Max Efimov with Deloitte

On this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to Max Efimov, Specialist Executive at Deloitte about “Operation 360's Focused and Pragmatic approach to Asset Management”. Get the answers to your “Asset Management Strategy” questions along with Max's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!
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deloitte, organization, operation, industry, people, max, framework, innovation, business, pinwheel, introduce, technology, solutions, conversations, hear, elements, iso, talk, industrial, asset
Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott Mackenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go. Alright, welcome, once again, thank you very much for joining industrial talk a platform that is dedicated to industry heroes such as yourself, you're bold, you're brave, you dare greatly you're innovating, you're solving problems, you're changing lives, and you're changing the world. That's why this platform celebrates you each and every day. All right. This is a Deloitte series, we are talking about asset management, we're talking about maintenance, we're talking about strategies around that on this particular episode, and in the hot seat, Max, Efimov, and you got to go out to his stack card out there. It is impressive. That's last name is spelled e f IMOV. I'm telling you, he's engaged you if you're touched by this conversation, and the solutions that are available, and once again, this is a series so we're gonna continue to build on it. You got to reach out to max, let's get cracking.
So I'm reading a book.
Yeah, books, books are my advisory board, for lack of a better term.
I pick them up, I read probably a chapter or two, I put it down, I try to deploy whatever recommendations are in those chapters or whatever wisdom have been imparted. I try to do that. And then I pick up another book, and then and so on, you get the picture. I'm always reading about it, because that's my advisory board for industrial talk media. Now, with that said, I'm reading this book.
And I'm always fascinated by innovation. I'm always fascinated by how fast it is going. And a good friend of mine.
Lucian gave me this particular book, he's with IIoT World. And he gave me this book, and it's called The Future is faster than you think. And it's a fantastic read. I just kudos to the to the the authors, which is
I want to say Diamandis and Kotler, you can definitely get it out on Amazon, no doubt about that, however, very good read. And then you realize what we take for granted and all this innovation that is taking place.
It's happening right before and we sort of, we don't realize it, and and we just sort of experience it, which is, is great. But there's there's it's just traveling really fast. And it's exciting. If you're in the industry, if you're into into that, I highly recommend that book, it also brings me to the point where I don't think we can educate fast enough. I don't know how to, I don't know how to put in my head information that is needed for
keep moving the ball forward or pushing the ball forward. And so it's it's an interesting challenge, how do we educate faster? You know, when there was a section on AI, machine learning all of that. And there that technology, these, these computers are able to learn quick? How do we as people learn quick? I don't know, I know, all I could do is just keep reading. And I recommend that you do because got it. The world is depending on you, industry professionals. Now. I also went to a couple of conferences. And I want to just quickly summarize what what the points were. And I just write them down. It's not a big deal. But I just there were really some key points within these two conferences. The first thing is that one, there was a concern that innovation and what's happening in the world today, innovation is not going to be truly available to the small to midsize businesses. And so, you know, large companies, yes, no problem. We're gonna deploy it and but you see the advantage associated with that make mistakes, whatever. What do we do to allow this innovation to allow these this, this insight permeate into the small to midsize business think about that come up with a solution their workforce. boiboi workforce workforce workforce I can't find people can't do I reskill do I upskill What do I do?
A big challenge. A big question mark. People are trying so I parked that on you.
Education. Again, we were talking about rescaling and upskilling we've got him because of the speed which
Innovation is taking place. Big, big topic. And then are we in the world of innovation? Are we in the world of technology in providing solutions? Are we actually listening to the customer? What do they need? What problems are they tried to solve?
I think sometimes in the world of innovation in the world of, of technology, we get ahead of our skis. And we think that manufacturing or industry needs certain things. But really, when they just got to a problem that they need to solve, and are we just sort of overlooking it? Are we having those conversations that are important to our customers? A big one, trust, trust. I don't know who to trust. With all of this stuff that's coming my way this tsunami of information, innovation, insights, all good. Don't get me wrong. But who do I trust? It's, it's sort of a lexicon. But who do I trust? As well as it's a risk on my part, if I decide that I go down with, you know, one person or one company or whatever it might be? What risk? Am I?
What am I starting to see? So risk trust, keep that in mind. real conversations with real collaboration with your customer? There, they have problems. are we collaborating and solving their problems? Are we having great conversations that help them succeed? Because the reality is, they have to, we've got to figure it out. So that they succeed, they are that important? Where do I start? What do I do? How do I start? Where do I start? Don't have a question. Supply chain, big, big topic, big topic, pain point. We all know that. And then finally, the topic that everybody needs to talk about, but nobody wants to talk about. And that's cybersecurity, with all of this connectivity with all this digital transformation with this journey, a, a fundamental component is cybersecurity. But nobody apparently wants to talk about it. And when they do talk about it, it's it's really difficult to understand. So how do we simplify, remove that friction? It we've just, it's it's a people issue, the technology, the innovation, and the big thinkers out there, such as Deloitte, and others, they're dealing with it. But are we having those conversations with those companies that are small to mid size, that are dealing with challenges and problems, I throw that out? Those were the points that I took away from smrp. And the manufacturing and technology show last month. Alright, let's get on.
So this is a series and of course, once again, it's going to be Asset Management is going to be reliability, it's going to be maintenance centric. And this is a model that Max and team Deloitte have put together called operations 360, you'll hear the term pinwheel, but the way it's laid out is very logical, very straightforward. Plug and Play to a certain extent, but the reality is, you need it. You need the solutions. You need the insights, it's vitally important to your business, the resiliency of your business, but fear not we're going to have, you're going to say Scott, I can't I sort of see it, but go out to industrial We're gonna have a download of the document and the pin will and some of the parameters associated with that. Alright, let's get on with the interview. Here's Max.
