Yoann Urruty with Spartakus Technologies

Industrial Talk is onsite at SMRP 31 and talking to Yoann Urruty, Director of Technology with Spartakus about “Energy Resilience – Centralizing Source”. Here are some of the key takeaways from our conversation:
- Industrial security and reliability. 0:00
- Scott MacKenzie introduces the podcast and welcomes listeners to Industrial Talk.
- Palo Alto Networks offers zero trust security for operational technology, providing comprehensive visibility and security for all assets, networks, and remote operations.
- Reliability and maintenance in the mining industry. 2:37
- Yoann, a French engineer from Quebec, shares his experience working in a remote mine and learning about reliability and maintenance through podcasts and books.
- Scott MacKenzie interviews Sanctae and expresses interest in visiting Quebec, mentioning his family's roots in the province.
- Energy resilience in a capitalist society. 5:23
- Yoann shares a different perspective on the transition to green energy, arguing that capitalist societies will continue to prioritize profit over environmental concerns.
- Yoann has a master's degree in thermodynamics and emphasizes the importance of energy consumption in modern society.
- Yoann highlights the limited availability of fossil fuels and its impact on economic growth, suggesting that resilience and localization of industries are key to mitigating these challenges.
- Yoann argues that real localization of everything, including food processing and manufacturing, is necessary for resilience in the face of energy shocks.
- Energy efficiency and local manufacturing. 11:15
- Yoann argues that the current global manufacturing reality will come to an end due to energy reserves running out, and advocates for relocating everything to be more efficient in energy consumption.
- Yoann suggests making manual jobs cooler by promoting them as valuable and aligning with people's values, rather than pushing them towards high-degree university jobs they may not enjoy.
- Energy resilience and centralization. 14:05
- Yoann suggests making industrial work cooler by spicing it up, speaking the language of youth, and giving a purpose beyond just making money.
- Scott MacKenzie agrees and thinks it's a challenge to balance genuine efforts with greenwashing, but believes there's a better future out there.
- Spartakus Tech and Yoann discuss energy resilience and centralization.
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Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yoann-urruty-ba999340/
Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/spartakus-technologies-inc/
Company LinkedIn: https://apm.spartakustech.com/admin_interface/landing/index.html
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Welcome to the Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott Mackenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots,
and let's go Alright, once again, welcome to Industrial Talk a platform that is dedicated to industrial professionals all around the world. You are bold, brave, you dare greatly you innovate, you are changing lives. And therefore, you are changing the world. And we are broadcasting on site SMRP 31. That's 31 years of providing excellence here in Orlando. And if you're not here, you need to come to the 32 that says SMRP 32. And if you're in the world of reliability, asset management, or you have any passion to be in the rural of line reliability and passion, and asset management and maintenance, you need to join SMRP Go out to SMRP.org Find out more they have. They have have so much you remember.
Yeah, there you go. Of course I am.
You get to meet people like him. Let's get cracking. Yeah. All right. How are you?
I'm doing good. Scott. How about you?
I'm doing much better after I've got my special. Espresso.
You go. I'm happy you do? Oh, no.
I'm telling you yours, man. Cheers.
Sanctae. Well, how do you say salty? So as we say in France?
Okay. I like it.
So you're having a good conference? Yeah. Why
are you interviewing me? You're supposed to say you're having a great conference. I'm busy as can be it good to speak to people like you. Are you having a good conference?
I am. It's fantastic. This year is actually fantastic. I've been to a couple of them and have you. Yeah. And it's really it's a good one.
Have you been? Have you had a booth? Before? Is this the first time Spark is the first
it's last year, we had two booths for the first time. And here's the second time because we've been doing all sorts of trade shows. And this one is? I'd say by far the best. Is it really? I think so. I think so that's
a testimony.
Or Okay, let's say in the top three.
So give us some background on who you are, and how long you've been with Spartakus.
Good, good one. So I come from France. I'm an engineer. And I came to Canada 10 years ago, to work in a mine. I had no clue what was reliability and maintenance, no clue. But I got hired to build a lubrication program. I knew nothing about lubrication. And no, you know, hey, yeah, but you know, what, I learned out, I listen to podcasts, read books, all the good stuff that you find at this conference. And, you know, year after year, you know, you make mistakes, but you learn and you learn and you get to know get a cmrp at some point and, and meet great people. That's that's me. And
what was the mining company that you I mean, where were you in? What province?
It was in Quebec? It was in Quebec? Yeah. Northern Quebec. So can you imagine I was 25 at the time and you're hired to do 14 days in 14 days. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So remote, baby. That's yours. But the 14 days out, you come back to Montreal, which is a great city when foodie town baby Exactly. So at the time of my life.
I bet you did.
