stuff? Yeah.
And I'll just sort of throw this out there is 500 plus implementations. You got some street cred out there when it comes to these bad boys. That's pretty serious stuff. Yeah, because you've seen it all. I guarantee you, you've seen it all. And then some guy, well, every day you get amazed and look even even now with COVID. Right? Yeah, you know, there's a thing we always say, the rent is due every day. So things always are changing. And you know, how we evolved. But even in today's world with zoom with the tools, you can still follow these things. And in some cases, like we have a rule, we always have our cameras on at Volvo. Always, because it's the respect that I think we need. And when we get into these projects,
there is a level of intimacy that in some cases, you can get in zoom that you can't get. Right. Yeah. But but but but if I'm looking at you, yes, you're looking at me, I'm looking at you and you can't Don't look away. I could see that. But it's it's the ones that are silent off of the back that you can't see. Yeah, that to me, I can, I can see you now. And I can sit there and chirp at you. And you better be ruining my face. And are you active out there on LinkedIn? I am. I am. So yep. Marty Osborn and, you know, again, I publish a weekly blog called Marty's minute on leadership. And, you know, these are just one minute stories about things. I've read things I've seen her that I can share with you. So yeah, www Marty's minute calm. And it's my favorite thing to publish each and every week. And, by the way, I'll share with you one story and I wrote something that's and I heard this through somebody that said, If you weren't afraid, what would you do? Right? It's kind of a great article. Right? It's a question and it talked about a guy who came home. He was struggling, got laid off from his job despondent and somebody looked at him and said, If you weren't afraid, what would you do? And he said, I'd go back and get my degree, went back, got a two year it degree and then had the career, you know, and how great it was, but I was doing an interview with Tammy Riley, who's the reliability head of
em at Starbucks. Yeah. Super person. And I asked her that she's landed on aircraft carriers. Yes. I mean, holy crap. You know, our mom asked her when she was 18. And said, said, Tammy, if you weren't afraid, what would you do? I mean, what a great super your mom to ask you that question. And she said, I want to land planes on aircraft carriers, like, Okay. And guess what? That's what she did. And so,
yeah, I think it just kind of ties all this stuff back together as, as, as teams as people, you know, ask yourself, if you're not afraid, what would you do?
I'm writing that down. Because I like that. And it does it. It makes you sort of go, you perk up. You're like, yeah, that's an interesting question. I might have to think through it. I don't even know what I I would probably do podcasts if I wasn't afraid.
All right, reach out to mark.
You're awesome. Again, awesome stuff. Okay, everything. listeners out there, you know, you're not going to go away because we're going to wrap it up on the other side. We're going to have that link to Marty's minutes. Absolutely. Because you must connect there. Marty, you were absolutely wonderful. lead vocals a great company. And I didn't know it meant trusted advisor. Yeah, call it a trusted advisor. And that's, you know, our goal is each and every day is how do we earn that title? And, to me the greatest compliment we can get as somebody says that we were their trusted advisor and that's that's what we strive for. It'd be tough working for it. Okay. You know why? Because you never, never you never let up. Like I couldn't. I couldn't even relax. Here it comes and goes, Marty, man, I better look like I'm busy.
Alright guys, thank you listeners. Hang tight, we will be right back. You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
All right. Two words. Marty Osborn put that down on your book right now right now and reach out to him. So you go out to the stack card on LinkedIn, boom, Marty Osborn, maybe a few more Marty Osborn's out there, put a comma Advoco ad v. o, CO. And you'll find him. And boy, you'll talk about a wealth of knowledge, Polish Nike. He's amazing. So I'm going to have all that contact Information out on industrial Of course, you'd have to, and and definitely remember, five points, those five enemies of success. Don't do it. Anyway. As always, let's be bold. Let's be brave, let's dare greatly. Let's be committed to changing the world. That's what we're all about. And then that second little effort, find people who are bold, brave and daring greatly, you will not be disappointed. And you guys are just going hand in hand going forward to changing the world. That's what we're all about here on the industrial talk podcast because it is a celebration of you. Take care, we're gonna have another great conversation right around the corner. So be safe. We'll talk later