Max, welcome to industrial talk. How you doing today? I'm great. Thanks for having me. Yeah. We're, you know, listeners, we're going to be talking a little bit about asset management. We're going to be talking about maintenance. We're going to be talking about the strategies associated with that. And Max is definitely he brings the street cred. He's a leader in that field, big time. Before we get going. Max, give us a little 411 on who you are. Thanks, God. So my name is Max. I'm off. Today I'm hailing from South Dakota.
Home of the Mount Rushmore and
and the devil speak nearby. So
I got to tell you, I that's that's on my but I've never been up there. Should I go up there? Absolutely. Absolutely. No
It is absolutely place to visit.
Now, especially if you and if you have Phezzan Hunter sounds the place to be. Yeah, it's the it's the place to be. I didn't know that. I didn't i All I remember is Mount Rushmore and and I don't know anything else but but it's it's always a beautiful picture Most definitely. All right, let's, let's get into the conversation the topic.
Listeners, we're going to be talking about this, this model, this model is called operations 360. Now Max is going to take us through sort of the the high level, then we're gonna dive deep in ladder podcast, but right now we're gonna just define about what this operations 360 Looks like, I've got the diagram, I like the way it's laid out, I can follow it. And therefore listener, you could definitely follow it, we're gonna have it at industrial talk so that you can download it as well give us let's start high right now, why is this diagram so unique, in a sense.
So I would actually say it is the combination of a lot of talent and a lot of thought as at Deloitte we put together So
what started with its will look at the existing frameworks. And it says management consultant would like to reuse a lot of stuff. But also, we like to put a unique spin on the stuff we have. And so when we start looking at in the asset lifecycle as the Deloitte, global Deloitte, and we look around, what is the competitive do what is the market does? You know, what are the current challenges? And what are people struggling with, and it's really become very interesting is, you know, the continuous improvement and operational excellence frameworks are nothing new. They've been existing with we found very few of them, I actually almost none of them taken in account industry 4.0 Yeah, they, they haven't been renewed in a long time. So they're also have,
they kind of started as a in the late 80s, early 90s. And organization established and put them together, but then it's kind of become static in place. The two most common framework you've probably heard in the market space, it's the ISO 55001. You know, that's one that's common for reliability maintenance of the team. But then you also probably heard that Lean Six Sigma, everybody heard about, the Lean Six, is basically
continuous process improvement, customer focus, and basically removing the waste out of that supply chain and improving the processes. So that's the two common ones, but then when you look at around, all of them,
have been implemented in the organization in some form or fashion. And they're very good framework. However,
there, they do provide a robust set of methodologies. But none of them are really comprehensive enough to start addressing new emerging challenges. So if you think about it, ISO 55 55,001 It's actually been static since 2014. So if you think about it, you know, just kind of put this in the context of what does it really mean for the industry in 2014?
You know, autonomous cars or drones was almost like Terminator 2.0 science fiction nowadays was Tesla you talking to six weeks, six years down the line seven years down the line, and we talking what level of automation we actually introducing into the operation and what level of automation we want, you know, self driving cars, self fino autonomous delivery, etc, etc, etc. You know, six sigma,
kind of a same way. Again, very solid, but
very few start thinking about how do you start applying those frameworks for things like
a gig economy, you know, how do I actually address the energy transition and decarbonization? You know, how do I start looking at the ITU T conversion in cybersecurity? And, more importantly, how do I actually apply those techniques and the frameworks to future of a modern workforce? You know, think about it. The people who in the current workforce are about to enter in more workforce, you've probably heard the term digital native.
And a good example in my personal life, my son who's 12 probably knows more tips and tricks and constantly teaching my wife and I how to use iPad. So just a different way the people and the current generation basically interacts technology expects of technology and thinks about technology.
And I agree with you 100%. And especially the way industry for Dido, the innovation associated with the people who are like Deloitte are just constantly pushing that digital economy. It there's a velocity there. And if if you're not, if you're stuck, it's not negative, don't don't come texting me and saying that's negative. But if you're working from the ISO 55,000, or the Six Sigma, all fine, all great standards. But if you're working from that, you're there is a lot of other things that are taking place that you're might be missing, and you just don't see it. You don't know.
You absolutely right. And that's why we as a Deloitte, that's why we kind of start thinking about this future challenges, and sort of like, how do we address this unknowns, but at the same time, we want to make sure that we addressing with the pace certainty, and techniques that people can, you know, it's not some futuristic stuff that people cannot understand. Or they feel like it's a,
you know, too far out there. Right. So it's basically how do you introduce the in a transition your organization was
based on velocity uncertainty that you expect to have? And so also, how do we introduce the standard, you know, also not to rework everything what the people already have? Because, again, ISO 55,001, or
Lean Six Sigma, perfectly great philosophies perfectly great frameworks. So how do you leverage all that knowledge that currently have and basically build upon it. So that's why we've come up with Operation 360. It's
a proprietary framework for Deloitte, it's something we've developed. And we developed this as what we believe it's a help to simplify and drive operational excellence and continuous improvement in meaningful and measurable way, taking the challenge, emerging challenges, as well as the current challenges
and introduce
future, you know, introduce this
introduce innovation in a very pragmatic way. I think that is the very what's what, what's important to us, it's basically, how do we introduce the changes in the organization, you know, in a way where
it become pragmatic, it becomes value added. But it's also sticks within the organization, because of one of the biggest challenge. It's like, how do you introduce change, without actually rejecting the change.
