Thomas S with Digital Core Technologies

Industrial Talk is onsite at the OMG Quarterly Standards Meeting and chatting with Thomas S. with Digital Core Technologies about “Digital Twin and innovative solutions for success”. Tune in and hear more about the importance of digital twin and Thomas' unique insights on this Industrial Talk.
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digital, twin, thomas, talk, subtle, company, standards, sensory organs, industrial, lifeline, sensing, india, security, conversation, body, system, sensor, part, action, engineers
Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott Mackenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go.
Alright, once again, thank you very much for joining industrial talk. And thank you very much for your support. We are broadcasting on site, Austin, Texas, it's the OMG meeting. It's the quarterly meeting. And it is where there's a collection, a absolutely masterful collection of professionals who are debating and making our lives better. And they're creating the standards that you just take for granted right here right now. It's happening in Austin, Texas, you know that this platform, in the industrial talk platform is dedicated to you, industrial professionals all around the world, because you're bold, brave, daring greatly, and you're changing lives and you're changing the world. That's why we celebrate you in the hot seat, Thomas, and the company is just one second digital core technologies. He's going to be talking a little bit about the connection to digital twin and all other fun stuff. He's got a great view of what's taking place. Thomas.
Welcome. Thank you. Thank you for yeah. Cool, man. Yeah,
yeah. So listeners, we were sort of talking offline. And then he was just starting to riff on some great, great ideas and great insights. And I said, Oh, my gosh, we got to stop and we got to get this thing recorded. So anyway, before we get going, give the listeners just who Thomas is, what's your background, where you come from that type of thing?
Sure. Basically, I'm an electronics engineer coming from India, and I am a co founder and CEO of digital core technologies and electronics design house from southern part of India, or the Kerala state
car. I need to know more about India and the the geography of India. All I know is the food's great. It is good.
Yep. Yeah, just opposite side of the globe.
That's right. That's exactly correct. You're absolutely spot on. All right. Now, you're a part of the OMG. But you're part of the digital twin Consortium. How long have you been a part of that consortium?
Okay, yeah, so didn't didn't consortium if you take just from the where that's the electronics come into that maybe I can start from there. Yeah. So as an analog to understand it. If you see we ourself human being, there is a digital twin in us, we can't be how the the material body or the gross body and we have a spiritual body or whatever,
which are the subtle body, do I know that yes, I agree. Yeah,
the subtle body, if you see, our eyes are saying but who is seeing eye you see, not really is the brain seeing not really is the mind seeing we can say or the consciousness seeing. So that's a subtle body and the grace body. Now, this connection between the lifeline between the grace body and subtle body is basically if you see philosophy or the spiritual philosophy, the five sensory organs, the vision, the hearing, the spaced touch, five sensory organs and five action organs through the physical body, through that the subtle body collects all real time data and then subtle body works on it the intelligence recognition, the worker, so, what digital twin is trying to build is the subtle body of physical things. It may be a mortar, it may be maybe a train a car, it may be an Indian factory, it may be a smart city at various levels, there are physical entities, which already we how we build it. And then there are simulation models people made. But a simulation model does not have a lifeline between the physical body, same analog, if you take it when we see dreams. These are subtle body working but physical body does not involve their simulation. It's like a dream only. But if you how the simulation and the subtle body and the physical body, if they are in sync, then you can do a lot of things. So that is where the digital twin is working on.
I gotta tell you, that's the first time I've ever heard anybody describe digital twin in that way. But it was fantastic. It works. And you're absolutely right. I was hanging on. That brings it down to the real level. And I really appreciate that. That to me is like Yeah, yeah, I can't. I can't argue with it.
Yeah. So now the electronics is this Five sensory organs and the five action organs, we can say to a good extent. Now, sensors if you see, it's not only just sensing, it's smart sensing, with some processing in the edge, or some refight. That's hot body fire, I immediately take back not because the reflection comes from the brain, but local reflection, lets the ads proceed, we can say, then the information goes to because the latencies information goes to the brain, or maybe the subtle body analyzes what happened, what was there and whether you need to get some medicine authority. It's all post processing. But the instant one is from the local. So similarly, the sensors which we use for the digital twin, they can be intelligent enough to take up decisions. So that can be a computing facility also there. And the sensory and the action that can be locally in sync for quick decisions. But go back to the cloud in digital pin, the subtle body in our body for the Knowledge Building. Okay, later what to do. So this way the system can grow.
That's that's, I don't know. Do you hear that buzz in the background? I just want to there's somebody's working over here. Yeah. As we're onside. Yes. And if you hear that buzzing background ignore because the conversation is here. So this is fascinating. Because now you're what you've just done with digital twin as you've made it more human. It just, it is and and it's just sort of, okay, I get it, I and I see what you and your organization, your company is able to sort of,
you're the lifeline, we believe we can do that. Right? That's right.