I did. Eight well gained weight. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's
beautiful town. It is. Have you ever been no, I've only seen pictures and I've only seen it. All my family live in Ontario. Hamilton. Okay, done. Windass in that area. My son. My dad was born in Quebec City. Oh, yeah. So that's, that's, that's my lineage. And that's my, where I come from my roots.
Come on, man.
I know, I want to, but there's no business that said, Hey, Scott, come on up here. Somebody's got to say, hey, there's business up here. And I'll be up there in a second. Listen to me out there.
We'll arrange some things, guys.
There it is. That's all I want. I just, I just want to collaborate a lot. All right, let's talk a little bit about what you're going to be talking about. Yeah. So energy and resilience. Talk to us about that Spartakus, which is a cool name, by the way, just FYI, you think so? Oh, it definitely has the perception of something really strong and powerful
spark like this coffee? Yeah. Like
this Coffee? Love it. Yeah, talk to us.
So I just finished a technical session. SMRP was giving a technical session, and it was about energy, and resilience. And the point I made during that speech is that I wanted to bring a different perspective with relates to, you know, transition to energy, green energy, you know, everything we knew about and everything, you know, we're being bombarded. Like in the media and everything about, you know, we have to do this transition, and we have to abandon combustion engines and everything, but I have a different perspective on that. And I wanted to share it with the audience make it happen. Yeah, share it. So my, my take is that we live in a capitalist and liberal society, capitalist that, as Marx, Karl Marx said, you know, increasing profit until the end of time. And liberal means that, you know, with, you know, Federal Bank, Federal Reserve, you know, doing policies like quantitative easing, and low interest rates, you know, it's not tomorrow that we're going to see a decrease in GDP, you know, in economic growth. So it's going to continue and economic growth, as I explained, as demonstrated is that it's solely based on our energy consumption. Whether it's, you know, wood, or biomass, or fuel or nuclear, or solar, whatever, it's just we need energy, we need power to make things move. Right? Yeah, you got here, you. You took a flight, right. And all the food we were eating is has been transported with a truck and everything. So it's all connected to energy. So if we don't have energy, we have nothing, basically. It's
true. I, I I'm tracking I hear what you're saying. Continue. Yeah.
So and, and really, my, my speech is not around, you know, carbon emissions, and, you know, co2 pollution and everything, I don't want to get into that, really, it's about energy, I have master's degrees in thermodynamics. So really try to apply those concepts of, you know, there's a limited amount of material resources and fossil fuels on the planet. And at some point is going to dry out. I don't know if it's tomorrow, in 50 years, 100 years, I don't know. But at some point, we're going to run out of these fossil fuels. Right. And since everything is based on fossil fuels, I mean, I do my grocery store, Costco or whatever, and all the trucks, they're not electric trucks, they're fueled by diesel, nor, or, or else. So my point really, is that there's a limited quantity on Earth. So if if you remove at some point, if you remove that, from the equations, you can say goodbye to your economic growth. And you should say goodbye to your economic growth. Well, you're gonna have issues like social, political, and tensions, right. And I think you just have to turn on the TV, and you see what I mean. Right?
I don't want to Yeah, yeah.
Go ahead. Yeah. So So in the end, if we, if we apply that principle to industry to try to think about what the manufacturing plant should look like, or would look like, if, let's say, 50 years from now, I think it's going to, you know, be there's going to be a lot of disruptions in energy chain supply chains. So industrial facilities should be resilient, and reliable, reliable, there's a ton of things to do and, and there were lots of great speech about that, and I can talk about it, but really resilience to me, is, I think the missing key at the moment because it's tough to implement. It involves politics, media, public figures, citizens because to give you an Example of resilience, it would be to relocate all the manufacturing sites that were globalized during the 20th century. Here are going to give you an example. All my clothes are being made in Bangladesh or Asia, in general, how come in the 21st century, I can buy or buy, easily buy clothes that are made in Canada? And what happens if there's no fuel to transport our clothes from the other side of the Pacific to hear? Am I going to go naked? Out there, you see, you see the idea. So I feel like the 20th century was about globalization, I think the 21st with all the energy at stake, energy issues at stake in mind should be the century of real localization of everything, and create an ecosystem locally, at the at the scale of, you know, I'd say the county of multiple, you know, the paper plant, and the food processing industry, and everything, and all work together to you know, be resilient in case of shock.
Okay, so, so let me let me see if I understand it, you just gotta say yes. And add to it. So right now we're we, I buy my clothes, China, Bangladesh, whatever it is, there's a global manufacturing reality. Exactly. You're saying, we're going to have to, or consider bringing everything in and making it more local. Right. Yeah. So my clothes, I can be local, I can and be able to be more efficient in the use of my energy. Is that right?