And what we're talking about here is, is the necessity to change now, let me put my
so I'm a manufacturer, gone into existing standards, I've invested a lot of time, energy and effort. And I hear what you're saying. What I do like about the approach, this operation 360 Is that it adds it augments, it sort of bolts on to my existing standards. And therefore, I'm able to change in a way, again, to use your words, pragmatic value added and the recognition, that industry for Dotto, if you're not in it, if you're not in this digital transformation, whatever it looks like, then you're you're missing out. So let's let's start talking about the pinwheel. Give us a little overview of what that is and go forward. So when we look at the you know, what you refer to pinwheel is basically the heart of
operation 360 framework. And the way we look at the pinwheel, it's really the combination of 12 essential elements that any industry any asset intensive business does today. So it's basically the combination of the best of today was a
digitally enabled future of tomorrow. And really what it says it's a you know, if you think about the other room, it's a 12 elements of the operation 360. And so if you look at it, it's the combination of operation and environmental safety
in security and information, risk management, so security,
Emergency Response Management, incident investigation, facility and design construction, reliability strategy, integration of third party services,
tying all this with
business performance management and profitability because again, let's face it, most of the business doing this for the in order to betterment of the
all of the stakeholders. It's not just the monitor
income, but it's also positive impact impact on the environment. So that's why we say it's a performance management rather than just a pure, you know, but most commercial businesses also looking at the in terms of profitability, then it's also makes sure that all of the community and stakeholders are engaged in properly communicated, as well as recognizing there's a special place for regulatory and compliance assurance. And lastly, what we call it knowledge management. And it's basically how do you retain that institutional knowledge that we see time and time again, every time we go through this generational change in, in a workforce? It's effectively walking away? And then it is organization do struggle with that. So that's, that's really the pinwheel in a sense. All right. Well, what I do like what I do, like when I look at that, again, when we start talking about existing standards, we've got, of course, the continuous improvement, we've got operational excellence. And that is all wrapped into this particular because you cannot, you cannot deploy, if you don't have a desire to have continuous improvement, operational excellence, and you continue to sort of work it. The other thing that I like seeing is that the you have these thirds, and the first four elements of the pinwheel talk about management, commitment, people and relationships. I like it. I like how it lines up the second four, because it's 12, the second for governance roles and responsibilities, and then finally, systems and process, the remaining four. I like how that's chunked together. Now, if I'm an organization, Max, and let's say, let's say I've got my governance roles and responsibility pretty much nailed down, because we're we just like that.
Does it have to be all or nothing? Or can I just sort of
pick another sort of third of the wheel? And that'd be able to focus in and then work that that route? Can I do that? Absolutely. Absolutely. And that's why we purposely designed this to be circular. Alright, because again, as I go back, our premise was when we look at it, the all of the existing standards
in the world, you know, ISO, Lean Six Sigma, etc. We looked at our own Deloitte generated insights from various projects, we say, we looked at, like, how can we introduce this
in a non disruptive way. So, it's, it's effectively been designed to introduce organically into organization and grow through their organization. So for instance, if you already have an absolutely top up top quartile reliability strategy or facility in the design and construction,
you know, and then you say, Well, you know what, I have that, but how do I actually, you know, the my next pain point is basically, how do I retain the knowledge? Absolutely, there is a way since the, you know, that's the How to framework design. So each, you know, he can be combined, if, ultimately, all these 12 elements can be combined. But each can be handled separately. So, in a way, I would say, by employing operation 360 framework, there's a six principal advantages to the organization that we see that's yielding. First, it's provide a systematic framework to enable industry 4.0, and data driven the intelligent enterprise. So it does linking people assets, information, technology, risk and cybersecurity, as well as it continues to continuous improvement across the entire lifecycle of enterprise. And so it's not just, oh, it's only for the operations people owe it or it's only for the CEO, CEO of the worlds or Oh, it's only for the cybersecurity is for the entire organization holistically. The second advantage is because Operation 360s, a digitally native,
we believe that it helps organization to focus is to focus in the maximize the business transformation benefits. So again, it's kind of again, to as you talked about it, I can combine those elements, however, I can identify if I'm looking to my overall operation and what you know, instead of just digitize everything for the sake of digitizing everything I can take a look at says what is my competitive advantage, it's allowed me to dissect my business across those elements. It's allow me to focus my efforts and then move on to something else, because you can always continuously improve, you know, today, tomorrow and so forth, but it allow you to provide a meaningful and therefore, that is the third reason by focusing on the specific
If ik elements we also believe it's allow you to get the organization to focus on it. It and OT conversions, right. So it's an information technology and operational technology conversions. It's incorporating in the profitability and performance dimension. Right. So it's again, it's the investments that generate value, not the investments for the investment sake. And Operation provided predictable, reliable,
predictable outcome and strategies across the business function, as well as the technology enablers.
The fourth advantage, we believe that for organizations, once they start adopting Operation 360, he will also help
organization to reduce implementation costs, as well as adoption because again, it is not something revolutionary. As I said, early, we've designers to actually fit in with an existing organization. And taking the best of what's has today's like, if you think about an ISO, it's not just the 55,001. But it's taken a combination
of ISO standards, like a 14, two to four, it takes 250 5001 31,000 for the risk management at one one around interoperability, as well as all because it's also taken accounts of stakeholders and the compliance etc.