And so you're the are you the the device that's out there on that asset and and experiencing the heat or
Yeah, yeah, now, if you see there are so many electronic companies, electronic products, which can be readily used before this kind of things. So, in this cases, we may not come directly there, because we are a service company. So, for those cases, the product companies may take help from us to develop a product. And the other aspect is like if because this is not new things are being evolved. Now, if you see, there are physical systems, people have made some simulation systems, but they have to build it learn it. So we had to develop some proof of concepts, maybe some specialized sensing systems. So there we can come directly play to the ecosystem, where we can work with the the problem domain team, because they know the problem, for example, if they're working with the automotive system, what are the things to be monitored, then we can say how we convert it into the analog world into a digital world, because in the digital twin, everything has to be first converted into digital domain, then do the local intelligence or computation and then communicate to the cloud. So that part, we can develop either custom requirement based on custom requirements, or taking off the shelf components and customizing it for specific requirements. So this is where the, the the service kind of companies like our scan player, or secret road,
you bring up a good point, and it is like, okay, there's there's people, it's happening here that when they talk about digital twin, they're creating the the standards around digital twin, they're applying specific use cases to digital twin, right? It just never stops. And there's it's always growing. But the reality is that to create a digital twin, you need to have the, the technology to do that. Yes. And then and so what you're saying is that I would come to you and say, Hey, we're doing this. Here's our here's what we are looking at, this is what we want to do. We have we have this asset here and we want to twin it right? Yep. I need your help to figure that
out. Yep. So there are software experts who make the models who can do the AML all that things. They build the model. They're the virtual model, but the Lifeline has people. Yeah, that is where we can help you.
How long has your company been in business? Eight years, eight years. It wasn't always what was the genesis of it like? I mean, what? Because no digital twin has I mean, that's recent, whatever it is. So what was the saying, hey, we need to start a company did Do this, what was the problem you're trying
s of career, I was in us till:But that's, that's wise. No, do you in your company, because being a part of OMG, and all of these standards, and all of these, these standards that are available? Do you apply some of those standards, yes to your organization.
In fact, in digital pin, if you see, there's not too many new standards, it's mostly a consolidation of standards for this purpose. So if you see communication, a lot of communication protocols and standards out there, so consolidating, or probably customizing for specific use cases based on the need, that's what we do. So we what are we developed today, any equipment we develop today has to work in an ecosystem not in isolation, most of the things the Internet of Things, monster things as a connectivity unit. So that's already a standard way.
When you design your, your solutions, and you have this conversation, do you also bake in the the security, the cyber side of that? Yes, I'll take us through that like, okay, because that That, to me has been a truly important conversation to have, and I make it happen.
So that's, again, in the in this this conference, in this meeting, which we were discussing with people, one of the key aspects everybody is looking at is this the security. Now, how can we build the security at each level. So, if you see as I said, the sensing equipment or the action action acting oriented sensing neurons, they are one of the critical places. So the security is not to be centralized. This smart sensor sensor can house security buildings or this sensor and the virtual twin, there should be no ether, the identity of this, the identity of this sensor should be approved or recognized by the the virtual entity. Similarly, when the message comes to the action entity, the identity should be insured. So we can have a numbered security feature built in this entities, which will help to make the system more secure. And now, that is whatever is required. And if you have a security just in the cloud around, it's not enough. No, it's not. So at the hardware level, at the lower most layer of the system, the security has to be there. So from there, every layer, the security estimate. So from that way, we play a role in that critical role. And that's
vital. That's that's so important. We were talking also about trustworthiness. Yes. Are you also a part of that whole conversation of trustworthiness?
Yes. Yeah, exactly.
It's important and and it's I'm learning as I have these conversations more and more. I have to say that your analogy of the sort of the spiritual side, the tactile and the the, I thought that was brilliant, even even I can sort of understand that. Go ahead.
Yeah, that's one of the advantage over a period developing and bringing now, as you said, that you learned from my second word is knowledge. So if you have digital twins, multiple digital twins, you have a higher system where they can share the knowledge. So the knowledge becomes much more wider and deeper.
So when I was just absolutely spectacular, where do you with that said, where do you see it going?
It's really good. It's really great. Great to the console. Today, if you see the kinds of case studies being discussed, there are quite a wide range. Somebody with agricultural domain somebody with the food industry, somebody with the bridgy monitoring, anything can be Twizy
I was always concerned about the fact that it becomes a sort of miscellaneous file and everything's branded digital twin dead, dead. little twin, but when it's just,
there may be jargons, and things going on. But there are real things also happen. Yes.
It's it's exciting. I gotta tell you, it's really exciting. Can I just reach out to your company and say, Hey, I got I've got this need? Are you? Sure you would do that? I'm
sure we will be always open for that what we do is we set what's the requirement? And then we see whether we have the capability and bandwidth to do it, then we will say, Yes, we can, because we want to commit to only what we can do, and then deliver what we committed
to core technologies. Can I can I hand out the your email address, of course. Oh, yes. And are you out on LinkedIn? Yes, it is. A trifecta. He we've got his stat card on LinkedIn. So reach out to Thomas. That is a, that was a great conversation. I really enjoy that. What are you hitting back? Next week? Yeah. Good. Thank you. Enjoy the time here. That's for sure. Thank you very much. All right, listeners. We're gonna wrap it up on the other side. Stay tuned, we will be right back.
You're listening to the industrial talk Podcast Network.
Now, that was a great conversation with Thomas big time, digital core technologies. Now we're going to have all the contact information for Thomas out on industrial talk, reach out. There's a lot happening in the world of digital twin in the world of digitalization and all of the stuff in between smart sensors and so on and running simulations. You need to be connected. You need to find individuals like Thomas who can help who can truly help you on the journey, industrial talk. All the contact is stack card. I I'm looking at it right now. It's mad. It's mad stats. Anyway, thank you again for your continued support of this platform, industrial talk. We're really trying to build a platform that educates provides an opportunity to collaborate and of course to innovate, right here. Be bold, be brave, dare greatly saying all the time hanging out with Thomas and you'll change the world. We're gonna have another great conversation shortly. So stay tuned.