That's, that's what I'm saying? Absolutely. Absolutely. I think there's, it's a paradigm shift, complete country change. But I think with the energy reserves that we have, as I said, fossil fuels will come to an end at some point. So we have to relocate everything, because it's not tomorrow, that your shipping containers are going to run on lithium, right? And be powered by hydrogen, or nuclear batteries. And I'm not saying it's not going to happen. Some it may happen, because we have brilliant engineers, and physicists in humanity. But my take is today, there's a risk. And, and I think, as a society, we should think about those problems and be proactive about it.
What you're, in essence, advocating is the removal of inefficiency. So is it truly, if energy is the linchpin of the economy, which I agree with you wholeheartedly? manufacturing something in Asia, shipping it across? You're removing that hole in that energy consumption? Exactly. And you're saying, Hey, we're, we'll put it right here. This is where this is, where we'll be, the qualities will be there the costs, the benefits associated with that? Yeah,
that's, that's what, um, it's one piece of the puzzle. Right? It's just it's
interesting, one idea.
Another thing would be to make these manual jobs cooler, right, being a mechanic, being an old, heavy machine operator, you know, all these people out there, they have trouble finding people who want to do these kinds of jobs, because it's tough. And maybe it's because through the years, we made it kind of uncool. And we pushed our kids towards, you know, high degrees in university, and they get to go into, you know, a marketing firm and they're doing a job, sometimes they hate or they don't like, or they don't align with the values of these jobs. I think we need to find a way to make those industrial work cooler. I agree with you. And I don't I don't know how. But
I agree with you 100% On that, I think that we as an industry have to do a better job at spicing it up, making it more appealing. speak the language of the youth to be able to track them. And it's not as if it's not doable. Because when we when when I see what's taking place in industry, the technology the the innovation, the the solutions that exist out there, that's pretty cool stuff. But we're not telling the right story. We're not doing it. And I think you're right on the money where where everybody started to push their children into college. Some were some were not you know, you And and and we missed a generation of people who are really focused in on on industry. Absolutely. That's, that's interesting. I think you're bringing up some really interesting points to how do you how do you begin? How do you? I mean, that's a big one. Man, it's, I don't know how you do it, because
it brings so much so many consequences, right? It's, you have to work on the cultural level, social level education, even philosophy and even metaphysical, right? You have to give a purpose to people something that is different than just, you know, making more money and more money and more money. Yeah, all the time. It's, it's really go against us.
This is my skepticism that pops in. I hear what you're saying. But I don't see that. That people generally have altruistic motives. And, and they might see an opportunity, but take advantage of it in the way that it and that's why it's, you know, many of the green initiatives fall into a similar category. Now, some might not. We're just doing it because we're greenwashing. And then and so it's a really interesting challenge. Yeah.
Oh, it is. It's an it's a balance between like you said, greenwashing. And, you know, being genuine. Yeah. And having the good of humanity in mind. I mean, maybe I'm idealist. And, but I tried to believe for my children that there's a better future out there.
I agree. I like the points that you're bringing up? I think that's very thought provoking. I've never heard of it that way. But sure, I can see the value of it. I can see then a lot of the issues associated with how do we electrify because it's okay. And everything's regional or wherever? Yeah, I can see it. Now. That's workable. It is when they're, you know, all the way across now. I like it. How do people get a hold of you there, my friend?
Perfect. That was great. Yeah. How do they get ahold of
you? What they want by if they saying hey, I want to talk to you. Yeah, you
go to WWE dot Spartakus tech that comes Pericles with a K. You did it Spartakus. tech.com Very good.
yawn, right.
Yes, your
name, your tastic.
Thanks so much for having me. It
was fantastic. All right, we're gonna wrap it up on the other side, we're going to have all the contact information for you on out on Industrial Talk.com. So fear not go out to Industrial Talk.com. Also put on your to do list has become a member of SMRP Go out to SMRP.org. You get to meet great people like Elon, it is just cool thinking very cool thinking. Also SMRP has all these symposiums and these regional memberships. It's just a great, great organization to be involved. So go out to SMRP.org. We're going to wrap it up on the other side. Thank you very much for joining. We will be right back.
You're listening to the Industrial Talk Podcast Network.
Absolutely cool topic. Energy resilience. Yan is up bringing the lumber. Spartakus is the company. All the contact information will be out on Industrial Talk, energy, resilience, centralization. It's an interesting and provoking hypothesis. So it's very cool. I enjoyed the conversation. I hope you did too. All right, it does Real Talk is here for you. Industrial professionals. It's an ecosystem that is expanding on a daily basis, be a part of it. Go out to Industrial Talk.com click on let's connect. And you will be talking to me. We have of course podcasts we have webcast, we have learning management systems that dive deep into really interesting subject matters, primarily marketing and sales. You want to impact your bottom line. That's where you need to be. And it's, it's about the price of a cup of coffee. So anyway, people will be brave daring greatly. We're gonna have another great conversation shortly. So stay tuned.