It's got Scott, did I lose you? I'm here. Okay. Well, well, yeah, I'm sorry, we get a little digitize. It's a part of technology. So we're still on number four, we've talked about how it's, it can sort of reduce the implementation costs, which is pretty doggone cool. Because that's a, that's a big element, my friend, big element. Yeah. So it's simple. It's reducing the implementation costs and adoption time by virtualizing, the best of ISO standards. And it's like things like a 14, two to 450 1000, you know, 31,000, on the wrist 18, one and one on the interoperability, interoperability. And it's also aligned, allowing you or allowing the organization
align those standards and align this elements with the organization core mission in guiding principles, right, because the pinwheel itself, also take into account the fact that this is not just that ISO standards, but there's a wider group of stakeholders and communities as well as the regulatory bodies you have to incorporate. So again, it's how do you introduce those changes in a meaningful or in a meaningful way that is actually value added?
So the first one, it's recognizing that the technology, maturity rate, pace, is actually enabler. It's enabling effective,
effective management, and a development of competencies in the skills because again, it is not just the IT skills, but it says, how do you introduce and actually build as digital natives, across the most technical disciplines, engineering disciplines, as well as at work? So it's how you start incorporating this, the future of the workforce? It is basically how do you build out the competencies? And lastly, it's enabled the data driven decision, and also because it's a very systematic, it's allow you to understanding your decision, not just in the context of pure dollars and cents, but it's gives you this holistic way to look at like, how is it how's the decision, those data driven decision impacting the safety, operational priority, as well as the total cost in a stakeholders across the entire asset and their organizational lifecycle? So I think that is the six key differentiators that we see where operation 360 plays out? Well, and it's, we truly believe this is actually you know,
and then if the opera organization want to expand their framework, and I want to move in into the industry 4.0 It's, it's actually something
we would recommend to look at it. Yeah. And this is how I look at it there. Max. The reality is, is that it's a
being a simple guy, wanting simple solutions. I see that the pinwheel, per your, your, the values, the six points that you pointed out. What's nice about it is that I can navigate meaning I can go around and and you touch on every element that I have to consider. It's not that I'm it's not that I'm going okay, I just use one side and then I got to go find something. It's all right there. And it and it's easily navigable. That's a word it is I'm gonna make it a word. And and that's what I
Like, and and it's, it's not spread out all over the place now. Now listeners, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, the elements have, it's like, like the iceberg. There's a lot of depth to it. But at least you can say risk management, I see it right there. We need to, and, and dive deeper. But that's where, you know, Deloitte, and Max can help facilitate those conversations as well. So I like it.
Oh, and that's the entire? It's exactly the reason. Right? So it's make it easier for people to wrap their heads around, what is the enterprise does look at this holistically. And recognize that each decision you make does have a downstream impact, or the side impact across and in a ripple effect across the organization. So
yeah, that's, we believe the simplicity is the key, right?
It's huge, with the the, the chirping that goes on in the industry. And like, it's sometimes it's, it's so foggy, it's, it's, it's hard, I don't know where to go, I don't know what steps to take. I hear it, I recognize it, I need to have it, but I don't know where to go. Here's a nice diagram that says, Here, right here, give this a shot, and then be able to, I would imagine, correct me if I'm wrong, Max, I can hear the other
viewpoints and be able to sort of dovetail them into this particular pinwheel to give some context associated with it. Is that correct? Absolutely. As a matter of fact, what we hoping to do by people looking at this operational framework, Operation 360 framework
is definitely a Deloitte
design. But we're also hoping that by opening up a little bit, we can create the ecosystem around Yeah. So it's not just oh, my, you know, everything is all about the Deloitte but because it's, we hope, our hope it's an open framework, that people can actually
insert their own solutions. Yeah, and have their own little flavor of operations. 360, because
our point of view, it's, there is no one size fits all, you know,
there, there has to be a centralization. But even the standardization has to be meaningful to the organization that want to standardize. Yeah. And that is nice, because another pushback that, that I hear and others hear is that you're trying to shoehorn me into this particular approach, but that's just not whatever it might be. It's not our culture. It's not how we we work is whatever the pushback might be. So again, I love the flexibility to it. I like that, and you're absolutely right. And especially today, gosh, we need to have that we need to have that ability to collaborate, and create solutions that are meaningful to the organization, we're gonna have to wrap it up on that one. So, Max, how do people get ahold of you.
So very simple.
Obviously, my information will be provided.
Simple Way is, you can find me through the Deloitte, obviously, folks can reach out to me, and I'll provide my contact information that my Deloitte email account, they can reach me on the LinkedIn. Also, on the Deloitte website, we have an asset ecos system.
Ah, I'm one of the leaders for enterprise asset management capability was in the asset ecosystem. And they always can call me. And if not, if all if everything fails, they can, they can get the they can get to me through Scott. Yeah, that's exactly right. So don't come to me and say, I can't get ahold of Max, because there are too many options out there. He is definitely easy to get ahold of doing a lot of great work out there. Now, this is a series just FYI, I want to make sure that I reiterate, it's a series. This is the beginning of the series. This is asset management. This is maintenance it is it is everything's associated with it and how we plan to approach this particular pinwheel and beyond. So bear with us as we continue to build this information deck. And we're going to continue to hammer and continue to provide great value for you listeners out there. Alright. Max, thank you very much.
Thank you so much for having me on industrial talk, Scott. Always a pleasure. So hold on more soon. All right, listeners. We're gonna wrap it up on the other side.
Again, we're gonna provide all the contact information. Plus, Plus, we're gonna be able to give you the link to download this particular document. Big time. It's important. Alright, so stay tuned, we will be right back. You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
All right, once again, thank you very much for Max joining on industrial talk, once again, this is a series. So make a note of it, put it down on a piece of paper, put it someplace, because we're going to continue to build on this very important topic. And that is, of course, what are the strategies around maintenance? One of the strategies around asset manager? What are the strategies that you can deploy to give your business, greater resilience going forward? It's got to happen. I mean, it's got to happen. And here is a methodology that even I mean, can understand. And that says a lot. All right, we've got to be about education. That's what this is all about. industrial education, because you need to be constantly filling that brain with solutions. So people be bribed dare greatly. We're gonna have another great conversation. Hang out with Max. You're gonna you're gonna like it. Reach out. All right. We're gonna have another great conversation right around the corner. So stay tuned.
Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott Mackenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go. Alright, welcome, once again, thank you very much for joining industrial talk a platform that is dedicated to industry heroes such as yourself, you're bold, you're brave, you dare greatly you're innovating, you're solving problems, you're changing lives, and you're changing the world. That's why this platform celebrates you each and every day. All right. This is a Deloitte series, we are talking about asset management, we're talking about maintenance, we're talking about strategies around that on this particular episode, and in the hot seat, Max, Efimov, and you got to go out to his stack card out there. It is impressive. That's last name is spelled e f IMOV. I'm telling you, he's engaged you if you're touched by this conversation, and the solutions that are available, and once again, this is a series so we're gonna continue to build on it. You got to reach out to max, let's get cracking.
So I'm reading a book.
Yeah, books, books are my advisory board, for lack of a better term.
I pick them up, I read probably a chapter or two, I put it down, I try to deploy whatever recommendations are in those chapters or whatever wisdom have been imparted. I try to do that. And then I pick up another book, and then and so on, you get the picture. I'm always reading about it, because that's my advisory board for industrial talk media. Now, with that said, I'm reading this book.
And I'm always fascinated by innovation. I'm always fascinated by how fast it is going. And a good friend of mine.
Lucian gave me this particular book, he's with IIoT World. And he gave me this book, and it's called The Future is faster than you think. And it's a fantastic read. I just kudos to the to the the authors, which is
I want to say Diamandis and Kotler, you can definitely get it out on Amazon, no doubt about that, however, very good read. And then you realize what we take for granted and all this innovation that is taking place.
It's happening right before and we sort of, we don't realize it, and and we just sort of experience it, which is, is great. But there's there's it's just traveling really fast. And it's exciting. If you're in the industry, if you're into into that, I highly recommend that book, it also brings me to the point where I don't think we can educate fast enough. I don't know how to, I don't know how to put in my head information that is needed for
keep moving the ball forward or pushing the ball forward. And so it's it's an interesting challenge, how do we educate faster? You know, when there was a section on AI, machine learning all of that. And there that technology, these, these computers are able to learn quick? How do we as people learn quick? I don't know, I know, all I could do is just keep reading. And I recommend that you do because got it. The world is depending on you, industry professionals. Now. I also went to a couple of conferences. And I want to just quickly summarize what what the points were. And I just write them down. It's not a big deal. But I just there were really some key points within these two conferences. The first thing is that one, there was a concern that innovation and what's happening in the world today, innovation is not going to be truly available to the small to midsize businesses. And so, you know, large companies, yes, no problem. We're gonna deploy it and but you see the advantage associated with that make mistakes, whatever. What do we do to allow this innovation to allow these this, this insight permeate into the small to midsize business think about that come up with a solution their workforce. boiboi workforce workforce workforce I can't find people can't do I reskill do I upskill What do I do?
A big challenge. A big question mark. People are trying so I parked that on you.
Education. Again, we were talking about rescaling and upskilling we've got him because of the speed which
Innovation is taking place. Big, big topic. And then are we in the world of innovation? Are we in the world of technology in providing solutions? Are we actually listening to the customer? What do they need? What problems are they tried to solve?
I think sometimes in the world of innovation in the world of, of technology, we get ahead of our skis. And we think that manufacturing or industry needs certain things. But really, when they just got to a problem that they need to solve, and are we just sort of overlooking it? Are we having those conversations that are important to our customers? A big one, trust, trust. I don't know who to trust. With all of this stuff that's coming my way this tsunami of information, innovation, insights, all good. Don't get me wrong. But who do I trust? It's, it's sort of a lexicon. But who do I trust? As well as it's a risk on my part, if I decide that I go down with, you know, one person or one company or whatever it might be? What risk? Am I?
What am I starting to see? So risk trust, keep that in mind. real conversations with real collaboration with your customer? There, they have problems. are we collaborating and solving their problems? Are we having great conversations that help them succeed? Because the reality is, they have to, we've got to figure it out. So that they succeed, they are that important? Where do I start? What do I do? How do I start? Where do I start? Don't have a question. Supply chain, big, big topic, big topic, pain point. We all know that. And then finally, the topic that everybody needs to talk about, but nobody wants to talk about. And that's cybersecurity, with all of this connectivity with all this digital transformation with this journey, a, a fundamental component is cybersecurity. But nobody apparently wants to talk about it. And when they do talk about it, it's it's really difficult to understand. So how do we simplify, remove that friction? It we've just, it's it's a people issue, the technology, the innovation, and the big thinkers out there, such as Deloitte, and others, they're dealing with it. But are we having those conversations with those companies that are small to mid size, that are dealing with challenges and problems, I throw that out? Those were the points that I took away from smrp. And the manufacturing and technology show last month. Alright, let's get on.
So this is a series and of course, once again, it's going to be Asset Management is going to be reliability, it's going to be maintenance centric. And this is a model that Max and team Deloitte have put together called operations 360, you'll hear the term pinwheel, but the way it's laid out is very logical, very straightforward. Plug and Play to a certain extent, but the reality is, you need it. You need the solutions. You need the insights, it's vitally important to your business, the resiliency of your business, but fear not we're going to have, you're going to say Scott, I can't I sort of see it, but go out to industrial We're gonna have a download of the document and the pin will and some of the parameters associated with that. Alright, let's get on with the interview. Here's Max.
Max, welcome to industrial talk. How you doing today? I'm great. Thanks for having me. Yeah. We're, you know, listeners, we're going to be talking a little bit about asset management. We're going to be talking about maintenance. We're going to be talking about the strategies associated with that. And Max is definitely he brings the street cred. He's a leader in that field, big time. Before we get going. Max, give us a little 411 on who you are. Thanks, God. So my name is Max. I'm off. Today I'm hailing from South Dakota.
Home of the Mount Rushmore and
and the devil speak nearby. So
I got to tell you, I that's that's on my but I've never been up there. Should I go up there? Absolutely. Absolutely. No
It is absolutely place to visit.
Now, especially if you and if you have Phezzan Hunter sounds the place to be. Yeah, it's the it's the place to be. I didn't know that. I didn't i All I remember is Mount Rushmore and and I don't know anything else but but it's it's always a beautiful picture Most definitely. All right, let's, let's get into the conversation the topic.
Listeners, we're going to be talking about this, this model, this model is called operations 360. Now Max is going to take us through sort of the the high level, then we're gonna dive deep in ladder podcast, but right now we're gonna just define about what this operations 360 Looks like, I've got the diagram, I like the way it's laid out, I can follow it. And therefore listener, you could definitely follow it, we're gonna have it at industrial talk so that you can download it as well give us let's start high right now, why is this diagram so unique, in a sense.
So I would actually say it is the combination of a lot of talent and a lot of thought as at Deloitte we put together So
what started with its will look at the existing frameworks. And it says management consultant would like to reuse a lot of stuff. But also, we like to put a unique spin on the stuff we have. And so when we start looking at in the asset lifecycle as the Deloitte, global Deloitte, and we look around, what is the competitive do what is the market does? You know, what are the current challenges? And what are people struggling with, and it's really become very interesting is, you know, the continuous improvement and operational excellence frameworks are nothing new. They've been existing with we found very few of them, I actually almost none of them taken in account industry 4.0 Yeah, they, they haven't been renewed in a long time. So they're also have,
he market space, it's the ISO:continuous process improvement, customer focus, and basically removing the waste out of that supply chain and improving the processes. So that's the two common ones, but then when you look at around, all of them,
have been implemented in the organization in some form or fashion. And they're very good framework. However,
's actually been static since:You know, autonomous cars or drones was almost like Terminator 2.0 science fiction nowadays was Tesla you talking to six weeks, six years down the line seven years down the line, and we talking what level of automation we actually introducing into the operation and what level of automation we want, you know, self driving cars, self fino autonomous delivery, etc, etc, etc. You know, six sigma,
kind of a same way. Again, very solid, but
very few start thinking about how do you start applying those frameworks for things like
a gig economy, you know, how do I actually address the energy transition and decarbonization? You know, how do I start looking at the ITU T conversion in cybersecurity? And, more importantly, how do I actually apply those techniques and the frameworks to future of a modern workforce? You know, think about it. The people who in the current workforce are about to enter in more workforce, you've probably heard the term digital native.
And a good example in my personal life, my son who's 12 probably knows more tips and tricks and constantly teaching my wife and I how to use iPad. So just a different way the people and the current generation basically interacts technology expects of technology and thinks about technology.
And I agree with you 100%. And especially the way industry for Dido, the innovation associated with the people who are like Deloitte are just constantly pushing that digital economy. It there's a velocity there. And if if you're not, if you're stuck, it's not negative, don't don't come texting me and saying that's negative. But if you're working from the ISO 55,000, or the Six Sigma, all fine, all great standards. But if you're working from that, you're there is a lot of other things that are taking place that you're might be missing, and you just don't see it. You don't know.
You absolutely right. And that's why we as a Deloitte, that's why we kind of start thinking about this future challenges, and sort of like, how do we address this unknowns, but at the same time, we want to make sure that we addressing with the pace certainty, and techniques that people can, you know, it's not some futuristic stuff that people cannot understand. Or they feel like it's a,
you know, too far out there. Right. So it's basically how do you introduce the in a transition your organization was
based on velocity uncertainty that you expect to have? And so also, how do we introduce the standard, you know, also not to rework everything what the people already have? Because, again, ISO 55,001, or
Lean Six Sigma, perfectly great philosophies perfectly great frameworks. So how do you leverage all that knowledge that currently have and basically build upon it. So that's why we've come up with Operation 360. It's
a proprietary framework for Deloitte, it's something we've developed. And we developed this as what we believe it's a help to simplify and drive operational excellence and continuous improvement in meaningful and measurable way, taking the challenge, emerging challenges, as well as the current challenges
and introduce
future, you know, introduce this
introduce innovation in a very pragmatic way. I think that is the very what's what, what's important to us, it's basically, how do we introduce the changes in the organization, you know, in a way where
it become pragmatic, it becomes value added. But it's also sticks within the organization, because of one of the biggest challenge. It's like, how do you introduce change, without actually rejecting the change.
And what we're talking about here is, is the necessity to change now, let me put my
so I'm a manufacturer, gone into existing standards, I've invested a lot of time, energy and effort. And I hear what you're saying. What I do like about the approach, this operation 360 Is that it adds it augments, it sort of bolts on to my existing standards. And therefore, I'm able to change in a way, again, to use your words, pragmatic value added and the recognition, that industry for Dotto, if you're not in it, if you're not in this digital transformation, whatever it looks like, then you're you're missing out. So let's let's start talking about the pinwheel. Give us a little overview of what that is and go forward. So when we look at the you know, what you refer to pinwheel is basically the heart of
operation 360 framework. And the way we look at the pinwheel, it's really the combination of 12 essential elements that any industry any asset intensive business does today. So it's basically the combination of the best of today was a
digitally enabled future of tomorrow. And really what it says it's a you know, if you think about the other room, it's a 12 elements of the operation 360. And so if you look at it, it's the combination of operation and environmental safety
in security and information, risk management, so security,
Emergency Response Management, incident investigation, facility and design construction, reliability strategy, integration of third party services,
tying all this with
business performance management and profitability because again, let's face it, most of the business doing this for the in order to betterment of the
all of the stakeholders. It's not just the monitor
income, but it's also positive impact impact on the environment. So that's why we say it's a performance management rather than just a pure, you know, but most commercial businesses also looking at the in terms of profitability, then it's also makes sure that all of the community and stakeholders are engaged in properly communicated, as well as recognizing there's a special place for regulatory and compliance assurance. And lastly, what we call it knowledge management. And it's basically how do you retain that institutional knowledge that we see time and time again, every time we go through this generational change in, in a workforce? It's effectively walking away? And then it is organization do struggle with that. So that's, that's really the pinwheel in a sense. All right. Well, what I do like what I do, like when I look at that, again, when we start talking about existing standards, we've got, of course, the continuous improvement, we've got operational excellence. And that is all wrapped into this particular because you cannot, you cannot deploy, if you don't have a desire to have continuous improvement, operational excellence, and you continue to sort of work it. The other thing that I like seeing is that the you have these thirds, and the first four elements of the pinwheel talk about management, commitment, people and relationships. I like it. I like how it lines up the second four, because it's 12, the second for governance roles and responsibilities, and then finally, systems and process, the remaining four. I like how that's chunked together. Now, if I'm an organization, Max, and let's say, let's say I've got my governance roles and responsibility pretty much nailed down, because we're we just like that.
Does it have to be all or nothing? Or can I just sort of
pick another sort of third of the wheel? And that'd be able to focus in and then work that that route? Can I do that? Absolutely. Absolutely. And that's why we purposely designed this to be circular. Alright, because again, as I go back, our premise was when we look at it, the all of the existing standards
in the world, you know, ISO, Lean Six Sigma, etc. We looked at our own Deloitte generated insights from various projects, we say, we looked at, like, how can we introduce this
in a non disruptive way. So, it's, it's effectively been designed to introduce organically into organization and grow through their organization. So for instance, if you already have an absolutely top up top quartile reliability strategy or facility in the design and construction,
you know, and then you say, Well, you know what, I have that, but how do I actually, you know, the my next pain point is basically, how do I retain the knowledge? Absolutely, there is a way since the, you know, that's the How to framework design. So each, you know, he can be combined, if, ultimately, all these 12 elements can be combined. But each can be handled separately. So, in a way, I would say, by employing operation 360 framework, there's a six principal advantages to the organization that we see that's yielding. First, it's provide a systematic framework to enable industry 4.0, and data driven the intelligent enterprise. So it does linking people assets, information, technology, risk and cybersecurity, as well as it continues to continuous improvement across the entire lifecycle of enterprise. And so it's not just, oh, it's only for the operations people owe it or it's only for the CEO, CEO of the worlds or Oh, it's only for the cybersecurity is for the entire organization holistically. The second advantage is because Operation 360s, a digitally native,
we believe that it helps organization to focus is to focus in the maximize the business transformation benefits. So again, it's kind of again, to as you talked about it, I can combine those elements, however, I can identify if I'm looking to my overall operation and what you know, instead of just digitize everything for the sake of digitizing everything I can take a look at says what is my competitive advantage, it's allowed me to dissect my business across those elements. It's allow me to focus my efforts and then move on to something else, because you can always continuously improve, you know, today, tomorrow and so forth, but it allow you to provide a meaningful and therefore, that is the third reason by focusing on the specific
If ik elements we also believe it's allow you to get the organization to focus on it. It and OT conversions, right. So it's an information technology and operational technology conversions. It's incorporating in the profitability and performance dimension. Right. So it's again, it's the investments that generate value, not the investments for the investment sake. And Operation provided predictable, reliable,
predictable outcome and strategies across the business function, as well as the technology enablers.
The fourth advantage, we believe that for organizations, once they start adopting Operation 360, he will also help
organization to reduce implementation costs, as well as adoption because again, it is not something revolutionary. As I said, early, we've designers to actually fit in with an existing organization. And taking the best of what's has today's like, if you think about an ISO, it's not just the 55,001. But it's taken a combination
::align those standards and align this elements with the organization core mission in guiding principles, right, because the pinwheel itself, also take into account the fact that this is not just that ISO standards, but there's a wider group of stakeholders and communities as well as the regulatory bodies you have to incorporate. So again, it's how do you introduce those changes in a meaningful or in a meaningful way that is actually value added?
So the first one, it's recognizing that the technology, maturity rate, pace, is actually enabler. It's enabling effective,
effective management, and a development of competencies in the skills because again, it is not just the IT skills, but it says, how do you introduce and actually build as digital natives, across the most technical disciplines, engineering disciplines, as well as at work? So it's how you start incorporating this, the future of the workforce? It is basically how do you build out the competencies? And lastly, it's enabled the data driven decision, and also because it's a very systematic, it's allow you to understanding your decision, not just in the context of pure dollars and cents, but it's gives you this holistic way to look at like, how is it how's the decision, those data driven decision impacting the safety, operational priority, as well as the total cost in a stakeholders across the entire asset and their organizational lifecycle? So I think that is the six key differentiators that we see where operation 360 plays out? Well, and it's, we truly believe this is actually you know,
and then if the opera organization want to expand their framework, and I want to move in into the industry 4.0 It's, it's actually something
we would recommend to look at it. Yeah. And this is how I look at it there. Max. The reality is, is that it's a
being a simple guy, wanting simple solutions. I see that the pinwheel, per your, your, the values, the six points that you pointed out. What's nice about it is that I can navigate meaning I can go around and and you touch on every element that I have to consider. It's not that I'm it's not that I'm going okay, I just use one side and then I got to go find something. It's all right there. And it and it's easily navigable. That's a word it is I'm gonna make it a word. And and that's what I
Like, and and it's, it's not spread out all over the place now. Now listeners, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, the elements have, it's like, like the iceberg. There's a lot of depth to it. But at least you can say risk management, I see it right there. We need to, and, and dive deeper. But that's where, you know, Deloitte, and Max can help facilitate those conversations as well. So I like it.
Oh, and that's the entire? It's exactly the reason. Right? So it's make it easier for people to wrap their heads around, what is the enterprise does look at this holistically. And recognize that each decision you make does have a downstream impact, or the side impact across and in a ripple effect across the organization. So
yeah, that's, we believe the simplicity is the key, right?
It's huge, with the the, the chirping that goes on in the industry. And like, it's sometimes it's, it's so foggy, it's, it's, it's hard, I don't know where to go, I don't know what steps to take. I hear it, I recognize it, I need to have it, but I don't know where to go. Here's a nice diagram that says, Here, right here, give this a shot, and then be able to, I would imagine, correct me if I'm wrong, Max, I can hear the other
viewpoints and be able to sort of dovetail them into this particular pinwheel to give some context associated with it. Is that correct? Absolutely. As a matter of fact, what we hoping to do by people looking at this operational framework, Operation 360 framework
is definitely a Deloitte
design. But we're also hoping that by opening up a little bit, we can create the ecosystem around Yeah. So it's not just oh, my, you know, everything is all about the Deloitte but because it's, we hope, our hope it's an open framework, that people can actually
insert their own solutions. Yeah, and have their own little flavor of operations. 360, because
our point of view, it's, there is no one size fits all, you know,
there, there has to be a centralization. But even the standardization has to be meaningful to the organization that want to standardize. Yeah. And that is nice, because another pushback that, that I hear and others hear is that you're trying to shoehorn me into this particular approach, but that's just not whatever it might be. It's not our culture. It's not how we we work is whatever the pushback might be. So again, I love the flexibility to it. I like that, and you're absolutely right. And especially today, gosh, we need to have that we need to have that ability to collaborate, and create solutions that are meaningful to the organization, we're gonna have to wrap it up on that one. So, Max, how do people get ahold of you.
So very simple.
Obviously, my information will be provided.
Simple Way is, you can find me through the Deloitte, obviously, folks can reach out to me, and I'll provide my contact information that my Deloitte email account, they can reach me on the LinkedIn. Also, on the Deloitte website, we have an asset ecos system.
Ah, I'm one of the leaders for enterprise asset management capability was in the asset ecosystem. And they always can call me. And if not, if all if everything fails, they can, they can get the they can get to me through Scott. Yeah, that's exactly right. So don't come to me and say, I can't get ahold of Max, because there are too many options out there. He is definitely easy to get ahold of doing a lot of great work out there. Now, this is a series just FYI, I want to make sure that I reiterate, it's a series. This is the beginning of the series. This is asset management. This is maintenance it is it is everything's associated with it and how we plan to approach this particular pinwheel and beyond. So bear with us as we continue to build this information deck. And we're going to continue to hammer and continue to provide great value for you listeners out there. Alright. Max, thank you very much.
Thank you so much for having me on industrial talk, Scott. Always a pleasure. So hold on more soon. All right, listeners. We're gonna wrap it up on the other side.
Again, we're gonna provide all the contact information. Plus, Plus, we're gonna be able to give you the link to download this particular document. Big time. It's important. Alright, so stay tuned, we will be right back. You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
All right, once again, thank you very much for Max joining on industrial talk, once again, this is a series. So make a note of it, put it down on a piece of paper, put it someplace, because we're going to continue to build on this very important topic. And that is, of course, what are the strategies around maintenance? One of the strategies around asset manager? What are the strategies that you can deploy to give your business, greater resilience going forward? It's got to happen. I mean, it's got to happen. And here is a methodology that even I mean, can understand. And that says a lot. All right, we've got to be about education. That's what this is all about. industrial education, because you need to be constantly filling that brain with solutions. So people be bribed dare greatly. We're gonna have another great conversation. Hang out with Max. You're gonna you're gonna like it. Reach out. All right. We're gonna have another great conversation right around the corner. So stay tuned.